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GOING STILL DISCOURAGING MORE RAIN COMES DOWN AT NEW ORLEANS TO DEEPEN THE TRACK. Diamond Has No Trouble in Winning the De Soto Hotel Handicap— Fleetabellc Wins by a Narrow Margin. New Orleans, La., February 1. — Jefferson Livingston added another stake to his credit, wlu-n Diamond cantered home in the De Soto Hi til Handicap ol . kxi added and win from Lucile I. and Moiiomoy. with Grundy and Fizt r farther back. Diamond was a big favorite, showed a decided aptitude for the going, an I was much the best. Oriindy was a contender for a half mile, but tired. The summer-like weather did not remain for long and was displaced today by cold but clear weather. A hard rain hist night made the track a veritable quagmire and deep and holding. A fairly good card was offered and, despite the cold weather, another large gathering was on hand lo view the sport. .7. ». Talbott added another two-year old perse to his numerous ones scored darlag this inciting, when Bracelet triumphed in easy fashion over lay Lady and Thiaker. Bracelet was the favorite. BWpy 8am, strongly supported, made good in the second race anil Stouelienge led Air.iety home. The favorite in tie- thirl race. 71 etaboll-. bad to lie put to a hard drive to outstay Kerfaage and only sueeeeded in the last few strides, under a rousing ride on the part of Lewder. The same ride.- also sueei edc-d in bringing home Mico Qtrl in tin- suc-eeedhag dish, Pearhiti and Wat fighting it out for second place. The Ki iitm kians managed to add another race to their score of the day when Lukemae outstayed Royal Interest in tin closing dash. W. R. Mizell was forced to destroy Flag Day, which sustained an injury in his last start, on account of blood poison infecting the injured leg. Judge Monck. who is extensively interested In the Hamilton track, was among the visitors. Charles O. Smith and A. R. London, secretary of the Hamilton truck, arrived tonight from California. They will remain here for an indefinite period. The omits Handicap at one mile, with *1.000 added, to be run next Thursday, nnd for which entries wire made this afternoon, attracted seventeen nominations. At an auction held in the paddock l efore the racing, tie- following horses were disponed of: Cash on Delivery, 00. to Mrs. J. II. Abbott; Kris Kriagle, 7... to ;. Kttper; Tootaie, 8666, to s. Louis: Lady Small. 00. to W. K. Walsh; Ruth ■totem, *H»o, to J. j. Sellers; Wryneck, 836, to H. J. Sargcant.