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- = s s s g ,. . GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A London dispatch of yesterday says: "Marked slackening in the violence of the Genua assaults around Verdun has convinced some French military critics that the crown prince is about to abandon the offensive. This conviction was expressed for the first time in several dispatches from Paris today. Coupled with it was the hint that final defeat for the Teutons at Verdun will be fcdlowed sii .it ly by a great Preach offensive. The French war otiiec today re parted the shelling of German trenches in Corbeaux urood and a violent bombardment around Fort Vaux. but otherwise no important activity around Verdun during the night. The German offensive around Verdun has slackened because of weather conditions, tie- Berlin war ofiice aim iced tiiis afternoon. On the entire west front a thick mist has hindered operations. AH Paris dispatches reported the Oermans showing less spirit in attack than in the early days of the Verdun offensive. Some of the assaults are being made with little artillery preparation. The Germans, Paris reports, are ted standing, ground under French counter attacks, as in the first days of the struggles around Douauniout and Vaux." A Douglas. Ariz., bulletin of Tflbudaj savs: "Francisco Villa and a large number of bis bandits have been locat. m1 near San Geroefauto, Chihuahua, and are making their way to Namiqttipa, in western ; Chihuahua, near the town of Madera, according to a telegram received here today by Ives G. Lelevier, consul of the de facto Mexican government. The message was from General Luis GutJerea, who said that Villa was en route to Namiquipa, ten miles south of Las Cruces. to recover a c|iiantitv of ammunition which he lift there several months ago. It is said by local Mexicans that Yilla has not less than 10,000,000 rounds of ammunition cached in various parts of Chihuahua." Turkey and Bulgaria will break off diplomatic relations with Portugal in a few days, following similar action by Austria, according to advices ■ received todi y. The British -tenner Mansondl has been sunk. The .row- of thirty-three, according to dispatches passed by the censor, hna been landed at "an unnamed place." Preach troops have ocinpicd tie- island of Murto, winch lies to the north of Paxo island, off the co. ist of Bairns.