Connaught Park Entries and Past Performances for Friday, September 1, Daily Racing Form, 1916-09-01

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j o I I I c , ; ; , , , . t r ; . 1 L - 1 , r r 1 i Connaught Park Entries and Past Performances for Friday, September 1. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. The. figures urder the heading "Rec." in the Dominion Dominion Snoeil Hnirtie-ui entries below show the best time of each horse hiueu Handicap. I at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter All Ages. -where it finished. In cases where record was Track record: Aug. 2S, 191G 1:13 1 123. I made on other than a. fast or good track, abbre- Todavs viations show track conditions Iml. IIorse- wt nec A.AVt.Han. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30! 71 T-rt ffiltev"" iw 1-1-m ? losv??n Xltuns well in mud. SSuperior mud runner. 4lW Kewe.sT "mkik r iirvmn M, maidens. Apprentice allowance. 4105X723 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 27501 Celto 95 1:12 4 99X720 2-year-olds. Allowances. 2S7G1 Greenwood 90 1:11 3 9GX720 Track record": Sept. 1, 1913 1:00; 3 11.3. Principal contenders are well matched. Todavs Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.AVt.Han. Fifth Race 3-4 Mile. 2S7273 Sea Gull AI 112 1:09 111.. 725 All Ages. Allowances. 2S759 Regreso 105 1:09 110X720 Track record: Aug. S. 191G 1-13- 1 1 ls 1 2S75S Statim 109 1:12 10GX715 .J., ,1 287.VJ Gobi Bond 107 1:08 if. 114.. 715 rL J"" J0! J:3Jand 3 104 X 725 2S759 Alelia 10! 1-09V-. 113.. 710 -t-M 1 rot KM. 1:1. 2 92 X 720 " 25771 Oriaiia ."lliJlili loil 7U3 -S7-! AVise JIau Jl ... 94 1:14 4 3 107.. 715 25772 Joanna II. 105 1:0! 118X705 HS-L. i.-nV1" -,F1?.r;I I1V:J!" 310i"7P 2S772 Uerthier AI ....109 1:0!?.. 105. .090 !i "" J " Ji 1:14., 3 107. .700 2S727 Aladtonr AI ....112 1:12 108. .090 -if- After Night 10, l:17Vi 3 104XG90 Sea Gull should race better. ""P lli,s l--l f lot. Second Race 3-4 Mile. Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. AH Ages. Canadian Foaled. Selling. 8 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track re.ord: Aug. 28, 1910 1:13 ! 128. 1 a ek .... record: Aug. , 2.,, 1914-1:44-4-101. , , ,, , x 2S7373 Armine ....... 99 1:14 3 112X725 2S7G2 Good Shot Km 1:14 8 103X720 2S703 IUDAS BROTIIKR109 1:43 5 109 Q723 28G38 Corn Broom 105 1:18 5 124X715 -;:!- Patty Regan 1121:11 5 109X715 28005 Smitbfield lOli 1:10 4 100. .710 - I,,."M1Hlt 100 1:4rm 103X710 28787 Gartlev 114 1:14 4 121X710 r:!- -AI,SS .:lt,rs 101 1:41 5 112X710 2S7G2 Otero 10! 1:14 4 103x705 --!. Amphion r 107X705 2S7G2- Thorndine AI ..104 1:15-. 3 89X700 -s,,! nx Rogers 8 100.. GSO 28730 Cerf Aolant AI.. 94 1:1G-. 4 100.. 700 Hildas Brother is good and should repeat. 28733 Vivian S. AI ...110 1:17 5 100. .000 ,, , . , Seventh Race 1 Milo and 70 ,r Yards. n men r-i.-e Third Race-About 2 Miles. ,. -.vear-oI,ls and upward. Selling. Helt.T Skelter .Steeplechase. 1 rack record: June 21, 1915 1:415 if. 1 10-1. 3-year-obls and upward. Handicap. 287G42 Obolus 112 1-45 4 115x7"" Track record: Aug. 30, BUG 3:17 140. 2S73!3 Kuzz Around !4 1:14 5 KHX? 2S735 Tropueoliun 7 155X725 28773s Stir Bp 18 1:44 4 112X715 287353 New Haven 7 130X720 2M7I53- Jabot 110 1:43 S !1710 2S735 Collector 5 140X720 2S789 Euterpe !l 1:10 G 110X705 287G02 has. F. Grainger. 9 143X715 2S73S Chad P.uford 107 1:44 G 104x700 28735 Indian Arrow 5 115X715 28327 King K 113 1:45 4 112.. 700 Tropf.eolum is in good form. A close thing between the principal contenders. FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Sept. 1, 1913 1:05 3 115. Index Course DistTimeTckOdds AArt St V4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SEA GULL, hr. c, 2 111 By Sea King Toots J. S. Tyree. 2S727 Connht 51 f l:0Sfast 31-10 112 4 8 2 23 33J F Robsonll Brseotchll., Capt.Rav. Berthier 2839S FortErie 5-S l:Mfast 7-5 112 4 1 6 C3 G10 F RobsonlO The Gadder, FoxTrot," GalaDress 27360 Ham ton 5-S 11-5 112 4 3 2 2 4C3 G Byrne 7 Pas de Chance, B. Sand, OlynG 26SC9 BlueBon. 5-S l:01good27-20 107J 4 2 2 34 35 G Byrne 7 Highway, Ophelia AA, Old Aliss 2G731 BlueBon. 5-S l:01fast 8-5 115 9 3 2 l1 22 G Byrne 9 Amalgator. Lvnette, E.Parsons 26438 AVdbine 5-S l:02slop 15 111 7 3 65 98J J Smyth 14 Alanokin, YcllowSally, Bondage 26238 AVdbine 45 f 55mud 23 107 12 G 71 69 F Robinsnl5 Yel.Sally, Alanokiu, Gol.Bantam 25859 Pimlico 1-2 49 fast 21-20 109 3 3 2J 33 J Aletcalt 5 Alanokin, Owaga, Crank 25745 H.deGce 4i f 54fast 6-5 108 2 2 2 51 C4J J Metcalf G Nonesuch, Bondage, Dunga Dm REGRESO, ch, g, 2 116 By Hastings Arline C. Straus. 28759 Connht 5i f l:14slop 3S-10 110 3 11 lni l T Hayes 10 Hazelnut. Cilices, Great Dolly 2S632 AVindsor 5-S l:02good 12 103 5 4 4 4i 43J T Hayes 7 Alelia, Thistle Queen, Gratitude 28130 Hamton 5-S l:01good 1GG 103 5 6 7 7 C9i T Hayes 7 Pomp, Katenka, Conowingo 27953 AVindsor 5-S l:00fast 46 104 G 3 3 , 41 61U T Hayes 7 Old Aliss, Pomp, Great Dolly 27S32 AVindsor 5J f l:07fast 23 105 5 4 4 f- 410 T Hayes 5 OldMiss, Iimcentlnez, SwiftFox STATIM, b. f, 2 106 By Havoc At Once J. E. Seagram. 2S75S Connht 51 f l:12slop 21-10 109 5 3 3 3nt l1?. T Par ton G Sturdee, Bavarde, Dandy Fay GOLD BOND, ch. g, 2 114 By Dick Welles Miss Lida W. Smith. 2S759 Connht 51 f l:14slop 12 111J 5 3 7 6ni 533 T Rice 10 Uegreso. Hazelnut, Cruces 2S509 AAindsor 51 f l:0Sfast 16-5 107 4 2 3 31 ll L Gentrj" 12 Alab. Honev Shuck, PrincessFav 2S424 FortErie 3-4 l:15fast 15 100 G G C 6l 63J O Gentry S SpringWheat, GalaDress F Trot 2S360 FortErio 51 f l:07fast fid 100 10 9 S Sl S13 O Gentry 12 LdyAIoll, P.deChanee, T Gadder 27953 AVindsor 5-8 l:00fast 4S-5 10S 7 7 7 7 712 L Gentry 7 Old Aliss. Pomp, Great Dolly 27120 Latonia 5-S l:0Ghvy 5 10SJ S S 8 8 815 L Gentry S Peter Jay, Tom Alanson. K.Dick MELIA, ch. f, 2 113 By Meelick Eegca P. Sheridan. 2S75! Connht 51 f l:14slop C8-10 107 S 7 S 7s 7T Parton 10 Itegreso. Hazelnut. Cruces 2SG32 AVindsor 5-S l:02good 9-5 1051 1 1 1 Is l1 F Robson 7 Thist.Queen, Gratitude Regreso 28175 Hthorne 51 f l:09fast 30 109 1 2 2 3 3 R Hack S Sedan, Sleeper, Jovial 2S101 Hthorne 3-4 l:17fast 15 93 3 1 1 21 6SS R Hack G Deckhand, Aleelogene, Jovial 2S029 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 20 109 2 4 4 4 l 4 R Feeney 9 James, Sleeper, J. Rufus 27837 Hthorne 5-8 1:02 fast 20 109 2 6 6 6s 615 W Schorn 8 Justify, Sleeper. Lycia 27503 Latonia 5-S l:01fast fid 110 4 5 11 12s 121S K Lapaillell C.Dwyer, P. oDawn, Immense 25564 H.Spgs 1-2 49fast 5 103 G 4 73 63 AV Obert 9 Rey Ennls, Cashup, Colza 25552 H.Spgs 1-2 49good 4 106 4 2 53 553 J Dodd 7 GoldenBantam. Terde, NightCan 25236 N.Orlns 1-2 4Sfast 7 109 11 9 91 SJ J McTagt 11 Geo.C.Love, Waukeag, G. Dolly ORIANA, br. f, 2 106 3y Bassetlaw Lady Betz C. A. Crow. 25771 Connht 51 f l:llslow 40 112 G G G 0 5 R Hardy i .Tavato, Silk Rustle. B. Alahone 28726 Connht 51 f l:09fast 21 113 8 2 4 4 4 F Robson 5 Silk Rustle, Bavarde, Pcess Fav 2S552 AAindsor 5-S 1:02 good69-10 110 1 5 4 51! 561 T Rice 5 Gnla Dress, G.Head. Alinnctonka 1S411 FortErio 5-S l:01fast S8-10 93 1 1113 l1! P Lowder ! Gratitude, Sleepy Sam, Dyson 2S357 FortErie 5-S l:02fast 56 SS G 5 5 53 31 J Bell 10 Comacho. B.andEarlv, T. Baroness 2S255 Hamton 5-S l:01fast 43 100 5 G 6 4i 48i J Bell 0 .Tavato, Isabelle II., Silk Rustle 2S201 Hamton 5-S l:0iy5fast 155 102 5 4 5 52 GS J Bell 8 Rhyme, B. and Early, L.Wonder 27255 Hamton 5-8 l:02fast 31 100 4 2 3 44 4aJ N Barrett 7 Silk Rustle, IsabelloIL, Banyan 26991 Connht 41 f 1:02 hvy 32 109 5 6 C5 7" G Byrne 7 Pax, Isabelle H.. Dandy Fay 2C925 Connht 41 f 57fast 27 109 7 7 7 7 3 G11 G Byrne 9 Britannia. Isabollell., DndyFay 26137 AVdbine 5-S l:03slop 11 104 i G 6 6 63 7" A Alott S Belle Alahone. Pax, Sturdee JOANNA II.. b. f. 2 113 . By John o Gaunt Fieldmistress J. Lumsden. 23772 Connht 8-4 1:17 slow 55 10S S S S S 8" AV Obert 8 Graphic. LadyAIoll. CaptainRny 2S734 Connht 3-4 1:14 fast 70 105 fi 6 9 9 S14 AAr Obert 0 Incog, AVaukeag, Savilla 2S469 AVindsor 51 f l:0Sslov 171 103 S 7 S ll1 1233 T Parton 12 Blaise, Savilla, Langden 2S3G0 FortErie 51 f l:07fast fid 100 9 6 9 10 10" AV Obert 12 LdyAIoll, P.deChanee, T.Gadder 28093 Hamton 51 f l:07fast 47 105 7 7 8 71 C13 W Obert S Thoughtful, Langden, Alanokin 27327 Hamton 5-S l:01fast 25 108 9 10 10 ll5 11" W Obert 12 SwiftFox, BlueFox, Beaut.AIorn 27260 Hamtcn 5-8 l:02sfast S-4 110 G 11 l1 1" T Rice S Fox Trot, Commoness, Katenka 2G4S1 Dorval 41 f 57hvy 17 104 6 5 4 41 23 F Robson S Alanokin, Conowingo, B.andEurly 26397 A"dbine 41 f 55fast 30 112 3 3 31 2i T Rice 11 Beaut.AIorn, EasterLily, Gayety BERTHIER. ch. c, 2 105 By Dalhousie Alhambra J. K. L. Ross. 25772 Connht 8-4 1:17 slow 31 105 5 5 G 7 7lN L AlcAtee S Graphic. LadyAIoll, CaptaiuRnv 28727 Connht 51 f l:08fast 41-5 109 2 2 3 ."? 43i L AlcAtee 11 BerscotchlL, Capt.Rav, SeaGull 2G397 AVdbine 41 f 55fast 51 115 10 4 51 9" L AlcAtee 11 Beaut. Alorn. Joanna II., E.Lily 2G270 AVdbine 41 f 56hvy 37-10 112 6 7 71 S10 L AlcAtee 8 Lady AIoll. B.andEarly, Freshet MADTOTJR, ch. g, 2 108 By Maddalo Tourmaletta B. Stansbury. 2S727 Connht 51 f l:08fa st fid 112 11 11 11 11 ll-1 J Dennisnll Berscotchll., Capt.Uay, SeaGult 2S2GS Alneuvc Ab5-8 l:04slow 12 106 4 C 6 53i J Dennlsn 7 Out. Old Drury. Curls 2S1KS Alneuvo Ab5-S l:01fast 10 111 4 4 41 53J J Dennisn S Beau. Lndy. Old Drury. Curls 2S112 Alneuvo Ab5-S l:01fast 12 105 3 S S S3 J Dennlsn 8 Hunan, Eden Park, Old Drury 27031 Connht 5-S 1:06 hvy 31 110 4 5 G G 514 J Dennisn 5 OldMiss, AVallStreet, BrhtSand 20528 Dorval 5-S 1:05 s.ow 3S-5 ICG 5 5 C 6 610 A Alott G Idolita. AAall Street, Jim Hutch SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Canadian-foaled. Selling. Aug. 2S, 19101:13 1 12S. ARMINE, ch. f. 3 112 By Bassetlaw My Honey H. Giddings. 28737 Connht 8-4 l:l!fast 18-5 103 1 1111 21?. AA Obert S Hamp.Diime. Ltitellours. OldPop 2SG33 AVindsor 3-4 l:14good 26-5 92 2 2 3 43 31 AAr Crump G Tartarean, LdyCurzon, C.Broom 2S592 AVindsor 1 l:40fast 17 9CJ 2 1 1 1 21 7i J CallahanlO Tartarean, Splutter, LadvCurzon 2J.50S AAindsor 3-4 1:14 fast 16-5111 5 4 4 41 31 R AIcDott S CornBroom. Debaven, GarishSim 23125 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast C3-10 99 4 2 2 34 21 R AIcDott 8 AIossFox, D.Carlin, S.Launcelot 2S204 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 52 95 5 3 3 S S1 J Bell 8 Old Pop. Sea Lord, Corn Broom 2S132 Hamton 11:12 good fid 102 5 3 4 C 103 1010 J Connors 12 Moss Fox, AInusolus, Corn Broom 2635S AVdbine 1 1-16 l:52fast 17-5 122 2 1 1 2 33 5 W AVaron G S. Colleen, Latellours, H.Flame 26193 AVdbine 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 15 93 6 2 C 7 9 933 E Forehd 9 F. Alontague, L.Curzon, Splutter 23241 AVdbine 3-4 1:16 fast 8-5 119 3 11 lb 2 T Rice S Debaven. SweetColleen, MissPay 22672 BlueBon. 51 f l:07fast 6-5 116 5 1 2 2s 2n T Rice 8 S. Colleen. Billy Frew. AlissFay GOOD SHOT. b. f. 3 103 By Martimas Percussion J. S. nendrie. 2S7Ci Connht 1 l:C0slop 17-10 1041 2 4 2 1 l5 1 F Robson 7 Thorneliffe. Debaven. Aleissen 2SC97 Connht 1 1:44 fast 33-5 9G 7 5 3 3 21 3i F Alerimec S Debaven. Aliss Fay. Gartley 2SC05 AVindsor 7-S 1:28 fast 19-5 106 2 1 1 1 11 lS F Robson 7 Smitbfield, Alausolus, AIcBride 2S508 AVindsor 3-4 1:14 fast 30 106 1 2 2 22 642 W A Carl S Corn Broom, Debaven, Armine 28425 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast 17 90 5 3 3 51 531 L Ensor S AIoss Fox, Armine. Dor. Carlin 27871 AAindsor 3-4 l:13fast IS 99 1 2 3 4l S13 L AlcAtee 10 Hamp.Dame, CornBroom, M.Fox 27619 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast 2S-5 96 2 2 2 43 541 P Lowder 10 Gartley, Corn Broom, IrishHeart 27458 FortErie 3-4 l:lGfast 33 93 2 4 2 3 531 P Lowder 12 Billy Frew, AIoss Fox, Alausolus 27335 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 54 98 2 4 2 3l 113 P Lowder 12 Ravencourt, AIoss Fox, Gartley 23091 AVdbine 51 f l:09fast 21-5 107 5 1 1 4i 781 J Callahan 7 Cop. King, Alecto, Heclas Flame 22247 Windsor 6-S l:03fast 19-5 104 1 11 ll in P Lowder 7 Aliss Fay, Kathleen!!.. Banshore CORN BROOM, ch. g. 5 124 By Cesarion Birch Broom C. A. Crew. 2363." AAindsor 8-4 l:14good 5-4 112 1 11 11 4-1 T Rice t! Tartarean, LadyCurzon, Armine 2S50S AAindsor 3-4 1:14 fast 3-2 121 8 1 1 11 ll F Robson 8 Debaven, Armine, Garish Sun 2S439 FortErie 1 1-16 1:47 fast 3-2 103 3 1 1 1 l4 22 F Robson 5 P. Philstborpe. C.King. Kath.H. 2S356 FortErie 1 l:39fast 8 106 1 1 1 1 VI l3 F Robson 9 AIoss Fox. C.King, P.Philsthorpe 28204 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast 17 105 3 1111 32 W Obert 8 OldPop. SeaLord, HamptonDame 2S132 Hamton 1 1:42 good 101 106 1 1 1 2 21 35 T Parton 12 AIoss Fox, Alausolus, Amphion 27988 AVindsor 1 l:42fast 5-4 109 1 5 2 2 Ink nj j Sloan G L.Spark, Kathleenn., Smitbfield 27949 AAindsor 3-4 l:14fast 32-5 100 1 1 2 4 4 J Rogers G Dimitri. Bendel, Yorkville 27871 AVindsor 3-4 l:13fast Gl-10 112 2 1 1 23 2J J WllliamslO Hamp. Dame, AIoss Fox, Gartley 27S00 AVindsor 1 l:39fast 18 100 3 3 3 4 4S 471 J Dreyer G Splutter, LadyCurzon, SeaLord SMITHFIELD, blk. g, 4 100 By Havoc Martyrdom J. E. Seagram. 2S605 AVindsor 7-S 1:2S fast 9-5 10C G 2 2 2 23 2?. A Pickens 7 Good Shot, Alausolus, AIcBride 2S413 FortErie 1 l:39fast 14 10C C a 4 3 33 33 J Callahan 1 Last Spark, Kath.H., S.Artlmr 279SS AAindsor 1 l:42fast 2S ins 4 3 5 4 45 43i A Pickens G CrnBroom, L.Spark, KthleenH. 27S71 AAindsor 3-4 l:13fast 21 106 3 10 10 10 1011 F Cooper 10 Hnmp.Dame. CornBroom, AI.Fox 20396 AVdbine 1 1-4 2:09good 31 113 1 7 9 11 12 125 P Goldstnl2 Tartarean, F.AIontague, P.Sauce 15G94 AVindsor 5-S 1:02 fast 4 115 3 7 5 31! in P Goldstn 8 H. Bassett II.. H.Dame. Okemns 155S2 AAindsor 5-S l:03fast 7-10 101 2 4 3 21 2" J Smyth 5 Otero. John Peel, John Thompson 15331 FortErie 5-8 1:02 fast 12 102 3 3 2 2 23 A Claver 0 Mona G.. Cannle Jean. John Peel 15109 Hamton 5-S l:02fast 50 103 5 7 7 7 618 T Freyer 7 Snlutter. L.Sdthrift. H.Bsettll. 14633 BlueBon. 41 f 55fast 40 110 4 4 4 4 4" J J Smyth 4 Linsin, Splutter, L. Spendthrift GARTLEY, ch. c. 4 121 By Martimas Losiola J. AVhyte. 28737 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 2S-5 10G 4 5 5 53 62 T Parton 8 Hamp.Dame. Armine. Latellours 28C97 Connht 11:44 fast 39-10 11C 1 3 4 4 43 42 AV AAar on S Debaven. Aliss Fay, Good Shot 2S5S8 Alt.Royal lm70yl:44fast 8 110" G G 5l 71 G Gould 8 Zodiac. Brookflold, Alud Sill 2S2S9 Hamton 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 12 111 7 2 2 2 21 ll AV AAaron 9 Amphion, Debaven, Alnusoliis 2S132 Hamton 1 1:42 good IS 113 3 9 9 9 81 8s W Waronl2 AIoss Fox. Alausolus. Corn Broom 27S71 AVindsor 3-4 l:13fast 11 119 4 6 6 5l 4Ti AV Waronl0 Hamp.Dame, CornBroom, AI.Fox 27619 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast 41-10114 6 G 6 2l 1J W AVaronlO Corn Broom. I. Heart, Alausolus 27545 FortErio 1 l:42fast 23 105 3 2 2 3 41 4 W Morscy 9 Garish Sun, Amphion, BlllyFrew 27395 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 45 117 5 8 8 51 35 AV AVaronl2 Ravencourt, AI.Fox, S.Launcelot 27032 Connht 3-4 1:19 hvy 3J 113 4 4 4 43 44i AV AVaron 8 Corn Broom. Beehive. Moss Fox OTERO, br. f, 4 ln3 By Bassetlaw Cuba Free R. Hanley. 2S762 Connht 1 l:50slop 19 11C 7 Lost rider. J Dennisn 7 Good Shot, Thorricliffe. Debaven 279GS Alt Royal 3-4 1:15 fast 1 105 2 5 53 51 J Dennisn 7 Froissart. Red Post, Sacal 27782 AItRoyal 3-4 1:15 fast 7 107 12 Pulled up. J Denson 12 L. Spendthrift, Auster, Reddest 27595 KingEd Ab5-S l:07hvy G-5 111 3 6 Cl 3 J Dennlsn 7 Auster, PhilJIcCool. CosinAgnes 27480 Kin"Ed Ab3-4 l:27hvy G 114 7 G G3 61 J Denson 7 Energetic, Yanker. Tarleton P. 27383 Delmier Ab5-8 l:03fast 21 107 2 3 11 lk AV Young 9 Auster. D. of Chester. P.McCool 27119 Connht 1 l47hvy 43-5109 6 7 7 7 7 731 J Dennisn 7 Reddest. Puritan Lass, Old Pop 2703 Connht 3-4 IM hvy . 22 103 7 G 7 C1 C13 J Dennisn 8 Corn Broom, Beehive, AIoss Fox 2CCC0 Dorval 3-4 l:21hvy 10 107 4 C 9 9 9 W Ward 10 P.Snuce. Gartley. P.Philsthdrpe 26391 Delmier Ab61f l:28slow 8 112 G 9 9 9 911 J Denson 9 Tarleton P., Y.FIowcr, A.ODay 2C391 Delmier Abdf l:2Sslow 8 112 9" J Dennison 9 Tarleton P., .Flower, A.ODay THORN CLIFFE, br. g, 3 S9 By Bolsover St. Cecilia II. V. Bennett. -S7t!2 Connht 1 l:5UsIop 2G 92 til 2 2s li C "Watts 7 Court Shot. Dehaven, Meissen 2S737 Connht 3-4 l:14fast 11 95 S 6 7 71 Sf2 F Merimee S Ilamp.Dame, Armine. Latellours 28C25 MLRoyal 1 l:44good 3-2 103 11 1 35 A Claver ! Dix Roger. Corf Volant, Sacal 2SG19. MLRoyal 55 f l:0Gfast 15 100 4 2 2 CJA Claver S L.Spendthrif t. Single, Lit.Rebel 2S579 MLRoyal 5-S l:00fast 20 107 9 2 5J S WolstmR! Rosemary, M.Jhnson. QuidXunc 2S390 DulTerin Ab5-S l:0lfast 12 107 1 9 fi 5 M Mountn ! Abdul. Parcel Post. Mimieo 2S242 Hamton 3-4 1:16 fast 14-5 107 2 2 1 l"k 3J F Robson 9 Sir Arthur, Torn Silk, Sacal 27G19 FortErie 3-4 1:14 fast 19 101 5 4 5 75 71 F RobsonlO Gartlcy, Corn Broom. Irishlleart 27573 FortErie 1 l:125fast 15 100J 4 4 4 C G 5 J Dreycr 0 Pr. Mover, Antiseptic, Avolontc 27496 FortErie 1 l:43Vandfast 43 97 G 4 2 2 3l 310 L Ensor S MossFox. Mausolus, L.Sndthrift 2745S FortErie 3-4 l:lGfast 13 103 7 2 G G 735 M Mntainl2 Hilly Frew. Moss Fox, Mausolus 27395 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast fid 91 J G 2 3 71 103J E Forehdl2 Raveneourt. Moss Fox, Oartlcy 2C776 BlueBon. 3-4 l:lCfast 16-5 10S 2 11 1 2- J Metcalf 10 F. 12. Gaiety, VivianS., G.Vixen CERF VOLANT, ch. g, 4 100 By Bluo Book Eva Maddison C. A. Lavigne. 28730 Connlit 1 l:42Vfcfast 10G 100 7 3 5 7 S S14 R C Watts S Back Bay, Lazuli. Oriiinlu 2iG25 MLRoyal 1 l:44good 3 113 7 7 Sat 25 E Martin 9 Dix Rogers. Thonicliffe. Sacal 2WS7 MLRoyal 5-S l:00fast 0 112 7 S 72 S13 H Snyder 9 Bird Man, M. OBrien, K.Tusean 2S097 Mt.Royal G-S l:01fast 4 ill u 7 7i 55 S Wolstm 11 Pin Monev. Ladv Dal, IS. Keaeh 22931 Dorval 55 f l:07fast G9-10 107 2 2 2 2 2i II AndersnIO Kama, Sir James. Sir Arthur 22G9G BlueBon. 1 lMlSJfast fid 95 2 4 4 5 ?SS;JK AVeathyll Froissart. Corn Broom. Pur. Lass 22055 BlueBon. 1 1-4 2:11 fast 43-20 112 G 2 2 2 25 45 P Coldstn i R. Post, L. Spendthrift. Iteddest 22546 Conght 1 l:45M-.good 40 9:. 4 2 2 2 52 Gl K WoatlivlO Red Post. Puritan Lass. Exmcr 20MS BlueBon. 3-4 l:16mud 293 99 S 4 G Gs GJ T Fitzpak S Ilerrmana. Slip.Day. L.Sdthrift VIVIAN S., ch. m, 5 100 By Xocohatchee Xermoss S. S. Shore. 2S7: Connlit 3-4 IS 10f fi 5 5 r, 4o IJolton ti L.Mildrfd. MissCavle. L.Xophow 27119 Connht 1 l:47Ulivy 19 104 4 5 G 5 05 5 Vr McKzie 7 Reddest. Puritan Lass, Old Pop 2G77G BlueBon. 3-4 l:lCfast 29 110 10 5 4 2 33I E Leaver 10 F.K.Oaietv. Tonieliffe, G.Viven 1G57S Connht 5J f 1:11 fast 40 109 G S S S S A Dudley S T.P.Comieir, Boozer, Suivez-Moi 10S7G Connht 5-S 1:02 fast CO 95 4 G G G 514 Snyder 0 Mar.Oaiety. Meissen OurMabelle THIRD RACE About 2 Miles. Hclter Skelter Steeplechase. 3-year-olds and upward. Kandicn. Auk. .W, 1!HC 3:47!h ! TROPAEOLUM, ch. gr, 7 155 Ey Nasturtium Fair Annet G. W. Beardmore. 2s7:a Connht Ab 2 3:4Sfast 31-10 150 3 11 1 1 VI S Quarton r. Carter, Xrwllavcn liirti-m nw 2S2.S5 Hamton Ab 24:02fast 11-5 153 2 3 Fell. II Sinips n 5 In. Arrow. 12arlvLi"ht N H-ivcn 2S202 Hamton Ab 2 4 -.OSfast 17-10156 1 1 2 3 3 3"?. II Simpson RarlvLiirht. X ii-ivcn ind Arrow 2725C Hamton Ab 2 4:24fast 41-10 147 4 1 1 1 11 lb H Simpson U Morpeth. Earlv Litlit xll-ivcii 2G9U4 Connht Ab 2 4:13hvy GJ 143 3 1 1 1 in in H Simpson 5 K. Liglit. Brushbroom Cvnosure 23143Wdbine Ab 2 4:22good 12 llfi 2 1 2 2 3 3" .1 Smith Cynosure. Stucco C. Bon 225GS Consht Ab 2 3:52 fast 3 110 .111 1 iu 3J D Caddy Z Stucco, Xew Haven Morpeth 22521 Consht Ab 2 3:52 good 30 137 3 1 1 1 1 1 G Bowser Stucco, Xew Haven. Mornctli 143G1 "Wdbine 1 1-4 2:15fast 1-2 15S 1 1 1 1 1 1 MrUKIIn Que-n Sain. Bilberrv Oimr 11" 10S1G Connaught 1 l:43fast 4 114 6 5 4 3 45 2 C Peak 7 Aml.orite. Auster. Puritan l7s NEW HAVEN, b. g. 7 13D Bv Filigrane Ethel Thomas W. Smith 2STO Connht Ab 2 3:4Sfast G 142 2 3 4 I 3 3" R Scully r. Tropa.-olnm. Carter. Ind. Arrow iS2S5 Hamton Ab 2 4:02fast 23-10 142 3 1 2 3 350 R Scully r. In.Arrow. KnrlvLicht .ToeCuietv 2S202 Hamton Ab 2 21 142 4 3 3 2 2 2J R Scully ti B.Lijjht. TropaVolum, lnd.Arrow 27394 Hamton Ab 2 4:15fast 3 152 5 1 1 1 1 1 J Smith 1 Bamboo. Brushliroom .Im O 27256 Hamton Ab 2 4:24M;fast 17 HO G 4 3 3 2k 43J J Smith ! Troi.icohim. Morpeth 12 Li-iit 27115 Connht Ab 2 4:03 hvy 7-5 139 2 4 3 3 2 2 J Smith U Collector, Cvnosuro. Em Gem 2GS71 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:18?good 5 140 2 1 1 1 S 3t,3H Crawfd r. 12. Liht. s! River Brushbroom 2GS31 BlueBon. Ab 2 4:20hvy 16 140 5 3 2 3 2 22 H Crawfd i Sun King, Shan. River C Krum 2G70S BlueBon. Ab 2 4:22good39-10 149 1 1 2 1 2 3 II Crawfd 7 Earlv Light. Stucco Frijolee 2G400 "Wdbine Ab2J 5:26 fast 23 141 1 2 3 3 3 3? II Boyle fl Sun King, Shan.River, H.ofOak tDisqualified for foul. COLLECTOR, blk. g. 5 140 By Stalwart Torrid J. A. Murphy. 2S735 Connht Ab 2 3:4S?fast 13-5 142 1 2 2 Fell. .1 Beamish r Tropacolum, Carter. Xew Haven 2S699 Connht Ab 2 4:49Afast 34-5 143 2 2 2 1 2s 2 J Beamish S Garter. Chns.F.Grainger Oueed 2S590 AVindsor 5i f l:06fast fid 10G 11 10 10 10" 102 TV Ward 1 Blue Cap. Recluse, Tom Cani 27256 Hamton Ab 2 4:21fast 13 137 S 2 5 6 7 714 J Russell 0 Tropaeolum, Morpeth, 12. Light 27115 Connht Ab 2 4:03 hvy 47-10132 3 3 2 2 1 1 J Russell 5 Xew Haven. Cynosure. Em.Cem 27033 Connht Ab 2 4:05 hvy 3-2 141 4 2 1 1 3 3" J Russell ! Jim ., C. F. Grainger, Morpeth 26273 Wdbine Ab 2 4:45 hvy 10 130 4 2 1 Lost rider. J Smith G EarlvLight, I.Michael, Cynosure 2C19S Wdbine Ab 2 4:34 good 21 13S 5 3 3 5 510 5" J Beamish 7 Sun "King, Hts of Oak, Frijolee 2C078 Pimlico 2 1-4 4:27 fast 5 140 2 1 2 2 2i 3i J Smith S R. Oliver, Stonowood. X. Haven CHAS. F. GRAINGER, b. g. 9 143 By Meltonian Lucy Jones J. F. Hynes. 2S7G0 Connht Ab 2 3:47s!op 3 116 2 4 1 2 2 2" W Daly T Frijolee, Arcturus. Tom Horn 2S72S Connht Ab 2 3:19fast 1S-5 11.. 5 4 2 2 215 VI W Daly 5 Tom Horn. Joe Gaietv. Bamboo 2SC99 Connht Ab 2 4:49andfast 12 1 35 8 7 7 4 3" 3s W Daly S Garter, Collector, Queed 2SG2f MLRoyal Ab 2 4:03fast 4 114 4 5 2- 3" W Daly i Queed, J. Winston. IndianArrow 2S575 MLRoyal Ab 2 4:05 fast 3 I3S 2 3 5 ink AV Daly C. Queed, Jack AVinston, Morpeth 2S011 MLRoyal Ab 2 4:17 hvy C-5 13S 4 3 2" 23 AV Daly Sarolta. Antiseptic. Arcturus 277S4 MLRoyal Ab2 4:11 fast 2 13S 3 4 3 3s AAr Daly r, Cliest.Krum, Antiseptic. Sarolta 27539 KingEd. Ab5-S l:03slow 10 105 - 7 7 7 7i It Jarboe 7 XeManager, Paulson. M.Johnsou 27135 Connht Ab 2 4:03good IS 13G 1 G G G 2i 1and R Scully fi I.amboo, Indian Arrow, Frijolee 27033 Connht Ab 2 4:05 hvy 14 139 5 6 G 4 2- 2 R Scully 1; Jim O., Collector. Morpeth 2G994 Connht Ab 2 4:13hvy 14 140 5 5 3 3 5 5- J Smith Tropaeolum, EarlvLight, Bbroom 2G973 Connht Ab 2 4:lGhvy 29-20 115 3 4 2 1 1 21 .T Russell 5 Jack AVinston. Chevron, Queed 2GG24 Dorval . 1 1:49 mud 12 112 7 S S 8 8 8s J Smyth S Babv Sister, Obolus, Dr.CJiarcot 26185 Dorval Ab 2 4:33M;hvy 23 147 1 1 3 2 2" 2 J Russell G Stucco. Clies. Krnni. J. Winston INDIAN ARROW, ch. g. 5 145 By Kilogram Indian Hannah V. Oberncsscr. 28735 Connht Ab 2 3:487f,fast 5! 317 4 4 3 3 Pu.up.J Clark 7 Tropaeolum, Carter. Xew Haven 2M5T. MLRoyal Ab 2 3-2 155 1 2 Fell. .1 Clark G Queed, Jack Winston. Morpeth 2SG20,MLRoyal Ab 2 4:03rast G-r IGl 1 4 410411.1 Clark G Queed. J. AVinston, C.F.Grainger 2S2S5iHamton Ab 2 4:027r,fast 42-5 143 5 2 1 1 ll 1- J Clark H EarlvLight. X.Haven. JoeGaietv 2832 Hamton Ab 2 4:0Sandfast 10 14S 3 C 4 4 410 47J J Beamish G 12. Light. X. Haven, Tropaeolum 2S094 Hamton Ab2 4:0Gfast 13 115 12 2 1 1 lc J Clark 7 Joe Gaiety, JimO., ChesterKrum 27394 Hamton Ab 2 4:15fast 12 150 1 Lost rider. R Scully ! X. Haven, Bamboo, Brushbroom 27324 Hamton Ab 2 4:22 fast 29-5141 0 Lost rider. J Russell S C. Krum, J. AVinston, T. African 27179 Hamton 2 3:40 fast 19-10 137 3 1 1 1 lnfc 2 J Russell G Cu Bon, Morpeth, Queed FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Dominion Speed Handicap. All Ages. Aug. 28, 1910--1:13".-. 1 128. THE MASaUERADER. b. g. 4 109 By Opden Masquerade W. Stormont. 28729 Connht 3-4 l:13fast 19-10 109 1 11 1 33 F Robson G T.othMning, R.Bdley, Trnliill ! 28539 AVindsor 3-4 l:12Vsfast 71-10 112 C 3 4 5t 10" R McDottl2 T.othMing, G.Grge, R.Bdlev 2S442 FortErie 3-4 1:12 fast 18-5111 5 1 1 V V F Robson 8 Kewessa. R.Bradley. Col.Arenuie 2S411 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 4i 112 3 3 5 3J 3 F Robson 5 T.dtliMng. Squeeler, Albaran 1 8258 Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 47-10 110 4 4 3 3 2J C Dishmon 7 T.othMorriing, IL Bay. Venetia 28170 Hamton 3-4 l:13.4fast 31-5 109 4 5 5 5s 47 J Metcalf U T.othMning. R.Brdley. B.ISay 27954 AVindsor 3-4 l:12fast 53-10 110 4 2 2 is 31 J Dminick G A. X. Akin, Schemer, R.Brartlev 27765 AVindsor 3-4 l:liy5fast 5 112 4 4 5 4 3 W Wurnn 7 R.liaggnge, Calgary. B.andStars ; 27449 FortErie 3-4 l:14islow 47-10 112 4 1 1 1 21 J Dminick S A.X.Akin, PliilUngar, B.andStars i ! ; i ROBERT BRADLEY, ch. g. G 10S By WcGe Lady Quoi W R. MiicU 28729 Connht 3-4 l:13faHt G3-10 107 2 2 2 2- 2i L McAtee G T.othMing, T.Merader, Tnhill 2S63G AVindsor 3-4 l:12if;good 24-5 111 3 5 5 7 51 T Parton 8 Kewessa. Mars Cassidy, Aenetia 28539 AVindsor 3-4 l:12fast 15 107 2 6 5 4U 31 R Shilling 12 T.othMrning. G.George, B.Bay 2S442 FortErie 3-4 1:12 fast 27-5 109 1 2 2 k 3i T Parton S T.Mueradcr. Kewessa, C.Vennie 2S329 FortErie 3-4 l:12Jfast 43-10 10! 1 1 2 2" 3:J F Robson 8 AVaterbass, Pesky. Gipsey George 2S170 Hamton 3-4 l:13fast IS 107 1 1 2 2t 21 L McAtee 9 T.othMing. B.ISay, T.Merader 27954 AVindsor 3-4 l:12fast 87-10 109 2 G G 5nfc 4i D McAtee G A.X.Akin, Schemr, T.Mueradcr 277G6 AVindsor 1 1-S l:52fast 21 10G Left at the post. L McAtee 7 Tliornhill. Rancher. King Gorin 27543 FortErie 3-4 1:15 fast 19-20 112 1 2 1 2- 21 L, McAtee 1 Pesky. Fair Helen, Billy McGce 27257 Hamton 3-4 laSVifat 17-10 108 1 1 1 I3 I1 L McAtee 9 Aenetia, Pesky. Anita KEWESSA. b. g, G 11G By McGee Sanfara W. L. Oliver. 2S700 Connht 1 l:39J5;fast 17-5 112 1 1 1 1 lk 4 R Hardy 7 Grumpy, KingXeptune, Aenetia 2SG3G AVindsor 3-4 !:12;ood 3-2 111 2 11 l4 Is F Robson S Mars Cassidy, Aenetia, AV.Lady 2S539 AVindsor 3-4 l:125fast 73-10 115 4 9 10 10 Gi L Gentry 12 T.othMing. G.Grge, R.Bdley 2S497 AAMndaor 3-4 1:14 slow G7-10 107 5 1 3 5nk 6i E Taplin 10 A.X.Akin, T.othMning. Arriet 2S112 FortErie 3-1 1:12 fast G-5 120 3 4 3 2i 2l AV AVaron S T.Merailer. R.Bartley. C.Aennie 2S372 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 13-10 113 1 11 li l5 F Robson G Pesky, Etruscan, Marianao 28329 FortErie 3-4 l:12Mifast 19-10 115 7 7 5 CJ 75 T Parton S AVaterbass, Pesky, Robt.Bradiey 2S141 Empire Ab3-4 l:llhvy 7 10G 2 3 3 W li J McCahey 5 PortLight, Sprint. PaddyWhack 27923 Empire Ab3-4 1:0S fast 7 101 2 4 4 2h 21 J McTagt G P. of Como, HighXoon. Delancey 276CS Aqduct 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 1 04 6 4 4 35 2h J McTagt. G Sand Marsh, Engelbert, Frizzle BETAVEEN IIS, b. g. 4 105 By Golden Maxim Spanish Match J. Lumsden. 2S513 AVindsor 5?. f l:0Gfast 31-5 112 6 S 0 6 1 J Metcalf 12 MarsCssidy. Dimitri. Astrologer 2S43S FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 19-10 115 1 1 1 11 1 L Gentry 8 Kootenay, I.oi-ax. Souvenir 28399 FortErie 5?. f 1:07 fast 4i 10C S f 5 2S 35?. AV Obert 10 Joe Finn. Dimitri. Fair Helen 2S09G Hamton 3-4 19 11G 5 5 G 7l C" AV Obert 10 T.othMing, P.Sight. Marianao 2613G AVdbine 3-4 l:15slop 3-4 114 1 11 l3 l1 T Rice 7 Ktenay. Cmensia, Typography 2G23G AVdbine 3-4 lrlSifcmud 9-4 120 1 11 ll 2?. T Rice 10 TlieSpirit, BenQuince, Pliilistine 25737 II.deGce 5l- f 1:09 good 3-2 113 2 5 5 5- 54i J McTagrtlO Arermont, King AVortli. Redland 25704 ILdeGce 6J f l:07ifcfast 24-5 10S 7 7 5 3i l J McTagrt S lmperator. K.AVorth, B.CiMrder 25G79 Bowie 3-4 1:1G slop 33-20 118 2 2 1 1- l2 J McTagt 9 Ancon, AVater Lily, Deiluctiou CELTO. blk. f. 4 09 By Celt Toot J. S. Tyroe.1. 275ni FortErie 3-11:15 fast IS 112 1 5 C C. Metcalf G Arriet, Bars and Stars, Anita J711G Connht 3-4 l:17hvy 27-10100 1 2 2 21 31 AV McKzie Kama. Prohibition, Venetia 26S29 BlueBon. 7-S l:29hvv 12 103 2 C G C 45 4s AV McKzie 7 Water Lady, Pesky, Fair Helen 2G5S5 Dorval 1 l:12,sfast 35 99 1 1 1 1 l1 51 L McAtee G Harbard, K. Hamburg. P.Ungar 2G4S1 Dorval 1 l:46?f,hvv 5i 100 4 4 4 5 5 53I AV McKzie 5 Schemer. Squeoler, All Smiles 2G398 AVdbine 3-1 l:12Vilast 50 104 5 4 G 5l S1" AV McKzielO A. X. Akin. Squeeler, Recoil 25971 Pimlico 7-S l:2Sifast 13 101 S C G 4 4l 46i AV McKie S 1. Henry, Flittergold, Genwood 25SSS Pimlico 2-4 1:13 fast 21-20101 1 2 2 1$ 2and J McTagt 7 U.Bryn, S.W.Jnson. T.Dccision GREENAVOOD, br. c. 3 9G Bv Marathon Presentation G. H. Marlman. 2S7G1 Connht 11:49 slop 23-5 106 G 6 G G G a3 A Collins G Bus. Square. Eulogy, Peep Sight 27279 Hamton 1 1-4 2:0G2fast 1G 112 3 5 4 G 3H 33 J Connors G Avement. Dmrosch. S.ofPsure 27257 Hamton 3-4 l:13VfeList 24 103 9 9 S Gl 55 J Connors 9 Robert Bradley, Aenetia. Pesky 2CS10 BlueBon. 1 l:42s!op IS 107 2 4 4 5 51 511 T Rice S P. Ungar, S. Face, S.of Pleasure 2G734 BlueBon. 1 l:33fast 11 102 G G G G G 51T AV AVard G Rancher. Comonada, K.Nptune AVdbine 1 1-8 1:52 fast fid 101 G S 10 12 12 1210 M Andsonl2 Runes, Uncle Bryn, F.Montngue 2G239 AVdbine 1 1-S 1:58 mud 12 117 7 C 5 5 0 G11 F Robson 8 Damrosch, Aievement. P.Ungar 2G0S0 Pimlico 1 1-S l:54tfast 7 107 3 7 5 3 ink 21 R Ball 9 Damrosch, Aievement, E.IIenry FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. All Ages. Allowances. Aug. 28, 19101 :Ki-ff. 1 12.9. HOPS. ch. g, 3 104 By Hastings Crimea S. Louis. 2S761 Connht 11:19 slop 14-5 1021. 3 2 1 1 lit 4 3 T Parton G Rus. Square. Eulogy. Peep Sight 28730 Connht 1 l:42fast 4 97 G 5 1 2 4nfc 711 L. McAtee 8 Back Bay, Lazuli. Ormulu 2SGCG AVindsor 1 1-1G l:45fast 20 97 C 3 3 1 5"k 716 j Callahan 7 Bell Boy. Fountain Fay, Tokay 23416 FortErie 11:40 fast 3-2 111 2 3 5 3 15 2l F Robson 7 PeepSight, BlackFrost. EddieT. 28325 FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 71 100 9 10 G 4l 325 F Cooper 11 Martin Casca, Kootenay, Resign 26471 Douglas 3-4 l:131smud 20 10! 3 3 5 7 S1 F Cooper 8 Skiles Knob. Billy Joe, Sosius 26254 Churchl 3-4 l:14mud 2S 1045 7 7 6 55 53 F Cooper S Hawthorn, Ed Howard, S. Knob 23785 Latonia 5. f l:06fast 23 102U1 H 11 1U2 10J C AanDunll BlackicDaw. Kathleen. M.Heury 23590 Latonia 3-4 l:13hvy 24 10G 8 11 11 91 SI05J HanoverlS Big Smoke, Cosmic. Checks 22S40 Lexgton G-S l:O-05fast 24-5 109 4 4 4 41 4 R Goose 5 Checks, Prince Harry, Petlar 21430 Latonia 3-4 l:lGmud 41-5 111 G 7 7 75 9s W W Tlorll BlackieDaw. CaneRuu, B.Smoke FOX TROT. ch. f, 2 92 By Star Shoot Fassan H. Rites. 28734 Connht 3-4 1:14 fast 9 10G 2 4 4 I1 551 A Pickens !t Incog, AVaukeag. Savilli 2SG9S Connht 5 f l:07fast 55 109 4 4 4 li 1- A Pickens 7 Rhymer. Kath. Gray, Med. Miss 2S421 FortErie 3-4 l:15fast G-5 109 G 5 3 !l H F Robson S SpringWheat. G.Dress. ll.Sliuck 2839S FortErie 5-S l:01fast S 109 1 5 4 25 25 AV Obert 10 TheGadder. G.Dress, T.Baroness 28257 Hamton 5-S l:01fast 12 105 5 5 G fil 6J J Connors 7 Taraheni. The Gadder, Savilla 2S126 Hamton 5-8 1 :02VsIow 25 110 1 5 4 15 5l" F Robson 9 Blaise. Private. Beauty Spot 27459 FortErie 5-S l:03fnst 33-10 109 4 8 Pulled up.AV Obert 10 Katcnka, Beauty Spot, Arravan 27393 Hamton 55 f l:0STsfast 33-5 103 G G 5 2nt 2i W Obert G Manokin, AAat, Easter Lily 27260 Hamton 5-S l:025fast 11-5 110 2 C G 3s 2"k F Robson 8 JoannalL, Coinmoness, Katenka 26127 Pimlico 4 f 56slow 16 107 2 6 7 75 7s R Ball S Meddling Miss, Savilla. Owaga 26C91 Pimlico 45 f 5Gslow 18-5 107 3 5 5 5 2 J McCahey 7 St.Forward. Monomoy. X.K.Beal 2G044 Pimlico 5-S l:02fast 24-5 105 7 8 7 41 4J W Obert S Crank, Ophelia W.. Riverdale 2G014 Pimlico 45 f 56fast 57-10 109 8 7 5 l 31 AV Obert 15 Hanobala. TlieO.One. BrightStar WISE MAN, ch. c, 3 107 By Gigantcum Magnotino J. Barry. 28729 Connht 3-4 l:13"fast S 94 5 5 fi G G" 1 Merimee G T.othMing, R.Bdley, T.Mader 2S550 AVindsor 3-4 1:14 good fid 109 3 1 2 7ntnis R Shilling 12 Sausyming. J.AVakely. It.Square 2S42S FortErie 55 f l:0GVifast SO 100 2 5 7 7 71C T Parton 7 Pesky, Back Bay, Slipshod FLYING FLORA, b. f. 3 104 By Mauvezin Miss Fiora J. S. Hendrie. 2S704 Connht 1 l:47slop Gl-10 301.. 3 3 5 6 G3 C10 F Robson 7 St. Crleote. Obolus. PrhncMovcr 2S701 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 23-10 101 3 5 0 35 3J F Robson S King AVorth. Sea Beach. Ratina 2S5SS AVindsor 55 f l:0GVfast 19 109 6 5 5 5- 45 G Molesthl2 Ardent. Philistine, Owana 28256 Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 9-10 104 1 11 lnt I1 A Pickens 7 Hastena. Fair Orient, Avolonte 27872 AVindsor 3-4 l:13fast 13 100 8 1 2 3l G3i J Callahan 8 J. Straith. Peep Sight. Perugiuo 7654 FortErie 5 f l:064.fefast fid 9S 4 5 6 9s Sls W Obert 11 Outlook, Kootenay, Yorkville 2725S Hamton 3-4 l:14fast 21 93 5 2 2 31 1011 P Lowder 12 Pontefract. Lohengrin. Ailey Kemp.Pk.Eng. 5-S fast 4 121 4 Wing 11 F.bySeafth. Swch-Back. T.Duck N6tfhamEng. G-8 soft 5 121 7 AVihg 11 MaDtierlcy. Paganini, R.Banquet BILLY McGEE, b. c, 3 107 By McGee Sanfara J. S. Tyree. 2S730 Connht 1 l:42i5fast 64 104 1 1 2 6 5l 5" AV McKzie 8 Back Bay. Lazuli, Ormulu 2S1GS Hamton 1 l:41?ifast 9 110 2 1 1 1 41 685 F Robsonl2 BlackFrost. R.Square, J.C.Stoni 27952 AVindsor 3-4 l:13fast 45 90 5 4 4 510 513 H Jeffcott G Etruscnn, Scaramouch. BackBay 27C5C FortErie 3-4 1:13 fast 74 90 G 7 S S 83 P Lowder 8 Squeeler. W. Lady. Scaramoticn 27543 FortErie 3-4 1:15 fast 23 95 3 1 3 4 4" P Lowder 4 Pesky, Robt.Bradley, FairHclen 2630S Wdbine 3-4 1:14 fast 4-5 104- 1 1 1 11 P Robson 8 Hedonist, Ravencourt. Harold 25694 H.deGce 5-S 1:01 good 20 1035 2 2 2 35 35 A Schugr 4 Skecr Face. Ed. nenry. EdBond 25200 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14fast 5 114 4 2 2 3 6i J Hanover 10 Falls City, T. McMakin, Tze-Lsi 25079 N.Orlns 3-4 l:llfast 2 114 J 7 3 2 3 41 T McTagtl4 Dr. Max, Alley. Politician 23S12 Pimlico Gi l:0Sfast 15 115 2 2 1 23 42 C Turner 15 Black Coffee. Wizard. Celtabel AFTER NIGHT, b. e, 3 104 By Peen oDay Sena Goodrich J. A. Kersey. 23927 Bowie Gi f l:llhvy fid 103 9 13 13 12l 12 1 Allen 10 15. Redtield, Wayfarer, Letfetti 2SSG0 Plmllco 3-4 1:11 fast fid 107 12 12 12 12l ll1 B Haynes 11 Dancer, Ruth Strickland, B.Corn 23S06 Laurel lm20y 1:43 fast fid 50 C S D 9U,S P Lowder 11 Soldier. Camellia, Delia Mack 2267G Laurel 3-4 l:19hvy fid 102 7 6 C 7 5" E ForchndlS Nolli. Bob Redficld, 23321 Hillcrest Abo-S l:03slor 10 107 C 6 4 3 N Foden 7 Mrs.Jack, P.ofGreenway. T.Her 22967 Dufferln Ab5-S l:03good 15 107 7s T McCullh 7 Blue Cap, Penance. Lyndora 22802 Dufferin Ab5-S l:03andslov C 109 5i J Domick S Penance, Lyndora, HeclasFlame 22713 TtnViuin Ab5-S 1:01 fast 4 102 2s II Clmppcll 9 Onar. Babe, Havana 22492 Saratoga C l:10slow 40 105 3 4 C 7 77J J McTagrt 7 Tralee, Edna Kenua. Nolli 2233S Saratoga 3-4 l:13good 30 104 9 9 10 SI S12iL Mink 12 South. Star. Seviilian. E. Kcnna SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Aug. 20, 19111:41 1101. HITIIAS BROTHER, b. g, 5 109 By Blues Eucharee J. Arthur. 28703 Connht 1 1-1G l:55,f,sloi C-5 107 1 1 1 1 1 Is L McAtec 5 .Tabot, L.Siirituelle, OurMabellc 25735 Coniiht lm70y l:4Cfast 19 104 G 2 2 1 21 G1 4 J Williams S Duke of Dunbar. Orperth. Fairly 2SG37 AVindsor 1 1:41 Kood 34 100 4 13 13 13 13 13 li McDottia Ktoutllenrt, ErlySiglit, Typhoon 2S542 Windsor 1 l:41fast 91 102 1 G 5 4 4l 78i R McDottlO II.Lauder, Alhena, Roy.Interest 2S271 FortErie 3-4 l:13sfast 41 99 9 9 S 7J S1- J Rogers 9 S. It. Meyer, Borax, PrivetPetal 2S172 Hamton 3-4 l:12iast 85 95 5 5 G 75 7" J Rodgers S Ykville, B.andStars, S.R.Meyer 2G129 Pimlieo 1 l:43f;slow 2G-5 112 S S G 5 4 3i M Mntain S M.Choice. L.George, Sringmass 2G017 Pimlieo 3-4 l:14fast 3G 101 10 11 11 11 11 M Mntainll Huniiliation, Kootenay, Volant 25802 H.deGco 1 1-16 l:5Ufcslov37-10 107 5 3 1 1 2 75i T Parton 8 S. Gold, Roy. Meteor. L.Travers 25783 H.deGce lm70yl:49hvy 3-4 112 G 3 2 1 Is 6J A SchugrKt Supreme, LuckyGeorge, Muzanti 25707 H.deGco lm70yl:45fast 32-5 107 5 1 1 1 li 31 A Schugr 9 Luther, Blackford, Napier 25G89 H.deGce lm70yl:4Ggood 8 107 G G 5 4 4 3 M Mntain 8 Ida Claire, Budweiser, Kneelet 25GG1 Bowie 1 l:424,ifast 20 102 2 5 G G 55 515 M Mntain 0 Jem, Bobby Boyer, Republican 25642 Bowio 7-8 l:31slop 14r5 108 G 4 3 1 Is Is M Mntain 7 Bendel, Protagoras, Carl PATTY REGAN, ch. g. 5 109 By Stalwart Carrie Jones F. Harlan. 2S732 Connht 1 1-S l:5Tifast 44-5 107 4 3 3 C 4s 4 R McDott ! St.Charlcote, Monocacy. Fenrock 2S5SS Mt.Royal lm70yl:44M;fast 7 109 7 7 1- 63i W Hchorn 8 Zodiac, Brookfield, Mud Sill 27973 Mt.Roy1 lm20yl :41fast 3 112 1 4 42 ll J Dsavpt 9 Coreopsis, Ins. Man, L. Morois S7S9G Mt.Royl 1 1-1G l:47fast 2i 109 9 4 41 31 H Cliapp1110 Bobolink. Concha, LochicI 7795 Mt.Roy1 lm70yl:47good 3J 10S 1 G 0s 5 W Ward 0 MaymeW.. PhilMohr, Budweiser 27577 FortErie lm70yl:46?sfast 18 104 2 5 3 3 3J 31 T Parton 0 Supreme. Hedge Rose, Ilandfull 2451 FortErie 1 1-1G l:53slow 7 107 4 G 5 6 5: 49i T Parton 7 Aprisa, St. Charlcotc, Valas 27074 Connht lm70y l:5Ghvy 14 10S 3 4 5 5 56 1J J Pitz 7 Capt. Parr, Dicks Pet, Fenrock 2G995 Connht 1 l:55hvy 11-5 109 1 5 5 G G C18 T Rico C. Servicence. Marshon. Bendel 2G854 BlueBon. 1 l:42andslow 10 107 3 5 7 7 G1 5i T Rice 14 Lady Mexican, Scorpii, Fairly 2G710 BlueBon. 1 1-S l:55good 39-5 100 2 4 4 4 3nt 3s J Dodd 8 Obolus, Phil Mohr, Baby Sister KNEELET. b. f. 4 103 By Banastar Dulcinea W. R. Mizell. 2S127 Hamton 1 1-16 l:51slow 26 101 G 5 7 6 7J C3i L McAtee S S.Charlcote, PrimeMover, Fairly 17875 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 19 102 7 7 7 G o2 5s L McAtee 7 Trout Fly, Miss Waters, Larkin 27574 FortErie lm70yl:4Gandfast 2G 105 3 7 7 G C8 CTJ L McAtee 7 Mr.Mack, Valas. LadySpirituelle 27445 FortErie 3-4 l:17andslow 52 105 10 10 10 10 913 L McAtee 10 NathanR., BlueCap, Mart.Cnsca 25953 Pimlieo lm40v l:45fast 100 107 10 10 10 9 9" 9" J Dreyer 10 Greetings. Ask Ma, Menlo Park 25S02 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:51slow SI 102 7 7 7 7 74. 6i R Bali 8 S. Gold. Roy. Meteor. L.Travers 257S9 H.deGce lm70yl:51 hvy 41 105 2 C 6 5 5s 5a W McKzIe S Mr. Mack, Peacock, Menlo Park 25689 H.deGce lm70yl:4G?sSood 32 107 8 7 7 6 62 4s J Dreyer 8 IdaClaire, Budweiser, n.Brother 25654 Bowio lm20y 1:47 hvy 9-10 107 5 4 2 2 28 2s A Schugr 0 Luther, Servicence. Lord Wells 25G47 Bowie 1 1-16 l:53slop 2-5 106 4 3 2 1 Is 1 A Schugr 5 L.Spirituelle, FordMai, M.Cohen HISS WATERS, b. m. 6 112 Bv Lord Esterling Lucrece F. J. Pons. 2S739 Connht lm20v 1:44 rast 41-10 107 G 7 7 7 G3 4: F Merimee 7 L.Btterfly, B. Around, Reiuiram 2SG0S AVindsor 1 l:40fast 19 10G 11 7 7 S C 52 O Martin 13 AVcrproof, St.Crlcote, Mnocacy 28595 "Windsor 1 l:40fast 27 103 11 10 10 9 7 4lii O Martin 12 L.Mexican, Marianoa, Alnfdir 28430 FortErie 1 3-1G 2:02slop 14 107 3 1 4 4 43 45 O Martin 7 Capt. Parr, Waterproof, Injury 2S362 FortErie 1 1-4 2:0Gfast 36-5 1C6 2 2 2 2 22 43i C Dishmon G Monocacy, Goldy, First Degree 18290 Hamton 1 1-16 l:47fast S3-10 95 S 6 7 5 41 l1 F Merimee S BuzzAround, B.Bill, St.Charlcote 28207 Hamton 1 1-S 1:54 fast 83-10 105 9 4 4 5 52 S83 F Merimeell Hedge Rose, Fenrock, Mausolus 280S9 Hamton 1 1-S 1:54 fast 11 103 5 3 4 5 41 33J F Merimee 7 II. Lauder. Capt.Parr, Handfull 27955 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:47 fast 15 110 3 5 5 G a- 37 C Dishmon 7 Yenghee, King K., Fairly 27575 AArindsor 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 1G-5 9S 5 5 5 5 43 22 F Merimee 7 Trout Fly, Larkin, Anna Brazel i.CSS FortErie lm70yl:44fast S3 105 1 3 3 1 22 1" C DishmonlO Chad Buford. Zoroaster. A.Beau AMPHION, b. g, 5 107 By Inferno Court Maid II. W. Bennett. 28737 Connht 3-4 11 10S?. 2 S 6 G3 53J J Metcalf 8 Hami.l:une. Aniline. Latellours 2S623 Mt.Roy1 lm70yl:44fast 6 108 S 6 6l l1 A Claver 10 Blackford, Phil Mohr, Airgicilot 2S574 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:13fast 2 113 7 3 21 22 S Wolstmll Rep Post. L. Spendthrift. Auster 2S2S9 Hamton 1 1-1G l:4Sandfast 43-10 112 3 4 3 4 4s 25 F Robson 1 Gnrtley, Dohaven. Mausolus 28132 Hamton 1 1:42 good fid 10S C 7 S S 7J A A Mott 12 Moss Fox, Mausolus, Corn Broom 27C53 FortErie lm70vl:45 last IS 103 G 7 4 3 52 53 W AVard 7 L. Curzon, F.Mnntngne, SilkBird 27515 FortErie 1 l:42ifast 75 108 7 7 G G 3"t 22 F Robson !t Parish Sun. Billy Frew, Gartley 27502 FortErie 1 1-16 l:49andfast 35 101 7 2 2 3 3 A J Dreyer . S Supreme, Miss Waters, I.oxer 27396 Hamton 1 l:41"-ifast 1G 107 7 7 7 7 u1 47i J Connors ! Hedge Rose, Lohengrin, D.sPet 27325 Hamton 1 1-1 G 1:50 fast 27-10 110 12 12 11 9 SJ 7si T Rice 13 Ravencourt, Mausolus, L. Spark DIX ROGERS, b. c, 3 100 By Earl Rogers Sylvan Dixon J. AV. Foster. 2SG97 Connht 1 1:11 fast 35 107 5 7 0 S 7i S81 11 Snyder 8 IMinvcii. Miss Kay. Good Shot 2SG25 Mt.Roval 1 l:14"v.good G Hfi" 2 S 11 11 H Snydor i err, TliorncIilTc. Sacal 28571 Mt.Roval 3-1 10 !CJ 5 5 5 G-J li C AVatlsll KcdIost, Amphion. L.SVndtlirirt 26S0S BlueBon. 7-S 1 -.SOslop fid 10G 9 G 7 9 11" O Martin 12 Hartley. I.IhilsIhorpe. MminG. 2:r702 Mt.Royal SX f 1:13 hvv 20 N7 7 0 fii 7i C Mergler 8 Inr. Lass. Pr.Lhilslhorpe. Otero 21131 Dorval f l:071f:ist 10 91 9 8 S 10 10"-11C Graves 10 Kama. Ccrf Volant, Sir James 22S57 Dorval 5-S l:01fast 32-G hC. 1 G2 G Lomas 7 I.ansliort. Kama. Dor. Carliu 2276 BlueBon. G-S 1:02 fast 16 IIS 1 2 2 2U 3 A Claver 5 Billy Frew, Birdland, Hope. Age 22G72 BlueBon. 5J f l:07fast 2S 100 4 7 7 Gs. A Claver 8 SwtColIeen. Armine. BillyFrew 22592 Conght 51 f 1:15 mud 50 101 4 3 3 58 5s G Lomas 0 SwcetColleen, Kath.H., MIssFay SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, .lune 21, l!l,"i l:H!i I 101. OBOLUS, b. g, 4 115 By Oddfellow Kenmore Queen A. B. Stelle. 2S7GJ- Connht 1 l:47"Asl"l 41-5 107 7 7 1 3 3 2i A Ik-kvns 7 St.Ci lcole, PrimeMover. Allicna 2SWG Windsor 1 1-1G l:174.if:ist SI -10 110 9 12 11 10 9l CJ T Rice 13 R.oLight, NoMnager, Mouoeacv 2S512 AVindsor 1 l:41fast 3S-5 10G 3 G S G 5 4 F RobsonlO II.Lauiler, Alhena. Rov.Interest 2S107 AVindsor 3-4 1:14 slow 153 109 9 9 9 0- 9:o J Melcalf 10 A.X.Akin. T.othAIning, Arriet 2and24G Hamton 1 1-lfi 1:4S fast 29-10 107 4 4 3 3 4s 2" F Cooper T. AVodan. Ray oLight, B. Around 2?20G Hamton 1 l:414,ifast 27-20 115 G 3 2 1 ll 2 J Dreyer 0 Capt.Parr, Bendel, Galeswinthe 28131 Hamton 3-4 l:14good 52 102 G G 6 G G42 J Dreyer ti Ascrologer, Fair Helen, Eulogy 2".S05 AVindsor 1 1-1G 1:18 fast 10 111 2 2 2 3 3i 21 T Rice ! B. Around, Aristocrat, Hedonist 27657 FortErie 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 39-10110 3 6 G G 5i 43J W Schorn Bmsedge, Aristocrat, B.Around BUZZ AROUND, ch. m. 5 104 By Cunard Wayward Lass J. Arthur. 2S73H Connht lm20y 1:41 fast 7-5 110 3 5 5 3 21 2 L McAtee 7 LJltterlly, Reiuiram. M.Waters 2870:! Connht lm20y 1:14 fast 31-5 100 2 7 7 S 51 4:, R McDott 8 Moikm-.ic.v, Repton. Peep Sight 28G0-J AVindsor lm70y 1:40 fast 23-5 102 7 5 5 G 7i o-J It McDottlO Ben Quince. Repton, Cadenza 25555 AVindsor 1 1-16 l:47fast 4 iOl 7 7 7 7 5s 4J R McDott !t SolidRock, I!.Quin:e, S.Carh-ole 2t290 Hamton 1 1-1G l:47fast 11-5106 2 7 6 6 6l 2 R Shilling 8 M. AVaters. B.Bill, St.Charlcote 2824G Hamton 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 31-10 10G 1 3 4 4 31 421 T larton .r AVodan, Obolus. liny oLight 2S127 Hamton 1 1-16 l:51slov 13-10 103 5 4 5 5 51 52 M Mntain 8 S.Charlcote, PrimeMover. Fairly 27909 AVindsor 1 l:41fast 23-10 107 4 G 5 4 Z 31 M Mntain f. Commensia. Marianao. B. Frost 27805 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:48 fast 19-5 101 4 3 3 2 2J l1 J Brown 9 Obolus, Aristocrat. Hedonist 27657 FortErie 1 1-16 l:46fast 45 103 5 4 3 2 33 Sl P Lowder G Broomsedge, Aristocrat. Obolus 27579 FortErie 1 1-16 l:47fast 12-5 102 5 5 4 3 32 33 M Mntain Harbard, Broomsedge, S. Beach 27450 FortErie lm70yl:4Sislow 81-10 100 3 4 4 3 41 31 M Mntain 7 Ben Quince. Ask Ma, Supreme 27361 Hamton 1 1-16 l:474,andfast 19-5 105 4 4 4 3 31 23 M Mntain 4 Ask Ma, Eddie Henry, Supreme 2721S Hamton 1 1-16 l:49Vandfnst 14 104 5 5 G G 6 6TJ M Mntain ! Cadenza, Fount.Fay, BenQuince 2G399 AVdbine 1 1:41 fast 13-5 106 1 1 1 1 2i C43 L McAtee fi Cadenza. 1!. Cunarder, Obolus 2G19G AVdbine 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 5 101111 10 10 9 75 G9i M Mntainll Hocnir, EddicHenry, B.Cunarder STIR UP. b. c, 4 112 By Ildrim Skirts H. Riddle. 2S773 Connht 1 l:4GVislov 37-10 113 4 2 2 2 2 31 AV AVaron ! PepperSauw, B.Baker. BabvCal 25736 Connht 1 l:404f;fast 40 92 5 5 4 4 4 lDi AV Collins King Neptune. Christie. Grumpy 2S730 Connht 1 15 108 2 C 7 5 G2 61U T Parton 8 Back Bay. Lazuli. Orniulu 28700 Connht 1 l:39fast 42 104 3 2 3 5 5 5 L McAtec 7 Grumpy, KingXeptune, Aenetia 25556 AVindsor 1 1-1G l:47fast 13 113 G G G 4 5li 5J G Burns 8 King isox, Casaba, Prime Mover 2S359 FortErie lm70yl:43fast 2S 9S 1 2 2 3 41 4J J Callahan f Pels, Black Broom, Christie 2S248 Hamton 1 1-S l:52fast 41 10S 2 4 G G G 512 R Shilling i Fels, Christie, All Smiles 27801 AVindsor 1 1-1G 1:47 fast G2 107 4 4 4 6 6 G18 D Hoffman 0 Rancher, Fels. Ask Ma 27323 Hamton 1 1-1G 1:50 fast 11 110 1 1 2 4 41 34 D Hoffman 0 K.Hburg, Aristocrat, M.Waters 27257 Hamton 3-4 l:13y;fast G9 102 5 G 7 S1 S14 D Hoffman ! Robert Bradley, Venetia. Pesky 232S1 Wdbine lm70y 1:47 fast 34-5 10G 3 5 7 5 3l lnt J Suivth Beau Pere. Change, King Box 23142 Wdbine lm20y l:43good 1G 105 S S G 3 3 21 J Smvth S Alston. Change, Stake and Cap 2307S AVdbine 1 1-4 2:0G7sfast 26-5 132 G 5 5 5 . 5 518 C Clement 0 Splutter. L.Curzon. H.Bassettll. JABOT, b. g, 8 99 By Ornament Tartlet J. U. Strodo. 2S7G3 Connht 1 1-1G l:55vslop 7-5 112 2 2 2 2 21 2: T Parton r. II. Brother. L.Stuclh, O.Miibelle 28733 Connht 3-1 l:15fast 31-10 112 3 G G G 5 G lorrow 0 L.Mildred, MissGayle, L.Nephew 2749S FortErie 2-4 l:lGl5fast 21 115 3 9 9 S1 7S3 C Briel 9 Little Nephew, Baby Cal. Kyle 27137 Connht lm20y l:45good 15 101 3 3 G G 6 61- J Pitz : !-etiirs. B.Quinee. C Gutelius 27069 Connht 3-4 l:21hvy 19-5 112 3 GO 5 l3 J Bell 7 Viley, Will Cash, Eddie T. 2G977 Connht 1 1-1G 2:02 hvy 21-10 112 1 4 7 6 51 432 T Rice 7 Pannier, MissWaters, Mr.Mack 2GS73 BlueBon. 1 1-S l:56fJgood 22-5 111 1 2 3 3 4i 441 T Rice S Aprisa, Ask Ma, Dinah Do 2CS13 BlueBon. 1 1-S l:5S75Slop 39-10 107 2 2 2 1 l5 Is T Rice 0 Capt.Parr, Fenrock, Counterpart 2GG63 Dorval 1 l:51hvy 17 110 2 3 7 7 7 71S J Dodd 7 Dundreary, Paymaster, Batwa EUTERPE, b. m. 6 110 By Ort Wells Halcyon R. Hanley. 2S739 Connht lm20y 1:44 fast 10 111 4 3 2 2 31 G: J Dennisn 7 L.Btterllv, B.Around, Requiram 2S701 Connht 3-4 1:15 fast 10 110 G 7 7 7 7ai J Dennisn S KingV.orth, SeaBcaeh, Fly.FIora 28274 IMncuve 11-16 1:54 slow 1 1C9 3 3 3l 3 J Dennisn 5 Mavme AV., Love Day, Mud Sill 28013 Mt.Roy1 1 1-1G l:524hvy 1 107 2 2 l1 l1 J Dennisn 0 Batwa. P. Philsthorpe, Scorpii 27S51 Mt.Roy1 1 1-1G 1:47 fast 4 110 5 2 31 21 J Dennisn 5 Mud Sill, A. C. Haley, Scorpii 27597 KingEd. Ab3-4 l:25hvy 1 111 4 4 31 31 J Dennisn G FlyingFeet, Energetic, IhilMohr 27481 KingEd. Ab3-4 l:25hvy 3 110 4 2 l3 1 J Denson 6 Enver Boy, Fly. Feet, MaymeW. 273S2 Delmier Ab7-S J :31 fast 21 105 3 1 15 l2 AV Young S MvmeW., FrostyFace, L.Morois 27254 Delmier Ah7-S 1:31 fast 3-2 113 5 4 4 4 441 .1 Acton 8 RedRiver, D.Charcot, MaymeAV. 27036 Connht 1 1-16 l:58hvy 15 111 4 2 2 2 2J 42i J Dennisn 7 Billie Baker, Mr. Mack, Araias 26975 Connht 3-4 l:22Vihvy 3-2 109 2 3 2 22 1and J Dennisn 7 Costumcr, Dicks Pet, Orotund 266G1 Dorval 1 1:53 hvy 45 10S 6 5 5 6 5l 2 W Ward G Mr. Mack, Muzanti, Mayme W. 26510 Dorval 1 l:52andhvy 14-5 112 3 1 1 1 l1 535 J Acton S Fly. Feet, PhilMohr, Servicence 26333 Delmier Ab7-S 1:31 good 4 110 2 1 ll 1J J Dennison 7 StoutHcart, Drjad, Hearthstone CHAD BUFORD, b. g. 6 104 By Orlando Hannah Dixon E. Murray. 28738 Connht lm70y 77-10 10S1 S S S 8 S S10 J Metcalf S Duke of Dunbar, Orperth. Fairly 28555 AVindsor 1 1-1G l:47fast 3G 103 9 9 9 9 733 W A Carl 9 SolidRock, IJ.Quince, S.Carlcote 27994 AVindsor 1 1-8 l:5ifast 17 101 4 2 3 3 Gs 54i W A Carl fi Goldy, Anna Brazel. Aprisa 27955 AVindsor 1 1-1G 1:17 fast 33-5 107 G 4 4 4 4l 5:i 1, McAtec 7 Yenghee, King K.. Miss Waters 27836 AVindsor Im20yi :43fast 1 109 7 7 5 3 3 2 .T Metcalf i Ray oLight, York Lad, Fairly 27G5S FortErie 1 m70yl : 1 1 f ast 31-10 107 2 5 7 3 ll 2" AV AVard 10 Miss Waters. Zoroaster, A.Beau 27511 FortErie 1 3-1C 2:02fast 35-10 1051 2 2 1 1 1" 2l A Pickens i Capt.Parr, Nan.MDee, Osmoude 274G1 FortErie lm20yl:41fast G 110 2 3 3 2 3l 32 A Pickens 8 Lohengrin. Dicks P t. YorkLad 27329 Hamton 1 1-S 17 112 7 5 G 5 5h 2l AV A Carl 8 Fenrock. Mud Sill, Osmonde 27221 Hamton 1 1-S l:57andfast 71 111 4 5 3 3 2nk 45i J Metcalf 7 II. Lauder, St. Charlcotc, Fairly KING K.. b. c. 4 112 By Sain Humming Bee Ottawa Stable. 28327 FortErie lm70yl:43ifast 7 112 10 10 10 S 9 9K .1 Metcalf 10 Moss Fox, St.Charlcote. P.Mover 28260 Hamton 1 l:42V;fast 17-10 113 3 3 4 3 31 43J F Robson 0 Progressive. Scorpii, Bendel 27955 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:47 fast 13 109 2 1 1 2 22 2 J Metcalf 7 Yenghee, Miss Waters, Fairly 27G54 FortErie 51 f l:06!fast fid 112 11 11 11 71 712 G Burns 11 Outlook, Kootenay, Yorkville 27161 FortErie 5i f l:074Sfast 19 109 S 7 7 53 5s T Rice 10 Outlook, Scaramouch. Souvenir 27129 Connht 3-4 l:16goodG3-10 121 4 6 3 4 432 T Rice S Outlook. Margery. Miss Gaylo 2692S Connht 1 l:4lfast 23 102 111 3 51 6 J Pitz G Thornhill. Lady Curzon. Ormulu 26S52 BlueBon. 1 1:11 slow 12 110 1 2 3 4 41! 5" F Robinsn 5 R.Badley, AllSmiles, K.Nptune 20731 BlueBon. 1 l:3Sfast 27-5 106 2 3 5 5 C3 414 J Metcalf 6 Rancher, Comonada, K.N ptune 2G484 Dorval 1 l:46hvy 11 97 2 2 2 1 l1 431 L McAtee 5 Schemer, Squecler, All Smiles 2G3G0 AA"dbine 1 1-16 l:47andfast 67 103 4 1 1 2 8 S F Robson 9 UncleBryn, Ormulu, K.Hamburg

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