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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A Washington dispatch of yesterday afternoon says: "President Wilson today ordered American troops over the Mexican border to capture or kill tte Villa bandits who yesterday raided Columbus. N. M. In its present stage the president* order does not mean armed intervention in Mexico. It provides for a punitive expedition to deal with lawless force* over which tte Carrana* government has no control. Mnj.-Oen. Scott, chief of stall, said the expedition would consist of not less than 5.000 men. all of whom are available on tte border under Maj.-Oen. Funston. It was said at the white house that the American government wants Villa dead or alive and that no steps will Ik- neglected to carry out that object. The following statement was issued at the white house: "An adequate force will be sent at once in pursuit of Villa with the single object of rapturing him and patting a stop to his forays. This can be done and will be done in entirely friendly aid of the constituted authorities in Mexico and with scrupulous respect for the sovereignty of that republic. It was declared that the Inited States will not consider the punitive expedition an invasion of Mexico and will continue to deal with the Carranza government. The American government is still opposed to armed intervention in Mexico, but believes that the peace of both Mexico and the United States is Imperiled by the continued activities of Francisco Villa. The cabinet was unanimous in deciding that Villa must be caught." The number of noacombatants killed by Great Britain* enemies since the beginning of tte war aggregate* 3,153, Premier Aaqnitb writes in reply to a roipiost for information by Major Hunter. Forty-nine men. thirty-nine women and thirty-nine Children were killed in coast bombardments. One and fifty seven children were killed in air raids, hundred and twenty-seven men, ninety-two women Approximately 2.750 noon who tan t* lest their lire* on board British merchant and lislnng vessels be tween August 1. 1914, and March 8, but tte detailed figures are not available. The Lincoln Park c "iiiiui.-sinners will ask the voters of Chicago, in the spring election, April 4. to authorize a bond issue of ,000,000 to cover the ost of adding ninety acres to the park by the reclamation and addition of submerged lands on the lake front between Cornelia street and Irving Park lioulevard. The cost of the work will average 0,001 an aire. The filling will result in a total of MOO acres of new land. It will afford an unbroken . stretch of beach from Piversey to Irving Park blilcvard.