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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The French official report of yesterday said: After a rtateat katakarakaeat yesterday west of the Rhr Mouse the enemy, at Ike end of the day. delivered a powerful attack in dense formation upon the trenches raptured by ha Berth of Dead Mans hill. Our curtain of fire, together with the fire of our machine guns, caused eaeCBMaa hisses to the enemy and all the assaults of the OeiBUUBl were hrafcea. Nortii af Caasfcarea two Qanaaa eeaatar attaaka aaMetiid at akeat the same hour of the day U|k ii the trench captured by us yesterday also were repulsed. In the course of the third endeavor at this point, the- enemy, who had been successful in gaining a footing in our lines, found it impossible to maintain his positions and was at once driven back with heavy liss-s. There haa boon a violent and continue.; bombardment of Hill No. 304. and also in the region of Yaux. The night passed quietly in the V.oevre district. During the night of April 29 -80. French acroplan" squadrons threw down numerous projectiles on the railroad station and the supply and munitions station at Sebastopol. south of Tliiaucoiirt: on the railroad line at Ktain: on certain bivouacs near Spincourt and on the railway stations at Apromont. Grand Pre. Challerange and u.-.ii re. Bering these operations it was noticed that aaaaeraaa fires broke out and a number of explosions were effected on the railroads. According to several sailors and marines, a man ■was shot Mid Mitral as :: spy by a guard on a submarine in Ike New York navy yard at 11 oclock :it ninht on April 21 and another man is being hunted hj the secret ecu tutu According to tin-story, the two men were surprised in the act of lifting an electric cable from the submersible, pur-l«oscv grounding the wire and causing a short circuit." which shut eat every light in the yard for akeat twenty minutes. It is Iiclieved the men were foiled at the beginning of a carefully planned conspiracy to harm some of the ships or buildings in the yard while the lights were out.