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ENGLISH YEARLINGS AT PUBLIC SALE. Son of Pclymclus Brings a Prico up to the Standard of Peaceful Times. At the Newmarket First July meeting sales 151 yearlings were sold for an average of nearly 1916.sh00. which under the depressing influence of present circumstances there is considered, excellent. Quito it number of those sold will probably come to this country. G. II. Browne bought sixteen of the cheaper ones, which, it was stated directlv were for export to the United States. The British Bloodstock Agency bought freely, and it is conceivable that some of these may also find their way over. Many well bred ones sold for moderate sums, but there was sharp competition in some cases. The star price of the three day selling was the bay colt Thermogeiie, by Polymelus Emotion, which brought 3,000 guineas. The best pries and buyers were: Thermogeiie, I, e, by Polymelus Emotion; F. Darling 5,000 Doublet, b. c, by Bachelors Double La Tour-hie; .Major It. S. Kidstou 8,840 Do Bokeland. b. c, by Chaucer Bird i tit Hand; J. Day 5,0R0 Brown filly by White Eagle Colonia; P. Curzon 5,100 Bay or brown filly by Polymelus Lady Bountiful: Sir W. J. Tat cm 3,052 Doveeii, b. f. by William the Third Brownie; A. Chetwynd 3,32S White Dinah, b. f, by White Knight Dark Dinah: II. S. lersse 3,120 Chestnut colt by White Eagle Osca .March; Sir W. J. Totem 2,701 Wilton, b. f, by Symington Will Return; A. Chetwynd 2,000 Chestnut colt by White Eagle Queen Mother; F. Curzon 2,002 Chestnut filly, by Beppo Rhetoric; Capt. .1. R. Homfray 2,000 Bay colt by White Eagle Meta Burke; Sir D. Broiighton 2,000 Chestnut filly by Orby Fairyland: F. Curzon 2.310 Bay filly by Royal Realm Ayesha; Mrs. Fenwick 2.2S0 Snow Bound, b. c, by Wiliam the Third Snow-flight; Mr. Batho 2,020 Chestnut filly by Fugleman Rappel; F. Cun- dell 2,100 He, b. c. by i.antoi She; Sir W. J. Tatem. 2,132 Brown filly by William the Third Half a Slice; J. Livingston 2.0S0 Bay filly by Polymelus Spangled; J. Livingston 2, ISO Chestnut filly by Orby Solimans Star; II. S. Persee 1,021 Bay colt by Cicero Orange; F. V. Gooch 1,820 Bay filly, by Beppo Martial Note; II. S. lersse 1.S20 Chestnut colt by Fugleman Sketches; Mr. Fnrquhnrsoii 1,820 Bay colt, by Spearmint Spring Chicken; Maj. R. L. Kiston 1,710 Lwow. ch. c, by Leinberg Rock Crystal; Mrs. Clayton 1,001 Chestnut colt by Thrush Miss Letticc; II. Salvin 1,001 Ileir-at-Law, b." c, by Willonyx Misty Law; F. Darling 1,012 Brown colt by Bridge of Allan Lady Birdie; It. W. Colling 1,012 Chestnut filly by White Eagle Elm Twig; Sir W. J. Tatem 1,500 Chestnut . colt, by Picton Queen Anne; A. Chetwynd 1,500 Chestnut filly by Simon Square Vain Duchess; F. Curzon 1.50S Bay colt by Spearmint Mare by Cyllene i Thimble: J. Livingston 1,508 Bay colt by Beppo Oriana; J. Livingston.. 1,450 Brown filly by Marcourt Momentum; W. B. Allison 1,401 Brown filly by Land League Sweet Marjorie; Major Roberts 1,352 Bay filly by John o Gaunt Caramel; F. Curzon 1,352 Bay colt by Buckwheat Lame Duck; G. Bohinson 1,300 Bay filly by Spearmint Lady Jess; Sir W. J. Tatem 1,300 Bay colt, by Buckwheat Marron d Ban; F. V. Gooch . 1,300 Chestnut colt by Farfarshire Ilnmaticn; British Bloodstock Agency 1,300 Brown fillv bv Willonyx Gipsy Hill; W. 15. Allison 1,300 Chestnut colt by Santry Mirk; R. W. Colling 1,092 B.-iv colt by King William Nejiina; A. Taylor 1,0-10 Helios, b. c, by Greenback Renaissance; J. F. Ilallick 1,00 Bav filly bv Simon Square Partridge; Major Roberts 1,010 Ray filly by Erki Mor Lamia; A. Rich 1,010 Belle Chance, b. f. by Mithra Cheriton Belle; II. S. lersse 1,010 Chestnut fillv " by Bachelors Double Ash-bell; Mrs. Clayton 1,010