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JUAREZ FORM CHART. JUAREZ, MEX., FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. 1917.- Thirty -sixth day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Meet-ing of 100 or more days. Weather cloudy. Stewards. Charles F. Price. W. H. Fenchler and M. J. Winn. Placing Judges. W. 11. Shelley. H. F. Breivogel and J. T. Ire-land. Starter. Mars assidy. Racing Secretary, w. EL Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chi I", a, m. *Indieate-s apprentice allowance. 1 J/| FIRST RACK— 5 1-2 Furlongs. March 8. 1914— 1:03%— 6— 150. Purse 00. 3-vear-A a] 1 O* " edels and upwar.i. Selling, Vet value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. index Horses AWtSt 4 % ■„ Str Fin Jockeys Owners KniivTodds Strt 31161 CHARITY ward witiu l b» ; I no MqleatfcK s Fanner eo-ioo 30933 PKKACAIX wb 3 101 1 ** 2 -1! 2s G ScherrcrH Tuilett 1970-100 30790 CROWN PRINCE w 3 101 2 41 i k » T Henry Quinlan and Higel 1340-100 31054 MAJOR BELL, wb 5 ir i . ! 41 M Garner Woodworth and Shields sKi-100 31013 PRINCK 1JCGENB wu 1 ill s 8 8 7l 5i C Hunt K Bpaaca r.40-ino 31036JELBA E. wb 4 UU 7 7° 7- 6 6 J Howard E Monahan 1970-100 31163 GENEVA wsb 3 OP 6 ?•* fi* 6J 7= J J WImW U Cain 1200-100 :-i;V T. 4 102 5 V V 4 8 R Troise Allen and Hensley 1020-101 tSeat .Mir in entries as Boy T. Time, 23%, 48%. 1 00]5. 1:07%. Track fast. S2 mutuels i .iid. Charltj Ward. .90 str.iit:!it. .20 place, .10 show; Pickagain. .00 place, S. H show; Crow* Prince. show. Bqurralenl booking odds Charity Ward. M to 100 straight. M to RX place, 20 to 100 show; li kanain, 230 to hmi place, 120 to 106 show: frown Prince, 200 to 100 anew. Winner B. 111. toy Lack and Charitx Olhe Ward trained by .1. Parmer; bred by Mr. 1. E. lark. Weal to Boat "t 2:17. At ] ost 4 minutes. Bta rt good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CHARITY WARD, after neiag in ol. s,. atteodaace, drew up to the leaders in the stretch aai won going away. PICKAGAIN raced gamely but tired when challenged. CROWN" PRINCE finished fast. MAJOR HELL set a fast pace and t toed. PRINCE EUGENE dwelt at the start and ■ ios.-d ;i tap. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Q1 1 Ql sr.COM RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. March 8. 014— 1:03-.-,— «— IBB. Purse 00. BiO JL JL Cj JL 3-ytnr-olds and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner 2.1; second. 0: third. 5. Judex Horses AWtSt 4 L. -j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. Odds Strt SlOSBlTHIRST niM I 4: 43 1*1 1 M Owner P Wallhauser 109-MO B111S KITTY iIIKATHAM w 1 MO 4 !■ 11 1»* 2» G ScherrerO O Parte 77O-1O0,ho-i i.lSMi 11:11.1; wa 7 MS :: 1" • - V I J WtlmW H Cain 410-p.o S07S0*BOftGO wit E Ml 1 ■■- Il 4H 4* Q IfoleatMiewia and Eovell 1730-100 30960Co.iM.UBETTA w S MB E E 5 E 5 C Hunt K Bpanca 170-100 Time. 22%. 46%. 1:00, 1:06%. Track fast. niutuels paid. Thirst .20 straight. .20 place; Kitty Cheatham, .20 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds— Thirst. 160 to 100 s tniight, CO to 100 place; Kitty Cheatham. 100 to 100 place. Winner — Rr. f. by Garry Herrmann — Hunger traiaed by F. Wallhauser; bred by Mr. W. B. Mescnendorf. Went to post at 2:40. At post 1 minute. S tart good and slow. Won easily, second and third /thing. THIRST was outpaced in the early running 1 at came with a rush in the stretch and forged to tin- front when .1 hundred yards from home to win easing up. KITTY CHEATHAM set a great pace closely pressed by OLBSMOBILE and outgam ed him in the closing stride. The latter ran a good race." COMMAVRETTA was unable to get n ear the leaders. The winner was entered for ; no bid. Overweights — Kitty Cheatham. S pounds: Rorgo. 3. 1 I QQ THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 4. 1B14 — 1:09% — 6 — 115. Purse 00. -1-year-olds 3 X JL O £i and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. index Horses AWtSt -4 % "-■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37 111 17.IM wr I 111 1 1- 1* l3 1-1 G Warren T I M-MQ 30871 -HASTEN" A w 6 104 :! V V 21 2n M Garner R J McKenzie 290-100 31111 HONEY TT w 4 IOC 5 V 3-i 34 2* R Guy W ONeall 1060-100 31011 PANEL!. A wit 4 Pi2 1 4 41 4"" 4" C Hunt K Spence 030-100 S0654aZUDORA w 4 114 2 E t E E G Molesth.I C 2930-100 Time. 23. 47%, 1:111s. Track fast. niutuels paid. Zim .00 straight. .20 place: Hast 111. .40 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds -Ziin. 30 to 100 straight. 10 to 100 place: Ilastena. 20 to 100 place. Winner B. g. by Irish Lad — Goadalite trained by E. C. Shipley; bred by Mr. Geo. H. Whitney. Went to post ; it 3:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and last. Won easily; second anil third driving. BIM. away quickly, raced to the front and easily won all the way. 11ASTENA was in nearest pursuit thronjcbont. HONEYC1 T raced under strong restraint to the stretch, but failed when called on. PANEEEA was crowded back right after the start. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights 1anella. 1 pound: Zmlora. 3. 1 QQ FOCRTII RACE- 3-8 Mile. Jan. 5. 1914— 34— 2— 110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. 3-| JL 1 O fj Maidens. Allowances, get value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. "index Horses AWtSt 4 _ 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners ggnir. Odds Strt SOBS 7 BELLE ROBERTS W Mi 2 1- l4 J Howard F D Weir tOO-100 3095? " i.l I E AUDIE W MO 1 23 2£ M Garner Lovell and Timberlake 210-100 PERCH W Ml 3 32 V C Hunt K Spence 2500-100 SllldCORK wit PI! 5 4Ji 4r L Bailey J A Seckington 820-100 TROVATO rKT.l.E 109 4 5 53 R Sorrell F D Weir I 31114 SKI -HIS w 109 6 6 6 J OBrien Hall Bros 2910-100 fCoupled as J". B. Weir entry. Time. 24, 36. Track fast. .S2 mutuels paid, I*. I . Weir entry. .20 straight. .10 place: Blue Addie. .20 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds — I". I. Weir entrv, 00 to 100 straight, 5 to 100 place: Blue Addie, 10 to 100 place. Winner — 0k. f. bv Master Robert — Chestnut Belle trained by F. D. Weir; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr and Br©.. Went to post at 3:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BEEI.E ROBERTS raced to the front at the start and. running straight and true, won in a canter. I.l.lE ADDIE raced nearest to the winner all the way. PERCH ran a good race. CORK tired in the stretch. Q T "I O /f F1ETH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Feb. 10. 1915— 57%— 5--120. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and tj X X O TX apward. Allowances. Net value to winner 25: second, 0; third. 5. "index Horses AWTst 1 ]j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt SaSB4xCALJi SHOT wa % JOB I f 2*1 - t" R Guy T Polk S10-100 30004 .B»A1. ID WS71K 5 41 0*1 V -i Q Warren 1 Pontine 950-100 SlllSHOCNIR wa I !1." 4 5 E ** 33 C Hunt K Bpence M-10t gtBBI JOE BLAIR waCMO 1 1". I3 1 1 4s M Garner O E West 320-100 ?0!S4 SAD SAM Wa I N 2 J1! 3*1 5 5 C White C L Benbrook 2030-100 Time. £2-5. 4€%, 1:C0. Track fast. 32 Ml taela paid Call Sl-.ot. 2.20 str Right, ,s4.0i place; Adalid, .s5.20 place: 110 show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Can Bhot, B10 to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place: Adalid. 100 to 100 place. Winner Ch. a, by Ueellck — Pearl Barnes trailed by T. Polk; bred by Mr. O. O. Parke. Went to post at 4:10. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CALL SHOT raced lose ut from the start and. finishing fast, got up to win in the list stride. D1.TI ran a good race and finished with a rush. HOCNIR was far back to the stretch, then cine on fast when it" no avail. JOE Bl.AIR sej a great pace, but juit in the stretch. SAP SAM ran a fast half. "I Q K SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 11. 1914 IM% 3—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds 31 X JL OO and upward. Sidling. Net value to winner ?225: second. 0; third. 5. " I ndex Horses AWtSt j .■ 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 3111CBOGART w~S 109 5 2= 2nw 2 l«k 1 M Garner W M Mikel 210-100 •j 31032 EIGTODO wb 4 11C 3 5 5 5 5 2i C Hunt K Spence 130-100 ■ 31135 M!l. TlKET wsn 4 !04 2 1". I1* Is V t C White W E Moody 12SO-100 31085 ART RICK wb 6 104 6 4: 4- 42 3= 4l G ScherrerCr.nda and Yoeman 440-100 1 31085 -GEXERL. PICKErTTwsit 4 los 1 Q 3-i 3l 4s 51 J MclntyreF Wallhauser 3S0O-100 1 3Ill«aALDA w 5 107 4 6 « 6 fi 6 G Moles thj C Ferriss 1100-100 Time. 234i. 47*i, 1:1335, 1:39. Track fast. starts paid. Bogart. straight. .00 place, 2.40 show; Bigtodo, .60 place, . SO show; Mi il T: ki t .20 show. Eqniva n. booking odds— Bogart. 210 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Bigtodo, 30 to lt i place, 40 to 100 show; Meal Ticket, 140 to 100 show. Winner— -Br. g, by Baaaockhara — Belle Ward trained by A. J. Mikel; bred by Mr. Barney Sehrei-ber. Went to post at 4:37. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third dr vir BOGART raced in closest pursuit to the stretch, then moved to the front and won in a can- t 1 i IGTODO was held under restraint until too late, but came through a small opening in the mi. ;d and finished gamely. MEAE TICKET made a fast pace and finish, d lose up. ART RICK was ,u,.:,v slowly, but challenged in the stretch and tired. GENERAL PICKETT C;uit. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Overweights — General Pickett, 1 pound.