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OFFICIALS FOR MARYLAND MEETINGS. New York, August 21. The Jockey Club stewards have approved the appointment of the following officials for the fall meetings in Maryland: Pimlico Judges, E. C. Smith and W. P. Riggs; starter, A. B. Dade; handicapper, Frank J.. Bryan; clerk of the scales, Herman P. Conkliug: paddock and patrol judge. J. J. Mackcssey; timer, W. P. Roach; steward to represent ti e Jockey Club, Frank J. Bryan. Bowie Judges, Joseph A. Murphy and J. H. Anderson; starter. A. 1$. Dade; handicapper, E. C. Smith: clerk of the course and scales, Joseph McLennan; paddock and patrol judges, G. E. Hall and Shelby Burch; tirior, William Jennings; steward to represent the Jockey Club, E. C. Smith. Havre de Grace Handicapoer. W. S. Vosburgh; judges, C. Cornehlsen and II. U. Iloman; starter. James Milton; timer, James McLaughlin; patrol judges, W. II. Schaut and E. II. Hanaii; steward to represent the Jockey Club, W. S. Vosburgh. Laurel Judges, E. C. Smith and Ed Cole; starter, Mars Cassidy; handicapper, W. S. Vosburgh; clerk of the scales. H. U. Iloman; patrol judges, E. H. Hanan, W. II. Schaut, Harry White and W. W. Sykes; steward to represent the Jockey Club, Ral Parr.