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MARYLAND SITUATION SATISFACTORY Raltimore. Mil., March IS. — The situation with respect to racing legislation in the stj ie. which is pretty well muddled up at present, is likely to he 1 ha red up next week. The friends of racing are ■ till conftdenl nnd refuge to beUeve that the -port is to be slaughtered ill the house of its trie Ills. The Hall bill, which xvas recommitted to the hoase committee Thursday, will come up f-«r a hearing in the committe Monday. Good Judges say that the lull will be unfavorably reported 8 ly .-, What th* house will do with it after that, is doubtful, although the Irii nils of racing jirr not seriously troubled. It is believed that soru«- . ie of the senate bills providing for a state racing 1 11 amission and a revenue from racing will eonssj out. although it would be no surprise if nothing, wi re done in the end. Senator Archer, of Harford comity, has introduced a bill providing that the pre---lit racing commission in his county, where Havre de Grace i; situated, be abolished and a new c oe appointed by the governor and also providing for a license fee of 11,000 per day for Havre de race, instead •■; the present tax of ten percent, of the gate receipt., ihe present coauaiasien of Harford county is a family affair, self pe ipetuatlttg ami satisfactory in every particular to the Havre «le Grace racing association.