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OTTAWA TAKES KINDLY TO MUTUELS. Meeting at the Dominion Capital Opens with Fine Attendance and Racing. Ottawa. Out.. June 15. — Despite disagreeable weather the oniiaught lark Jockey Club had a brilliant opening this a filiate— Threatening clouds hung over the course all afternoon, but a large crowd was present and enjoyed the apart, Tlie niutuels were introduced to the Ottawa public for the first tune and race j.o.-rs took to the new system of speculation like a duck to water. Speculation on the opening race was a bit liht. but it inereased in volume when the bettors got wanned up u bit. The program was a well arranged one, Continued on second page. OTTAWA TAKES KINDLY TO MUTUELS. Continued from first page. witli the Connaught Cup Handicap and a steeplechase over the two-mil:1 coune as the features. James Barry, ■ newcomer in racing, furnished the ■ -inner of the Connaught Cup in Thoruhiil. wliich won in a canter alter coming from the rear division in the drive through the homestretch. In the early running Lady MM and Irinulu went to the front nil the pace with Thorn-hill and Beeoil following. In the final quart, r when Scliamcrhom called on him. Thornhill responded with a rush and at the finish had a three length lead over Lady Curzon. The steeplechase went to Frijolee whieli won under restraint. A hot tip was circulated about Chester Krum and he was made an 8 to 5 favorite. Boyle rode I desperate race en him. After going one turn of the field. Chester Krum had enough and retired. Idle Michael bled and was palled up. The first race was timed privately as follows: 24.. 48%, 55%. The second race was privately timed in I :iil ■•-,. F. J. Stevens has rejoined the Bedwell forces. having succeeded Wlli.m Short as trainer an I manager of the Yarrow Brae Stable, the noni eh-course under which Bedwell races at the half mile tracks. Frecl Dressen is an arrival from Kentucky. He is in charge of the ticket room at C uuiauglit Park. There are over 400 horses stabled at Connaiiglit Park, the largest number since the course was built. Ban-pict is rejiorted to have gone wrong in Kentucky. This is one ..f tie- colts that B. J. Walden ilap»tJ of la-t fall before returning to Marilanl. U.moHot v. as purchased by H. B. Goriti. Qui eel. in the same stable, wliich wa- -c h.e..|. | .ever the •mips all spring by steeplechase jockey SI tor. is here in the- Garth stable-. He is about ready to make his maiden cfTort through the field and is said to be a promising fencer. Jockey A. Mott was in arrival from Montreal this morning. Mott will do the riding for the W. A. Burttschcll •table during the Connaught Park me-ting, at the conclusion of which he will join his contract employer, A. L. Austin, at Hamilton. Three of the J. E. Seagram horses are expected MM from Toronto tomorrow morning. The remainder of the Seagram string, stabled at Woodbine, will be shipped to Hamilton. J. W. Healy has applied for a trainers license. He will look after the horses that Lewis Garth lias lieen training during the hitters absence in England. Garth will sail for England next week. He left for his home at Charlottesville. Va.. Tuesday night and will spend a week with his family liefore going abroad. William Garth will return to New York in a few days to look after the division of his stable that is at Belmont Park. The track at Connaught Park this spring is in splendid condition. It was resoiled last fall and the turns regraded.