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LIBERAL EXPANSION AT PIPING ROCK. New York, June 27. — Piping Rock will go AbCBS* into racing next year. At a recent dinner of the members of the club it was proposed to build a new and permanent grandstand on the grounds ami ehange the construction of the track somewhat around the turn into the homestretch. The prospo-sition met with universal approval and by next spring the "Little Goodwood," as the track has Maa tinned, will have a new rustic-fashioned stand that will hold several thousand club members ;nid patrons. The plans are not yet completed, but will In- in a few weeks. Sufficient money lias already Im-cii subserilM-d to pay for all improvements. It is more than probable Piping Rook will have open dates next year, and some new and rich stakes will be inaugurated, several of the members being willing to give both money and plate in the interest of racing at Piping Rock.