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TELEPHONES: Automatic 62-756. Harrison 1314, 1315, 1316. All Departments. fJ OTrTlIf Wf | L£ ■!/". I gT Until II. AY LIVlKY l/U. I made of your own material AUTOMOBILE LIVEKY WILSON, AND GARAGE. |4|g Stcvcns BuildinjJ ChlcaiO 435 Plymouth Court Chicago, lit. Telephone: Randolph 3219. S U N N Y S I D E HOT EL The finest Resort Hotel in tie World _ _ .. — . HAS HEEN BDTLT AT Magnolia Springs, Sun8et Mountain. Asheviiie, n. c. Baldwla County :: Alabama. absolutely fireproof, open all the yeai. W. H, H. HARDING. Proprietor. An old-fashioned Inn: walla five feat thick of In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, be- granite boulders. Water from slope* of highest tween Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open mountain east of the Rockies. Finest golf link* in all the year round. Fin* nthinr. The 8pring« for- the South. Write for rates and literature, nisb. a certain cure for kidney diseases. GROVE PARK INN BATES; IIS PER WEEK. Sunset Mountain ;: Asheviiie. North Carolina.