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JUAREZ ENTRIES. « 1 o The figures under the heading "Bee." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance, since Jai._ary 1, 1911, no matter where it linishad. In cases where record was made en other than a fast or good track, a jure -I viations show track conditions. ■ o Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 3:15. XRuns well In mud. ©Superior mud runner. |M maidens. Apprentice alle-wanee. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Jan. 4, 1914— 1:09%— 0—115. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. SUCS" Crispie 108 1:14% 4 95x725 31132s Lady Worthington..l02 l:17%h 4 107x720 31112-* Marshal Tilghman.107 1:13% 8 100X715 31134 Otilo 108 1:13% 11109x710 31050- Waxemall 113 1:14% 0 109.. 710 31132 Swe-de Sam 112 1:13 12 105X710 31105 C. W. Kennon 112 1:13% 10 105X700 31105s Airline 95 1:10%s 5 105x700 31132 Bob Nail M 4 102.. 700 31105 Andrew Johnston. . .101 1:14% 4 102.. 090 Crispie is in light. Second Race — 5-3 Mile. 3 year-oids. Selling. Track record: Feb. 10, 1915— 57%— 5— 120. 31111 Milbrey 102 1:00% 107x725 31112 Little Spider 102 1:01% 107.. 720 31030 Alan 103 1:01 109. .715 31131 Black Jack 1011:01 109.. 710 31103 Jay Thummel 104 1:02% 107x705 31131 Edna F 109 1:01% 107.. 700 31112 Smiling Anna M. 103 1:02 102.. 700 31131* Dr. Embree M .. 98 1:03% 102. .700 Milbrey seems best here. Third Eace — 5 1-2 FuTlongs. 5-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: March S, 1914— 1:03%— 0— 150. 311013 Rubicon II 1111:05% 8 115x725 311303 Mineral Jim 112 1:08% 6 112X720 31130- Vested Rights 102 1:05% 7 112x715 310S5 Bert L 105 1:09% 9 112.. 710 31130 Regards 105 1:07% 11 112X705 31130 Clint Tucker 100 1:07% 11 112x700 31100 Blacksheep 110 1:07% 12 112x700 31102 Henry Walbank ...109 1:00% 9 107x090 Rubicon II. is racing well. Fourth Races — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: March 8, 1914— 1:03%— 6— 150. 31134s JEFFERSON 104 1:07% 5 103X700 310S4» Force 118 1:08% 11 100 v 090 31111 Rochester 109 1 :06% 4 102 X 090 31105 Incle Mun 110 1:00% 6 103XOs5 31105 Helen Thompson ..102 1:08 4 97X988 31134 Lovey Johnny 103 1:08 5 103.. 075 Jefferson seems considerably the best. Fifth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Mar. 8. 1914— 1:03%— 6— 150. ELMS Jack Harrison M109 1:09% 5 103x700 31102 Clara James 100 1:08% 5 101.. 090 31082* Rose Garden M . 90 1:09 4 92.. 090 30S03 Ailsa Paige 99 1:08% 8 101X085 309S5 Gerthelnia 100 1:08% 5 101X080 25440 Oklahoma Irish M101 1:09% 5 191. .990 19000 Pit M 4 99.. 070 Band of inferior racers. Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: Mar. 11. 1914 — 1:30% — 3 — 102. 311S5 General Pickett ... 99 1:39% 4 105X725 31135 Rey 112 1:38% 8 110®720 31110- Lone Star 100 1:39% 8 110X710 M135- Black Frost 102 1:39% 4 103X710 31135 Certain Point 1111:43% 4 105.. 700 Well matched horses here.