Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1916-05-14

past performance

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t Churchill Downs Entries and Past Performances for Monday May 15. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time, 2:1... yRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. *Apprenticc allowance. First Race — 4 1-2 Ftirlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Colts and Geldings. Track record: 8143S— 52%— 2— 103. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 259732 James 115. .725 2:.i72 Backs** 109 JSI%m 112x790 260222 Irregular 115.. 72t 259731 Guv Fortune 115 :57%m 115x715 25316 Sol iilsev Il5..i9n Walter II. Pearce, b. • by Sain — I»yalirta 115 Pomp. br. c, by i Hamburg — Page- Ullt _ 115 lud. Horse. wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIau. Basil, ch. c. by Voter— Mintcake. 115 Peter Jay, ch. c, by Toddingtou — Attelle 115 Phocion. b. c. by S e m p renins — Eloisa 115 Dr. Barlow, b. c, by Toddingtou — Eric Belle 115 James seems the best of those that raced. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and ipward. Selling. Truck record: 12128—1:11—2—105. 23754 Roscoe Goose . 106 1:12% 4 112®735 oroln HH* wt- ■«* A.Wt.Han. • „ .0,rr,s*own "I 1:12% 7 109®730 /o-S cwmI! x,1 lll Joe 118 1 :1S% 4 1120730 S;k? Huntress 102 1:12 5 112.. 725 -0211 Kleburne 108 1:12% 6 117x725 i SCSy***1 Pitzer ••••112 1:12 6 107X720 I 23o9o» Resign 104 1:12% 4 112X720 9870* Florence Roberts.. .108 1:11% 7 107x715 » 25976 Skiles Knob Ul l:lsS 4 112 715 ! 2K5 Sosius 105 1:12% 5 114®715 . g*. hy»an 114 1:13 4 1150710 23787- Pels 106 1:14 4 112X705 1 22980 Booker Bill 104 1:13 4 115X705 1 Seems only a case of Roscoe Goose being ready. Third Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling Track record: 2600 — 1:42% — 3 — 97 25919 SAMUEL R. MET- „ER ;/ v 10S 1 :43 7 116 X 725 o-oco- 2. 9 3- Harry Gardner ... 3 91x715 26075* Miss Fannie 106 1:46 4 105x715 26071* Royal Tea 103 1:49 7 109X715 :.3 44* Donald Macdouald. .110 1:43% 10 1060715 25038* Surpassing 107 1:44 56 5 116x715 r-;!1,:!! £wen. Ami,c a so.. 710 2J__SJ Pan Handle 3 94x710 H-Hf ■. lAtaw,Sr 109 1 :45 5 109 X 710 2j£i u111,1"11 110 1:45% 8 111X710 _.»« i,s High Horse 3 94x705 H",* JnldKe,t , 1°2 1;44% 4 100X705 _. . 1* Theodorita 5 104 705 SS?i /,es,sie Louise ...109 1:44 5 109x705 : ». ,1. ¥**£**. 93 1 :45% 4 107 X 700 23384 L. H. Adair 105 1:45 6 111x700 Samuel It. Meyer, apparently in good condition outclasses his opposition. Fourth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Special Weights Track record: 14257 — 1:51% — 4—103. 259743 Dr. Carmen 4 115x735 Ho-Ii Knbroidery 87 1:52% 4 110x730 2.5.!M Pockichoo 3 99x725 23376 Belgian Trooper .. 3 99x720 Dr. Carmen seems coming to himself. Fifth Race — 1-2 Mile. Debutante Stakes. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: 81499 — 47 — 2 — 110. 26021* Yermila 112 :53k 118X725 • i I » ! . 1 1 fc* norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 25072 Elizabeth Mc- Naughton 115.. 720 258692t Believe Me Boys.. 112 :53%h * 110x715 25853t Bit of a Devil .. . 115.. 715 25K692 Jocular 115X715 260702 Sunflash M 112 :48 110. .710 2869 Auriga 115.. 710 H?2J? l*ourb«n Lass M.112 :48% 110.. 705 2o811 Evelyn V. M ... 110.. 675 Rosabel, b. f, by Ormondale — Roman Gold .. HO tE. R. Bradley entry. . Ycrcnjlii raced against the best juveniles in training in her last start. Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Hindoo Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. ,m Track record: 12128—1:11—2—105. 260733 Chalmers 126 1:12 4 108x735 H-Loe- lr,"V.e HenBta ...1©U1:12% 6 1150730 r-"oBa" £• 1Iow■•,r,1 103 1:12% 4 1050730 or22?, l?iDsey Ccorge ...102 1:13% 3 100X725 _..9»1- Port Light 102 1:13% S M0X72I 20019- J rover Hughes 118 1:11% 8 110X725 25854 Checks 108 1:13% | 100x7"0 _3; h.l- FleetalMlle 108 1:12% 4 102X720 Chalmers is right on edge. Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds aud upward. Sellin" Track record: 2600— 1:42%— 3— 97. 178562 Geo. Roesch 4 107x725 260242* Commauretta 98 1:44% 4 MKyTM ,2*22" IJro«.kfield 100 1:43% 6 106X720 zSOM* Conflagration 114 1:45 7 Hlv7- n ,%%%? WJS" 102 1:45% 5 14.X715 _4S7_ Cardigan 4 107 v 71". 26075* Hard Ball 107 1 :44 5 109 x 715 JH-S.w! MabPj Hulweber ..108 1:44% 4 110x715 T-i £7?gl,ec 102 1 :43% 6 111 x 715 ST P01"*1 3 89X710 2;i303 Luzzi 1 om 711 25897 Cncle Will 3 wxlltt -q?-% £: w« -;,irk 112 1:43% » 111x710 £„% ?i,n SlUUer 4 102 X 705 •"rei. ",ls ; l ,aul 6 109 X 705 25619* ork Ui 103 i:46% 7 109705 Geo. Roesch has not raced since a two-year-old when he showed good form. M FurIons 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and _52%-2-K?E~4 Geldings. Special Weights. 81438 JAS0?"" D1StT,meTck0d ta Wt St % % % Six Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish ! Wm lAnon 5-8 l:00%fast 8-5 58 3 1 2 2«B- HRlaSooDaT WiUif, B™s.. B?cERoabr i-mua ■ » • 8 85 5° s sandkSnswSsr TRttrn-nr a-o »». „ o »,- earner 7 GreenJones, Midway, Monotony sses9ii%iandMMMiVi ffcgagS! *%**» and* 3 2 °°Per 1 Sard, Jargon, Outfit aTTV FnwTTTWP „v - o m _- _T £m™£Z*E-andlandtt»Mt . iM5 34-5 6 6 5 31B3y»T#aTethaf,PaStir Stae- POM™ Hc oEARCE b C 2 2 B Sain-Loyalirta W. H. Bake,. BASIT. ; i B7 *■■ ■ »■ ■ H. P. Whitney. I ch "5 SS ft* X Votcr-Kintcr.k3 Corrigan and McKinney. , PHOcfoJ I _V „ 2 ], By Toddio»-Attelle F. J. Kelley. nf •«;«« v "5 By Sempronius-Eloisa G. J. long. I DR. - BARLOW, b. c, 2 115 By Toddington-Eric BeUe. g SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 12128-1:11-2-105. , 2fL0aEtonPa°SE3b4 1C;i24%fast 28-5 ll 4 4 4 ftt SSSTVSZ. ffii «S2: i, ____ Latonia 1 1:39 fast 15 91 3 2 1 1 S M j Morvs a lbLS-TlZl CoDverse, C.Tower 23672 j Latonia 5i f l:08%hvy 14-5 107 1 1 1 I* fu E p,yS J S1E2£l*VEL 2?™,H__*3 , 23582 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 9-20 107 1 3 3 3« 3«i It Smiil 0 v PC M-2_*Sfc dcb 23473 ■ Church 1 3-4 l:12%fast 3i 108 1 33 22 2U It ci a t °"osdJ. Sparkler, Grumpy i 23400 Church 1 W l:15*hvy MM! 1 1 l* i»* £ gSSS ! Band_5__!*tS UVVard 23346 Churchl 3-4 l:13%good 22 103 8 4 5 6 8«K Llillelt Pvi nShe8,- S°,?iUS K°a"« «ster i 23299 •, Douglas 3-4 l:12%|ood 3J 106 1 3 2 y 4 ffi « P SLSft r081, V P,n Zue,» , 23026 Lexgton 3-4 l:12%fast a 106 1 2 2 1 _ 1 R Goose uoose B «* n ».Larrick, S ?rar£lck L.Nephew, Llherator TE lCrump MORHISTOWW * h m 1 ,m „ ST - V4Si:kfast 17 M?4 3 3 "FRLK S 2. 25132 : Lex ton 3-4 1:18 hvy 15 107 4 6 7 7 7»S F Murnhv 7 M r , ! «J 1 arJ°"!e £*thom „. 25837 Lexton 3-4 1 :15%Slow 41-20 107 2 2 2 1 f Ehy Li fctl"11 ey iIoc»ir k r l: 1S331 Latonia lm70y l:45%fast N 111 3 71 T Rice ,14 Wev"oi.-/ w U %0n?KLV,eJcl , 18173 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 30 108 7 11 12 12 1 « W W Tlor • P, H. Ka; .l1"™ - 2£?5£» 3-441:12%fa8t 19 Zs 6 7 5l *3 *™ 9bSSle . | 2! 2Lx?tEnCh-r3-44l:17%hvy f 13-5 Jr? 4 3 2 tPlflTSg* sVEbeESSk Hc , fj £ t % % £ t S § E ItOlS25_ 45l-l"%fast iJ? JWBW****!* G»«ie J. C. Yeager. 2 14-5 1 11 21 23550 LttoSS WlV«%/a.t 87*20 114 4 1 I l2 1? B Martin U cE£%Z r° *tCT 2; 23215 Douglas 3-4 1:13* fast 7-4 109 1 3 5 ".n111?, W" 5» 5« E Mat-tin 6 M,w i,K l"n 1 ?• 230- 7 Lexirton 3-4 l-lstfast 0-20 in 9 i ; ,, J,, ?, V ;1,,r:» Cassidy, Othello, Mex 2: 2"S39 LeiSon 34 i lSSut 2310 104 1 ? ? ?t «! S 2JJJ_ 4 Father Riley, Othello. Betterton . 2: 22553 Saratoga o-jl t Vfast « HO I 1 j 9 _? E Mar U„ l! and?V5,_5L__taS2 2: andM Saratoga 3-4 1:17 slow 15 119 2 3 4 7 C»J ■ M?rtin if SZTISl, Ee/Ja"es, 1-Barb»ry. Gloaming 2] 21975 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast 15 118 4 7 9 9 10"1E Mat 11 c f«S Grumpy 1 KLEBtRNTb r61:U%faSt IT, X *** ?nw£E£3and aZ-an I J SS h7-86l:26%fast J 2 21-5 4 6 2 2 J rftSSj . . 2 LOUS H.deGce 3-4 l:13%good 10 114 5 t « «V T R ce 6 Pi B/s_£SSTta;. n"*!IK"l ]♦ 16295 Windsor 1 1-M 7 mJKu N_S*__£ *• f-nile l:46%good 113 1 1 1 1 2h 2 J J Snvth 7 i It 16253 FortErie 1 1-11 l:52%hvy 3-4 114 3 1 1 2 ? p.ffif 1 n tstick, Barnegat. GtBritaln It 16042 FortErie 1 1-4 2:04%fast 7 112 7 4 5 7 9 I2 J s v s JftSS: D71A t:rsi :- ;« x" IF 15647 Windsor 1 l:39%fast 17-10 114 5 t 5 5 J"2 W A_*«. 7 n22£ttlJL1*£andJ*Zm*» . 1553S Windsor 1 1-8 l:5S%nmd 4 113 3 3 1 1 1 b JS-lrth « 5w_l__T,nw! *?V?nh . ■ 1£ 15334 FortErie lm70yl:44%fast 6 114 7 7 1 J SmYth 7 D v T K, -tC Tltics 1 V WANDA PITZER, b. m. 6 107 pL By oDay-Mv Gem ri ■ r h 25976 ■ Lexton 3-4 l:12%fast 34-5 110 5 5 5 4 3 R n„n!J vYi. ., J- B Goodman * fj 25806 Lexton 3-4 l:18%hvy 36-5 106 3 » ?.i S tSSLm • M__%2 R"" Tbearcr 24756 Havana 3-4 7-5 §•" rtoSJmwEE?? Celebrity l:l."%fast 106 1 2 1 32 M MounCn S 24 24614 Havana 3-4 l:13%fast 5 106 4 4 3 S k h and_«and«• if.T Fwtr[»""« 24 24424 Havana 3-4 l:ll%fast 21 106 3 7 7 7 5» g SS?*" 5 Sgf !£*mh. *****n* ■■«—■ 24 24377 Havana 3-4 l:12%fast « 104 3 2 2 2« j*pj»L Kw fhVh""1 RXunarder 24 24286 Havana 6-8 59%fast 31 108 5 4 4 « P c MHle? Tm~™t«V Charmeuse Tamerlane 24 24 23 » S 23M3 t Latonia" i 1-M l:49%hvy 43-10 "8 1 1 1 , i1?*7 »»* "• g Om Latonia 1 1-10 l:4o%fast 9-4 107 3 2 1 1 4 GenVrv l!"!riffl Commauntta 4J I I P 1 2." 2.1455 Churchl lm70y l:45%slow 19-10 108 2 11 1 ?i JiX £ ent v 8 DiinwL. Ji "SE *!»e_S_"5 • •; 23349 Churchl lm70y 1:44 good 3J 94 8 8 8 8 8 M K C-.Tlle I 1™ ?, h ?*5. ? ****** g 23217 Douglas 1 1-16 l:45%fast 33-20 96 543 4 42 id v V,Xu. K %?h "Z". W1l.1t. 23 23109 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47%good 41 107, 5 3 3 2 2= W L Gentry 5 o ncrot SS -£j_ft V*£ 21876 gg Hamton 1 1-16 l:49%slop 8 95 5 4 4 3 42 IMtolr « T„, 2f£25 ?P6. ,ln,t«- R»°° gf 21782 Ham ton 1 1-16 1:47 fast I 94J 3 1 2 2 S l2 M Gar er 11 nSS 2~?**7-j"-*" 1 jj 21742 ._. Windsor 11:40 fast 24-5 , 104 5 3 3 4 4*1 IT3 5«i L Gcntrv sentry 8 8 rount.tay. Fo, V?71t Schemer, « C*n2Sn"d«,r WaterLady FTOTiFwrF nnnrnTc „v *■ „ .„ -JJ 27EnR°Bf-?TflVfmum,l72 JT , 4 4 * *%?£• HSST«2 fi*" _fand L°WC- 1% 13700 Juarez 51 f l:06%fast 6 107 3 2 11 ft" J MHnSy n tS*.SyCnrt.*Jrl*Wy- —*■ g 19601 Juarez 3-4 l:ll%fast 4 1019 7 3 521 72 K LanaMle • iS FJL "fiS BIa,K?e fera. ca, Lackrose 19523 Juarez 7-8 l:25%fast 2 105 5 1 2 2 V fix w w t-V-Z ! SKSKfA 19. 19475 Juarez 7-8 l:25%fast 4 98544 4 S £ T teS 5 and"«■ Vf.Jg-l1" 19 19456 Juarez 3-4 l:14%good 4 106 1 3 1 v- US™™ . Mitnorioso, Injury, B. 0f B.Mawr 19; 19| SI Li ! £ ■ 25932 Ix tor. 3-4L1S hvy 76 105 1 4 3 4 4*1 K fllU ? 2 SHSffi B_5_S,*KS W.litzcr 25 25698 H.deGce 6-8 1:01 fast 37 92 4 4 5 62 52" m wgZSft 1 • ¥ E*? JCS»W«?*»__JB____I» J* 25673 Bowie 3-4 ll.!%fast 14 96 4 | t a 75 * ggl_hra A.W.Ahh FairHelen, Sir Edgar llfast 1 " nt„,ln J lunption, Gloaming, Ptefract £ 25659 Bowie 3-4 12 9S T 2 9a ■ 25624 Howie 3-4 I M fast 18 97 1 I 4 p J 2 2?S£* i SS! £££**!*•*¥* ■_ 24508 Havana 3-4 l:12%fast 5 1 3 1 l i» S K Laafne m W, G; ,mi«S. PWption H 24454 Havana 3-4 l:ll%fast 8 107 3 3 2 5h 4»i k Llm Ip LiSf 4" T,p ly Ormn 30 sosWHsaT% dii ri:11%fast 7 i6 3 ° wMssa?8Sap5*Ssas. 259 259"ISex?orn,lril616 1:51%hvy 15 U2 » 3 • 5 IWS2_55 £ T GoWblatt. 25S 25S98 Lexton lm70y l:47%mud 19-20 109 2*1 I .. » R Qoos « R-iTafn7. «™"Py..IID.Capmon 25* 25837 Lexton 3-4 l:15%slow 13 109 6 5 3 b n p c n„.p S S-HS* PJfa,",,reTille Intone 25? 251 SWOhSSS 252 ImtyliSsI I Is | 1 1 * J? g gSSgl J SJaT 24S 24933 Havana 1 l:41%gocd H 106 4 6 6 5 5 4»1 I, SUS K r. f _Jw*fe SSJ-ffe. Malik «a 247 SSTafa* to5,yl:ast « 1 6*3 * • 1 1» DSSK?- fflSS! Zallbar"n * r.i SLV g-y * i1,?-5 By Electioneer— Chicklets J. F. Schorr. 1 i«MLr__i 7 or* „ „ NiSrlns I %£* M 09 . 1 6 7. and ? |SSS 8 fcciLTU?-n .M-MIllor 1% 1J0 vwlJ ?,rC?.rme,n Kl"»K- Greenwood 25098 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1:45 fast 13-5 10" 13 10 n i~i n NMB N.Orlns lm70y l:42%flst 4 104 4 4 4 4 4 t4 V K_£h? *? £_?*Sand PS PanZareta IH9i:§lm20iJSt » B 1 . i i. S :r,#=« 23595 Latonta 1 1-M l:49%hvy 5J 107 4 2 2 1 l I C gSffil EJfiTandJSSS: Sm UtonVl 1-16 l:4r,%fast 11 665 2 A*1, "4 felflfr 31**.. . Om Latonia lm70y l:4S%slow 15 97 8 8 6 4 jJ i2 J Morvs ■ r n ,rn,"slt Mss K""ter 23655 Latonia 1 1-M l:50%hvy 34 93 8 7 7 7 51 5". JK22 r r h m l « """ • 235S3 Latonia 1 1-8 l:56%hvy 39-5 90 | 5 52« F Judv 8rC£°; *ftST«*_ft"_ 234.55 Cburchl lmTOy l:45%slow 14 98688 8 I HJlIm « n °ia.nza,i1m0n. 3" 2?SS2 Churchl 1 1-16 1:53 hvy 11 98 7 7 7 6 21 VI 3 MnrTs T rSPSSS: JJtS!8tr*,« 23348 Churchl 1 1-16 l:47%good 17 100 12 1111 11 « ll» J Mo« "1 14 ml "".-HoraW. Flltaway 6 7 *J!i_~ iSandisfwEnBss boobill cVfv 3Kr6 :gLir,hi4fast 2«Ufj i yg5J--ftft « e lugT 1 1 t 22S41 LexgtOfl lldt%fa»t !1 107 3 6 6 5 J. -V C I Nl .noulo M .1 « *t « VT,f,r. VlM,!n" -509 Saratoga 1 1:45 slow 21 105 2 3 3 3 S» 2» D OmSS tl VotanruflVii"" SSSS ll:44%_vy » 3 J . t J S L g DSSS 5 1 Senile, THIRD RACE— 1 Kile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 2500— 1:42 Vb— 3— 97. SAMUEL R. MEYER, ch. g. 7 116 By Handsel — Sallie Appleton Adair and Baker. 25919 Lexton lmTOy 1.4Shvy 7-10 109 1 1 1 1 1- P R Goose 7 Hard Ball, Dorcris. Dude | 25852 Ijextnn 3-4 1 :13%fa«t 24-5 109 1 3 0 4l :." R Goose 11 Nobleman, Hociiir, Talebearer 20223 Churchill 3-4 l:13Vsgood 48 118 4 6 6 6* 6"1K Goose 9 SanVega. B.Hensley. Hawthorn 14678 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44%fast 33-5 108 6 6 2 2 3« 3 W Obert 8 Belloe, Solar Star. Donerall 14364 Douglas 1 1-16 1:44% fast 43-10 107 6 6 6 € 4 31 W Obert « Win. Witch. Creaui. S. Jasmine I 14349 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :44%fast 16-5 111 6 5 3 2 4» 4*1 F Keogh 5 Gowell, Constant. Prince Hermls : 14316 Douglas 1 1-4 2:024jsfast rid 107 4 7 8 6 4 441 J Kederls 10 Luk»MoLuke. Rutlolfo, SolarStar ! 14276 Churchl 1 1:38 fast 11 110 4 6 7 7 61 4«1 A Neylon 10 Win. Witch, G. Hughes, Strong : HARRY GARDNER, b. g. 3 91 By Dick Welles— Fluid M. C. Moore. 25963 Lexton 1 l:41%fost 31 100 2 1 2 2 2: 2J P WUlnui S Rapids, Lynn. Bill Simmons 26937 lexton 3-4 l:17%hvy 12 102?. 7 7 4 41 4! F Murphy 8 Billy Joe, Talebearer, Transit 25711 Latonia 1 l:41%good 14-5 104 3 1 5 8 8s 9* W Meehanll LouiseStone, Veldt, Bwn Velvet 23552 latonia 3-1 l:13ftfast 71-10 107 2 2 2 1* 21 W Murphy 10 D. Williams. B. Shop. Blanchita ; 23517 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 8 1055 3 3 3 4h PJA Mott 9 Impressive, Mary II., PhilUngar • 23383 Churchl 3-4 l:l7Vfchvy 111 103 1 3 3 2.J lb A Mott 1- L.Wbington. AlPIerce, Veroiak 23347 Churchl 3-4 l:14%good 3 103 1 3 8 5:1 6Ti A Mott 11 Taka. Paymaster, KIHe Shooter 28260 Douglas 6J f l:07%fast 32 10114 4 3 2" l« A Mott 11 L.Worthton, B.Beauty, R.Ster MISS FANNIE, b. f. 4 105 By Marathon — Ethel Carr W. W. Woodard. 20075 Churchl 1 1-16 1 :46M f ast 7 97 7 7 7 7 7 7" W Hoag 9 M. Maker. G. Post, Char.Franeis 25964 Lexton 1 1-16 1:47 fast 2 105 6 6 5 7 8 8 2 W Hoag 8 Cflagtarirn. H. Howdy. Curetta 26871 Lexton 1 1-1C l:50Hmud 3-2 104 1 1 1 1 I* l8 W Hoag 6 emigration, Dude, Tsportation 2036* N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46%fast 16-5 107 2 3 3 4 l2 l4 L McAtee 8 M.Kruter, Counterpart, Yodeleg 25322 N.Orlns lm70y l:44=fcfast 10 106 9 8 8 8 9 7» W Hoag 9 Yenghee, M.Hnnann, L.Bigger 25286 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:48%fast 7-5 108 1 1 1 1 l1! 1» L McAtee 8 C.King, W.W.Clark, Pntageuet 26176 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1:4S fast 31 104 2 2 2 2 21 2b W Hoag 7 Helen M., Kelsetta, Kneelet 25142 N.Orlns lm20y l:42%fast 7 103 6 9 9 9 44 21 W Hoag 11 Serenata, Dladi, Nigadoo ROYAL TEA. b. h. 7 109 By Right Royal— Tee-Ky-Tee O. 8. Kerr. 26071 Churchl 3-4 112 fast 21 112 9 7 7 • I" A Carroll 9 Impressive, M. Declare. TarletonP. 25866 Lexton 3-4 1:16 mud 11 105 9 9 9 9 88 F Cooper 9 Billy Joe. Blackthorn, B.Quince 25556 H.Spga 3-4 l:14%good 21 116 1 4 3 52 55 F Keogh 8 Osaple, Billy Joe, Scaramouch 25504 H.Spgs 3-4 1:14 fast 7-5 117 6 4 4 2" 1" F Keogh 6 Yallaha, Lackrose, Carrie Orme 25478 H.Spgs 3-4 l:13%fast 4 111 1 1 2 11 2»k p Keogh 9 S. Heart, Kootenay, Un. Jiinmie 25409 H.Spgs 61 f l:07%fast 5 117 8 7 7 61 4s! J Metcalf 9 Car.Orme, Souvenir, Pontefract 25349 N.Orlns 3-4 1:13%fast 31 115 4 7 5 31 3|W Lilley 10 Talebearer, Alston, Theodorita 25284 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 3 110 6 6 5 2"* ll J Metcalf 9 Ahara, Scaramouch, Wetsail DONALD MACDONALD, ch. g, 10 106 Bv Sombrero— Berriedale F. E. Brown. LW44 Laurel 3-4 1:14 fast 44 113 13 13 12 H» tt** ■ Troxler 14 Striker, Pontefract, Outlook 23397 Laurel 1 1-16 1 ::".:!%hvy 2* 111 6 4 4 6 6 6»1J Butwell I Balfron, Robinetta, Orperth 22986 H.deGce lm70yl:44Vfefast 8 109 6 4 5 6 51 42 M Buxton 8 Lady Teresa, Amain. Eagle 22.777 Saratoga 1 l:40%fast 16-5 115 4 4 4 3 38 35J M Buxton "» Shyness, Eagle, Easter Star 22535 Saratoga 1 l:41%tast 3 109 6 5 6 5 44 4"1M Buxton C Lahore, Wanda Pitzer, Napier 22428 Saratoga 1 1:41 fast 15 116 7 5 4 1 43 42i F Herliert 8 M.Cassidy. Keybourn, Spearhead 22045 Saratoga 1 1 :46 mud 4 111 1111 l5 l4 M Buxton 5 Shyness, Marshon. Grosvenor 21625 Windsor 11-10 1:48 fast 7-5 110 6 5 7 7 7 7T$ J Metcalf 7 Surpassing, Flitaway. BbySister SURPASSING, b. g. 5 116 By Ultimus — Dancing Water J. C. Hanson. 25S.W Lexton 11-8 2:00 hvy 27-5 112 12 2 2 24 2- F Murphy h Shyness, C.Francis. Beuedietini 25858 Lexton 1 1-8 1:54 fast 21 109 1 6 10 6 61 583 A Claver 10 Cadenza, Olga Star, Fly Home 25812 Lexton lm70y l:52%hvy 4-5 112 4 4 3 1 l2 1°* J Kederis 11 Benedictina, Lynn, Choctaw 25049 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:47%fast 8 112 8 8 8 8 51 1" J Kederis 9 Kneelet, G. M. Miller, Juliet 24922 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:48%slow 8-5 109 4 4 5 6 6 62« T Koerner 5 Cadenza. Dude. Pleasureville 24838 N.Orlns 11:45 hvy 4 110 6 6 6 5 4* 451 J Hanover 6 D.ofDunbar, D.Kndall. B.Agent 24769 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:49*4sIow 8-5 112 2 2 3 2 34 33J M Garner C Cnterpart, R.Meteor, Pureville 24731 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:50%mud 6-5 107 1 1 1 1 1» 1» M Garner 5 Africa Beau, El Pato, Yodeles QUEEN APPLE, ch. f. 3 89 By King James — Lady Apoleby fW. P. Reed 25514 Havana 11-16 1:47 fast 2 100 5 4 4 4 2b 31! S Wolsfm 5 Tamerlane, Dinah Do, R.oLight 26485 Havana 1 l:40%fast 4 98 4 6 6 5 32 1° R Harton G Dinah Do. Tamerlane, Tie Pin 25438 Havana 1 l:41%fast 3 98 1 3 3 2 3- 2» M Mntain 6 Ray oLight, Lochiel, Luther 25340 Havana 1 l:41%fast 8 93 7 8 8 6 2* 24 J Gartner 8 Energetic, White Crown, TiePin 25292 Havana 1 1:41 fast 12 S81 5 6 6 4 2 21! G Lomas 7 White Crown, Jabot, Granado 25163 Havana 5-8 1:01 fast 5 10513 3 3 4* 341 J Domink 6 Mnstone, R.Sckland, Smirking 25113 Havana 3-4 l:14%fast 6-5 97 2 2 3 21 lJ B Urquht 7 B. Mouse, B.of theKchen. Unity 25009 Havana 3-4 1:14 fast 21 95 6 6 6 52 4!J J Cruise 6 K. oLight, Springmass, Paulson PAN HANDLE, ch. c, 3 94 By Peter Pan— My Baby G. H. Holle. 25923 Lexton 3-4 l:17%hvy 17-5 102 3 3 2 21 21 C Hunt 8 Mex, Worlds Wonder, Harwood 25283 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 10 112 6 7 7 71 5S1 F Robinsn 9 Souvenir, M.Hrmann. R.Mrian 2:173 N.Orlns 3-4 l:12%fast 10 108 5 7 6 6* 6*1 F Robinsn S BlueCap. Souvenir, RoseMarian 25126 N.Orlns 3-4 l:12%fast 15 115 5 5 4 3b 321 F Robinsn 7 Rose Marian, LuckyR., BusvJoe 24918 N.Orlns 3-4 1:16 slow 1 115 4 5 4 32 1» F Robinsn 8 Alfadir, Gentlewoman, Donner 24853 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14%good 41 110 5 4 3 3 3i F Robinsn S Souvenir, Blue Cap. Marv Jay 24813 N.Orlns 61 f l:09andgood 10 115 10 9 7 44 3»1 F Robinsnl2 Tribolo, Lady Mildred, Souvenir 24747 N.Orlns 3-4 l:15%hvy 8 112 5 11 8 61 4IJJF Robinsnl2 Mary H., Blue Cap. Al Pierce FLITAWAY. b. m. 6 109 By Fair Play— Fhttermouse H. L. Craine. 26024 Lexton 1 1-8 l:52%fast 3 19? 5 « 6 4 IMJ H Stearns 7 H.Howdy. Cmnuretta, Brkfleld 25617 H.Spgs 1 1-16 l:47%fast 4 107 4 3 2 2 22 1 D Stirling 5 Cflagration, J.Graham, LaMode 25543 H.Spgs 1 1-8 l:54%fast 2 104 1 1 1 1 l1 1» W Obert 5 D. of Shelby, Ataboy, Narmar 25527 H.Spgs lm70y 1:46 fast 3 106 2 2 2 2 21 2* H Stearns 5 Conflagration, S.Savin, LaMode 25507 H.Spgs lm70y 1:46 fast 17-5 106 2 3 5 3 31 21 H Stearns « Alston, Harwood, La Mode 25313 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 4 103 3 3 3 4 7 7»| A Pickens 7 Fcinating, Cnnught, J.Graham 25203 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 6 102 3 2 4 4 4* 2 H Stearns 5 J. Graham, L. Paul, Counaught 25122 Juarez 11:38 fast 4 99 4 3 3 3 6 6*1 T Hayes 0 M. Maker, HardBall. Dundreary ALT AMAH A, b. g. 8 111 By Plaudit— Passan R. J. Powers. 25491 H.Spgs 1 l:41%fast 3 109 1 1 1 2 32 3«1 W Kelsay 6 Ataboy, Birka, Consoler 25442 H.Spgs 3-4 l:14%i~ast 8 118 1 2 2 21 21 F Cooper 7 Rio Brazos, Lackrose, Dryad 25164 Havana 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 5 111 2 11 l»k lJ J Domink 7 MerryJubilee, B. First, TiePin 25118 Havana 1 1:49 fast 2 108 2 1 1 1 2» 21 J Domink 7 Dav Day, Tamerlane, T. Fashion 26052 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 5 110 2 1 1 lb ll J Domink 8 B. First, Tamerlane. Volant 24779 Havana 1 l:40%fast 7 112 1 1 1 1 ink 21 D Connelly 6 Zoroaster, Tamerlaue, M. Choice 24510 Havana ImGOy 1:43 fast 6 106 4 2 2 2 3b 431 K Lapaille 8 Ben Quince, Lochiel. Reflection HIGH HORSE, br. c, 3 84 By Hastings— Hautesse II. A. Williams. 2580S Lexton 3-4 1:17%hvy 48 10217 7 7 8 8" H Shilling 8 Father Riley, BillvJoe, S.Heart 24020 Howie 6J f l:20%fast 41 94 7 5 4 5i 74i P Lowder 8 Pontefract, Betwnls. T.asSteel 23982 Bowie 61 f l:21%fast 20 102 4 2 3 5 9»i M earner 10 Favour, Candle, Broomvale 23909 Bowie 3-4 1:1 4%f ast 41 106 2 1 3 6 5« E Haynes .. Daddys Choice. Candle, Bigtodo 22881 Pimlico 3-4 l:13Hfast 6 102 3 1 2 21 24 J McTagrtlO Tom Elward, Tralee, Broomvale 2382C Pimlico 3-4 l:14%fast 14-5 107 7 3 4 fink 8°1L Mink 13 T. Elward, Gold. List, Broomvale 23743 Laurel 3-4 l:14%fast 31-10 103 8 3 2 22 1" W Lilley 12 Stellarina. Nolli, Dr. Gremer 23529 Laurel 61 f 1:08 good 6-5 107 3 1 1 1= l2 L Mink 10 Nolli, Good Counsel, Ataka FIDGET, ch. f. 4 100 By Plaudit— Outcome W. E. Williams. 2«W24 Lexton lm70y l:5hvy 51 105 1 1 1 2 33 311 H Shilling 7 Commauretta, B Shop, M.Kruter 25870 Liexton 3-4 l:15%mud 10 107 2 2 3 4° 47 T Henry 7 Embroidery, B.Flower, Dor. Dean 23628 Latonia lm70y l:47%mud 14 99 3 6 6 5 5* 541K Williams 8 Shvness, Malabar. Acis 23566 Latonia lm70y 1:47 mud 67-10 107 5 3 6 7 10 10" W W Tlorll St.Crlcote, W.Crown, Cauretta 23471 Churchl 3-4 l:13%fast 93 104 9 11 11 11s 11,0JF Robinsnl2 Grosvenor, Car. Orme, A.Kruter 233S4 Churchl 1 1-16 l:52%hvy 21-10 98 6 4 5 5 4* 44 F Judy ti EdithW., I.Gcntleman, Fly. Feet 23298 Douglas 11-16 1:48 slow 31 97 9 6 5 2 21 3«1 T Henry 10 LaMode, L.Mexican, I.Gtleman 23074 Lex gton 1 1-8 l:57%mud 41 100 3 2 2 2 24 32J T Henry G Syrian, Commauretta, Bell Boy THEODORITA, ch. m, 5 104 By Dink Welles — Anna Brooks fR. Maciasl. 25561 H.Spgs 3-4 l:13%fast 6 107 4 5 5 5 5«3 E Ambrse 5 Loftus, Father Riley, Pontefract 25349 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 6 111 10 10 8 4b 4»1 M Garner 10 Talebearer, Alston, Royal Tea 25270 N.Orlns 1 1:39 fast 4 104 1 7 7 6 5* 412 M Garner 8 Presumption, Joe Finn, Harbard 25156 N.Orlns 3-4 1:13 fast 8 108 10 9 8 6b 441 J Kederis 12 H.Prynue, Talebearer, Kfhage 25047 N.Orlns 3-4 1:13 fast 10 105111 7 6 61 4«1 J Kederis Li F.Helen. Presumption, H.Prvnne 24996 N.Orlns lm20y l:40%fast 8 104 4 2 3 2 52 61U1J Kederis 9 Guide Post. Prince S., Alston 24959 N.Orlns 3-4 1:13 fast 8 113 6 8 6 6b In J Kederis 10 M. Cassidy, Talebearer, T.Splrit JESSIE LOUISE, ch. m. 6 109 By Marta Santa— DoUie Mo J. T. Looney. 25924 Lexton lm70y l:50%hvy 12-5112 4 3 3 3 4l 514 W Meehan 7 Commauretta, ButvShop, Fidget 25363 N.Orlns lm20y l:41%fast 10 115 1 1 1 2 61 6TJ J Hanover 7 M. Herrmann, Orperth, BlueCap 2E285 N.Orlns lm70y l:43%fast 7 108 2 4 S 5 6 7" B McDott 7 F. Riley, B. Hensley, Bertodano 25267 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46%fast 6 110 3 2 2 2 2* 6S1 J Hanover 8 Illuminator, Cadenza, G. Post 25141 N.Orlns lm20y 1:41 fast 11-6 106 2 6 6 5 6" 4» W Meeban G Bell Bov. Guide Post, Ina Kay 25099 N.Orlns 1 l:39%fast 6-6 107 1 4 4 3 34 1* W Meehan 7 Broomsedge, Mary H., Orperth 24944 N.Orlns lnYTOy l:44%fast 6-6 110 2 2 3 1 1» 1« W Meehan 6 M. Kruter, Broomsedge, Colinet MALABAR, b. g, 4 107 By Peter Quince— Berry Maid May and Greener. 26018 Lexton 3-4 1:12%fast 34-5 108 1 1 1 42 10" B Martin 11 Itatina. Martre. Lucille B. 25958 lexton 3-4 l:l:!%good 17 107 5 4 5 8 8=° F Murphy 8 Hawthorn, A. Kruter, Tillotson 2J7S7 latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 16 100 3 1 2 3 6 6;4 T Henry 6 Wilhite, Pels. Transit 23694 Latonia lm70y 1:47 slow 26 1031 13 2 2 2b 55 E Pool 10 Change, Transport, Mockery 23671 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :50%hvy 43-5 94 4 1 2 5 61 7" F Judy 7 LittleString, Reno. Zali 22628 Latonia lm70y l:47*femud 16 99 6 2 1 2 2s 2« T Henry 8 Shyness. Acis, Alston 23.- 49 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 48 95 6 6 5 5 61 6"?.F Judy 9 I. Gentleman, Christie, Mud Sill 23490 Churchl 1 1-8 l:52%fast 20 102 3 2 2 5 7 7»» A Mott 7 Disillusion, Reno, Transit L. H. ADAIR, blk. g, 6 111 By Bannockburn — Hand Bell Mrs. W. A. Kirwan. 233S4 Churchl 1 1-16 l:52%hvy 39 107 566 C 6 6,lC Hunt • EdithW., I.Gcntleman, Flv.Feet 23302 Douglas 1 1-1C l:48»£good 98 103 5 4 4 6 5* 5»41C Hunt 7 Malabar. Edith W., Raoul" 21459 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good fid 114 7 5 7 8» 85J E Martin 12 W. Wonder, Malheur. MrgaretD 21339 Latonia 11-8 1:56 slow 29-5 103 2 3 3 3 51 451 M Garner 7 iellowman, J.Knaugh. CordleF. 21099 Latonia lm70y l:44%good 131 HI 5 6 8 6 5* 51* E Martin 12 F.A.Weigle, K.Box. J.Kavangh 21000 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 34 108 6 3 3 6 4! 410 E Martin 10 White Wool, Mockery, W. Horse FOURTH RACE — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Special Weights. 14257—1:51% — 4—103. DR. CARMEN, ch. c. 4 116 By Boanerges — Lady Knighthood R. L. Baker. 25974 Lexton Im70y l:42%fast 18 10712 2 2 2 1 3! R Goose 9 Royal II., Dor. Dean, Indolence 2;*35 Lexton 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 18 115 5 1 2 3 3s 312 F Cooper r Embroiderv. Grumpy. Nureddin 25855 Lexton 1 1-16 l:44%fast 23 109 7 7 7 7 62 6 » F Cooper 7 Bay. Candle. Geo. Smith. Lahore 25834 Lexton 3-4 l:15%slow 19-10 115 4 4 3 S« 321 F Cooper 7 SolarStar. Dimitri, MarsCassidy 25567 H.Spgs 11:39 fast 3 110 4 4 3 2 lb ll W Obert 4 Mons.Perci, Greenwood, Bonunza 2E650 H.Spgs 3-4 1:15 mud 11-10 110 3 2 2 31 3» F Murphy 6 M. Cassidy, Greenwood, R.Cross 25531 H.Spgs 51 f 1:07 fast 16-5 112 1 3 3 3 3» F Murphy 3 Dr. Larrick, Korfhage 25321 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:45%fast 3 109 3 2 2 1 4» 3»1 F Cooper 8 Brynlimah, Grumpy, Eagle EMBROIDERY, ch. f. 4 110 By Celt— Network A. B. Hancock. 25974 Lexton lm70y l:42%fast 9-5 112 3 4 4 4 82 SJ P Murphy 9 Royal II., Dor.Dean, Dr.Carmen 259:55 Lexton 1 1-16 l:51%hvy 31-10 110 2 5 3 1 1« 1« F Murphy .r Grumpy. Dr.Carmen, Noureddin 25870 Lexton 3-4 l:15%mud 7-10 112 4 3 1 1» 1* F Murphy 7 BroomFlower, Dor.Dean, Fidget 23784 Latonia 2 1-4 3:50*fcfast 13 92 6 5 6 3 l1 2»" J Morys 10 S. Jasmine. Dlllusion. Extation 22712 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :51%fast 30 87 6 6 6 6 4» 451 F Judy 7 D.Samuel, Wrblossom, L.Rotha 23487 Churchl 2 1-4 3:53 fast 15 94 4 5 6 6 4» 4*1 K Lapaille C Raincoat. Hodge. Water Witch 23318 Douglas lm70y 1:44 mud 41 95 5 5 5 5 5 6T H Stearns 5 John Gund, The Grader, ForFair POCKICHOO, ch. c, 3 99 By Stalwart— Miss Peggy T. C. Bradley. 23596 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 11 110 1 10 8 81 79i W W TlorlS Big Smoke, Cosmic. Checks 23402 Churchl 3-4 1:16 hvy 37-10 105 6 5 4 31 3» D Connelly 7 Milestone. Checks. Huflaker 23271 Douglas 51 f lfast 19-5 105 6 4 4 31 2s D Conncllv 7 Rochester, Impressive, Checks 22729 Belmont 51 f st 1 :05%fast 8 112 4 3 2 2b 2» D Connelly 8 Whimsy. Landslide, A. Plotter 20774 Douglas C-8 59s*fast 18 111 7 6 5 41 34 R Small 7 Bulse, Marse Henrv. Blood Test 20712 Douglas 5-8 l:01%fast 2 114 5 2 1 l1 l4 R Small 7 Col. Matt. Polroma. J.C.Welch 20584 Douglas 41 f 59 hvy fid 114 7 2 l1 2b R Small 10 Ingot, J.C.Welch. Rochester BELGIAN TROOPER, b. c. 3 99 By Sain— Wayward Lass L. H. Donnelly. 2S376 Laurel 5J f 1 :14 4hvy 77-10 110 1 2 3 3s ll I McTagrt 9 BroomCorn, Delancev, Landslide 23200 H.deGce 51 f 1 :0Sy5fast 5 112 6 5 4 32 X3 M Buxton 11 Ed. Henry. Gibraltar, O. Prince 23088 H.deGce 51 f 1 :0SV4fast 5 112 2 3 3 44 32 M Buxton 9 Woodstone. O. Prince. SeaBeach 22983 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 12 114 11 9 9 6 681 M Buxton 14 Remembrance. Wizard. O.Prince 22429 Saratoga 51 f 1 :07*ifast 15 112 10 10 9 61 *ia V Herliert 12 Chicle. Primero. Favour 22232 Saratoga 51 f l:12%hvy 13-5 114 1 6 7 7» 4« C Ganz 10 L.R.Vale, WatcrsIL, P.Conly FIFTH RACE — 1-2 Mile. Debutante Stakes. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. S1499 — 47—2—110. YERMILA. br. f, 2 118 By Jack Atkin— Lady Alicia J. O. and G. H. Keene. 26021 Lexton 5-8 58%fast IS 115 4 3 3 3« I" R Goose I Harry Kelly. W.Hoean. Midway 25869 Lexton 41 f 57s*mud 61 110 7 4 21 l5 R Goose 8 Jocular. BelieveMeBoys. Solveig : 25807 Lexton 1-2 52%hvy 32-5 112 2 6 6J 45 R Goose 12 Satin. Sweet Helen. Lynette ELIZABETH 115 By Salvation — La Reine Empress S.M.Henderson. 25072 Juarez 31 f 40f4fast 7-3 118 9 41 ll J Loftus 12 K.Chtham. Magmtina, S.Boots BELIEVE ME BOYS, ch. f. 2 110 By Cunard— Love -not E. R. Bradley. 25869 Lexton 41 f 57%mud 13-5 110 6 ll4 M C Kbaum S Yermila. Jocular. Solveig 25807 Lexton 1-2 52Vshvy 18 112 4 8 74 51 C Kbaum 12 Satin, Sweet Helen, Lynette BIT OF A DEVIL, b. f, 2 115 By Helmet— Melton Mowbray E. R. Bradley. 25853 Lexton 41 f 55%fast 19 112 2 1 1* lb C Kbaum S Miss Jazbo. BourbonLass, Jovial JOCULAR, b. f, 2 115 Bv Hilarious — Rosetinge Williams Bros.. 25869 Lexton 41 f 57mud 11 115 2 3 31 25 H Shilling 8 Y?rmila. BlieveMeBovs. Solveig 25836 Lexton 41 f 56%slow 39-10 102 4 2 U l3 H Shilling 9 J. Wiggins. The Duke, Treowen SUNFLASH, ch. f. 2 110 Bv Peep oDay— Algie M. Pastime Stable. 20070 Churchl 1-2 74 112 6 4 21 2i K LapaillelO Juvenile. BirdLore. BourbonLass 25990 Lexton 41 f 54%fast 22-5 112 9 6 7 715 F Teahan I Blue G. Belle. Jovial. Lit.Spider 25807 Lexton 1-2 52%hvy 14 112 8 6 4b 74 F Teahan 12 Satin. Sweet Helen, Lynette AURIGA, b. f, t 115 Bv Waterboy — School Mistress F. Schaller. 25869 liexton 41 f 57%mud 3 115 3 I 6 C8 F Murphy S Yermila. Jocular. BLveMeBoys , 25833 Lexton 41 f SO-slow 32 100 4 2 24 ll F Murphy 7 Bed. Stories. May W.. Aunt Liz i BOURBON LASS, b. f, 2 110 By Bourbon Beau — Lassie Gallaher Bros.. 26070 Churchl 1-2 47%fast 59-10 112 7 3 5" 4« W AndresslO Juvenile. Sunflash. BirdLore 25959 Lexton 41 f BSgood 51 112 4 3 5 34 W Andress 7 N. Waleutt. B.C. Belle. Juvenil- • 25853 Lexton 41 f 66%fast 19-5112 4 4 4 341 W Andress 8 B. of a Devil, MissJazbo, Jovial 1 | ■• I . = EVELYN V., br. f, 2 110 By Jack Atkin— Metsie C. C. Van Meter. 25S11 Lxton 41 f 58lshvy 33 104 7 7 7 7-« F Murphy 7 Nrumbega, Midway, F.Coleman ROSABEL, b. f, 2 110 By Ormondalc — Roman Gold R. L. Baker. Iirst start. I : ! : ; • SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Hindoo Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 1212S- 1:11— 2— 105. CHALMERS, ch. c. 4 108 By Peter Qnince— Lady Hope J. 8. HAwkdna. 26071 Churchl 3-4 l:ll%fast 24-5 108 3 1 1 lb 3i W W Tlor 9 Waterblossom, Bank, P.Hennis 26020 Lexton 3-4 1:12 fast 21 114 1 11 2» 21 W W Tlor 4 Con. Tower. Dr.Moore, CaughHill 25854 Lexton 3-4 1:12%fast 12-6 112 1 1 2 34 31 W W Tlr 8 Bank, Conning Tower, Royal II. 26792 Lexton 61 f 1:09 mud 19-5 111 7 2 2 4« 4° W W Tlor S Wblossom, EdHowd, M.Cassidy 20701 Douglas 3-4 l:ll%fast 3-4 110 2 1 1 21 2J L Gentry 4 B. Toney, L. Skolny, B.Hensley Z06O7 Douglas 3-4 1:12 good 22 107 3 1 1 lb 2b L. Gentry 7 B.sChoice, IronMask, Leoehares 20558 Douglas 3-4 1:15 mud 23-20 107 2 1 2 21 34 E Pool r. Sea Shell, G.Hughes, M.Cassidy 20317 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 13-5 107 1 1 1 24 24 W W Tlor 5 Leoehares, B.Flower, Win. Witch 20225 Churchill 61 f l:05%fast 5 104 4 2 2 3b 641 E Pool 8 leoehares, IronMask, HighNoon PRINCE HERMIS, ch. h, 6 115 By Hermis— Crimea L. Marion. 26073 Churchl :i-4 l:ll%fast 30 115 4 4 4 44 43 F Cooper 9 Waterblossom, Bank, Chalmers 23783 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :44Hfast 29-20 110 3 4 4 4 3* 2s A Mott 4 One Step. Hocnir. LittleString 2U753 Latonia lm70y l:42%fast 79-10 112 6 6 8 7 7s 623 J Hanover ! Werblossom, II. ODay. OneStep 23692 Latonia 3-4 l:14%hvy 3 114 2 4 3 31 31 E Pool 5 Hanovia, Dr. Larrick, Vogue i 23C25 Latonia 3-4 l:14%mud 43-20 114 5 5 3 3b 3s E Pool » O. Hughes, Vogue, Bringhurst I 23506 Latonia 1 1-16 1:44 %f ast 27-5 115 7 7 8 5 4» 5 E Pool 8 Ed Crump, B. Toney, S. Jasmine I 23361 Churchl lm70y l:45%mud 19-20 117 2 3 3 3 2b 2s E Pool 4 Fleetabelle, W. Witch, F. Riley ■ 23346 Churchl 3-4 l:13%good 41-6 108 10 5 4 3b In E Pool 11 Vogue, Pan Zareta, Iron Mask 23299 Douglas 3-4 l:12%good 49-5 103 4 5 3 ll l5 E Pool « Dr. Larrick. R. Goose, EdCrump 23183 Douglas lm70y l:42%fast 13-5 112 3 3 3 3 4s 47 E Pool 5 Ringling, L. Rotha, Dr. Larrick ED HOWARD, b. g, 4 105 By Cesarion — Line of Life J. Livingston. 25896 Lexton 3-4 l:16%mud 19-20 109 1 2 1 23 21 J Kederis 8 Noureddin. Sleeth. Cane Run 25792 Lexton 51 f 1:09 mud 10 104 4 3 3 22 24 J Kederis 8 Wblossom, M.Cassidy, Chalmers 23473 Churchl 3-4 l:12%fast 23-5 108 3 2 2 4 4* M Garner 4 Luke, Roscoe Goose, Gowell 23359 Churchl 3-4 l:15%mud 2 103 1 1 1 1° 1° J Kederis 7 Ghetto Girl. Ormulu, Luke 23182 Douglas 3-4 1 :12%fast 27-20 104 1 2 2 22 21 M Garner 4 ConningTower. Chartier, ForFair 23104 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 7-10 100 6 11 ll ll K Lapaille 7 M. Cassidy, T.Norman, EdithW. 22909 Lexgton 3-4 l:12%fast 1 103 1 3 1 l3 l2 J Kederis 4 Othello, Hawthorn. Bob Hensley 22839 Lexgton 3-4 l:12%fast 9-4 100 3 3 3 22 21 A Mott S Huntress, Droll. Dimitri 22451 Windsor 3-4 l:15%mud 7-6 96 2 1 1 1»* 2 R McDott 4 Sir Edgar, Ormulu, Othello GIPSEY GEORGE, b. g. 3 100 By Dick Welles — Animosity M. C. Moore. 25989 Lexton 1 1-8 l:51%fast 19 109 6 3 2 3 425 4" W Andress G Franklin. Bulse. Milestone 25961 Lexton 3-4 l:13%good 19-5 102 3 3 1 1J l2 W Meehan 7 Port Light. Othello, Dimitri 25894 Lexton 1 1-16 l:50%mud 17-5 110 112 2 3» 3° W Andress 4 Milestone, St. Isidore, Sanward 22064 Saratoga 51 f l:10%hvy 7 116 2 2 3 V 517JT McTaet ."i Col. Venule. W. Hackle, SunGod 21629 Belmont 51 f st 1:07 fast 4 111 8 6 8 81 SIC Disunion 9 Hands Off. Success,. Tralee 21320 Latonia 61 f l:10%hvy 19-20 108 Left at the post. W Meehan 9 Checks, Thormvood, Cardome 20817 Latonia 6-8 l:00%fast 61 112 1 11 l4 1» T McTagt 5 Ellison, BeyedKate, MofnenStar 20329 Churchill 6-8 l:01%fast 6-5 114 4 1 1 l4 l4 T McTagt 6 Disturber, Investment. Mary H. 20228 Churchill 41 f 64%fast 29-10 109 1 4 32 21 T McTagt 8 Cosmic, Sal Vanity, Disturber PORT LIGHT, b. g, 3 100 By Hamburg — Morningside Milam ft Levy. 25961 Lexton 3-4 l:13%good 17 102 6 6 4 2» 22 M Garner 7 Gipsey George. Othello, Dimitri 25896 Lexton 3-4 1.16%mud 21-5103 2 4 4 6b 611 F Murphy 8 Noureddin, Ed Howard, Sleeth 25810 Lexton 3-4 l:17%hvy 111 103 5 1 1 l5 1« M Garner » BenQuince, WiteCrown, Brooks 23596 Latonia 3-4 l:159»hvy fid 102 15 15 15 15 11" C VanDunlD Big Smoke, Cosmic. Checks 22507 Latonia 61 f l:06%fast 41-5 97 4 7 7 6« 6« J Morys 7 Kathleen, J.J.Muurdock, Cosmic 22411 Windsor 51 f l:07%fast 10J 108 5 2 1 l1! 3i F Cooper 7 Anita, Milestone. Dick Williams 22251 Windsor 51 f l:07%fast 16 107 7 7 7 7s 321 F Cooper 9 Anita, Water War, JackODowd 22135 FortErie 51 f l:ll%hvy 9-10 113 1 11 l2 1» P Goldstn 7 TarBrush, Milestone. Prohibition GROVER HUGHES, ch. g, 8 110 By Handsel — Stamen J. Umensetter. 26019 Lexton ll:38%fast 13-20 108 111 1 21 2" C Hunt 4 The Grader, Mons.Perci, Tokay 25975 Lexton 1 l:38%fast 6-5 109 1 1 1 1 lb Ink c Hunt 6 L.Rotha, I.Gtleman, Impressive 25795 Lexton lm70y 1 :46%mud 57-10 106 2 11 1 Is 1» C Hunt 6 Bay.Candle, Grumpy, Brynlimah 23739 Latonia 1 1:39 fast 51 99 9 5 3 8 9 9»i T Henry 9 Hanovia, Schemer. MarsCassidy 23692 Latonia 3-4 l:14%hvy 36-5 110 1 3 4 5 5si T Henry 5 Hanovia, Dr. Larrick, P.Hermis 23625 Latonia 3-4 l:14%mud 26-5 104 1 3 2 lb V T Henry G Vogue, Pce Hermis, Bringhurst 23519 Latonia lm70y l:43«fefast 13-5 108 12 3 3 4 421 T Henry 4 TheGrader. Schemer, Dr.Larrick 23505 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 101 97 7 5 3 11 l2 T Henry 7 Bringhurst, Fleetabelle, Useeit CHECKS, ch. g, 3 100 By Marathon — Monarda T. C. McDowell. 25S54 Lexton 3-4 l:12%fast 31 102 3 5 5 6l 710 B Martin 8 Bank, Conning Tower, Chalmers 23752 Latonia 1 l:40»£fast 67-10 108 7 4 5 3 3= 22 E Martin 8 Rifle Shooter, Cosmic. Ellison 23596 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 13-6 112 4 4 5 5b 3=1 E Martin 15 Big Smoke. Cosmic. Primero 23538 Latonia 51 f l:06%fast 29-10 112 2 1 1 Jb 531 E Martin 10 M. Henry, Milestone. L. Always 23488 Churchl 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 27-10 108 1 11 ll 11 E Martin 9 Rochester, JohnJr., J.J.Murdock 23402 Churchl 3-4 1:16 hvy 13-10 103 5 3 3 21 22 C VanDun 7 Milestone, Pockichoo, Huffaker 23271 Douglas 51 f l:06%fast 1 109 5 3 3 4b 47i R Goose 7 Rochester, Pockichoo, Ipressive FLEETABELLE, ch. f, 4 102 By Handsel— Mowitzka J. Greene. 23563 Latonia lm70v l:45%mud 2 105 1 1 1 1 l3 2» E Martin 3 Hanovia, Fleetabelle 23539 Latonia 1 1:38 fast 23 105 5 5 5 6 6 6e J Morys 6 Waterblossom Vogue. L. Rotha 23505 Latonia 3-4 l:12%fast 27 911 4 6 6 31 34 J Morys 7 G. nughes. Bringhurst, Useeit 23424 Churchl 11-16 1:48 mud 13-5 98 3 4 3 4 42 481 K Lapaille 5 Sleeth. Goldcrest Bov. G.HughPS 23361 Churchl lm70y l:45%mud 18-5 93 1 1 1 1 Is l3 K Lapaille 4 Pce Hermis, W. Witch. F.Riley 23297 Douglas 3-4 l:13Vfcslow 7 105 7 7 7 61 67 D Connelly 8 Tory Maid, Liberator. Dr.Carmen 23258 Douglas 1 1:39 fast 15 106 2 1 1 1 21 32 E Martin G One Step, Hanovia, B Flower : , i • 1 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 2600—1:42%— 3— 97. GEO. ROESCH, ch. c, 4 107 By Star Shoot— Olive Fant J. W. Schorr. 17856 Churchill 51 f 1:07 mud 9-10 108 3 6 4 21 21 J Collins 8 Dr. Carmen. Redland. Malabar 17645 Douglas 51 f 1:07 fast 37-10 108 4 3 3 2" 2- F Murphy 10 Amazon. Lit.String, LindaPayne 17209 Lexton 51 f l:07%fast 39-5 108 3 3 3 31 3"1 R Goose 4 Solly, Miss Fielder. Dr. Carmen COMMAURETTA, bDx. f. 4 105 By Tbe Commoner— Annie Lauretta W. J. Weber. 26024 Lexton 1 1-8 l:52%fast 17-10 106 4 4 5 3 3s 21 C Hunt 7 H. Howdy. Brookfleld. Flitaway 25964 Lexton 1 1-16 1:47 fast 8 105 4 8 8 6 33 3nt C Hunt 8 Cflagration. H.Howdy, Previll"- 25924 Lexton lm70y l:50%hvy 11-10 105 2 4 4 4 2s l5 C Hunt 7 Beauty Shop, Fidget.* M. Kruter 25838 Lexton lm70y l:46%slow 13 105 6 8 7 6 4! 4] C Hunt 8 H. Howdy, Fly Home, HardBall 23784 Latonia 2 1-4 3:50%fast 14-5 90 8 I 3 10 10 1044 C Hunt 10 S.Jsmine, Ebroldery. Dillusion 23742 Latonia 1 1-4 2:06%fast 18 93 6 1 2 4 41 4*1 C Hunt 7 Disillusion, Mockery. Ringling 23595 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49andhvy 11 96 2 4 4 4 4 i» C Hunt 4 Goldcrest Boy. Syrian. Resign 23566 Latonia lm70y 1:47 mud 11-10 99 2 8 7 6 44 31 C Hunt 10 St.Carlcote, W.Crown, Bkthorn RROOKFIELD, br. g. 6 106 By Yankee Gun— Black Tail F. D. Weir. 26076 Churchl 11-16 1:47 fast 42-5 103 111 1 21 2l F Cooper 7 Sleeth, IrishGentleman, Shyness 26024 Lexton 1 1-8 l:52%fast 5 105 1 1 1 1 ll 331 F Cooper 7 H.Howdy, Cmauretti. Flitaway 25977 Lexton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 5 104 2 1 1 1 11 2b F Cooper 8 Injury, Camellia Billows 25964 Lexton 11-16 1:47 fast 24 107 2 3 6 8 7 7»° B Marco 8 Conflagratn, H.Howdy.Cometta 25808 Lexton 3-4 l:17Vfchvy 66 110J 3 6 8 7» 7" J McCabe 8 Father Riley, BillyJoe, S.Heart 24298 Juarez 7-8 l:26%fast 7-5 100 2 1 2 2 21 4«1 B Marco 5 Blarney, King Box. Bonanza 24208 Juarez 11:38 fast 31 92 3 1 2 2 2l l"" B Marco 0 St. of Love, Wilhite, HardBall 24190 Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 8 92 3 4 4 44 651 B Marco 0 Seneca, Mex, Furlong 24172 Juarez 7-8 l:25%fast 8 96366B6 571B Marco 5 Curlicue, S. of Love, Kootenay CONFLAGRATION, br. g. 7 111 By Star Ruby— Ashes G. Arvin. 259C4 Lexton 11-16 1:47 fast 21 107 7 4 3 4 21 lb C Jones G H.Howdy, Cmauretta, Preville 25871 Lexton 1 1-16 l:50%mud 8 111 5 4 3 2 2« 28 C Jones I M. Fannie. Dude. Transportation 25798 Lexton lm70y l:49%mud 27 107 6 7 8 8 710 720 T Buckles 8 IrishGentleman, Borgo, OlgaStar 26617 H.Spgs 1 1-16 1 :47*4sfast 2 111 2 21 1 1» 2 W War on 5 Flitaway, JohnGraham, LaMode 25692 H.Spgs 3-4 1:14 fast 6 111 5 6 6 51 43 E Haynes 7 JackReeves, Osaple, StoutHeart 25527 H.Spgs Dn70y 1:46 fast 8-5 108 1 1 1 1 ll l1 E Haynes 5 Flitaway, Serf Savin, La Mode 25478 H.Spgs 3-4 l:13%fast 60 1051 8 8 8 83 7»! C Jones 9 StoutHeart, Roy.Tea, Kootenay 26412 H.Spgs 11:39 fast 20 106 6 6 6 6 6 61 C VnDun G P. Zareta, Grumpy, B.Hensley 25071 Havana 1 1:39 fast 8-6 104 3 3 3 4 2l 31 C Jones 5 Othello. O bolus, Stonehenge BILLOWS, b. m, 5 104 By Cunard — Princess Titania I. M. Murphy. 25977 Lexton 1 1-16 1:46 fast 38 110 3 2 2 2 41 4=1 W W Tlor 8 Injury, Brookfleld, Camellia 19321 Juarez 1 l:38%fast 6 90 3 4 4 4 5*1 45 T Henry 8 N.McDee, Transact, Voladay Jr. 19230 Juarez 1 1:43 fast 8-5 100 4 2 2 2 l2 1» T Henry 8 Bonanza, Beulah S., H. Walbank 19121 Juarez 11:39 good 8 89 4 2 2 2 32 32 T Henry 8 Rash. Pay Streak, Gor. Russell 19047 Juarez 11-8 1:53 fast 2 886112 2S22T Henry 8 Spindle, Melts. Mud Sill 18963 Juarez 11:40 fast 16 93 5 3 2 3 35 3ll T Henry 5 Gord. Russell, Cecil. L. H. Adslr 1S581 Juarez 3-4 l:13%fast 15 105 3 2 2 54 5*1 J Howard 8 Osaple, HardBall, Salon 18349 Latonia lm70y l:44%fast 14 102 3 3 2 3 51 5°i J Acton 12 Bermudian, First Degree, Birka CARDIGAN, blk. g, 4 107 By Yankee— Raglan G. R. Senn. 24872 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast 31 113 6 4 4 2b li C VanDun 9 Sir L Joe, Garl. Salon 24609 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14%fast 9-5 109 1 6 6 32 ll J McTagrt ! A. Kruter. Talebearer B Wine 21381 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast 21 109 4 5 f. 54 4b F Keogh .8 Miss Fannie, Viley. Kelsetta 23154 Douglas 3-4 l:13%good 14-5 105 11 6 7 71 75 F Murphy 12 M. Goosbv. Charmeuse, Furlong 22974 Lexgton 3-4 l:13Msfast 51 99 10 6 5 6» 441 H Stearns 10 Grecian, Lackrose, Uncle Hart 22343 Windsor 61 f l:09%hvy 21-10 108 4 4 3 3s 2s F Cooper 12 VIdet. Langhorne Zln Del 21293 Hamton 3-4 l:14V4fast 2 104 5 5 J 2*1 E Taplin 11 Crystal. Celebrity. Meelicka 20776 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast fid 1011 9 11 11 11 9" JB Ott 11 B.andSaddle. M.Cassidy. D.Crmen 20530 Douglas 3-4 l:14%mud 144 107 7 6 6 61 62» B Ott 7 B. and Stars. R. Goose. Un.Bryn HARD BALL. br. h. 5 109 By Golf Ball— Nanine Noland J. N. Mounce. 26075 Churchl 1 1-16 l:46%fast 14 106 9 Fell. H Shilling 9 M. Maker. G.Post. Char.Franeis 25964 Lexton 11-16 1:47 fast 32-5 106 8 6 4 5 B BlT Buckles 8 Cflagraticn. H.Howdv Curetta 25919 Lexton lm70y l:48%hvy 27-10107 4 2 2 2 2« 23 T Buckles 7 Sam. R. Meyer. Dorcris. Dude 25898 Lexton lm70y 1 :47%mud 41-10 107 8 3 2 2 3= 2» T Buckles 8 Sosius, Pleasureville, Intone 25838 Lexton lm70y 1:46%sIow 22-5 110 8 7 6 2 3 3 T Buckles 8 H.Howdy. F.Home, Comauretta 25226 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 8-5 115 2 3 3 3 3"k 451 E McEwen 5 Mon. Maker, Bonanza. J.Graham 25122 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 11-6 112 2 5 5 5 4nk 2b H Shilling 3 M. Maker, Dundreary. Bonanza 25058 Juarez 7-8 1:24%fast 7 102 8 5 5 4 41 1 T Hayes 8 Lackrose. Just Goebel. Yallaha 24914 Juarez 7-8 l:25%fast 4 103 6 6 4 2 34 3* H Shilling 6 Lackrose, Curlicue, Olga Star 24S83 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 3 108 4 5 4 4 4*1 34 C Gross 5 Dundreary, Lit. String, Curlicue MABEL DULWEBER. ch. f. 4 110 By Transvaal— Lauretta Burke W. V. Walshl. 25872 Lexton 1 1-16 l:53?fcmud 5-4 107 1 2 2 2 1»1 l6 F Murphy 6 H. Howdy, Choctaw, Tillotson 25838 Lexton lm70y l:46%slow 11 110 5 3 3 7 7" 712 F Murphy 8 H. Howdv, Fly Home, HardBall 25606 H.Spgs lm70y l:46%slow 2 109 2 1 2 2 11 11 F Murphy 8 Fairly, Scallywag. Harwood 25581 H.Spgs lm70y l:44%fast 21 108 1 2 2 2 2" 21 F Murphy 6 Balgee, D. of Shelby, Transport 25560 H.Spgs 3-4 1:14%fast 12 106 8 6 6 61 6»3 F Murphy 8 Balgee, Old Bob, Bevelry James 25255 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:47fast 4 103 1 3 4 5 3nk 331 F Murphy 8 Yenghee, Lynn, Diadi 25139 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46%fast 31 102 3 2 3 2 4»1 4» F Murphy 7 Orperth. Helen M., Intone 24979 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46%f ast 8 104 5 4 4 3 2b 2» F Murphy 8 Aristocrat, Dartworth, Yodeles 24S73 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:49%fast 3 107 7 6 5 4 lb 11 F Murphy 9 Miss Waters. Tivi, LuckyGeorge YENGHEE, ch. g. 6 m By Yankee— Monarka J. A. Gibson. 2o3:j2 N.Orl ns lm.Oy l:4i%fast 5 116 1 3 4 4 21 lJC VanDun 9 M.Herrmann, L.Bigger, Arisct 2525o N.Orl ns 1 1-16 l:47%fast 8-5 113 5 4 3 1 1» 1» C VanDun 8 Lynn, Mabel Dulweber. Diadi 251o8 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46%fast 3 11! 4 2 2 2 1 1 C VanDun 9 Lynn, ClItT Edge, Birka "W N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46%f ast 8 108 2 3 4 6 61 6«J C VanDunll G.M.Miller. H.Lauder, Intone 2o026 N.Orlns lm20y l:41%fast 2 111 9 5 3 2 2* 32 C VanDunlO Diadi. Monsieur Perci. Gerrard 24921 N.Orlns 1 l:41%slow 6 111 6 6 4 3 3» 353 C VanDun 7 Miss Thorpe. La Mode. Larkin 244o8 N.Orl ns 3-4 l:15V»hvy 6 109 1 5 5 44 4" C VanDun 6 The Spirit, Harbard, Zln Del 4410 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast 8 119 9 9 8 72 4»1 C VanDunlO Gabrio, Presumption, E. Bryson ESW*** f * 89 By siT Huon— Bonnie Kate C. W. Gasser. 25S: 6 Lex ton 1 l:41%fast fid 117 2 4 3 3 3nk 21 L Mink 11 Man. Hamilton. Deliver Popnee 25796 Lex ton 3-4 l:17%mud 69 107 3 4 4 71 581 G W CarlUO Lucky R., Julia L., Blue Cap „;;2: Juarez 3-4 l:12%fast 8-5 105 1 12 21 24 H Phillips « Brooks, Savino. Water Warbler l.llt Juarez 1-8 1:26 fast 11-6 106 1 1 1 1 11 15 E Haynes 8 Brooks, Leah Cochran. Veldt 2410o Juarez 61 f 1:07 fast 6 107 1 1 2 24 21 E Haynes 7 Bank. Brooks. Baby Cal IISS- Juarez H 1:01. fast 3 109 1 4 3 21 21 E Haynes 12 Brooks. Laugh. Water. l%£l TUarZ H i1:n?aS? 5 *2 1 I * 5 n R "aynes Shell Do, Bank. Thelma Marie oTI arez 5-8 l:01%fast 4 99 5 5 4 43 4* J Morys 9 Baby Cal. Prepaid. Veldt 23.11 Latonia 1 l:41%good 19-6 107 4 7 7 6 4b 45§ E Pool 11 LouiseStone, Veldt, BwnVelvet £5%*£: f 8 , , . 89 By Nasturtium— Divination J. C. Yeager. ,n~, „ ££•and£!£"" ;J:1?aS! 2108 4 3 2 2 31 4J T Koerner 9 Red Cross, Clara Morgan, Lynn 250S3 N.Orlns ll:41%fast 9-5 105 1 2 1 1 1» ll M Garner 10 Little Bieeer Larkin Bobolink 22 S-Sr,,.M lm2° HJH"! 5x 102 4 4 3 2 2. 22* M Garner ft Illuminato? Larkin TBo tffA 2-°,r .nS ,J !:22£U* and 22 i * 1 X lh 56* R McIVott • Larkin. Little Bigeer. Taka uttt S-R1" .n! ?i V .« ;- 10J 8 8 6 "2 12~- M Garner 12 Mary H.. Blue Cap. Al Pierce MMi N.Orl ns 3-4 l:14%good la 98 4 3 3 4b 34 M Garner 10 Linda Pavne Tribolo CaDt Ben 21741 Windsor 5-S l:01%fast 31-10 103 11 9 8 94 7»» M Garner 12 Bon.sFirst Matr x Pee 5Brien 20950Latona 5-8 l:02V4mud 20 100 4 7 7 7 6» K Lapaille 7 BlackieDaw. Popnee Tnornwood ■"W37 Latonia 6-8 1 rOUfcfast 41 100 6 4 3 6» Rl B Ott 7B Daw. Cardome. DlrS* H?E ynjt"« *•.?•, 3„,. " By Transvaal — Cyprienne E. C. Arnold. ggL«x;ton ll;16 1:a3%mud 26 108 6 5 3 3 2h 1 R Goose 9 Disturber. TheCarmet. C.McNab SSrfifS *1;S?Vy ?I J03 2 J 4 6* 67*F cooPer 9 Edna Kenna. W. Pitzer. C.Orme 2H ato"ia =fi !:?A?H!Vy 12 112 9 6 7 9 8-iO Garner 10 M.B.Thnrman. .T.C.Welch. Jerry mSSSUSS iniiHlr* S HI 3 * * *■ 1*J Acton * tl*t*wt*52r*.nwJv, Damietta lii% FortErie o-S l:04%hvy 22 104 2 3 3 52 31 J Acton 8 Margerv Mavire W Bern ni 2saS°2K! 5* H:Svy ™ m * 7 8 918",.T Acton II Yermak Lmie Bigger. Tiajan 55?£0rtT?rta roS,1:0h,vy V l03 5 7 7 6= 4U.T Acton s Phlbition. S.ofPsure, Damietta ll£ ?am ton 5-8 1:n2%sop 8 112 9 10 10 104 9" A Mott 11 T. Tush. S. Stalwart Greenwood 21301 Latonia 6-8 l:03%slop 31 105 1 2 1 41 V J A Mott 1 1 Disturber. Savino. Illummator M.T: 9LABI?,b; * * 1" Bv Wadsworth— Veneta W. P. Johnson. 25872 Lexton 1 1-16 l:53%mud M 10 ,„ 107J 6 6 6 5 5 5 « R Guv f, M Dulweber H HnS rwt,™ XSSfSLV" ln170vl:52v,hvy 41-6 ltt" 8 7 8 10 10» 10" R Cuy 11 s.iJpass ng llene iTctlna Lnn SSandS;81 W5:ff%!! I* m 1 X J J * P Murphy f Fairly. Ataboy? Toy nbl-e ?S-|p.BS V„16,1:r?,zfaS5i ?-5 108 7 3 3 4 44 4» F Murphy 7 Linbrook, Fatrlr. Bndwelser Earn «P.SS lm70y ;:Hmu? L "0 1 3 2 2 2 2» F Murphy 6 Stanleys.. Transport, Drtworth SS-K" w iil:8»S2 U V?n and * ! I BmS1? Murphy 8 Consoler. Linbrook. C.AshmeauS StlHS i3",tVi%ra=f ? V,°. I B,Jt,.L Gentry 7 Intone. Serenata. Rubicon II. »«1 H.Bpgl 11-16 1 1:48 fast 7 114 5 6 r 5 4 7 72 R Guy 7 Stanleys Tovnhee r Aalinid* 25360 N.Orlns 11-16 l:47V4fast 7 HI 5 7 6 6 41 3«J L Gratry 7 wSSmS KeTwtU BEAN SPILLER, b. g. 4 102 By Cunard— Dorset Flower M. Quinn. 25972 Lex ton 3-4 1 :13%fast 120 M 8 8 X 7 7™ C Hunt 11 IM-..R. Rrizz. Imlo Bart 254:3 Juarez 7-R 1 .6%faM 5 1«0 7 4 4 3 3* 3*1 R Willms !» Engraver. Mar-us. Leduc 2a."45 Juarc: ; f 1 07%fast 20 103 7 7 • •» 6" R Willms 7 hi Mnhdi. Motropolilan. i.cduc 26247 Juarez 1 1 :41%fast 4 95 4 1 1 1 2* V J Morys 7 P.Mgomery. F.Star. FranccsG. KM Juarez 3-4 1:12%fast 7 97 6 2 4 4 j 5*1 O Gentry 7 Rosemary. Leduc, Frances G. 25120 Juarez 1 1:40 fast 8-5 99311 1 1! 1! T Hayes 0 Henry Walbank. Rev, Vtreo 25090 Juarez 1 l:38%fast 10 98 3 1 1 1 2*1 2*1 T Hayes 8 LouisePaul. Virgiedot. N.McDee 25007 Juarez 1 l:40%fast 7 100 10 8 7 6 51 5«1 E Graves 10 Eck Davis, Irish Kid. Virgiedct 24906 Juarez 1 l:40%fast 8 104 8 4 4 8 61 6»1 E Cullen 12 B. Johnson. Irish Kid. Virgiedot LOUISE PAUL. b. m. 8 106 By Kilkerran— The Crisis H. Field. :T.978 Lexton 1 1-16 l:47%fn?t 10 111 6 3 3 3 6* V L .entry K Little Bigger, Gnlaw.iv. H.Rose 25 .71 lexton 1 1-10 l:50%mud 38 109 4 3 4 6 5s 5= = R Guy 0 M. Fannie. Conflagration, Dude 25313 Juarez 1 1:38 fast 8 M 5 2 2 3 3- 4!J J Morvs 7 Feinating, Cnaught, J. Graham 2:.L»03 Juarez 1 l:39%fast 3 103 2 1 1 2 21 3J A Pickens 5 J.Graham. Flitaway. Counauglit 25090 Juarez 1 l:38%fast 4-6 105 1 2 2 2 1* 1*1 A Pickens b BennSpiller. Virgiedot. N.MeDee 25006 Juarez 1 l:38%fast 8 lo5 3 2 2 2 4"* 41 A Pickens C MonevMaker, J. Graham. MudSi.l 24939 Juarez 1 1 :39%fast 8 105 1 1 1 1 It* JS a Pickens 7 Mon.Maker. Linbrook. J.Graham 2491« Juarez 1 l:40%fast 7-10 104 3 6 6 6 5*1 6» W Schorn 8 Rey, Vireo, Dean Splller YOBK LAD. br. h. 7 109 By Yorkshire Lad— Addle P. M. drill. 25619 H.Spgs lm70y l:46%fast 31 102 6 2 3 4 54 4«1 A Carroll 11 Fairly, Originator, Celebrity i 25604 H.Spgs 3-4 l:15%slow 6-5 112 1 11 Is Is A Carroll 7 S. Ballot, Undaunted. SmokyDan ■ 25577 H.Spgs 3-4 1:15 fast 8-5 113 4 4 3 21 2h A Carroll 7 HnzelDale. ShortBallot. Vampire ■ 25560 H.Spgs 3-4 1:14%fast « 106 3 2 3 4» 4J A Carroll 8 Balgee. Old Bob, Bevelry James r 25544 H.Spgs 3-4 l:14%fast 21 111 3 11 2* 21 A Carroll 8 Lvndora, Smoky Dan, Mug 25526 H.Spgs lm70y l:46%fast 8-5 107 4 2 1 1 21 4*1 A Carroll 7 Toynbee, Hedge Rose, Fairly 25503 H.Spgs 61 f l:08%fast 4 105 5 3 3 21 2» A Carroll 8 Capt.Ben, MurielsPet, BlueWing

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