Owners Who Have Won 0,000 or More in American Racing from 1908 to the Beginning of the Present Year, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-11


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■ ; 1 1 ; 1 1 ■ • 1 1 . - 1 ■ 1 1 t — — * OWNERS WHO HAVE WON 0,000 OR MORE IN AMERICAN RACING FROM 1908 TO THE BEGINNING OF THE PRESENT YEAR •4« 4. So great were the sums annually won by the stahlm el" Sa.niiel C. Ilildreta and James B. Keene in the first four of the last eight years they are still recorded as the leading winning owners for that period of eight years. Keene is dead. Ilildrcth trainer for A. Belmont and their gnat stables are bat racing memories, but nothing can erase the tame of the remarkable horses which raced for them in the years named. It has never fallen to Ii. T. Wilson to have his horses win as much as 100,000 in a single year, but his stable always figures respectably in annual returns, the result being that his aggregate for the right years gives htm third place. Had II. 1. Whitney kept such brilliant racers as Borrow, Whisk Broom ID. Hal nionieon and other lesser lights at home instead f racing them in Dngland he would have ■Urol] won mere than Mr. Wilson and probably would have pre-scd the two leaders closely. A. Belmont. II. D. Dedwell. J. W. Schorr and K. K. Carman are others who figure Importantly in the following interesting table, all having won in excess of a quarter of a million dollars in the right years: Won in Won in Won in Won in Wen in Won in Won in Won in Total Owner. 190S. IfiOfi, lfilO. l.lll. 1!H2. 1*13. 1014. 191S. Winnings. S. C. Hildreth 104,103 150,112 132,645 S 47,443 463,305 J. K. Keene 282,079 111.7.;:; 61,300 BOO 450,008 it. T. Wilson :;."..4.»." 40,060 00,800 37,401129,93141,58349,63041,845 351,937 H. D. Whitney 73,050 ir .210 15,015 :;. : K, 7,550 55.056 C.:!.."2.- *Pt;.77 330,121 A. Belmont 111,080 18,640 47.:U0 26,765 li;..;4." Id. 745 32,540 50,343 329.728 Ii. i. Dedwell 28,520 c.2.1ils 31,117 24,100 47.4ril 4 i.47.~. 50,465 59,530 ::D;.s77 J. W Schorr "i °. Ui4." 48,468 38,588 58,22.5 l.n."ir» 85,326 26,233 300,985 K. D. Carman 49,580 15,565 04.440 35,447 °:;.404 o4.o40 30,518 17. In:; l7n.!7 J. E. Madden 171,317 22.1X: 2.770 3,4." 0 15,939 13,113 249,342 It. Schrelber .s.s.:;-j: .-,4.475 4u.:;:.s ir,.;si 5,652 1104.470 T. C. McDowell o;,lS;, 13,065 p. so:; 19,668 19,925 14.240 "2.s40 35,114 155,446 W. Walker 41,065 81,780 19,855 11,585 4,083 7.7r,:: .s..io 12,641 D;7.712 W. ;. Yanke 50 1*0,097 27.271 11.401 22,024 :;o.:.77 8913 lLO.s.;:; if. c. Haiieiihcck 24.4SO :;.;.s!7 15,391 17.:;:;.; 27.r.io i2s.;,r,i D. K. Bradley 13,090 l.2f.r d;.1 .s ii.limi 18354 28,336 22,621 17.040 125,112 i. If. Odom :;s.r_! 23,520 26,366 27.21:; o.sM S2._. 122 :;7 A. Taney 16,180 7..i7r. 6,355 ::.7P7 lo.77: 31.294 25,551 12,235 114.102 K. J. Mackenzie 5800 7,080 15.745 10,357 17.50s 15.2sl .•;2..;,.i7 9,152 113.470 Beverwyek Stable 12.220 ]5.;il5 28,895 IO.1170 d.i.577 7.015 7.120 2,325 110,037 It. B. Watkins 10,188 8,430 0.::45 15.440 15.565 10.500 2 i."25 7,005 106,500 Wib. r iV Ward 12.51S 8,95 13,542 8,96 15,829 10,188 17.704 14.707 103,480 I. T. Chinn 33,008 51,145 15.250 100 1.075 420 102,558 I. . Camden l.!75 4.075 4.574 10,329 10.44S 27.::21 25,876 10.107 101.005 D. J. Dons 7.S05 27.0OS 13,590 20.120 19,125 9,506 2.7ss 100,548 .; MacManns 2,850 81,148 0.210 11,059 9,911 13,905 13,102 0.105 Dio.4.;2 B. I. Thomas 33,320 ;i2.MK 22,010 7.S2S 05,958 J. Uutler 751 225 1.230 7o.12:; 22.040 05.277 Oueck Stable 8,505 10,085 16,086 4,861 10.777 14,388 15.212 7.715 03,478 l:. D.ivies 535 3.015 6,130 :;.2.Ht 20,635 :::;.. :ss 10,345 15,190 93.128 W H. Dizer 4:. 210 15,:;M 6,429 .s.::75 9,845 s.::7i 775 !i2.:;i:; J D. Beepcse 16,540 10.640 7.DiS 8,981 8,081 9,835 11.127 12.7"! 88.131 l i;. Caasatt 3,895 10,554 1.079 1,325 21.502 32,975 10.575 87.955 K. Parr 50 858 4.680 12,635 11,775 2";.1 2 24,185 s.405 S7.572 Chinn tV Korsj the 49,683 :;i.:45 12.205 86,193 .1. i*. Seagram 25,650 13,370 0.125 6,325 5,750 0.7.Ml 8790 0.002 85,462 W. Gerst 23,935 19,980 10,487 s.002 10.220 1.27s 5.288 12.40.S 82,314 .1. S Hendrie 11,525 11. DM 11,888 9,600 1.215 7.l!i5 11,865 14,050 81.063 .1. 0. Talh.dt 6,825 :;s. 110 20.397 15.220 80.882 3 V. iV II S. Newman.. 10,080 1,845 1,925 7,935 15,302 14,613 16,683 9,430 77. M:; Newcastle Stable 30,550 10.020 35,190 76,360 !■. 1. Weir 2.01O 5,485 5.515 1,786 10.710 15.707 19.351 14.050 76.351 W. Carth 1.775 11,028 4.205 16.325 s. 100 5iM» 13.125 20.185 75,625 J W. Hedrick 3,340 10.025 25,305 29.555 9.680 73.342 W H. Baker 1,888 1.525 15,610 t24.00C 7.ss2 23,532 74.156 J. 0. and :. II. Keene 28,885 23,440 2.2:;5 1,919 0.010 2.:;40 1,168 7,020 73.929 W. K. Applegate 11,780 3,420 ;: M47 28,188 7::. 527 T. I Haves 20.011 2.140 5.414 6,128 1.211 13,789 I.2S1 p.::j7 73,365 ! A. Miller 12,605 .14.005 23.808 71,188 J. L. Holland 2.155 12.020 42.445 1S.S50 5,191 70,867 RaUaber Bros 2.110 4.125 5,390 12.867 14.751 :i.25i 11,839 10.175 70,498 J. It. Walnwrlght 0.2S2 10,685 14.40S i.s.7:54 17.04:; 225 70.417 H. It. Brandt 14.117 14.2:15 13,520 12.930 6,936 6,558 1.357 770 on. 45:; . W Mcl.emore 150 7,808 12.105 20.365 0.747 11.705 4,585 1.410 68.022 I Quincy Stable o.soo 11.000 2.525 2.055 2.020 26,345 17,535 67.809 j I, A. Livingston 1.120 10.715 10,435 7.813 16,480 16,706 3,035 l.isii 07.705 St. James Si able 21.100 ;;2.415 10.020 3,141 86,784 I. S. P Randelph 0.555 15.040 10,805 16.620 1,375 7.425 4.625 2. 1 1 65,575 C J I.ong 13,305 5.000 4.771 2.042 9.281 12325 5,732 1o!ii s 04.044 II. Giddings 125 8*480 8,965 22,965 Is.sto 7.010 04.415 J c Milam 0.910 10.S00 10.7S2 4,380 10.715 9,513 4.o:;2 3,419 64,172 I J. Livingston 11.220 17,239 32.676 61,135 It D Williams 14,250 10.550 19.200 7.220 2,520 59.830 J J W Duller :;.:.s.S 7.715 9,355 2.175 6,862 5.015 19,751 4.255 59,116 P M. Civil! 0.1SS 15,335 3.535 400 2.730 8,643 9,244 ! .702 58,777 T Hitchcock. Jr 26,650 2.070 8,266 2.2:7 1,565 2.399 4,475 11.710 57.::71 Brookdale Stable 6.635 8,635 ;. ,45 1.390 9,110 2965 15. 000 5.460 56.500 , 1. M Hendrie 4.475 4.440 1,070 685 3,659 14.1!i4 13.644 13.727 56.494 I w clay 2,448 15,500 10.075 9. 40s :;.si5 3,705 7.::::i :; -::::» 50 373 .1 w toll ::5.::oi 80,448 5a!741 I.. A. Cilia 47.151 7,625 54.770 D Dunne 2::.s5S 18305 0.475 4.987 53.635 P M Walker 48 1.170 2.. .05 20.795 10.143 7.75o 9.145 i.B35 5:; 24:: c Johnson 1.255 5,4*0 1.405 4.:!7S 8,955 20.100 3.106 5.715 ..212:: I W T. Anderson S. 155 12,485 7.0S5 0.775 0.770 4,990 4.7SO 51 iv4 i Kendereon and Bogaa 18,735 9.207 16.349 7.757 575 50.02:: s. D.vs 1,785 2. sou 3,060 5.72o 9.192 0.015 11,848 o.oio 50,852 ; ♦Stable ran in name of L. S. Thompson. fStaHe ran in nam. of I". A. Porsythe. tStable ran in name of Adair k Baker.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916031101/drf1916031101_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1916031101_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800