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HAVANA FORM CHART. - HAVANA, CUBA. FRIDAY. MARCH 10. 1916.-Oriental Park. Seventy ■ fourth day. Cuba American II Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 83 days. 13 l« oks on. I Weather clear. Presiding Steward. C. J. Fitzgerald. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter. James Milton. Racing Secretary, M. Nathaasoa. Baring Maria at 3:30 p. in. Chicago time 2:57 p. in. I. "Indicates appw ntlce allowance. OPTOQO FIRST RACK 3-4 Mile. 24232-4:11% 4 111. Purse 00. ."-year-olds and up-_J*30 OO ward. Selling. Nit value to winner 25: second. $.".0: third, 5. _ li.dex llors.s AWtllSt . % ■■■■ Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S~ 2S3M* UNITY wn 4 PM 7 i i» 1". 1 l1 H LaBfeTtyH G BedwcD 1 ■ 6-6 3-6 ~ 25300 cai.ktiumpian w 7 H7 2 4 ;.. 3* I". i .1 Sterrett A Lesama 10 12 E tf 25333 ARCHERS w .",114 4 ti 4 2 2* 31 E Tapltn J I strode 3 2J 3-6 3-6 85SM*STON1XGTON wn 1 ME 2 V 41 :.• 41 M MountnC F Hamilton 12 12 E 2 25370 DANCING STAR w 3 M 1 5 61 7 6"! 6* W Ward 1. II Baxter G 7 2| l-fi 25335- II. ATlilSH wallt :: 1 !■* 5 I« g K HargtnR Collazo f 7 2. 6-6 253M 2 SCOTTISH KNIGHTW 3 MI 5 7 7 « 7 7 S Wolstm J Arthur 8-5 7-3 3-5 1-3 Time, 25li. 51V5. 1:1745. Track slow. 32 mutuels paid. Unity, .50 straight, 65.20 place, 63. 30 show; Calethumpian, 0. 70 place, $."..50 -., show: Archery, 63.30 show. Equivalent booking odds— Unity, 275 to 100 straight. 100 to lo t place, 15 to 100 show; Calethumpian, • 17.;." to loo place. 175 to l m ► show: Archery, c,5 to loo show. Winner B. g. by Galveston — Princes* Norettl trained by II. :. Bedwell. Went to p ist at 3:32. At [Mist 1 minntc. Start g.M. i and slow. Won handily: second and third .• ., driving. IMIV outran the others from the start and was ridden out to retain his advantage. CALK TIUMPIAN finished fast and shook off ARCHERY in the final drive. The latter began slowly and. lieing r much used iii getting to the leader, tired. SCOTTISH KNIGHT could never improve his position. STON-INGTON ran well. Overweight* Dancing Star. .! pounds: Scottish Knight. 1. - OkQQU SECOND RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2MM 1 :08 H los. | Puis,- 6400. 4 year-olds and hi JU O O ♦_/ if iijiward. Slling. Net value lo winner $■£ ■»; second. jgQj thiril. 5. Zl1 li1 "v Hois, s AWtllSt ■ :. V, StrFin Jocl;.-s OwileTs" O C P S - 2SM1 iI.atka w -5 in ! 3 ll 1«1 1 I W Ward HG Bedwell 4 I 6-6 4-5 25t33JPAREOR BOY wn 8 113 6 1 -1 2» :;- :" s Wolstm G A Alexandra 8-6 8-6 7-1*1-3 ; tMMADA ANNB w :. in :: ; 6 6" U :;"» B Tmpiin R Bganj :; :.. 6-5 1-2 2S2*JS i:i:i.|ast w s lis E 2 p* E*l U 4. w Hlnphy l J Hak •; | -j. l S6ST1 KOPJE wan 4 M7 l 1 pa f 6* 5» li ConnellyJ o BarttacteU 4 E 8-5 4-6 1 tftllaCHITRA ws 4 Pi7 ! 5 "i ii ti .1 DenniaonH Van By 4 4 6-6 4-6 ; Time. 25/5, 50. 1:0325, 1:1025. Track slow. niiiiucls paid, Laura. 611.70 straight, 64.00 place, 63.40 show; Parlor P.oy, $".20 place, .7ti ro show: Ada Anne. 63.00 show. Equivalent I..-. king odds Laura. 485 to 100 straight. 130 to Hi place. 7o to 100 show; Parlor Roy. • oo to ph. place. :;." t i 100 show: Ada Anne 5o lo mo show. Winner Br. m. by Wooutborpe incendiary trained by II. ;. BedweU. Went to |« st at :::52. At jiost - miniiics. Slart g. •• d and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. LAURA began quickly and dnw away in tte tiisi eighth, then hung on gamely In the stretch h drive. PARLOR W raved tToand when entering tte homestretch and ontgamed aha ANNE for second Id place. The latter dropped back *t th j start and was on the outside all tte way, but made a reaotate finish, BELI AST and KQP.IK finished lose up. - f?r J f£ THIRIi RACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. 240*14-1 : h;— s — lOsTi Purse 00. .! year olds. JOtI tF Sidling. Nel value lo winner $.125; second, jgQj tliird. ■ L5. - "index I b .rses AWtllSt t L. a-4 St r Fill Jockeys Owners J I P S 25»06 i *ORKKTlN ;s w s lo:: :; :: n i". i i". m MountnF J Oolemaa 1 7-5 1 -2 out it 2530CJ* K1 1 111 BAUMANN w M 7 4 .", 4 4- J* J Sterrett i; A Alexandra 2 6-5 7-101-3 2 I61Q6 STUNNER w 162 -» 2 2 2* :" :;" w Ward B It Parasoaa 4 4 6-6 4-6 25306 MEDEA wn IM 4 1 7 6 6s 4- 1; Har*gtnB Hanley IS 1". ti :; 8SS4M smirking wam r, r, 3* :;■ B* H LaffiertyH ; BedweU 12 12 r, 2 853M [JPFIZZ1 w loo «; :, rait 5 fi1 t;i W Hlnphy W c vVestmorelaad I M 4 Z 23782 BOB BLOSSOM w» 108 8 8 I 6* 7 7- I ConnellyJ M Iohy IS IE I :: 23220 DORAN BIRD wn MO I 7 41 7 8 I K Watts C P.ogan 36 M R 6 Time, 25, 49*,. 1:02«5. 140%. Tra*k slow. mutuels paid. Greetings, $.!«• straight, .00 place. $ ;.2o show; Fdiih Baaaaaaa, .70 place, e 62.70 show; Stnnaer, 63.00 show. Bqnlvalenl bookinK odds Greeting*, 145 to 100 itralght, 45 to lot place, m to loo show; lidiih h Raumann. 33 to 1 «I place. 35 to 100 show: Stunner. 80 to MO show. Winner — Ch. f. by Olorilier — Clad Tidings I rained by J. Arthur. . ■ , . 1 • 1 6 • ! i ; 5 Went to pest :1| Fio. At post ."■ minutes. Start good and slow. Won rasilj : second and third drtl lng. GREETINGS rushed to the fronl Boon after tte Ktarl and drcn away into a long bad en the stretch turn, but was tirina I ewhal *l u cad. EDITH BAI MANN ivrd gronnd while round ins the far turn and tinishcl wearing the winner down itlowly. sll NNIiR |ii ■ t in tte lasi eighth alter racing in closest paraait from the stall. MEDEA finished well. SMIRKING showed speed, but quit in the stretch. Overweights— Doran Bird. 4 pounds: 1 ttizzi. 1: Fdith Kallmann. 1. i P 4 a*"* "1 FOIRTII RACF— 5 1-2 Furlongs. MOM 1 : m;— s — io*o Purse MOO. 3-year-old* and dg OJ J X upward. Se 1 1 in g. Net value lo winner $:125: second. 0; third, 623. Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 L. % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners 0 0 I S 25336 SFRECKT h"s 113 ?■ 1 lJ 1= 1- P • Corel i; p, Parmn* 3 3 6-5 3-6 25377 "LORD WELLS w 8 105 7 1 3 | 2] 41 L ■ [ K WeatbvP R Citzger.-lld i C 2 1 25378 8NIFTT ALLEN wSIM 1 6 4i 6* V I ID ConnellyJ T Smith "- 9 6-6 25339 FBATH. DUSTER wn S 110 - 5 61 1" »•! 4s H IVnnl.r N B Davis E 6 2 1 25376 ■BULGAR w 5 113 4 7 6" I1 8* 6*» 8 Wolstm J B Harrison 7 2| 6-6 25:178,SMII..N w 3 9915 8 S s s 61 It HargfnW P Beed N M 4 2 25332-MIZANTI w 4 109 ! 4 7i i 72 71 R Watts J M stowe 1 I 4-6 2-6 25376 THRILL v.- 4 107 S 2 L" 2«| pa 8 W llinphy i y[ Black 12 15 "i ■. Time. 25%, 5iy5, 1:03%, 1:10%. Track slow. mutuels paid. Sureget, straight. 63.00 place. 83.10 show; Lord Wells. .30 place. $:;."0 show: Sniftv Allen. .M show. Kquivaleiit looking odds— Sureget. 2.!0 to 100 straight. SO lo KM place, 55 to 100 show; Lord Wells, 1C5 to loo place. S5 to 100 show : Sniftv Allen. 140 to 1 M show. Winner — Ch. g. by Woolsthorpt — Luzelle trained by F. P.. Parson*. I Went to post at 4:32. At post 6 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won driving; second and tltird th*4J same. SUREGET showed the most speed from the start, but tired after going 6ve-eighth* and only lasted long enough to win. LORO WKLLS dime on the outside of the leaders on the stretch turn and finished fast and gaining. SNII-TV ALLEN moved np rapidly on the inside at the sixteenth post, but tired after getting to tte leader. FEATHER DUSTER and SMILAX pulled up lame. PILLAR quit in the stretch. Scratched— 23221 Wolf* Baths. 113; 25272 Frontier, 113; 25300 Satnmna 112: 25.".7s-Sordello. 113. Overweights--Sniilax. 4 pounds. f C 4 / if FIFTH HACK— 1 Mile. 26071—1:30—6—114. Parse M00. -year-olds and upward. da O r £ Selling. Net value lo winner 25: second. n; third. 5. "index Horses AWtPPSt U aj StrFin Jockeys O itm-r. O C p S 25333 BABY SISTER w B Ml •! I I 8 6* 6* 1*1 W Ward J V Stewart N 12 6 2 25380-*MALIK wn 5 111 I 3 1- I1 1" P* 2* J Sterrett F W Ashe 8 10 4 2 25339 ARM. LAWRENCE 4 107 7 i ::J 2 2- 2- 3 1 8 Wolstm F Rector ■ 8-6 4-5 2-6 25378MAPT. ELLIOTT B 6 118 8 4 2* 5- 4"k l1 # W Gargan M J Only 15 28 1 4 25376-JAr.t.T w S 1 » 2 1 41 # 6*1 6* 5- V llinphy J I." Strode 2 6 12 5 25333 RAVENAL w 0 Ho 4 2 ■ l 2 8 Cl E Taplin G C Mfcatll 5 7 21 I I 28202 GRANADO w n I 67 E 7 Ol.O 7- 73 74 R HargtnM Mundy lo 12 5 2 25377 CARLTON G. W I 112 I E 7" 71 8 S S 1 ConnellyJ S Ownl-ev 4 I 8-6 15 Time. 25%. 50. 1:17%. 1:45%. Track slow. mutuels paid, Baby Sister. 625.00 straight, 0.40 place, .7o show; Malik. 0.80 place. .10 show: Almedti Lawrence, .:io show. Fquivabnt booking odd* Baby Sister. 1150 to 100 straight, 420 to 100 place, 135 to 10O stew; Malik. 440 to pmj place. 155 to 1K show : Aimed* Lawrence, 63 to 100 show. Winner— Br. m, by Lord BsterUng — Annie Lanretta trained by J. W. Stewart. Went to post at 4:57. At lmst 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and tliird driv ing. BABY SISTER began slowly and was a dblan! trailer in the early running, but closed a big gap in the last half and. finishing with a rash, won going away. MALIK set a good pace for the going, but tired in the last quarter. ALMEDA LAWRENCE was a forward contender all the way, but quit in the last sixteenth. CAPTAIN ELLIOTT and JAPOT only ran moderately well. Overweight* Baby Sister. 2 pounds: Ravenal. 1.