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MIXUP IN SHIPPING THOROUGHBREDS. In sending horses from England to France there has more than once been a mixup, and the Adelaide Register has it that there has been a similar occurrence in connection with a couple of mares shipped to Australia. The paper quoted says that an imported mare which readied Mr. .1. II. Ald-ridges Richmond Iark Stud to his order from Kugland did not quite fill the particulars supplied by his agent. Mr. Aldridge therefore wrote to England, and learned that there was not the slightest doubt that two mares had been mixed up, and he had received the wrong one. Mr. Aldridge set out to trace his mare, and finally decided that he had Falling Brook, and that the New South Wales stndmasters, Messrs. W. and F. Moses, were in possession of Longuevtlle. a Long Tom mare, intended for Richmond Park. Mr. Aldridge was not anxious to keep Falling Brook, and the Sydney breeders thereupon agreed to take Longueville over at cost price, and have both marcs.