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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. Wednesday, June 14, 1916. — First elay. Maiseenneuvi- Park Jockcv Clubs First Meeting ..f 7 days, ill books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Martin Nathanse.n. Starter. W. M. Murray. Racing Secretary, Martin Nathaiison. 26906 First Race— About 0 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 25: see-ond. 0: third. 825. Ind. Horse-. Wt.Fiu. Jockey. Oil. CI. PI. 20389 Luc Morois 113 l1 C Ballinger." » 1 86631 Tze-Lsi . 108.2 T Mc-Culh 2 1". 1 -i6430 A. Bgewater 115 ::• F Jenkins 10 15 26428-Ann Seott 107 4 J. C White 5 4 S-n 20588 Peach RlosmlOT V J Cruis- :!-2 2 1 86666 Rip V. W"l;le US t;: W Young 5 5 2 2C621*nota 102 73 T Buckles : 2J 1 •Star Pearl 115 S J Daniels 10 if. I Time-. 25%. 52. 1:88%, 1:25%. Track good. Show oibls Lucille Morois. 1; l-f; Allen Bridge-water. 3: Ann Se-ott. 3-5; Peach Blossom. 1-2; Kip Van Winkle. 1; Onota. 1-2; Star Pearl. 3. Winner — D. Hills eh. in. 5. by " Pe-e-p oDay -En. lire- trained by D. Hill; bred by Mr. Garrett Watts. , 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 , I Went to at 2:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won i-asil; neraBel and thirel driving. The v. iiiniT was eatered tor £200; no bid. overweight. Ire-Lsi. 1 pound. — a. 2CS07 See-ond II. ice- About 5-3 Mile-. Purse 00. 3-ye-ar-olds and upward. Selling. Nit value to winner 25; sceonel. 0: third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockev. Op. O. PI. 20434 Elizab.-th LeelOT. 1 J Acton 3-2 1 2-3 26624 Eddie Mott 114 2n C Peak 10 10 4 264 74 A. C. Haley 114 ■ .1 Laix-v 4 5 2 26389 Teeto 112 4 G Corey 4 5 2 86431 Fort Monroe 117 .I"* .1 Daniels LJ : , 1 20582 Borel 11:5 6 S Wcilstm Pi * 3 26350 Rifle BrigadalM 7* C White 15 15 6 26431 Johnny Wis.- 114 S W Levee G « 2 20349 Tower 113 9= W Hinphy 12 10 4 25852 Muskmelon 112 10 F Jenkins 0*4 22634+Civil 112 11 C Balling.rlO 10 4 17096 Charles B. 114 Fell. E Cull.-n 5 0 2 ■fOmitte-el from entries. Time. 24%. 50, 1:02. Track good. Show odds— Elizabeth Lee. 1-3: Edelie Mott. 2; A. C. Haley. 1: Teeto. 1; Fort Monroe. 1-2; Borel, 3-2: Rifle Rrigade. 3; Johnny Wise. 1; Tower, 2; Muskmelon. 2; Civil Lass. 2; Charles R.. 1. Winner — C. H. Rowes br. f. 3. by Marta Santa — Siss Lee trained by H. Mock; bred by Mr. W. S. Payne. Went to post at 3:10. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-1 ing. The- winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights — Elizabeth Lee, 4 poumls. 26908 Third Rae — About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olels ami upward. Selling. Net value- to winner 25; sceeind. 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Joe-key. Op. CI. PI. 20529 * Burette- 112 1» R Lowe 0 6 2 26665 Marie OT.rirnlll 2 R Shilling 5 5 2 26005 Anavri 114 3 A NIckhtun.T 4 2 26772 Laura 112 4- C Whymk 10 10 4 23731 Kurlous 114 5 J Acton 4 4 2 25671 *Sir Dyke 109 C T Buckles 3-3 8-8 4-8 20534 :*Ada Anne 107 V I F Jenkins 2 2 1 26350 -Lyndora 104 8 C AVhite 20 S 3 Time, 24%, 50%, 1:02%. Track good. Show odds — Burette-. 1; Marie OBrien. 1; Anavri, 1; Laura. 2; Curious, 1; Sir Dyke, 2-5; Ada Anne, 1-2: Lyndora. 3-2. Winner — II. C. Airharts ch. m, 7. by Ornament — Tweedledum trained by H. C. Airhart; bred by Mr. Hal Price Headle-y. Went to post at 3:40. At post 2 minutes. Start goeiel and slow. Won driving; se-cond and thirel the same. The winner was iiiteri-d for 00; no bill. Overweights — Lyndora, 3 pounds. 26909 Fourli Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olels and upward. Selling. Net value to winne-r 25; second. 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Joe-key. Op. CI. PI. 202200 Tin True 110 1J W Hinphv 4 4 3-2 26622 Bevry Jameslll 21 J Daniels 1 4-5 2-5 26404Nellie B. 105 31 F Jenkins 3-2 2 2-3 26593 Reel Cross 109 43 .1 Laney 4 4 2 26432 Leoma 11:1 5 C Peak 10 10 4 23370J. MacOinsllO 0 J Alton 15 4 2 Time-. 24. 49%, 1:01%. Track good. Show odds-O "Iis True. 3-5; Revelry James, out: Ne-llie R.. out; Bed Cross, 1; Lcoma, 3-2; J no. Mac-Giniiis, 1. Winner— G. T. Huttons b. g. 0. by Otis— Jennie II. trained by G. T. Hiitton; bred by Mr. Barney Schreiber. „ Went to post at 4:05. At post 4 minutes. Start goceel and slow. Won driving: see-ond and third the same. The- winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights — Leoma, 3 pounds. 26910 Fifth Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse R300. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. Ind. Horse-. Wt.Fin. Jockev. Op. CI. PI. 26586 LittlestRebel 113 1J T McCullh 4 2 1 26626 Mrs. Mc 113 21. J Acton 4 4 2 26114 G. W. Kiskerll2 3" R Shilling 10 10 1 26529 Muv Buena 118 4 C Peak 3 3 6-5 26430-Miss Geneve 110 5 J Howard 2l 4 2 26659 Arcene 112 f.1. A Nicklaus ti . i. 26269 John. Harris 115 7" C Jackson 15 15 f. 20428 Clynta 110 8 C liallingerll 20 8 26319 Eye White 115 9 A Carroll 15 15 « 26508 = 11. arthstone 115 Pu.up.WHphy **, :i ti-5 Time. 24%, 49%, 1:01. Track good. Show odds— Littlest Rebe-1. 1-2: Mrs. Me. 1: G. W. Kisker. 2; Muy Buena. 3-5; Miss Ge-nevievi-, 1; Arcene. 1; Johnny Harris. 3; Clynta. 4; Eve White-, 3; H-aithstone. 3-5. Winner — W. R. Hursts h. m. 5. by McOee — Gold Rose trained by J. IIe i e; bre-el by .Mr. Thomas J. Clay. Went to post at 4:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; se-e-ond and third the same-. The winner was entere-el for 00; no bid. 26911 Sixth Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olels and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; se-coml. 0; third. 5. 1ml. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI 26530 No Managerlir. 1 S WolsCm 4 3 1 26775-Indifferent 110 2 C Whvmk 10 7 3 26.892 Skeets 115 3 C Peak 3-2 1 1-2 26659 Birel Man 113 4. J Howard 4 5 2 26774 Kastara 113 B H Chapp.ll 2 3 1 36614 Paw 115 81 C Shockley 20 10 4 26430 Belle Terre 113 IS A Finh-y 4 n I 26582 3*Odd Cross 105 X W Richey 10 10 4 Time. 24, 49% 1:01. Track good. Show oelds — No Manager, 1-2; Indifferent. 3-2;-Skeets. 13; Bird Man, 1; Castara, 1-2; Paw, 2; Belle Terre. 1; Odd Cross. 2. Winner — 11. J. Bedwells br. g. 5. by Nasturtium — K-ity of the West trained by F. J. Ste-vens; bred by Mr. George J. Stolll. Went to jHist at 4:55. At post 15 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second anil third driving. The winner was e-ntered for 00; no bid. 26912 Seventh Race — 1 1-10 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Not value- to winner 25: see-ond. 0: thirel. 5. Ind. Horse-. Wt.Fin. Jockev. Op. CI. PI. 26625 Mud Sill 109 1" w Hinphv 2 2 1 26663 J. Mareiuette 116 23 F Jenkins 2 3 1 26061 -Muzanti 8M 3= A Claver 4 21. 1 26781 Luther 113 4" S Wolstm 3-2 3-2 2-3 26834*Tarleton P. 99 5 T Buckles 4 4 3-2 Time. 25%, 60%, 1:21. 1:46%, 1:53%. Track good. Show- odds Mud Sill. 1-2: Joev Mar.|iiette, 1-2; Muzanti. 1-2: Luther. 1-3; Tarleton P.. 3 5. Winner — W. A. McKinneys b. g. S. by Captain Sicsliee — Wyola trained by W. A. MiKiiiney: bred by Mr. J. Hal Woodford. We-at to post at 5:29. At post 2 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; see I and third driving. The winner was entered for 00; no bid.