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BALMY WEATHER ARRIVES FAST TRACK AT FAIR GROUNDS FOR FIRST TIME DURING MEETING. Harry Payne Whitney and C. K. G. Billings Represented in Todays Racing — Langhorne Changes Hands — Rearrangements in Palm Garden. New Orleans. La.. IiMMJ ft II— Ml III II weather Mini ;i fast track were tin- outstanding features ef llii- afternoons racing at the Fail- Grenada. Ilie ■curd, on tli whole, was an ordinary MM, but the evenlj ■-matched starters served to bring about some int resting contests. Fnvi rites and second choices scared fn ciiently, resulting in a loss for the Ialm .anion prin iiioters. I be first four of the dashes were sprints and si of tke carded seven numbers wire under selling or claiming conditions. Tke exceiition was the opening race, which was for maiden three-year-olds. In this race was introduced Kultur and Grundy. Tunning respectively in the colors of Harry Payne Whitney and C. K. ;. Hillings. It was the first time that these silks had been seen on any winter track in this country. Kultur made Ml debut an auspicious one. for he wen in commanding style over Tioga with Grundy following. totnmensia and- Thanksgiving, winners respectively in the second and fifth races, were ridden by Gourlcy. a ho recently came in for severe criticism for his faulty riding of For Fair. He may have been lucky to win with Thanksgiving as Yo lelcs was probably best. Ueoluse was possibly another lucky winner during the afternoon, as Brian, the favorite in the race, was probably best. I.inghorno. which W. Birnie secured after bis last victory by the bidding route, changed hams alter his victory this afternoon, an agent acting for Mrs. .7. 1. Bassey, claiming him for 00. There were six other claims in for him. Jockey Steward was suspended for five days by the starter for disobedience at the iHjst in the third nice. Jockey Kopploman. who was given a day of grace to fill his engagements, and whose five days suspension becomes effective tomorrow, had his punishment doubled because of rough riding in the closing race. Velvet had to be withdrawn from the opener, as a result of a collision that she figured in this morning while being exercised. Fr.-d England, who is associated with Thomas Care/ of Chicago, was among todays visitors and will stay here for some time getting pointers in re-| ml to the ni-eting here. There was a rearrangement in regard to stakeholders positions in the lalm Garden. In the future they will draw daily for positions. Because of the readjustment, there was fifteen minutes delay 1 fore starting the racing. Harry Shaw was taken suddenly ill before the racing today and had to lie taken home. There were many additional arrivals this morning Bad yesterday from various sections of the country. Alfred lliiiiiiin Morris, whose racing silks at one time figured extensively on the turf, contemplates a re lit iy to the ranks of owners and his colors will likely be seea again during the eastern racing season, according to his statement last Saturday while at the Fair Grounds. Judge Murphy received a communication yesterday from Walter F.bal. seertary of the Hot Springs Itusiness Ileas League, stating that president Gus Strauss would be here shortly to consult with Murphy about different featares of the Hot Springs meeting and likewise asking his co-operation. Mr. Murphy replied that be would be glad to give Mr. Strauss any assistance he could. Gftover C. Baker stated that W. 11. Bakers string of twenty seven hor-es. now wintering at Louisville, are going along in fine style and that Greci .lone-; is a promising three year-old prospect. The Bakers also have a .youngster by Master Robert in their stable that has already showed a opart ST trial in better than 23 seconds.