Entries in the Kentucky Handicap: Big Race May Bring About the Long Expected Meeting of Roamer and Regret, Daily Racing Form, 1916-03-19


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ENTRIES IN THE KENTUCKY HANDICAP. Big Race May Bring About the Long Expected Heeling of Roamer and Regret. Exactly fifty swift running horses have been nominated to the mile and a quarter Kentucky Handicap with its generous endowment of 0,000 in added money. It is the apportionment of weights that d cidos big handicaps and. until they are made public, one cannot will form any definite opinion as to the probable outcome of the big race. Ill advance it is evident that the handicapper of the Douglas Fail. Jockey Club has before him a task raquirinc much study and delicate adjustment. Last years winner, the veteran Borrow, is Here along with his fraud stahlemate, Regret. Then there is the champion of last year. Boamer, and such of the older division as Buck Toney, Holly, Royal II., Star Jasmine. Waterblossoni. Prince Hermis. Marion Goosby, Buskin, Hodge, Uaimoat. John Gund, lif Jr.. Emerson Cochran. Boots, Celesta. Money Maker. For Fair and rack highly promising younger horses as Colonel Venule, stir Hawk, GiUtes, Bulse, Ellison, Dominant, Thunderer, Bromo, skeor lace and others of great 1 xpectaney. The entry list is all one could desire and is as follows: Owner. Color. Name. Age. Breeding. It. L Hak.r A. Co.s br. g, John Gnnd, .", by Peep oDay My Gyps. K. L. Maker and Co.s b. e, Emerson Cochran. 4. by-Jim Gaffney Viola If. R. I.. Baker 8 Co.s blk. g. Pif Jr., 4. by Water-boy —Anna Fain. T. C. Bradley and Co.s b. c. Big Smoke. 3. by Duke of Ormonde Gold Face. F. R. Bradleys blk. c, Flack Toney, 5, by Peter Ian — Belgravia. J. N. Camdeni b. c, Solly. 4. by Peter Quince — Miss Finch. M. A. Coltons eh, f. Hanovia. 4, by Fair Play— Miss Hanover. J. ;. Grot nets eh. e, Cosmic. 3, by Countless — MJessjtt. A. 15. Hancocks eh. f. Embroidery, 4, by Celt — Network. J. S. Hawkins and Co.s br. g, Hank ODay, 4, by Peep oDay — Flic BeUe. W. K. Knebelkamps eh. e, Money Maker, 4, by McGee— Marie Frances. Oscar Few teohas b. g, Foots, 5, by Hessian — Little Flower. J. Livingstons b. c, Colonel Trunin. 3. by Pietou Shy Missie. J. Livingstons b. e, Royal IF, -1, by Your Majesty —Lady Ethel. J. T. Looneys eh. c, Loo Kay, 4. by Fleet ioneer — Anyday. Jno. Lowes eh. g. F.rynlimah, 0, by Fryn Mawr — Notlimah. A. K. Macombers b. •, Star Hawk, 3, by Sunstar — Sweet Finch. 1. . McDowells eh. e, Manager Waite, 4. by Wa tercress — Fa Venga nza. T. C. McDowells br. m, Star Jasmine, 7, by Og-den— Star Cat. T. C. McDowells br. m, Waterblossoni, 4, by Waterboy — Baaseting. .1. F. Maddens eh. c, Cillios, 3. by Ogdon — Golden Drop. L. Marions eh. h. Prince Hermis, 5. by Hermis — Crimea. May and Crooners oh. m. Bayberry Candle, 5, by Cunard — Tower of Candles. Andrew Millers b. g. Poainor, 5, by Knight Errant Rose Tree. G. M. Millers b. c. For Fair, 4, by Fair Play — Fairy. M. C. Moores oh. o, Booker Rill. 4, by MoGee — Rose Lady. M. 0. Moores b. g, Marion Coosby, 4, by Marathon — Fheenie Fickle. F. .7. Nolans eh. g, Lena Misha, 3, by King James — Cation Relic. F. J. Nolans b. c, Old Koenig, 3, by Oil den Maxim — Masthead. Paul J. Oberils b. h, Royal Report. 9, by Requital -Wire* ss. J. W. Farrishs eh. c. Rulse, 3, by Disguise — Nethersole. larrish and Rodgers eh. c. Dr. Moore, 3. by Disguise — Fardella. C. IF Bobbins b. g, Ruskin, 5. by Hamburg — Slippers. A. L. Rogers oh. o, Heir Apparent, 3, by Flues —Royal Lady. J. F. Schorrs br. o, Ellison, 3, by Ossary — Orsina. J. V. Schorrs eh. h, Ed Crump, 4, by Peon oDay — Evaline. J. W. Schorrs br. g. Dick Williams. 3. by Dick FinnelF-Annie Williams. J. II. Stamper. .Ir.s eh. o, Prince Ilarry, 3, by McGee— White Plume. C. Straus blk. g, Raincoat, 4, by Pink Coat — Black Sleeves. W. J. Web.rs eh. g. Hodge, 5, by Ivan the Terrible -Nannie Hodge. 11. F. Whitneys b. g, Rorrow, 8, by Hamburg — F wget. II. F. Whitneys ch. f. Regret, 4, by Rroomstiok — Jersey Lightning. IF 1". Whitneys b. c. Dominant, 3. by Delhi — Dominoes. II. 1". Whitneys ch. c, Thunderer, 3, by Broomstick— Jersey Lightning. IF F. Whitneys b. g, Slipshod. 3, by Rurgoinas-ter — Slippers. IF F. Whitneys b. e, Rromo. 3, by Broomstick — Leayonara. G. Wingfields b. e, Skeer Face, 3. by Hippodrome - Pleeing Venus. G. Wingfields b. m. Celesta, ti, by Sen pronius — Beaia. W. J. Youngs b. 1,1. Water Witch, 4. by Watercress- Miss Crittenden. .1. It. Goodmans br. g, Noureddin, 4, by Ogdon Prances McClelland.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916031901/drf1916031901_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1916031901_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800