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FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Dee. 20. 1916-1:11,-3— 110. Index Course Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St % If, Str Tin Jockeys Started Order of Finlsl. RASH, br. g, 9 115 By Hastings— Lady Rayon L. B. Wood. 30634 Tijuana 1 1:41 %f ast 7 100 7 7 7 7 7 710 w Kelsay 7 Qafek, Hanrood, Coariu 80603 Tijuana 1 1 :40*tfast 4 111 8 7 4 I 5 6*1 C Gross g Stratlie.ini. Hoy. Harw I r,047n Tijuana 1 1-16 l :47%f ast x ioo 4 4 3 2 2= 21 ■ Taplin 7 Weyaaoke, Zgaree, D.efBaelby ;-.t.447 Tijuana 1 1 :40,fast 15 1H7 S 5 4 4 32 3" E Taplin 8 M. Fielder. WyaBOke, Tspirent 20,lSl Tijuana 1 l::;J%fast 6 112 6 7 7 7 7 719 J Frach 7 O.Roescli. C.Dnise. Transparent 30:«r.bTijuana 3-4 1:14 fast S 110 5 6 5 4" 3J J Krach 7 Quid Nunc, V. Horn. Puss Sand 50334 Tijuana 1 lOfast 10 112 6 4 3 2 4and 793 J Frach 10 B. Johnson, F. Degree, Sfthearn 30123 Reno 7-S l:29andfast — 115 2 7 7 7 6s 24 J Donovan 7 LdyJarnes, Evelina, Mandadero MY FIRST, br. g, 3 103 By Dick Welles— Ethel Carr M. Reiser. 80888 Tijuana 5.. f POVfgood 4 186 3 4 3 2 4«i E Martin H Dom.Park. Matches, COstorado 30808 Tijuana 6| t l:10--slow 8 104 8 8 8 8 64j E ilartin 8 Nasledovati, Mike, Bl.Donaltea | 86812 Tijuana 6f 1" l:0.t slop 2 102 3 4 6 62 5" E Martin .» Nasledovati. L. Rowena. P.Park 306.-.-, Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 12 103 8 8 8 7* 4=i 10 Martin 9 Treowen, Ella P.. Satsum.i IJelle 88388 Tijuana 6i f 1 ;09 fast 30 106 6 8 8 I* 8*J W Ormes 8 J. Sanderson, M. Pride, Treowen .0737 Douglas 5-S 1:03 hvy 17 109 1 6 7 7 77i E Martin 7 Monev, Perseus. Bob Duiidon 26666 Douglas 6-8 1:02 fast 32 108 3 5 6 61 5s B Martin 8 Sweet Helen. In. Inez. ThePuke 20315 Churchl 5-8 l:01%fast f Id 112 2 7 7 81 7BJ E Martin 14 Lit. Spider. Money, Sweetilelen SANTIAGO WHITE, ch. g, 4 M 112 By Probe— Mazapan California Stable. 81117 Tijuana 61 f 1:K good 10 888 E 8 f. rH r;i; ■ Alekdra t Taftrset, Planets, Auntie Curl 88844 Tijuana 8-4 1:18 mud 20 101 5 5 5 il 5" G S.-h-rrer 6 Channelize. BLW lies. K. Belling 36387 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%fast 40 110 4 3 3 33 35 D Bauer 7 Blaneliita. Poopie, Anna Lou 30313 Tijuana 5J f 1:07 fast 60 P3 710 J Frach 8 Sweetdale. Syph.P.oy. A.Kruter 27604 Tijuana 51 f l:06%fast 100 110 3 6 6 6 683 H Cavanh 6 Adalid. R.oul. Sempsilla 27487 Tijuana 51 f l:05V6fast 100 108 4 3 4 4 424 H Cavanh 4 Sangallo, narry L., Adalid TALLOW DIP, br. g, II 115 By Wax Taper— Miss Dora J. B. Tucker. 30883 Tijuana 1 l:46**rnud 30 112 5 3 9 10 10 1036 E Martin 10 Inqnieta, Polala. Von Lady 30739 Tijuana 3-4 llSfast 7 112 1 5 5 7" 10 J A Pickens 12 T. McMakin. M.s Pet. E. Lyons 30001 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14%fast 20 108 9 10 9 91 8" A Casey 12 Last Spark. Mandadero, McAlan 30637 Tijuana 5* f l:09%fast 12 112 9 9 8 6h 31 A Casey 11 Lucky Mack, Parliarita, V.Lady 30678 Tijuana 3-4 l:14Hfast 12 112 4 6 5 7* 4s R Pauley 11 Palina, Soon, Glomer 80431 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 15 112 8 8 8 91 9°? J Morys 12 Booster, Han. Andy. Commoness 88387 Tijuana 1 1-S ll-fast 150 105 2 2 3 3 5 6» R Moore B First Degree, Jawbone, Zetetlc S0215 Tijuana 1 l:40Vfast 60 107 912 R Moore 11 Say, Ambri, Bogy Johns sj ALICE TERESA, ch. m. 7 108 By Andrew Mack— Cotillion W. R. Riedel. 31039 Tijuana 3-4 l:20ihvy 100 98 5 8 8 72 714 W Crooks 8 LoanShark. Mary Emily. Vignola 3i*ll Tijuana 5 f 1:68 mud 60 107 6 7 7 7 7"J R Jloore 7 Pmwslaai, Mur.Iet. E. Belling _14 S Denver 5-8 l:00%fast 14 107 8 7 7 8s 7"i G Warren 10 Sonoma, Indianola, Deerfoot 21L55 Denver 3-4 1:14 fast 120 106 9 9 10 10 1022 II Stuart 10 Pat. Mack. Tnsparent, A.lleinze 21146 Denver 51 f l:06%fast 38 109 8 7 9 9l 7131H Stuart in Quick. Orhest. Mark Kennedy 21079 Denver 5-S l:01%fast 27 107 6 11 8 6s 8*1 H Stuart 12 C!:ns. Coetz, The Cub. Engraver 21020 Denver 5-8 1:01 fast fid 109 7 8 5 5s 57J II Stuart 15 G. Favorite. T. Feller. Arrowshft 19974 Juarez 1 l:3D%fast 20 105 C 3 6 9 9"k 81210 Gentry 10 John Louis, Cloud Chief, Ceos DAVE MONTGOMERY, br. g, 10 115 By Bo-wling Brook— Grenadine F. F. Borland. 210S6 Tijuana 61 1 l:ll~,hvy 50 114 8 10 9 9J 8*118" Taylor 12 H. Andy, Rus.McGiH, A.Trambs 30764 Tijuana 1 l:415fast 100 111 7 5 5 6 10 1021 R Dority 10 Tnsparent. C.W.Kisker. C. live 30702 Tijuana 1 1 : 60 1 07 9 8 9 10 102 102 R Carter 11 Trout Fly, Transparent, Vireo 30619 Tijuana 1 l:41-" 60 110 9 10 10 10 10 10 3 Dority 10 Stanley S.. Ceos, Connaught 30446 Tijuana 3-4 1:14%fast 100 114 7 8 8 8 S!0 ■ Pegg 8 Kitty Stantield. Barka. AndyH. 88161 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 40 106 8 8 8 8 7S1 J Mason 8 Regards. EdithLyons, M.Coglull 2S073 Tijuana ll:41%fast 7 108 8 8 7 8 7* 6"! J Mason 8 Little Abe, John Louis. Key 27897 Tijuana 3-4 1:14%fast 6 108 5 6 6 4| 35 J Mason 8 Judge Sale, K.Chilton, TheMonk HOISINGTON, b. g, 7 115 By Wadswortli— Agno T. Martin. 88878 Tijuana 3-4 l:19%mutl 40 10J 5 4 7 7 7" A Palms 8 ancestors, Pr l.herger. Br.Nf.-r 86888 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 mud 25 112 7 10 11 11 1014 A Palms 11 Hazel .. Frog Eve. Zinkaml •8678 Tijuana 3-4 1:14%fast 60 112 6 9 11 103i 9"J A Palms 1 1 Palnia. Soon. Glosaer 24671 Tijuana 51 f 1:15 slop 40 110 51 T Robbins C Oxer, Judge Sale. Hapsburg TI. 24025 T.Juana 3-4 l:17V5hvy — 110 7 8 Cus. lions-. Bald. Pest. Frazzle 84286 Juarez 1 l:40%fast 20 108 11 7 12 12 12 122» C Driscoll 12 Gerds. Endurance, Acumen 24205 Juarez 3-4 1:13 fast 15 103 7 6 8 6* 7"1C Driscoll 13 Frances Q., Hardy, Miss Edith 22970 Dufferin 61 f 1:29 slop 20 110 7» F Hecht 7 Mike Cohen, K.Radford, T.Monk IN DUTCH, ch. h, 6 118 By Von Tromp — Isolation C. Campbell. 88889 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 hvv 15 113 4 2 2 5MS T Nolan 7 M.-Al.ui. P.Aatnette, Dr.Nfer 30830 Tijuana 55 f l:12mud 16 115 9 9 8 82 S"i R Dority 10 Bdlth Lvons. Virginia S.. Nifty 30007 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 4i 115 6 8 8 Sh 1010 A Pickens 11 Kyle, Kid Nelson. Shriner S0554 Tijuana 61fl:07%fast 30 115 9 8 8 72i 64i S MoGiaw 9 Magic. Wasatch, Aimee Leslie 30118 Reno 6 f 1:08 fast — HI 9 10 8 7"k 7U1 F Earley 10 Barnard, Toastsaaster, Mike K. 30081 Reno 61 f l:08%fast — 111 3 3 3 321 31 C Riddle 7 Jennie Crawford. Zia. Parnard 20059 Reno 6-8 l:02Vfefast — 111 3 1 1 l3 l4 C Riddle 6 Frog Eye. TomFranks, Spr.Miss 29984 Reno 3-4 l:19Mislow — 108 4 1 1 2nk 531 R Moore 7 Fitzgerald. Quantity. S. Connor SADIE STROTJP. br. f. 3 M 100 By Mint— Lady of Melbourne L.D. Gentry. 28153 Tijuana 41 f 55%fast 50 112 7 7 7 710 713 J Cavanh S Alan. Hester II., Ella P. 27433 Tijuana tj f 66%taat 25 112 7 7 7 7 714 T Smith 7 Lady Ward. Nasledovati. EllaB. LADY DUNBAR, b. f, 3 M 100 By Ossary— Maid of Dunbar F. T. Shortell. 30011 Kenilwh 6] f 1 iir.hvy 59 103 8 8 8 82 E Smith 8 Swift Fox, Cherry !;• lie, Wat RISA W., blk. f, 4 M 110 By Atkins— Sand Storm M. E. James. 310S6 Tijuana 6 f l:11-5hvy 30 MB 10 9 10 12 12-" T Nolan 12 II. Andy, Bus.McGin, A.Trumbo •JEa Tijuana 5. f 1:08 fast 20 1 J6 2 4 4 4i 743 A Pickens 11 Velio Von. Rara Vez. Clara W. 30395 Tijuana 51 f l:07Sfast 100 108 7 2 2 71 S13 W Tavlor ! Blackthorn, AfaneeLestte, Hvniila •8328 Tijuana 5-S 1 :0l75fast 25 103 6 6 10 10 10,e E Smith 10 K.Chilton, EdithLvons. Lit. Blues 27904 Tijuana 51 f 1 :09:Vf,slow 60 103 9 9 9 9 9" E Smith 9 P. Stalwart. TightBoy R deK.ilb CLOISTERMAN, b. h, 9 M 118 B Dr. MacBride— Cloister North and Williams. 12104 Helena 5-S 1:01 :!sfast — 109 7" Post 8 La Cazadora. M. Jones, Coun.ltov 18878 Helena 6-8 l.-01%faat — 104 • »*U Murray 12 Rockdale, B. Be ttle. LwHarsoalL 11373 GreatFalls 5-S l:02%fast 2 114 22* A Murray 5 I.vteKnight. P. Connor. C.Johnson 11364 GreatFalls 6-8 l:0;Hsfast 10 108 615 A Murray 5 L.Allen, MiltJones. L. Harris., nil.