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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ. MEX.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1917.— Forty tiftii day. Jockey Club Juarez. Winter Me.;- ing of 100 or more days. Weather clear. Stewards, Charles F. Price. w7~H. Kcncliler and M. J. Winn. Placing Judges. W. H. Shelley. H. F. Breivogel ami .1. T. lrela nd. Starter. Mars Cassidy. Baling Secretary. W. 11. Shelley . Pacing starts at 2:15 p. in. Chicago time 3:15 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance 1 /j /j~Q F1BST" RACE— *-4 MOB. JanT 14, 1914— l:f*%- 6—1157 Purse" 00. 4-year-olds JL TC O and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0: thi rd. 5. ladex Horses AWtSt. t a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Slrt 31236 PETER GRIMM wn 7 115 2 2 2.. 2= 1- G Warren T S Parker :,10-100 31292- *OLDSMOBILE wn 7 .HI 4 1- V 1*1 2". G Seherrt rW M Cain 210-KKi SHS4COLLE wb 6 113 1 ::• t* ■ P W Mclnrot 1Moara Bros MO-10C 31288M1NERAL JIM ws 6 115 « i» 7" 7" ft] W AndsnW A Griffin R30-M* 312G7ToLET w 4 110 :: 4?. 4 4-1. 5* G MolesthJ C F.-rriss HSO-loo M267 SHADOW w4 !»! I Bj auk 5, f*| ]| Garner F Wallhauser 140-100 31311 CHARITY WARD wb 5 117 7 8 G- 6"k 7° T Henry R S Farmer fil:«-100 SltttYACA w 4 1 X: 8 7s S 8 S J Howard K Spence 6550 100 Time. 23%, 47«i, 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Peter Grimm. .20 straight. . SO place. .10 show: Oldsmobile. .00 place. S3.O0 show: Colle, .20 show. i: inivahnt booking odds — Peter Grimm. 310 to 100 straight. 190 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Olds-mobile. 50 to 1H place, 50 to 1H show; Colli-. 80 to lOO show. Winner — B. g. by Ben Strome— Rose Leaf traineel by L. C. Shipley; bred by Mrs. Thomas J. Carson. We nt to post at 2:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily: second and third driving. PETBB GRIMM began fast and was saved behtad the pacemaker until in the last sixte-enth. where he took the lead aad won going away. OLDSMOBILE set a fast early pace and tired. COLLE ran in forward pursuit throughout. MINERAL JIM and VIOLET finished close up. Overweights Shadow. 1 pound: Yae.i. 4: Charity Ward. 4. SECOND RACK 5-8 Mile. Feb. 10. 1915- 57.-,— 5 120. Curse 00. 4-year-olds 31/1/1/1 JL rtrx: Bad upward. Soiling. Net alne to winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. Index Ilorses AWtSt % L % Str Fin Jockeys OwaCTB Equiv. Odds Strt S11S4*ED LUCE w « 105 :: :: :f V l R Trotea H s Peck 1740-ii;n SlSllBBLXJE BIRD 11110 4 1. 1*| 1*1 V W MclnreW M Mik. 1 270-1*0 SlS*»HONEYCUT w 4 101 5 P f* 7i ■• M Garner J W ONeal 170-100 31207 TEMPY DUNCAN w « 105 7 2 2- 2 4" H Stearns T OBrien 4s.-,o-H«, 1 1232 LITTLE BIRDIE ws 7 100 1 7 0 BJ 5 J J Wilmsl P Lamar MMl-PM "1311-SAI, VANITY w 4 lOfc 10 9-J «- !- 6and J Howard W H Stevens 360-100 S1329-PR. MACK II. WB * 111 . P* a* , 7 W Anilsnll Poole MMM 31133 GOGGETY w 5 107 6 t* 7" Sl 8" T Henry Halste.-td 4c Reynolds EM-HI SllSSMOLLER wb 7 102 8 10 10 10 it? G SehcrrerW H Riekman IW IM 31380 RUBICON II. wb 8 105 2 4" - 4 4-J10 G MolesthK Spence 5550-100 Tim.-. 23, 47%, 1:00. Track fast. mutuels paid. Ed Luce. ?30.8O straight, 5.80 place. .00 show: Belle Bird. . SO place. .20 show: Honeycut. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds— Ed Luce. 1740 to 100 straight. 090 to 100 place. 150 to 100 show; Belle Bird. 140 to 100 place. 00 to 100 show: Honeycut. 40 to 100 siiow. Winner — B. h, by Guiding Star— Belle Strome trained by J. Dawson: bred by Mr. H. S. Peck. Went to post at 2: IS. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: seconei and third driving. EI LUCE, after racing in close pursuit to the stretch, took the lead in the last sixteenth anil won going away. P.ELI. E BIRD set a fast early pace, but tired near the end. HONEYCUT, away poorly, closed a big gap. TEMPY DUNCAN ran well. SAL VANITY was away badly. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up to 00 and sold to Quinlan and Higel. Scratched— 31329 Stella Gratae, 100; 31207 Vested Rights. 107; 31288 Bad Prospect, 107; 31311 Freeman. 107: 31287 Jefferson. 102. Overweights — Sal Vanity. 5 pounds: Dr. Mack II.. ." . A A K THIRD RACE— 7-8 Mile. Feb. 10. 1914— 1 : 23-—5-1 10. Purse 00. 4 -year -olds 31 JL 4Jt 4Jb O and upward. Selling. Net valu- to winner S225; second. 0; third. 5. Index Ilorses AWtSt U ■_- % Str Fill Jockeys Owners EijuivToilds Strt 31292 BLACK FROST w 4 110 2 4 2-. V 1*1 1-i R Guv W A McKinney ESOiOQ 31202*MARY ESTELLE w 4 105 fi 6: Sh ** V 2- R TlUBMj J TugRle 4b" l 31210 RET wb 8 115 :: 21 E* •» s3 2" G Warren T 8 Parker 380-101 SI 292 BARNARD w 7 115 7 B PI*** 4 A Kin;, Rice ei Clements 2520-110 31207-SMILING MAGGIE W 4 10." 4 ■» 4- 41 4!i 5- J WilliamsN W Burkhart tf,Ml-10u SltS5*UPRIGHT w 8 1P5 11 11 11 10 :» 6i «; MotesthB H Hambrick 137t-lW M410 PRINCE EUGENE W 7 110 13 11 «■• P II 7 T Hunt K Spenco t 31410 LADY INNOCENCE wb r, 10S B 13 13 13 13 8-1 H Stearns D A Stevens + 31380*ROBT. MANTELL fi 101 8 10 12 7* 7»1 *i H Gibson Singleton and Moore + S ItSS CIRCULATE vr. 4 111 ! 7 ;;l 2 2 10 W MclnreOMeara Bros MSS-MI fSlSlOQUIZ w 4 110 12 0 I !t 11 11 M Garner F Wallhauser 450-100 31235*BUNCH OF KEYS w 7 110 10 si inn rs- 10 v,:- G Sch-rrerA Greanleve 450 100 , 31329 M. B. EUBANKS wn X il 1 1«1 l-ll. 13 13 J Howard W H Stevens 2900-100 vMutuel field. Time. 2335- 47%, 1:13%, ldtt%. Track fast. ■ mutuels jiaid. Black Frost. 3.00 straight, 1.40 place, .00 show; Mary Kstelle. J2VOO fJ place-. 5.20 slew : Rev, .00 show. * i: luivabnt booking odds— Black Frost. 550 to 100 straight. 470 to 100 place. 250 to DM show; Mary Estelle. 1300 to 100 place. 000 to 100 show: Key. 150 to 100 show. Winner -P.Ik, f, by Waterboy — Mary Grave-s trained by W. A. McKinney: bred by Mr. James P.. Haggin. Went to post at 3:10. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BLACK FROST, showing a good order of ■peed, went to the front soon after the start and hold the race safe- all the way. MARY ESTELLE, away slowly, closed a big gap and finished fast, REV fell back in the early running, but came fast near the finish. BARNARD ran fairly well. QUIZ and BUNCH OF KEYS were away badly. MACK B. EUBANKS set a fust pace to the stretch and quit badly. Scratched— 31331 Prepaid. 105; 31235 Gallant Boy. 105 31413Otilo. 105. Overweights--Robt. Mantell. 1 pound. 3~ / / L FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. March S. 1914— 1 :03-.-,— 0—150. Curs.- 1300. A rrrX" O 3-year-olds. Selling. Net vau- to winner si r,: sue. nil. 0; third. S25. Index Horse- AWtSt % _■ jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ki~|Uiv. Odds Slrt "1289-1*MAP. w M 1 1-11-?. P P R TrohM R N Vestal s 1"" 31 334 "HONDO wb 104 4 4 4- 2"k 21 R Sorrell W E Applegate 560-100 31334-DKCKHAND wn 100 2 SI Sal 3* :i4 J Howard W H Stevens 230 100 31330 *ENGI.ISH LADY W 91 I I* 3U 43 4* C Hunt K Spence 1SW-M6 31330 STAR OF THE PARK wb 115 5 5 5 5 5 J McCabe Le= wis and Armstrong SGh-lM Time. 23%, 47, 1:00%, 1:06%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mab, .00 straight. .00 place. .20 show: Hondo. .00 place, .40 show; Deckhand. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Mab. SO to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Hondo. 100 to ISO place. 20 to 100 BB-OW; Deckhand. 10 to 10O shew. Winner— Br. f. bv Meelii k— Dona Hamilton trained by R. N. Vestal: bred by Mr. G. L. Blackford I . Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and fast. Won easily: seconei and third driving. MAM took the had at once- and easily won all the way. HONDO raced gamely and oat-stayed DECKHAND in the closing strides. The latter was under punishment early and tired. ENGLISH LADY also tired. Scratched— 31412-Wand. 107; 31112 Jay Thuniinel. 100; 31314 Satisfied. 100: 31030 Lycia, 100. Overweights— Star of the Pa£k. ~ pounds. 1 /f /T rf F I FTI 1 R A M— % - 8~ Mile. Feb. 10. 1015— 57-.— 5—120. Purse 00. 3-year olds X T tl: i Bad upward. Selling. Net alue to winner jggSj se -cond. 0; th i id. 5 . Index H.rse-s AWtSt 4 ■■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ki|uiv7~Oilds Strt WAYBEHIND wb 8 HE 5 Ill- I* I*| A King H E Snyder tl50-10fl 31 II 1 -so.MK REACH wn 4 10S I 3*1 3* 1*12 G lCoIeathK Spence 630-100 31113 GRAYS FAVORITE w 7 11." 1 fi1 f» t* :.- Anelsnii S Plunk. -tt S90-100 314 15 BESSANTA WB 3 M 4 Fll 4 4- M Garner F IJ Weir 730-100 S1415*COUSIN bob wa3 M :: S »l * I* R Troise J A Chan until ISaVIM 31 MO FAVORITE ARTICLE w 611! I P 7* V ;- J Howard Phillips fc Lavely NW-1M 3I3HI*FRED DREW wku 7 115 10 3 P 7» - 7" R Sorrell B Tiller MK-MB 31315 WAXEMALL w I 111 1 10 108 !•- P G Warren M Deyle UtS-lM S1S«3*EDBN PARK WB 3 Nt I V S* f* P T Henry GT Hutton . 31411 STAR ROSE w S 113 7 pB fk MJ 10*. ; ScherrerJ II Mc«"arrcn t . SlSM*LOVEY JOHNNY ws 5 111 11 11 11 11 11 R Guy J. H Walker 52W-100 tMutuel field. Time . 23V5. 47%. 1:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Wl ybehiml. .00 straight. place, . SO show; Soaie R-ach. .40 place. .00 show: Grays Favorite. S3. 00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Waybehind. 150 to 100 straight. M to KM place. 40 to KM show; Some Reach. 170 to 100 place. 50 to KM show: Grays Favorite. 50 b 100 show. Winner — B. g. by I.obos — Nita Mohler trained by F. Brielwell; bred by Mr. H. E. Snyder. Weal to post at 4:ls. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WAYBEHIND set a great pace and easily woa all the way. SOME BEACH raced well and made a fast and game finish. GKAVS FAVORITE -was outpaced early, but tinislied with a rush. BESSANTA close-d a gap in the last quarter. OPSIN BOB showed speed. Tin winner, entered for 00. was bid up to 1917.sh05 and bought in. Scratched— 81411 Lady Tendi. 104: 31411 Noble Grand. Ill: 31411 Ailsa Paige, 100: 31333 Rose Garden, ill. Overweights — Eden Park. 5 pounds: Star Rose. 2. yf JfTS~~8nrail RACE— 7-8 MUlT Feb. 10. 1911—1:23%— .".—HO. Pane 00. 4 year olds 31 JL rJCrj O and upward. Selling. Net value t.. winner 25; second. 0; third. 5. _I nilex Horses AWtSt 4 ; :;t Str Fin Jockeys liv.-ni -r s Equiv. Odds Strt Sit IS LONE STAR w s no 7 1 P V P l: H Stearns D A Stevens 71o~ioo 31135 BUCK NAM. w 5 PIT I 7 pk P I - I . i ; BfoleathB H Hambrick 0JB-1M 310K3" If. JOHNSON* wsb 5 104 ti 4" 2-J 2» 31 P T Hunt Singleton and Moore 470-100 31414*KAI.l".l s. wb 4 M :; P P 3- 4- 4 R Troise J Griffin llli-lOU S1SM**ART RICK WB6105 18 8 6- 5-i ,V M Garner Canda and Yoeman 120-100 30017MAB. DULWEBER w ,"» ME I P 1 5 6ui"G SiherrerA C McCafferty M 1 lOei 31265 MILTON ROBLEE w 6 110 2 .".■ 5-8 8 7"- J Howard J Stephenson 470-100 Slttt MEAL TICKET WB 4 HC 4 6 i 4»- 7 7 8 D Stirling W E Moody 4510-100 Raw. 24. 47%. 1:13. l:262/5. Track fajst. iniitui Is paid, Star. 0.20 straight. .90 place-. .20 show: Buck Nail. t27.8t place- SHOO show: C. M. Johnson. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Star. 710 to KM straight. 340 to KM [dace, 160 to KM! show Kuck Nail. CM to KM place-. 880 to KMI show: C. If. Johnson. ISO to KM show. Winne-r — h. g. by Sam Phillips — De Bonne Grace trained by G. A. Taceit; bred by Mr. G. F. Schreiber. Went to post at II". At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second an-1 third driving. LONE STAB t..e.k the lead at the start and. making the pace fast, led all the way and woa in a e .inter. BUCK NAIL closed a tap early and ran a game race. C. M. JOHNSON forced* the running to the stretch ami tired. AIM RICK was squeezed out right after the start. RALPH S. ran well. The winner, entered for StOO. was Ind up to 00 and bought in. Scratched— 31414 iZini. 107: 312: 2H.ent-ral Pickett. 107.