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DURYEA HORSES WIN HIGH COMMENDATION. Xew York, April 18. — Horseman who have seen the Duryea horses which recently arrived from France are unanimous in their opinion they will develop into an exceptionally good band when they recover from their voyage. The three-year-old Crimper is cs|K"cially taking to the eye, as are many of the younger horses. The field stand at Belmont Park will now lieiome a part of the grand stand since the dollar field has been abandoned. The infield will be utilized as a free field on Saturdays and holidays as usual. Charley juhin. tie- authorized agent of the Johnson-Billings Stable horses, speaks highly of all the imported two-year-old* he has seen. "Mr. Coes are a fine collection and those in Mr. R. T. Wilsons stable are also good lookers," said Mr. Juiuu. Those Ixdonging to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Billings will be shipped to Belmont Park from Virginia. It is probable the older horse. Top o th* Morning, will be sent to Havre de Grace shortly. He may break down in his first race or he may stand up for two or three race*. His bowed tendons are pronounced, lint Mr. Johnson decided to try him out again before retiring him to the Curl* Xeck Farm. The Jamaica track i* in such excellent condition that trainers call it the •velvet" track. Horse* working there are doing exceedingly well. The effort* ofthe management to get steel in time to put a new roof on the grandstand have failed, but holies are entertained then that the contract* will be filled in time for the second meeting.