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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The French official statement of yesterday says: In Belgium our artillery fire dismantled the works of the enemy at Grand Dune and caused the explosion of :: depet of munitions. West of the River Meuse there has been ■ violent bombardment in all the sectors, together with fighting with grenades in the wood of Avocourt. As the night progressed we enlarged and consolidated the gains we made yesterday at Dead Mans Hill. Previous reports that the losses of the enemy were considerable have been confirmed. The preparatory fire of our artillery was particularly effective on the enemy. At one point two German soldiers came forward and surrendered in the midst of our fire. They explained they were the last survivors of the occupants of their trench . Fast of the River Mouse there has lieen a bombardment in the region of Aaux. In the Woevre district our artillery has taken part in a number of maneuvers, including the concentration of a heavy fire. Our troops oiKrating in the vicinity of Eparges compassed the explosion of a mine: our men at on.-e moved forward anil occupied the crater. East of St. Mihicl yesterday a strong reconnoitering party of the enemy came forward from its lines is an endeavor to occupy one of our positions not far from Apre-mont. French forces met the Ocrmaus and they were driven back. The night passed iiuietly on the remainder of the front. A French aviator yesterday flying in the vicinity of Douaumont met in the air two German aeroplanes and engaged them in combat. One of the enemy machines fell to the ground, while the other fled." The American government is ready to accept, in its main points, the agreement for the future pursuit of Villa and his bandits drawn up by General Obregon. the "arranza minister of war. and General Scott, representing the Cnited States. This was decided at a conference yesterday between President Wilson and Secretary Baker. Formal announcement of the position of the American government will not be |||M out until General has had opportunity to pass on the report till— 1 1 till to him by Oonoral Obregon. As Maa as that is done another conference lit ween General Obregon and Genera] Scott will Ik- hold on the border, and the negotiations will be formally coiiclu led. While no official information has been received from General Carranza. officials here take it for granted that General Obregon would not have made an agreement which would not have been accept ad by his chief. The agreement provides for the co operation of American troops and Carranza soldiers clearing northern Mexico of bandits. Mexican railroads will be utilized f.,r the traaeaeftalfcja of supplies for the American troops. While no time limit is set for tie- withdrawal of the American troops from Mexico that will be done- as soon as there are definite indications that American border towns are no longer in danger of raids. Another contingent of Russian soldiers, the fifth, arrived at Marseilles. France, yesterday morning, and was rccchod witli notable military and popular receptions. - The troops proceeded to the camp at Miralx-au. The Swedish steamer Fridland. which was reported Wednesday in a damaged condition and in tow of the Dutch steamer Batavia IV.. has been beached. The Fridland. which was under charter by the American commission for relief in Belgium, was on a voyage from Portland. Maine, with a cargo of 7.000 tons of wheat for Rotterdam. Yesterdays baseball results — National League: Pittsburgh 4. Chicago 2; Brooklyn 2, Philadelphia 0; Boston 7. New York 6; Cincinnati 4. St. Louis 2. American League: Cleveland 2, Chicago 0: Boston 3. New Vork 0: St. Laada 7, Detroit 5; Washington ."., Philadelphia 1.