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CHANGES IN NEW ORLEANS STAKES. More Jockeys and Horses Arrive — Judge Murphy Confirms Severance from Canadian Racing. New Orleans, La., December 31. — Nominations for the City Park Handicap which is to be run next Saturday will be kept o] en until Tuesday. Incidents connected with the announcement caused many horsemen to overlook the stake. The weights will be .announced Thursday. Two changes were made in stakes t be run off at the meeting by Judge Murphy. The St. Charles Hotel Handicap, which is to be decided January 13. was changed to t hrec-quarters of a mile and the De Bote Hotel Handicap, set for February 1. will be at a mile instead of three-quarters. Poth of these stakes are for three-year-olds and over. Judge Murphy has had posted in the secretins office a request, asking all the horsemen to refrain from giving out the names of the jockeys who will ride their bone* in the following days races. Jockeys T. McTaggart an.l T. Kiee joiiied the riders colony today. The former came from Tijuana and tie- latter from his home in Indiana. Their addition to tin- ranks makes more than sixty -five jockeys here. Grant Bagh Browne, who has one of the largest stables quartered at the Fair Grenada, will arrive here shortly and will remain for an extended visit. The number of operators in the Palm Garden to morrow is expected to exceed that of last winter by far. anil practically all of the better known oin s will be on hand. Tom Shaw will try his hand at the sport here for the first time since it was revived and the preaenca of the big layers will add zest lo the action in the ring. Al Luzader brought two horses from Detroit and has aiiotlier coming in a few days. Judge Joseph A. Murphy today confirmed the report that he would not act as steward of the tana dian Racing Associations daring PUT. "I am too good a friend of the Canadian Racing Associations and of racing in general in Canada, to make public the real reasons lor the .seerance of our business re hit ions. "With racing opening again in some of the great centers of population in the United States, and the proapaet "f its general revival, the Canadian practice which compels horsemen to ship every seven days will make a herculean task, and I have no desire to add to their burdens. "In any event. I feel tiiat I can be of infinitely more use to the horsemen and breeders of my ov. n country, by giving my undivided attention to the reconstruction of the snort in states whi.-h nsem ready to welcome it again under proper auspices."