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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. From Washington yesterday a dispatch said: After the cabinet meeting today, at which the Mexican situation was discussed, officials reiterated there was no change in the plan of the American government to keep the troops in Mexico until the bandits were completely disjiersed. Generals Scott and Funston at the Mexican border today had further instructions from Secretary Baker, on which it was expected they would resume negotiations with General Obregon, Carranzas war minister. These orders do not alter the administrations attitude toward maintenance of troops in Mexican territory, it is assured. The precise nature of the messages was not disclosed by officials. They were prepared by Secretary Baker after conferences with President Wilson and Secretary Lansing in response to inquiries from General Scott concerning the administrations attitude, it is thought. Although no formal demand has been made by representatives of the de facto government for the withdrawal of American troops. Eliseo Arredondo. Mexican ambassador designate, in discussion with administration officials here, is laying emphasis on the declaration that longer occupation by American troops is reducing the de facto governments authority. After a conference with Secretary Lansing Monday, he explained that the suspicion is growing among the Mexican people that American soldiers are remaining now for some other purpose than to pursue Villa bandits. He stated that there is no doubt Villas MNC is completely crushed, even if the bandit leader is not dead. Consequently the Americans have no good reason for continuing their occupation, he declared. From Dublin yesterday a dispatch said: At least 5H rebels were killed and 1.5H wounded in the seven days of fighting in the streets of Dublin, it was estimated today by the soldiers who completed a canvass of the city. This estimate is conservative, officers said. Rebel bodies were found beneath the ruins of the general postoffice. wrecked by British shell fire: in Liberty hall and in a number of other buildings demolished by artillery or burned to the ground. The number of casualties was far in excess of early estimates, and many bodies are believed to lie beneath ruins still unsearched. The Dublin hospitals are overflowing with wounded, including many women and children of noneombatante. While the situation outside Dublin is aot so satisfactory today as in the city itself, it is improving, and the authorities ex-IK-ct that a few days should see the last of armed rebellion in Ireland. A flicker still was apparent not far from Dublin, where a small group of adherents of James Iirkiu have esconsed themselves. Farther •» the west of the capital there are still bands of insurgents. The rebels are skeptical of the assurances given them that their comrades in Dublin have surrendered. As the result of the prompt measures by the authorities, a mobile fore-is moving into the mountains today, preventing the Sinn Feiners from assembling, and arresting their leaders. A party of rebels attacked the police at Garrist. wn. sixteen miles northwest of Dublin, early today, wounding four. Eight of the rebels were captured, the rest escaping. More than 1.200 rebel prisoners have lieen taken in Dublin and other centers of rebellion. The latest estimates place the total number of dead and wounded in die seven days fighting at about 200 and the property loss at more than 0,000,000. Yesterdays baseball results — National League: St. Louis 3. Chicago 0: New York 2. Brooklyn 1; Boston 4. Philadelphia 2. American league: Chicago 5. St. Ixniis 4; Cleveland i. Detroit 1: Washington 7. Boston 4; New York 9, Philadelphia 4. A British submarine sank the Turkish troopship Cliiiketi-llairie in the sea of Marmora, according to dispatches received at Athens yesterday.