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QUITE INTERESTING IF COEEECT. Eeport H. D. Brown Contemplates Selling His Havana Racing Plant to Cubans. Tnder a New York date lino the New Orleans Times -Picayune of January 11 says: "Advices lrom Havana indicate that "Curly" Brown may sell Oriental Park to a Cuban syndicate headed by Frank Steinhardt. the Havana trction mgnate. who is a big stockholder in the track. Brown is eager to reopen his old track in Jacksonville-. It is rumored that Brown alre-ady has held several conferences with the recently elected governor of Florida, who is said to favor a revival of racing and betting in that state. Brown, so the story goe-s. would welcome a pari-mutuel law in Florida. with a percentage to go to the state for good reads or for the support of charitable institutions. It is said that Brown already has leased property on which he held a race meeting in Jacksonville several years ago. but was forced to close because of anti-bookmaking legislation. The contemplated change of ownership in Havana, it is believed, will result in much good, for the reason that Brown is not exactly popular in the Cuban metropolis."