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J I J . [ r , ■ . , r s i • ■ I f i - 1 • r t f ; ; t t , t i. I t i- s t „ 1 - s u FRANK FEHR STAKES NOMINATIONS. Louisville. Ky.. March 25.-Secretary H. C. Applcgato has made public the list of entries in the Frank Fehr Stakes, which is one of the annual fixtures at the spring meeting at Churchill Downs. it being an event with selling conditions, for three year-olds and over, at one mile, with ,000 added. This stake was first run in 1S95 at the Downs, and has since enjoyed an unbroken history. Its winners have been Araphoe, Kondo. Pnuols, Estaca. Patten. Larkspur. Chains Bay, Alfred Vargrare, apt. II. Bradley, Henry Burt, Columbia Girl. Hyperion II.. Wing Ting. Darknight. Back, J. II. Reed. Prince Gal, Prig, Sleeth, Winning Witch and Coldcrest Bay. Tin- race closed this vear with fifty-five entries, The list in full follows": 11. L. Bahar and Co/a ch. c. Doctor Carmen, 4, by Boanerges Lady Knighthood. W. 11. Bakers blk. f. Amazon, 4. by Yankee Bold Girl. W. II. Bakers b. g, Sleeth. 7. by Deutsehland— Merida. I. C. Br.-.tllov and Co.s ch. c. Pockichoo, 3. by Stalwart Miss Peggy. E. K. Bradleys b. c. Pars and Stars, 4, by Helmet loiii.s Bergerea. K. R. Bradleys ch. g. Bradleys Choice, 5, by Canard Sweet Alice. 0. J. Pro. kmillors b. g. Grumpy. 4. by Canopus — Florentia. P. M. civ ills b. g. Aristocrat. 5, by Pen P.rush Pracegirille. W. It. foes b. g. Hauberk, 4, by Martinet — Druid, F. D. Creglers br. e, Greenwood, 3. by Marathon Presentation. W. W. Dar.lins b. g, Converse, 4, by Ivan the Terrible Colloquy. Water Mae Erwiu. K. P. Elkins ch. c. Doctor Larrick, 4. by Malta Santa Pirate Polly. William Gents ch. c, Pan Handle, 3, bv Peter Pan My Baby. J. W. Gohlblatts b. g, Aldebaran, 7, by Plan-tides Passan. J. P. G lmans br. g, N.uireihlin, 4, bv Ogden — Frances McClellaml. Alex P. Gordons ch. g, Bnshseaa Agent, 4, by Canard PhUistia. James Greens ch. f, Flcetabelle, 4, bv Handsel Mowit/.ka. Blues Wild Thistle. H. C. Ilalleiibecks br. c, Meadoworth. 3. by Sain Jennie J. H. 0. Ilalleiibecks br. g. Harry Jr.. 4. by Ogden — Partridge. M. F. HOWS b. c. Rifle Shooter, 3, by Star Shoot Babble. John M. Henry. .Tr.s b. f. Lady Potha. 4. by Golden Maxim or Fayette Sandy Ilickey Pros. b. f, Lucky R., 3, by gaj Margaret Kent. John Huffman and Co.s br. f, Mary H., 3, by Elk-horn BlMk Mantilla. Lucicn Johnsons ch. g. Lee OBrien, 3, by MeGee — Richmond Hill. Frank J. Kollcys l r. g, Stephen R., 3. by Disguise — Sadie S. A. L. Kirbys ch. g, Resign, 4, by Transvaal — Resignation. W. W. Knebolkamps b. g, Wilhite, 7, by Radford — Determination. W. W. Knebolkamps ch. g, Money Maker, 4, by MeGee— Maria Francos. Jefferson Livingstons b. c, Combey, 3, by Wuffy ■ — Ioinbe. Jefferson Livingstons b. e, Sansyming, 3, by San-trv — Svmingteii Toll. Jefferson Livingstons b. g, Shirlis, 3, by Forfarshire -Miss Phyllis. Jefferson Livingstons b. g, "White Crown, 4, by Peep oI ;iy — Dividend. Jefferson Livingstons blk. h, Othello, 5, by Lithos —Flash of Night. Geo. J. Longs ldk. f, Black Beauty, 3, by The Commoner — Hawkslight. J. T. Looneys b. g. The Grader, 6, by Orlando — Mv Fair Kentucky. J. K. Maddens ch. c, Kilmer, 3, by Tlaudit — Expressing. Lew Marions b. g, Little Nephew, 5, by Uncle— Miss Granville. Thos. a McDowells ch. f, Dark Flower, 4, by rianudes — Monarda. M. 0. Moores b. g, Harry Gardner, 3, by Dick Welles— Fluid. M. C. Moores b. g, Gipsey George, 3, by Dick "Welles — Animosity. M . Moores ch. c, Booker Bill, 4, by MeGee— Rose Lady. J. L. Pauls ch. g, Lahore, 8, by Delhi— Nora Creina. J. B. Respess b. c, Christie, 4, by Star Shoot— Willi. _ John Sanfords ch. f, Royalist, 3, by Clifford— lrineess Monmouth. John W. Schorrs ch. g, David Craig, 5, by Tecp dlijv — Avon II. John AY. Schorrs ch. g, Geo. Roesch, 4, by Star Shoot — Olive Fant. John F. Seliorrs br. c, Goldcrest Boy, 4, by Plaudit — Iolly Prim. John F. Schorrs b. g, Lindenthal, 4, by Star Shoot— I.yndall. John F. Schorrs b. c, Syrian, 4, by Electioneer— Chioklets. J. T. Shannons br. c. Bell Boy, 4, by MeGee — Litliia. J. II. Stamper. Jr.s ch. f, Broomflower, 4, by Broomstick — Kildcor. A. B. Stelles b. c, Obolus, 4, by Oddfellow — Kenmore Juccn. A. B. Stelles ch. f, Brooinstraw, 3, by Broomstick — Irania. J. Uniensotters ch. g, Grover Hughes, 8, by If f I Stamen. J. T. "Weavers br. g, Thornwood, 3, by Patriot — Mary Say re. W. .1. Webers b. h, Blarney, 5, by First Chip — Kittie Piatt. II. I. AYliitncys b. g, Hubbub, 3, by Broomstick — Humpus. II. P. Whitneys b. g. Pretender, 3, by Burgomaster or Hamburg —Battle of Navarre. H. P. Whitneys b. g, Befugee, 3, by Hamburg-First Flight. II. I. AYliitncys br. g, Burcham, 3, by Hamburg — Eugenia Bureh. "Williams Bros. ch. f, Impressive, 3, by Hilarious —Hester W. Williams Bros. blk. c, High Horse, 3, by Hastings — Ilautesso II. W. "Woodard and Co.s b. f. Disillusion, 4, by Chilton--Night Gown. W. J. Youngs br. f. Water Witch, 4, by Watercress — Miss Crittenden.