Answers To Queries., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-16


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ANSWERS TO QUERIES. Communications wilhou; names and addresses j I will not M noticed nor answered. N. answers will I be sent by mail and none by wire unless Naif pre- | aajaaaal is aaaee at time of wiring query. M. P.. Lexington. Ky. Prior to June 14 the name of Wilhite had not appeared in the entries since the Juarez meeting. P. F., Covington, Ky. On May 30 Syrian was 225 to 100 place and Bonanza 120 to 100 place, the return being .15. B. M.. St. Louis. Mo. It was M. Garner who rode Temptation in race 26*22. G. Garner rode at Louisville that day. J. T. S., Detroit, Mich. A parlay to show on two aaraea in the same race would win if both I re placed and would bo computed at their M s|h-ctive prices just as if they were in dilTerent ■ :u . J. A.. Jr., Cincinnati. O. At Buffalo. X. Y., the eastern edition of Daily Racing Form is on sale us early in the morning as any other news paper. Its index numbers are the same as those of the Chicago edition. M. L. F.. New Orleans. La. An error in a newspaper could not affect the facts as to ownership. The ThorncUlYe Stable entry was Keeoil and King Hamburg, while Schemer belonged to N. Macfar-lane, and could not lie backed as a member of the ThornclifTe Stable entry. .1. Ch. M., Chicago. 1 A horse beaten four lengths at three-quarters in 1:13% would probably run the distance in aliout 1:14. 2 A length actually means the length of a horse, but in praetiee is treated as being about ten feet, which is much more than the real length of a horse.

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Local Identifier: drf1916061601_1_4
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