untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1916-10-14


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Tijuana! Tijuana! Tijuana f AMERICAS I BIG WINTER RACE MEETING Open King. Six or More Races Each Day. Prices on Slates. 25 Minutes from San Diego. Great Horses. Beaches, Swimming, Golf, Polo. I Renowned Jockeys. Hotel Del Coronado. I 100 Days or More. Worlds Exposition. 1 Quarter Million in Purses. San Diego Hostelries. Rich Stakes. San Diego Drives. 00 Selling Races. San Diego Climate Thats All. Here Are Some of Tijuanas Stakes: I The Coffroth Handicap.. ,000 OAK 3I1LE AND A iTAIlTER. San Diego Business Mens Handicap . ,500 I ONE MILE AND A SIXTEENTH. Spreckeis Handicap ,500 I ONE MILE. I Los Angeies Handicap high weights . ,500 j SIX FURLONGS. Tijuana Selling Stakes ,500 SIX FURLONGS. Coronado Selling Stakes $ 1.500 ONE MILE AND A SIXTEENTH. STAKES CLOSE OCTOBER 28 OFFICIALS: I rresiilinj? .Tniljre C. II. PETTINGILL I Associate JudBe L. J. ROSE Q Associate Judge EDWARD JASPER Itacins Secretary and Handicapiier EDWARD JASPER 1 Starter EDWARD TRIBE Paddock and Patrol Judse JOHN D. MILLIN ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO 1 James W. Coffroth I PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA I V J LATONIA RACES J. J. SCHREINER AMERICAS PREMIER CLOCKER. You Can Employ Me for 0 for Remaining Days at Latonia. Closing Day Oct. 28. Dont iool your "time and money away on quack dope, cheap tips and pay-after-you win stuff. AVake up. Tie up with a man that knows the game in all its angles. No handicapping or guess work with me. Remember, the stable money is bet on .tjjosc i giVe. Telegraph remittance or remit ycxpss order in letter. I wire one or two horses "daily at 11 a. m. Propositions not considered. Strictly cash only. HOTEL METROPOLE : CINCINNATI, OHIO. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. Yesterdays Form Special AVON. TODAYS BEST: No. 323, Book No. 619. Now on sale at all news-stands, - cents. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimoro Bldg., 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago. KEEP POSTED on the horses ready to win. Get a copy of The Thoroughbred. 25 cents everywhere. AVatch the AVorks and Commission Horses. It pays. Todays Best: Done-North-Try-Not-Vic-Iro, Book 275. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. IF YOU WANT WINNERS get The Standard. For sale at all news-stands at L5 cents per copy. Good for one week. See new book for full particulars regarding our Pay Wire. Todays Form Special: No. 105 in Book 492. The Standard Turf Guide, 403, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING FORM Is Now on Sale. DALLY RACING FORM office! 441 Plymouth Court :: :: Chicago, Ulinoi. 71 Exchanee Street u :: Buffalo. V. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916101401/drf1916101401_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1916101401_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800