Brookline Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-21

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BROOKLINE FORM CHART. BR00KLINE, MASS.. SATURDAY. JUNE 17. 1916.— Civile Park. Second and last day. Country Clubs Slimmer Meeting of 2 days. Weather wet. ~" Presiding Judge. W. P. Riggs. Starter. Fnink J. Biyan. Steward. 11. W. Baker. 2fTf"K/0 FIRST RACK -About 1 1-8 Miles. The Manchester. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and up-I VUO ward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second horses 0 each. Index Horses AWtlISt , - 1 Kin Jockeys Owners O H C P S~* a.lllVMAKCHKNA w.s :; 143 .. 2 1- P. 1- 1 • T Quinlan Nortbwooil St:t 4 I 5 1 2-5 27014AHARA wit 4 163 4 5 : ::• 3" 2ts H WIUi.i.s C It Klei.s-.-hmann :.-5 7-Ktt-u out— 27014 DOUBLET wit 4 166 2 1 23 2J V 2f* Mr J Tkr I, Kramer 2 2-. I 2-5 out GOSSOON w.s 3 140 1 3 4- 4 4-" 4- G Clement P J Linnehan 10 M 10 :l 1 27014 MARSH LIGHT w.s s 145 5 4 I I | | J Dunn M 1 10 M 10 3 1 tllead heat for second place. Time. 2:01. Track heavy. Winner-— Ch. g. by Isid« r- Amstel trainer. J. K. Frayling: breeder, Mr. John E. Madden. Start good. Won driving: see-ond Mid third the same. MARCHKNA led throughout and won with ease. AHARA eluded well from a l oor beginning. DOlltLET was always a forward contender. £T7f£lA SECOND RACK— About 2 Miles. Rrookline Steeplechase. Furse 00. 4-year-olds and 1 and # vFO _b upward. Handicap. Net Viilno to winner 50; second. 00. __ 1 Index Horses AWtPPSt _ % 1 1% Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S z 26454 .1. C. EWALT vs 8 146 3 2 1* Is 1" 1" J Ryan Glen Riddle Farml 1 4-5 out— . _6886SCHIVALRY ws 4 135 2 3 3 2 2 S W Kohler Northwood Sta 9-5 2 9-5 out— 26794 CHOICE ws a 134 1 1 210 Fell. W Noo A C Burrage Jr 21 3 2J out8 * Time. 4:13. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. g. bv rink Coat— Miney Do trainer. J. F. Ynrnnll; breeder. Mr. C. R. Wilson. 3 Start good. Won canteriiiK; second and third driving. J. C. EWALT took an early lead and won • easily. CHIVALRY became the eontender when CHOICE fell at the fourth jump. j 07AAK THIRD RACE— About 3 1-2 Miles. Middlesex Hunt Cup. Purse 50. Steeplechase. __j | VJOO Registered Hunters. Gentlemen Riders. Allowances. Net value to winner 00 « and 50 Cup: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt /g 1 2 3 Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 270153FATTAUTA ws I 157 4 4 2l 23 2n I3 I Mr G PceF H Prince 4 5 4 1 out 27012 THE PROPHET ws 9 157 3 3 4 4 1= 2* 2» Mr A HonMr Chetland 1-2 1-2 1-2 out— 27015 EAGLE THISTLE w 7 157 2 2 U l° I I 3 Mr G BkeO Rrooke III. 4i 41 45 1 out 27015 = L. OF LANGDEN ws 12 157 1 1 3: 3s Fell. Mr B BLsM Stevenson 5 6 5 7-5 out Time. 8:11 2- Track heavy. Winner— Ch. g. bv Uncle Mac— Fatharta trainer, T. H. McCreery. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. FATTAUTA fenced well and kept an even pace under good handling. THE PROPHET was probably best, but his rider was too tired to help him at the tinish. EAGLE THISTLE set the pace and quit in the last mile. £_. ■» f/~*£* FOURTH RACE— About 2 1-2 Miles. Fifteenth Running Country Club Grand Annual __| I UUU Steeplechase. Value ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 50 and 00 Cup: second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % 1 lA 2 Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P s" 27013HIBLER ws 7 150 4 3 2i l8 V* V l1 T PraretteMrs F A Clark 2-5 1-2 2-5 out- 27013-DIXON PARK ws 10 147 2 2 1 21 2l 2™ 2° H Willms J P Flanagan Jr 4 5 3 7-10out 26697 NORTH WOOD ws 4 138 3 4 3° 35 35 3« 3a W Kohler Northwood Sta 4 5 4 1 out 27013 PONS ASINORUM ws 7 141 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 J Ryan Glen Riddle FarmlO 12 12 3 out Time. 5:23%. Track heavy. Winner— Rr g bv Knight Errant— Margaret Roche trainer. W. Freeman; breeder, Mr. Martin Doyle. Start poor. Won "easily; second and third driving. HIRLER, off poorly, quickly moved up and won easily. DIXON PARK and NORTHWOOD fenced well, but were outclassed. PONS ASINORUM stum- bled at the second jump. _____ GhTJ f£*T7 FIFTH RACE— About 1 3-8 Miles. Down East Handicap. Purse 00. Hacks, __! f JO J Hunters and Army Horses. Net value to winner 25; second. 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt j ]-j 1 _____ Jockeys Owners O H C P S 27011 KLOUD w 8 160 2 2 3 3 3 1« l« Mr H Lee A L Kramer l-121-121-12out— 27011 =FOUR ACES w 4 145 1 1 11 2 2 2 2 Mr AHignJ Heard 8 8 8 out- Time, 2:40. Track heavy. Winner— Rr. g. by Albert— Scotch Lassie trainer, J. Tucker; breeder. Messrs. Williams and Radford. Start g M d. Won cantering. CLOlD was under restraint nil the way. £_ fj f£* O SIXTH RACE— About 2 1-2 Miles. National Hunt Club Cup. Value ,000. Regis - __j § |_/0O terod Hunters. Steeplechase. Handicap. Net value to winner 60; second. 00. "index Horses AWtPPSt1.. 1 lStFin Jockeys Owners O H ________ 270151ROY L III. ws 7 156 2 2 3 3 3 1" l« Mr H Lee A Barklie 7-5 8-5 8-5 1-3 out 26007-KNT OF MERCI ws 7 166 1 1 23 2- 2= 2 2 Mr lirabn F A Mark 1 1 4-5 out— 27012 BACHELOR w 8 160 3 I li 1 1- Fell. Mr WRMnW R Martin 4 4 11-53-5 out Time. 5:34. Track heavy. Winner Ch g bv Roval Flush III— Nino trainer. M. Daly: breeder. Mr. W. Hinkle Smith. Start good Won eased up; second and third driving. ROYAL III., reserved until the final turn of the field, moved up and won easily. KNIGHT OF MERCI ran close to BACHELOR until the latter stumbled and fell on the flat in front of the stand. p ■"». -w-i »--.r- CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART. OTTAWA, ONT., TUESDAY, JUNE 20. 1916.— Counaught Park. Fifth day. Connaught Park Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Steward to Represent Canadian Racing Associations. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter. A. R. Dade. Racing Secretary. Sheridan Clark. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. Crr f£*f FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 15014— _:]_% — 1—113. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and np- __ I |_f Oc7 ward. Selling. Maiden Jockeys. Net value to winner 75: second. 5; third, 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt j _ s4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt S-977 JABOT 8 112 5 3 6" 6s 51 V J Bell .1 C Strode 375-100 26976VILEY B 7 104 6 1 2 2 4- 21 B KoppanJ Phillips J4n~?!X 26814 WILL CASH n 3 16 1 4 li V l1 M O Martin O Ernnringhnm *____ 25967 EDDIE T n 3 100 2 6 31 3s 3- 41 A CampbllH G Bedwell 390-100 26874 RONEROS FIRST B 3 9S 3 5 42 42 2b 5- F Meremot F J Pons 26977 THE USHER w 5 109 7 2 7 7 7 6"* L FinnertyN Mooney iSrl!! -,?S2"JSS 26874 MISS GAYLE B 5 107 4 7 54 5= 6« 7 H Cuttriss C A Crew 216o-100 Time. 25, 52%. 1:21%. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Jabot, .50 straight, .80 place, .40 show; Viley. .40 place, .o0 ■____. show; Will „-„ CaSlEquivalentT .oking odd*— Jabot, 375 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Viley, 120 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show: Will Cash. 230 to 100 show. __ _ _ . Winner— R. g. bv Ornament— Tartlet trainer. J. A. Strode; breeder. Mr. Hal Price Headley. Wen to nost at At ? ost 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving JABOT after being _-31. outrun for the first half, closed up steadily and. when the leaders tired, won going awav VILEY was the victim of a poor ride and was next to the outside rail until in the last eighth where he began swerving to the inside. WILL CASH raced on the inside all the way. but tired after setting the pace to the last eighth. EDDIE T. showed speed, but quit. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. ! Overweights -Will Cash. 2% pounds. __—f A7A SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. 9114— 55%— 2— 105. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. __ J yj f yj Canadian-foaled. Allowances. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. • j JJj_5 Horses! AWtPPSt j _ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt V 9KQ" i l BRITANNIA " wlTt 4 2 l1 lnk lnk li E AmbroseThorncliffe Stable 105-100 26991 DANDY FA Y w 107 5 3 2b 21 2= 23 L McAtee W Walker 340-100 • fi«»«»1 J W ULIN1"r1L HUNLEY wb 103 1 1 3 k 3,! 35 I* E Forehd F Dake 1165-100 7*«»fllVpX "ill 2 I 5i V 4= 4" G Byrne Brookdale Stable 310-100 26991 V ELLIS C w 105 3 6 6 6 I 5« J WilliamsC A Crew 7808-100 $«*»7? TYRONE w 110 6 4 4" 4l 5* 6 M MntatnJ Hendrick 2245-100 Time. 25%. 53«i. 1:01%. Track heavy. ______ _„ _ mutuels paid. Rritannia. .10 straight, .00 place, .30 show; Dandy Fay, .10 place, m mSSJL lok"T1odds-RWt!n.da, 105 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 15 to 100 show; Dandy v,,. r.r. in iw iiincp 35 to 100 show J. W. Hunlev. 75 to 100 show. • wfnner-Ar f f. bv BanZkhura-Minuic G. trainer. II. McDaniel; breeder, Mr. Barney Schreiber Went to nnst at "3-01 At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. RRITANNIA went to the front quickly and. setting a good pace, won going away. but tired in the last eighth. J. W. HLNLEY was nANnT VAT moved ui rn.idlv on the stretch turn, MntendVr ail start and finished fast. TYRONE a forward the way. PAX dropped back at the showed sjieed. Overweights — Nellis C. 2 pounds. ____-—————————— ——. __fT__rT 1 THIRD SAC! -About 2 Miles Short Course. 1* 712— 3:48.— 5— 149. Steeplechase. _g | |_| I J, purse $«K». 4 -year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50; second, ; third. 0. Index Horses A~WtPPSt 3 0 9 12 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 26927 IDLE MICHAEL WlIM 5 2 2 V 1= 1 1»" H Boyle W Stormont ,S_~!S 3» J, imMRv, w 4 134 1 3 5J. 6 55 23 2» S Stev sonS Ross 182o-100 T26973,.1M-K WIN-TOM ?4» I 7 5 M " 3 W Allen A D Parr 690-100 269271N1IAN ARROW w I 137 7 I 3 P __ _* „ £* ■_"■" M"rl hy »-HI ••ko ci- RTkM ws S 13» I 4 4s 4= 4= 41 55 J Smith W Smith 94a-l«IO Mm IAN I.RCNNING WS14116 7 7 6- 6- 6- F Willms C K .Rockwell 245-1O0 23731 SAROLTA w 6 137 2 1 1»| 2 7 7 7 R Scully W Wray 523o-100 1 Time. 4:10%. Track heavy. , hB mutuels paid. Idle Michael. .20 straight, .70 place, .50 show; Bamboo, ».30 _-,«. place, .o0 ,~ r« 6,quiva.enV,,bo:kinSg!oddSs-Tdle Michael. 240 to 100 straight .185 to 100 place. 125 to 100 show; RimlHK 0» 5 to 100 place. 225 to 100 show: Jack Winston. 200 to 100 show. WtoneT-Ch; B. by Potentate-Ronnie Lizzie II. trainer, A. C. Parrctto; breeder. Gen. William T. Townes minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the *,,,„? imFPMIIlFi [need nto an lead in the second turn of the field, but had to be ridden o t to J__*_y1*_MBOO. The l-ater fenced veil and finishe.l fast and gamely. JACK WINSTON moved wl ,■ go i. g to the ninth fence, but tired in the last quarter. SAROLTA was cased up after going one turn of the field. INDIAN ARROW tire.i The winner was entered for 00: no bid. __r7rrTtl FOIRTH RACE-5-8 Mile. 15041— 1:01%— 2— 111. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. _5 | J I _3 ________ Net value to winner 75; second. 5: third. 0. "inrte. Horses AWtPPSt % _j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 26993 QN OF THE SEA wb 112 2 2 li 1«* l«l 1» J rTminickW Stockton t2__2 M-MILTM-TTI -IN 3 I 21 2= li 2»w E Forehd .1 Lumsden 127ai5S #___LVbONDAGK w 11 I I 6 P 3- V M MntainJ Arthur 95-100 1 «__M HASTT OOBA wM 4 I 3 3 V 4 L McAtee i5 K chancellor 665-100 Ss RET DO ILY W107 I 4 5= 6 6 Sl J WilliamsE Woodcock 2055-100 i"Wi 26972 KINGFISHEU « 11- 11 •_« g 6 G Byrne J S Tyrec 62a-100 Time. 25%. 53. 1:07%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Queen of the Sea. 0.50 straight. .00 place, .00 show; Lynette, ___._»_. .00 place, |MMv_ta-ttaand_--%_- of MM Sea, 425 to 100 straight. 150 to 100 place, 50 to 100 hhow Lvnette 250 t.. KM place. 75 to 100 show: Rondage. 25 to 100 show bree.ler. Mr W , illmm th. •. Winner-Ch. f. bv Sea King -Cantaloupe trainer. J. W. Healey; minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and Went to post at 4-00 At post 2 third the same Q1T.KN OF TUB SKA set tie- early pace and. after being headed, hung on tena- nslv n final drive and outgamd LYNKTrE. The latter ran a good race, but tired and swerved BONDAGB vide into the stretch and finished on Ins own .ame t. tie ___te in the last dozen yards. __«____ !"■ failed to quite get up. HASTY CORA and KINOFISHKRjimt. . _ p_ _-_r_ O l7IFTl71lACE~rMile 108471 :41— 5— HoT~PnYse H. 3-year-olds and upward. __ 4 yj i O Selling. Net value to winner 75; second. S75: third. 0. -j ______5 Jockeys Owners E.uiiv. Odds Strt nd7x Horses AWtPPSt U _ ___!_7wO_tAN w 4 109 4 5 2 22 ltl J DennisnP Sheridan *•__-_•_ MSlurR_rrmr,q INGS w I % I 2 |*l il-l 2J L McAtee F J Coleman 260-100 K w53115 I I P »V 2 V J DminickW Stormont 180-100 , 7.V_o-iTi?Vw:iic;vr rF - h loo 1 1 4* 41 44 5= 41 G Bvrne R Parr 53d-100 i • 6924 p" Y "M™ W- 1 l" I 6 53 53 6 «■■ U J Pitz W J Marlman 1395-100 7»693nOBuLuS 26941 0_0_Lb w 4 112 5 4 6 I 5" I I M MntainA B Stelle 600-100 Time 26%. 53%. 1:21. 1:51. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Wodan. 3.10 straight. .4» place. .60 show; Greetings, .l0 place. .00 show; Ir" l Hi TTliM 1055 to KKi straight. 370 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Greetings, ™ W2£_?-_? £ USSSL S_5_f WT Raster: breeder. Mr. Ad.dpl. R. Spreckels, . Went to mJ "at 4 30 At nost I minutes. Start good and slow. Won caMl.v: second and third driv- i„L. WODAN followed the pacomal;. r closely to the stretch turn, then moved up fast and. easily pass- i_fc,B__TING8 In the last eighth, won going away. GREETING- set a good pace, but swerved to the utMle at tie- sixteend, post and collided with DRYAD. The latter was making a hrtmoTe at the time and was knocked off his stride. B__________g tired. The winner was entered for 00: no hid. : CrT/rr~A SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 21092— l:4~» Vf. — 4—104. Purse "0. 3-year- •/ 4 J I __ .lds and upward. Selling. Net value to _____ 75: second, o; third. 0. *1 ndel Horses AWtPPSt U ,, :, Str Fin Jockeys Own, rs Equiv. Odds Strt TrorTATTY-it boam w .". m :• i 4" r... v .-,« _| j R5 f _5__-i 1410-100 1 •»685S CPTAIN [PARR w 4 111 1 1 _ 4" II II _■ J DminickR Parr 550-100 1 5__?i»nirKS PET wb 5 110 2 6 2 1 1 I- 35 G Byrne O ■ Pons 230-100 I £__?_ FttVmCK w 4 111" I 2 3 mP 4 3 M MntainA B Stelle 525-100 I S_25*b5jCMTJL._ Wmtm I I 1* 2 f 2= 5« L McAtee S Louis 440-100 1 !_____ARSHON W6 10S 7 4 ?J 6 t V 6 .1 DennisnR A White 385-100 I mSuNIGADOO .6854 NU.adoo W5 1084 7 7 7 7 7 7 IT IWK_W Walker 4900-100 I 1;20 1; Track heavy. H mutuels paid. PalA keg.n. |MU«I -traight. .17.10 place. .00 show; Captain Parr. .10 Jgand!r2andvSand*Z2. HI" «. Mt .raight. 755 g Ml place, .250 to 1,K, show; r.nt .rr _53 to Hki place. 185 to 100 show; Dicks IVt. 70 to loo sl,..w. ____. R. II. Anderson. Mr Jones ,|. A. Strode, breeder. Carrie bv St. wart ,„• .,„,,,•. Winner g at 4-59 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Y on easily ; second and t lord I to Went ,-l in the ko-«.tre_* ,ns,de PATTY 1E«: AN after lH-iug outrun early, .ame through on the i driving. I finishing with a rush, got up in the last tw.n ty yards and won going AI IAIN I Altl! •mn wore the tiri-jT DICKS PET Uowu iu the last nix teenth. The latter raced into a good lead ou the 1 1 z . * 3 • j « baekstretch. but was rushed too fast and tired. FEN ROCK ran well. HANDFULL set the early pace and quit. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights — Dicks Pet. 41/- pounds. OfTlrr p_ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 21092— 1:46 _— 4— 104. Purse 00. 3 year-__ I J I O olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U /fe % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 26996 MONTREAL w 5 106 6 5 V 2 3* 2nk R J DennisnB Stansbury 1245-100 26996 = FAIRLY wb 5 110 4 6 i- S* 2J P* 2J G Byrne C F Brant 215-100 27036 L. SPIRITUELLE w 4 104 2 2 6 5 4» 3 3- W McKzieW Walker 740-100 26196 BOXER WB 4 106 5 3 21 Ink ]h 4J 4h J Pitz L- Raymond 235-100 26975 = COSTUMER w 3 100 3 4 3» 4» 6 51 5i M MntainF Harlan 465-100 26930 AUDREY AUSTIN w 3 96 1 1 54 6 5l 6 6 L McAtee T J Bird 835-100 Time. 25%, 53%. 1:21%. 1:53%, 1:57%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Montreal. 6.90 straight, .20 place, .20 show; Fairly, .80 place, .80 show; Lady Spirituelle. .90 show. Equivalent booking odds — Montreal. 1245 to 100 straight. 310 to 100 place, 160 to 100 show; Fairly, 90 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Lady Spirituelle, 95 to 100 show. Winner — B. m, by Albula or Hinsdale — Quebec trainer, E. Whelan: breeder. Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 5:27. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MONTREAL, after being a close eontender from the start, forced the pace in the stretch and out-gamed FAIRLY in the final drive. The latter raced into the lead in the stretch, but tired right at the finish after disposing of BOXER. LADY SPIRITUELLE closed a gap and finished fast on the inside. ROXER helped make the pace, but quit in the last eighth. The winner was entered for 00; no hid.

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Local Identifier: drf1916062101_2_8
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