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SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Selling. Jaaa 38, 1910—1:05— 3— IIS. CONOWINGO, b. f. 3 117 By The Commoner — Hawksora Smith and Derity. 21251 Tijuana : 1 i :22i,.,muil 1-2 I-17 2 111- 1! ". AlexMra !» LyCeecee, G. Dragon. G. Stream ::! 1 Tijuana 5ft f Ml fast 21 li7 2 13 2l 4,;1 G Alexdra 0 I.ingen. GladysIAm, Geraldame Tijuana 5-8 1:111 fast 4 1 9 2 2 4 4= 1» W Kelsay 8 leepAgn, J.I rdrick, Glad. I Am 10613 Tijuana 51 f LOS fast 11 104 1 1 1 l1 21 E Pool 10 Rosellis, J. Sanderson, Gratitude AaaM Devahlre 2-4 1:14 fast 3 107 1 1 2"k 6-i H Stearns 10 Sybil, Kagura. Meelogene HXCl DeT*satre Bft f l:07=f,fast 19-H M0 4 2 3 6»iG Alexdra 8 Fruit Cake, Mah. Bon Otis |iNz4 Kenilwh 5ft t l:13"?hvv 03-10 l«fi 5 1 1»2S G Alexdra 1 J Little Wonder, Out. CherrvBelle 19403 Kemi.ton 51 f LllVsgood 21 105ft 2 1 l"k 5»i G Adra Jr 7 Out, Little Spider, Douglas* S. 29312 Kempt. .n 5-S l:08%hvy 3-2 107 3 1 1= 1" G Alexdra I Out, Premo Vera, Belle C. PEEP AGAIN, ch. f, 3 111 By Harrigan— Daypeep J. Fuentez. 3K 1 Tijuana 5-8 l:03%mud 12-5 112 1 2 2 23 4" A Pick n 1 M. Bacea, Square Set. If. Smith 30536 Tijuana 5-S 1 :01 fast 6-5 112 3 11 1-1 P A Pickens 8 J.Frdrick. Conowgo, Glad.I Am 3479 Tijuana 5. f 1:0S fast 3 105 I 11 1ft 42 A Pickens 0 G.I.Am. L.Rowena, Geraldame 26517 Tijuana 4ft f 55 good 3 110 2 3 I ::! 4=i E Pool 8 Mont Blanc, M.Bacon. Sat.Bclle 26147 Tijuana 1-2 47%fast 31 120 G 4 3= 34J E Pool 5 BoL Laird. M.Bsci 11. J.Fredri-k 25S80 Tijuana 1-2 50%good 3-5 108 5 2 2= l3 E Pool 8 J.Frederick. MadBacon, Rosellis 25748 Tijuana 1-2 50 good 1-3 107 1 1 1=1 l3 E Tool 8 RoUifl Laird, Thirst, Fighter 25731 Tijuana 1-2 50- .good 3-5 103 1 I 2- 2"i J Collins S J.Frederick, M.Bacon. Prsevere 25103 Juarez 1-2 4Skfast 3-2 115 7 6 61 55 G Garner 8 J.Thummel. Mgnetina, Milbrey CRUCES. ch. g, 3 114 By Voorhees— Chime E. J. McGraw. 31152 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 30 111 6 S 8 and 3=i R Troxler S Binges, Mike. Bronco Billy SMS Laurel 3-4 1:17 hvy 26 112 12 M 9 8= 1017 J Metcalf 12 Bnrbaak, Hastv Cora, Iomp M849 Laurel 1 1:42 fast fid M 8 7 5 1 4- 4:;2 V RobsonlL GreatOoDy, G.P.clle. DouxiassS. 29787 Laurel 6ft f 1M fast fid 111 11 9 8 6* i L McAtec IS Iolonium. Lobelia, Sw.thansugar 29722 Laurel 3-4 1 :14=-.,fast 604 9s 5 6 5 6"" 7i L McAfee 10 Katii.Gray, Napoleon. Med. Miss 28941 Kenilwh 6-8 l:0fi%hvy 80 MBj 6 6 7ft 6«3 T Nolan S Valerie West, Wat. BJpOSta 28753 Connht 51 f l:147tslop 78 105 2 6 4 Z* 341 A Pickens 10 Regreso, Hazelnut, Great Dolly GLADYS I AM, b. f, 3 105 By Abe Frank— Gladys Louise J. G. Parker. 31181 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 fast 21 107 4 3 2 I1 2= A Plckeaa «» Bingen. Geraldame. Conowingo 39948 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 slow 6 M 7 6 6 G:i 4i T Nolan 8 King Dick. Bingen, Sat. Bell • 10797 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 4J 107 5 5 5 4:j 2l T Nolan 7 Gratitude. Bingen, Mike 19128 Tijuana 5ft f l:07VSfast 2J 16 5 4 4 2 2= A Pickens 7 Sat. Belle, Gratitude, Rosellis :,•" s Tijuana 3-4 l:i4 sfast 3 M 5 9 9 8= 762 A Pickens 9 Gratitude, Treowen, Geraldame M3C Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fast 3 108 6 6 6 5l 4r- E Pool » IeepAgn, J.Fredrick, Cnwingo . 1479 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 6-5 M 5 4 4 4= T* E Pool 6 L.R wena, Geraldame, P.Agaiu MM Tfjuana 51 f l:07ifast 1 101 5 3 3 l | 2= H Shilling 8 Gtitude. Geraldame, L.Rowena DOMINION PARK. ch. f. 3 98 By Hurst Park— Lady Charles G. Alexandra. 1495 Tijuana 51 f ii ..-l"W 53 98 4 4 6 4 l* V Newman 7 General, Ana Tiily. Geraldame 31385 Tiiuana 3-4 l:2:.: -slop 7-5 101 3 111= 2=1 R Harton 8 Executor, Patsy Mack, P.Conrad 9383 Tijuana 5 f l:15Vsslop 2 M 3 11 1* 1° FJ Martin fi Lady Leoaa, Mike. jn. Vredriek 31241 Tijuana 5ft t 1:12 mud 3 MS 4 111= l4 J McintyrelO Lady Soweaa. Jose, Asarea 31062 Tijuana 5ft f 1:12 hvy 6-5 M 5 2 2 2-1 1*1 J Mclntyre B NasledoTati, GeraMaaae, BolTeia 30969 Tijuana 5. f 1 :p8"igood 6 112 5 1 1 1= r»ft W J OBn 11 Matches, C.Colorado, Mv First MO: Tijuana 5ft t IM slop 20 M8 I 6 E 6*13* II Stearns 8 NledoTatt, L Koweaa, Jdiction Tijuana 8-4 1:15 fast 9 110 5 4 4 5*ft 5*1 H Martin 7 moncss. C.CIorado, Fvmonde M8M Tijuana 3-4 1 :1440fast 50 M I 7 7 7l P|H Martin 8 Gratitude, Treowen, Gerahlame GERALDAME, ch. f. 3 103 By Hilarious — Estraza T. C. Williams. 31495 Tijuana 6J f l:10%slow 10 100 6 6 4 3ft B Martin 7 General, Ann Tilly. DomionPark 31422 Tijuana 5ft f l:19%bvy I 87 8 3 Fell. R Moore S Qtenaaster, Aacests, P. Mack 31301 Tijuana 5ft 1 1:14 slo;. 6 H 4 6 5 5* 4*J s McGraw 8 General, Ancestors. Ban Sand S1212 Tijuana 5-4 1:22 slow 6-5 M 4 3 2 2=1 5= J Mclntyre 4 Jurisdiction. Bat. Belle, Bolrei* IHffl Tijuana 5 f 1:11 fast 3-4 1o7 1 4 4 4 8*| i: iool 8 Bing.-n. iladvsIAm. Conowingo 31063 Tijuana 5ft t 1:18 hvy 5 M 2 4 2 2* 2J W Kelsay 8 Nasledovati. Dosa. Par!;. Solreig MM Tijuana 5ft t l:10=.,slow 3 105 6 5 7 6= V A Casey 8 Nasledovati. Mike, BLDeaaltoa M864 Tijuana 6ft f 1:11 mud 4 M 1 4 4 31 8* A Pickens S Br.Billy. J.Sndern. Nasledovati 8M8 Tijuana 2-4 LMfast 15 M 8 6 5 4* 3i K Iapaillo 9 Iratitude. Treowen, M. Smith SATSUMA BELLE, br. f, 3 107 By Marta Santa— Miss Laetitia H. Morris. 31212 Tijuana 11:22 alow 3 MM 1 111* -■ T Nolan 4 Jurisdiction, Geraldame, Solreig 31152 Tijuana 6] f 1:08 fast 6 MS 2 5 6 7 V II Stearns 8 i.ingen. Mike. Crueea 30946 Tijuana 5 f 1 :09 slow 4 111 3 3 2 3 ft 3*ft H Btearna 8 KingDick, Bingen, Gladys I Am 30723 Tijuana 5ft t l:07ttfast 6 102 4 1 1 ] 1= H Btearna 7 GladysIAm. Gratitude, Rosellis 8C655 Tijuana S-4 1:14. fast 12 M I 6 4 21 8** II Stearns 9 Tr.-owen. Ella B., My -irst 30608 Tijuana S-4 12 104 6 4 2 Z* 5:~ H Stearns 9 Gratitude, Treowen, Geraldame :■ Tijuana 5] f 1 :07 11-5 "07 4 5 5 6 5= A Pickens . B.Dnalton, Snorette, Prsevere 30377 Tijuana. 5.- f 1:08 fast 2J M I • 6 1* 4 A Pickens 7 Geraldame, Grtitude, Prsevere 279S3 Tijuana 5-8 l:01%fast 6 112 6 7 7 7 711 II Hanmer 7 GladysIAm. Geraldame. Rosellis MEEGONE. ch. f. 3 M 111 By Meeliok — Begone Alameda Stable. :111a Tijuana 5ft I l:l7,hvy 10 KS I 1 1 ll PI W Taylor 7 Missouri Pride, Boy, Bisa W. 30577 Tijuana 5ft I LOSiast 25 US 9 8 9 8" 82 M M*tbewsll Sigaorette, Ella B.. Mike JUANITA FREDRICK, b. f, 3 107 By Rapid Water— Lady Hiidrsth F. Mace. Njuana 5ft f l:15%slop 10 Bis 5 i 3 6* **• C Gross 6 DoauPark, Lady Leoaa, Mike Tijuana 5-8 1 Dl fast 20 M 4 I 2 :x 2* W Ormes i PeepAgaia, Cawgo, Glad.I Am 1 Tijuana 6ft f 1:08 fast 25 M 0 1 ■■ l» l":! W Ormes 10 Rosellis, Conowingo. J.Sdersaa 30367 Tijuana 5ft f l:07-fast 10 104 4 11 l» 7W W Ormes 7 Rosellis, Glad.I.Am, DoaglaasS. 277:r, Tijuana 5-8 l:00%fast 15 114 1 2 2 23 €« W J OBn G Rollin Laird. Sybil, Thirst 16147 Tijuana 1-2 47%fast 15 320 1 5 4» 4= J Collins 5 Rol. Laird. M.Bacoa, PeepAgaia 85880 Tijuana 1-2 68%gOOd 3-5 117 4 1 li 23 J Collins 8 PeepAgain. MaudBacon, Rosellis 2575 Tijuana 1-2 SO/fegood 1-3 112 4 1 1= 3= E Poo! 7 Maud Bacon. GulfStream, Taffy LAZY LOU. br. f, 3 114 By Jack Atkin — Mrs. F. G. Hoan Palace Stable; 35628 B wi 1-2 48%laat 5 M 8 9 81 5s J Corey 18 Chemung. ;. Dolly, G. Bantam .1 BLSpga 1-2 4,.-fast 4 188 I 8 6i 44 G Corey 9 Rey Ennls, Casbap, Colza 855M BLSpga 1-2 49 fast C 107 7 8 6 7:l CJ Corey 8 Vat, Golden Bantam, EdenPark I Juarea 8ft t 40%fast 20 110 5 4J 47 G Corey 8 Waremore, SirBichard. O.Harrj SMI Juarez 37 f 41%fast 3 10S I 1= ll G Corey 8 Galf Stream. Satisfied, Thirst MM Juarez 3* f 40%fast 10 107 10 8 6»7 ; Corey 10 Sybil, Ware mate. Gulf Stream 24757 Juarea is 36%last 20 107 5 5* 6*2 O Corey 1 Ida TreratO, C. stream, 0. Harry fM; .17 Juarez 2-8 39 mud 40 112 4 8 S4 G Corey 10 Hondo, Thirst, Milbrey H6M Juarez 2 8 35-"-fast 20 112 7 8 tl* G Corey 9 Wand, Old Harry. Julf Stream 2!.!49 Jaurez 2 8 35V4fast 20 11" 4 8 81S G Corey S May W.. Good Note, Sybil HARRY D., ch. g, 3 M 105 By Barnsdale— Turnaway W. A. Wright. :. 1063 Tijuana G fl 13 hvy 20 ".7 1 7 7 7V *:1" E Pool 8 Kaxledovati, Geraldame, D.latk 2 1 Tijuana 4; f 56%faat 20 169 4 1 1 V r,-:i H Hanmer 8 Alan. Heater H.. Ella B. 28075 Tijuana 4.f 54Hfast 50 106 8 8 8 8 8»*H Han r 8 Geraldame, MandSmitb, Craakic 26147 Tijuana 1-2 47.r.l,! 150 I05 4 2 5 5,; A Venters ". RoLLalrd, M.Bacoa, Been., gain i a Tijuana 1-2 ttiftgood 108 104 7 7 6:J 611 H Hanmer 9 Galf Stream, Sybil, Lady Ward 25994 Tijuana 1-3 49good 100 107 3 8 8 P* II 8 Rollin Laird, Sybil. Lady Ward JUDGE PRICE, b. g, 3 M 109 By Waldo— Ethel Price 7. Brannon. rirst start.