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PAN ZARETA FAILS AGAIN FINISHES THIRD TO DAVID CRAIG AND WOOE-STONE IN PAIR GROUNDS FEATURE. Henry R. Scores in the First Race — Ray o Light Defeats Prim Harry Easily — Quite a Number of Horses Change Ownerships. Now Orleans. La., January 12. — H. B. Ncwaail Tan Zariti again disappointed an admiring throng li iv wii-n she fa ]!•■ ! badly in tin- mil - pars ■ rare that featured to days card .-it tin- Fait Groaada. She Haiahed in third peace hadrj beatea by David Craig ami Woodstoae. For Ihm iiaailiu ahe ■bowed dazzling speed but thereafter she was palpably ill distr — . David Crabr, the winner, ahawed something of his ild 1 iint- form . stayed close to Pan Zarota during tli early running and when urged passed to win by a comfortable margin. Woodstone. which bad been prominent in the early 7 mining, gradually wore lown the Newman mare for second place. On her showing this afternoon it seems to be the general opinion that Pan Eareta is not anywhere near her best form. She is a nan that shirks bet work and is only benefited by • -onst:mt racing. So far her trials have been few and BCC Btarta less. With more racing she should improve, mile. M her task this afternoon gave her u set back. Of ecpial disappointment in the race with that of Pan Zaretas was that of For Fair. The change ran QotttBEj to Bobtaaaai was expected to work a liig iniprovement in tiiat racers performance and the sharps preferred him to Pan Eareta, accepting eagerly any quotation offered about him for second place. He trailed distantly and refused for most of the way to extend himself. Secretary Mci.t aaaaa offering this afternoon Waa again an ordinary one. with five of the races under selling or claiming conditions, the liotter grade of horses are still absentees. The fault is attributed to a fear on the part of the owners that tliey will lose their representatives, through activities of the halter brigade. The notice, t I bona men by jadaa; Murphy, that none but fit liorses must be starters also tended towards a reduction of filds. W. P. .lohnsons Jack Atkin colt, Henry H., showed his heels to the youngsters in the opcie-r. He started the favorite backers off in great style. but thereafter the choices went down regularly until I.anghorne ridden by Tom McTaggart made good in the fifth race. The unusual spectacle of twenty -six owners putting in claims came after the finish of that race. Each of the claimants desired the winner and in the draw Langhorne went to V. I.. Drake. Five of the claims were rejected on the ground that they were pre-umably in an identical interest. Kay ol.ight showed vastly improved form in the sixth nee over a preceding start and won asily from Prim Harry with Smuggler follow-in;:. Following Ray o Lights victory he was claimed by .1. .1. McCafferty for . Thate were five claimants for Jessie Louise after her defeat in the seventh race. J. M. Beater was tht lucky one in the draw and got her for ,200. Ini ression was tak» n by Harry Fink for ,200. There will ! •■ a meeting of the horsemen tonight at Hie Brain Weld Hotel. The object of the meeting is to Mac an further the selling race rules. H O. BedeeUa colors were carried to victory for tin- first time at the meeting Thursday when his Menlo Park finished in advance of Yodeles and Little Rigger. Petlar. a cast-off from the Livingston stable, which scored a lmk.v win in the fifth race Thurs-dav, and after the race W. Pirnie claimed him for . A. A. Reilly. who is racing a good stable here, m.der the barge of Andy Blakely. is coming tomorrow from New York with a party of friends, to i-iiiain for an indefinite period. O. T. HenabaU, who is figuring prominently as the possible beihter of another track at Havana, was among todays visitors, having stopped off eu route from California. Hod Rarer, which won the first two-year-old race of the year, will be gelded and BKd by Mr. A. A. Reilly at the meetings around New York. Then were eeeeral claims put in for Words ■Wisdom on Thursday and in the draw D. E. Steward got him for ,600.