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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Major General Leonard Wood, lx-fore the Senate Iniversal Training Committee, said the "guard system" of this country was in itself "vicious and indefensible" because „f defects inherent in its organization. General Wood urges universal service as necessary. The death toll when the British auxiliary cruiser Laurontie. wliieh was sunk by a mine off the north coast of Inland, is placed at 350. Severe weather at sea is blamed for tin? heavy loss of life. Berlin claims the allies have lest more than ,000,000 tons of shipping since the beginning of the war through the war measures of the Central Powers. The opinion prevalent in official quarters at Wa-di ington yesterday afternoon was that a break in diplomatic relations with Germany was inevitable. From data collected in different parts of England, tie- London Evening Star estimates that there are Kl. 0.000. 000 in gold satiated in Great Britain. Earnings of tie- Tinted States Steel Corporation for the year 1910 were 33,025,080, far surpassing all previous records. The cotton market yesterday was absolutely demoralized, the break amounting to more than 5 a bale.