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JAMAICA ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior uiud runner. M inaideus. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track re.-orel: 74572—1:00—2—109. Ind. Horse. Wt. Be-e. A.Wt.Han. 20*24* Nonesuch 103 1:01% 110x725 253*1 Riposta 112.. 720 208753* Moonlighter M... 105.. 720 20*75 Spinster M 107.. 715 Sandal, b. c, by Ormondale — Sand- spit 1 110 Nonesuch did not run his race last time out. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Colts and Ge-lelings. Selling. Traek record: 20191 — 1:12 — 4 — 118. 88888 Rey Oakwood 115 1:14% 4 110X700 20791 Gammon M 110 1:15% 4 105X095 20S27 Woodfair M 105 1:15% 4 146..4B8 20523* Ash Can 98 1:13 if. 5 100X090 Re-y Oakwood appears the best of this bad lot. Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olels and upward. Selling. Traek record: 50073 -1 :43%— 3— 10S. 20793::* FENMOISK 102 1:45% 4 100X740 26803 Woodward 8 186X788 26843 Prince Henry 4 121X730 26388** Bertodano 105 1:44% 0 113x725 20730 Typography 97 1:52%h 3 90x710 Fenmouse has been racing well in high-class coin-pa ny. Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Clarenelon Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: 45457—1:45% — 1—105. 20902 Barberry Candle.. .100 1:44% 5 124X735 20902 : Rhine Maiden .... 4 104x730 20803 Woodward 100 1:40% 3 107X730 20545 Blue Thistle 117 1:45% 7 11.8X725 20*43- Sasin 104 1:47%m 3 102.. 725 24485 Holiday 105 1:40 5 95x720 20747 Magnet 108 1:45 5 111.. 720 Bayberry Candle is right good, but may not be able to concede the weight. Fifth Race — 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 21009—1:52 — 5—98. 207!9* Gallop 5 108X725 28528* Monocacy 108 1:55% 0 107x720 205993* Jem 4 103x715 38888** Stilwart Helen ...102 1:50% 4 104x715 249K5* M-nl Park MB 1:55% 4 103x715 24747* Col. Holh.way 93 1:52% 7 107X705 Contenders are we-11 matched. Sixth Race — 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maide-ns. SiH-e-ial WYights. Trae-k record: 74572 — 1.48 g — 144. 24877* Arnold 112X725 20371 Comrade 112 1:04 112.. 720 HllMllalj. b. c, by Desmond — Ardent 112 Frie-neiless. b. c. by S ti p e- r m a 11 — Luckless 112 Arnold ran some fair races.