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MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL, QUE.. Monday, August 21, 191G. Mount Royal Park. Second day. Back River Jockey Club. Second Meeting of 7 days. 15 books on. I Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward. Martin Nathansou. Presiding Judge, Charles Campoaii. Starter, W. M. Murray. Racing Secretary, Martin Nathansou. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. 28532 First Race 5-8 Mile. Sept. IS, 19151:00 2 102. Purse 00. 2-year-olds.. Allowances. Net value to winner 8300; second, 1916.sh5; third, $.!;. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. 28523 Old Drury 112 Ii A Claver 0 G 2 28523 Lit Wonder 103 2 AV Hinphy 4 4 2 28208sCurls 112 31. J Dreyer 10 i 2 28357 Br.andEarly 100 -1 E Forehd G-5 G-5 1-2 285773Lit. Spider 112 5 AV Sehorn 2J 3 1 . 27909 Recorder 103 Gl H Gray 10 10 4 28523 Premo Acra 10S 73 Ii Ryan 20 20 S 28188 Starter 109 S J Howard 15 15 6 28422 3G. Gracious 105 9 G AV Carl 3 4 3-2 Time, 23, 43, 1:011s. Track fast. Show odds Old Drury 1; Little AVondcr, 1; Curls, 1; Bright and Early, out; Little Spider, 1-2; Recorder, 2; Premo Acro, 4; Starter, 3; Good Gracious, 2-3. AVinner F. J. Kearns eh. f. by Trap Bock Mistress Peg trained by A. Ferguson; bred by Mr. Frederick Johnson. AVent to post at 2:30. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 277S3Uey Ennis, 115; 2S50! Com-moness, 105; 2S1953Iandy Fay, 103; 28357 Dora Collins, 105; 28122 Lady Kowena, 105; 28459 Kato, 110 Overweights Little AVondcr, 3 pounds; Recorder, 5 ; P re m i Ver: 1 . 3; St: i r t e r ,L 285S3 Second Ract 5-8 Mile. Sept. IS, 1915 1:002 -102. Purse 00. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1916.sh5: third, 5. Ind. Horse. AVt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 28014 Spolm 113 11 AV Sehorn 3-2 2 4-5 25039 Archery 113 2l J Dcavpt 10 4 2 2S50G Noble Grandli:: 3 .1 Acton 20 20 S 28250 D. Dawson 105 4"k H Gray C 8 3 2825! Perpetual 113 51 A Claver 1 4 3-2 28277 L.d.Cognets 113 Gl K Lowe 15 15 C 28187Aalladolid 113 7 D Boland 15 15 0 21033 Jefferson 113 8 A Hullcoat 4 4 3-2 28573 Politician 107 91 AV Hinphy 2 21 1 28191 Lioina 10S 10l II C AVatts 15 15 G 28230 Varda B. Ill 11 U Ryan 20 20 S Time 24, 48, 1:02. Track fast. Show odds Sphon, 2-5; Archery. 1; Noble Grand, 4; Daphne Dawson, 3-2; Perpetual, 2-3; Louis des Cognets, 3; Aalladolid, 3; Jefferson, 2-3;. Politician. 1-2; Leoina, 3; Aarda B., 4. AVinner J. J. McCaf fortys b. g, 11. by Peel oDay Smirr trained by J. .1. McCaffcrty; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxnard. AVent to post at 3:00. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched 28500 Arrowshaft, 111; 2S530 Joe Stevie. 107. 2B584 Third Race 5-8 Mile. Sept. 18. 19151:00 2 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, .-i; third, 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. On. CI. IM. 28272 Big Lumax 114 1?. AV Rosen 4 5 2 28273 Mazurka 113 2i AV Gargan 21 3 1 28 182 3 Kyle 10G 311. S Brown 10 10 4 28451 Little Alta 105 4s J Dreyer 10 10 4 28404 Servia 107 5 X Foden 21 8-3 7-10 28270 Doctor Zab 10S G3 J Howard G-5 8-5 4-5 28273 Kedron 113 7 C Martin 20 20 5 27930 Sal. Queen 111 8 C Gross 20 20 S Time, 23, 48, 1:011s. Track fast. Show odds Big Lumax. 1: Mazurka. 1-2: Kyle, 2; Little Alta, 2; Servia, 1-3; Doctor Zab, 2-5; Kedron, 4; Salvado Queen, 4. AVinner C. Bogans ch. m, 5, by Knight of the Thistle Lumax trained by C. Began; bred by Mr. R. II. McCarter Potter. AVent to post at 3:34. At post 7 mintues. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 28529 Sal Vanity, 105; 28520 Snip, 111; 20971 Mona G., Ill; 28531 Belle Bird, 111; 28581 Yellow Flower. 111. Overweights Big Lumax. 3 pounds; Doctor Zab. 1. 28585 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. 19, 1915 1:00 5 121. Montreal Handicap. Purse ! 00. 3-vear-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00; second. 1916.sh5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 284GG3Thesieres 111 in J Dminick 5 5 8-5 285783Boyal Tea 112 2l J Acton 21 2i 1 28412 T. Busybody 105 3 J Dreyer 21 3 6-5 28578 Gordon 10G 4 G Gould G G 2 28452 3Sugar King 10S 5 G Corey 4 5 S-5 28578 Lily Ornie 112 C N Foden 2 3-2 1-5 Time, 23, 461s, 1:06 equals track record, Track fast. Show odds Thosicres, 4-5; Royal Tea, 2-5; The ; Busybody. 1-2; Gordon, 1; Sugar King, 4-5; Lily Ormo, 2-5. AVinner X. L. Snelsons ch. g, 0, by Banuockburn 1 Discard trained by J. AV. Moore; bred by Mr. Barney Sehreibcr. AVent to post at 4:04. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving 2S58G Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. Sept. 24, 1015 1:13 5 -100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; ! second, 1916.sh5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. AVt.Fin. .locker. Op. CI. PI. 28524 Ed. Adams 113 lk E McEwen 2 2 4-5 28527 The AVolf llii 2 J Dliiinlek 0 8 3 28531 Dash 103 3 A Claver 10 10 4 285793Quid Nunc 113 4 C Gross 3 4 3-2 2S493M.B.Harbor 111 5s N Foden 4 5 2 28579 Sinai 111 G1 F Hopkins S 8 3 . . 28270M.Ti.Eubks 113 7- J Howard 3 3 1 Ji75Ui-Cin Money 113 Sl G AV Carl 15 10 4 28452 Zln Del "111- 9 AV Sehorn 4 5 2 Time, 24. 48, 1:14. Track fast. Show odds Edmond Adams. 2-5; The AAolf, 3-2; Dash, 2; Quid Nunc, 2-3; Miss Barn Harbor, 1; Sanai. 3-2; Mack B. Eubanks, 1-2; Pin Money, 2; Zin Del, 1. AAinner J. B. Goodmans, b. g, S, by Russell Memorial trained by F. Holman; bred by Mr. O. II. Chenault. AVent to post at 4:28. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. The winner was ehtered for 00; no bid. Scratched 2S579 Heartbeat, 113; 2S273loctor Kendall. 113; 2S401 Dr. "Charcot. 113; 2S240 Polls, 113; 28595 Gypsy Blair, 103; 2S579 Audrey Austin, 103. 28587 Sixth Race 5-S Mile. Sept. IS, 1915 1002102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and unwind. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 1916.sh5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 27895 Bird linn 112 l3 .T Howard 3 2A 1 28209 Mar. OBrien 110 21 J Acton G G 2 28352 King Tuscan 10G 3 A Claver G 6 2 282593Colors 110 4i .T Dreyer 2 2!. 1 2848 Maude Idi 110 5 B Lowe 3 5 2 28271 J. B. IIarrell 112 GJ F Jenkins 3 4 3-2 2857! Meelicka 110 7 It C AVatts 10 10 ! I 23097 Cerf AroIant 112 S3 II Snyder 20 20 S 28033 Tillotson 112 9 G Corey 6 G 2 Time, 23, 48y3, 1:00. Track fast. Show odds Bird Man. 1-2; Marie OBrien, 1; King Tuscan, 1: Colors, 1-2; Maude Ledi, 1; J. B. Harrell, 2-3; Meelicka, 2; Cerf Aolant, 4; Tillotson. 1. AVinner -11. A". Haymakers ch. g. 5, by Marta Santa AVbisk Broom trained by L. Haymaker; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. AVent to eost at 4:55. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 28533 Indifferent, 110; 28500 Imprudent. 110; 28531 Cap Nelson. 112; 2S579 Thom-cliffe. 100; 2S455Miss Jean. 110; 28484 Laura. 1 1 0. 28588 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. .llilv 15. 1910 1:44 S 112. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1916.sh5; third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Pi. I 28443 Zodiac 105 1 AV Young 4 ,4 8r5 28393 Brookfield 117 2" D Boland 10 10 4 2857G3Mud Sill 119 31 E McEwen 1 4-5 2-5 28454Star Bird 111 4 J Deiivpt G G 2 28578R. Juliette 96 DJ R C AVatts 21 3 1 2 7973 Pat. Regan 109 6 AV Sehorn 7 7 21 28289 Gartley 115 73 G Gould 7 8 3 28111McLelland ICG S F Jenkins 10 10 4 Time, 24, 48J, 1:14, 1:40, l:44ys. new track record. Track fast. M Show odds Zodiac, 4-5; Brookfield, 2; MrflM Sill, Out; Star Bird, 1; Rose Juliette, 1-2; PatW Regan, 0-5; Gartley. 3-2; MeLelland. 2. AVinner S, N. Iloltnnns ch. g. 5, by Star Shoot Lady Vincent trained by E. Alley; bred by Mr. John K. Madden. AAent to post at o:17. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the sanie. The .winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 2S581Concha, 105; 2S5S1 Alston, 109; 2S581 Blackford. 108. 28589 Eighth Race 1 1-10 Miles. Aug. 19. 1910 1:44 5 111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1916.sh5; third, 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey.- Op. CI. PI. 28524 B. Culbtson 103 1?. A Claver 20 20 8 28430Nan. McDee lOrt 2H AV Sehorn 2 2 4-5 28153 River King 113 3 J Dminick G 4 2 28527 Muzanti 113 4i I. Gaugel 15 15 G 28581 U Spiritelle 100 5 S Brown 4 5 2 28271 Regular 111 C AV Gargan 3 4 3-2 2G532 Cuttyhunk 113 7 C Gross G G 2 28494 Eddie Mott 113 S J Deaypt 5 5 2 28015 The Iiump 113 9.1 .1 Howard G 5 2 28527 AArater Lad 11G 10 L Mcripdle 20 20 8 28214 Gainsbough 113 11 G Corey 10 10 4 Time, 24, 484, 1:14. 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. Show odds Billy Ciilbertson, 4; Nannie MeDeo, 2-5: River King, 1; Muzanti. 3; Lady Spirituelle, 1; Regular. 2-3; Cuttyhunk. 1; Eddie Mott, 1; Tlie Rump, 1; Water Lad. 4; Gainsborough, 2. AVinner C. R. Richards br. g. 3. by Migraine Danceress trained by C. R. Richards; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. AVent to post at 5:44. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 2S5SO Luke Aan Zandt. 113; 28115 Bobolink, 101; 2S5SlFastoso, 113; 2S525sRose Oncil, 111.