Many Horses Arriving At Reno., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-24


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MANY HORSES ARRIVING AT RENO. | Reno, Nov., June 23. — "I do not anticipate any serious trouble in Mexico, nor the closing of the Liwor California Jockey Clubs meeting at Tijuana, following the pre.-Monts recent precautionary war order." said Krank Rcinhnrt. California horseman, who has arrived bare li-om Tijuana, with a string of seven horses to participate iu the summer meeting, which will open July 1. "Governor Cauiu. the Carranza representative of Lower California, had not made any preparations for war up to the time I left the .Mexican town, nor was there any fear among the racing men that trouble would occur. Conditions appeared normal and the Mexican soldiers seemed to conduct themselves as usual — in a lazy, care-free manner — smoking their cigarettes with the ease and comfort of a millionaire riding in the soft, comfortable tonneau of a motor car. "The worst that can be expected, if the worst conies to the worst, is an order preventing Americans crossing the line, likewise an order for all to leave Tijuana. This, of course, would mean the closing of the track there. However, no immediate trouble is antioipated." Reiuhart. who was one of the big winners at the Mexiean course, brought with him seven of his stable, including the need* ;imli. Orange P.los-som holder of the Tijuana track record for five and one-half furlongs id 1:05%, Tom Chapman, Ml k Benson. Singletoe. The Feller and Innovation. Other horses in tiie cars wen- John Kanes So Long and Frank Pattern— , and the Kissinger stable, including Canto, Sweet Sam, Velie Forty and Lady lender. Ranking among the most valuable stables in tip- country and ready for the call of the bugle is the Churl s . Clark string, which arrived Saturday night in charge of John Hogan and J. Lowe, trainer. This stable came on from Latouia, after a successful campaign on the Kentucky tracks. In the car were Rose Marian. Aunt I.iz, Verde. Doctor Max. Gunp iwdor. Trcasor. Florence Roberts, David Craig. Pleasnn ville. I.rynlimah and Fathom. The officials of tin- Reno Fair and Itacing Association hiive announced that entries for the stake races will Ik- aoeepti d until Monday. June 2 i, thus allowing many horsemen an opportunity to determine upon their future course in case of trouble in Mexico.

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Local Identifier: drf1916062401_1_3
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