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HAVANA FORM CHART. HAVANA, CUBA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY. 1, 1917.— Oriental Park. Forty -fourth day. Cuba-American Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of K3 days. 17 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, C. J. Fitz Gerald. Presiding Judge. M. Nathaaaon. Starter, J. F. Milton. Racing Secretary. M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 3:30 p. in. Chicago tfaae 3:00 p. m.. *lndieates apprentice allowance. O T| pr rj Q FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Jan. 1. 1910— 58%— 5—114. Purse 00. 3-.vear-olds Q 1 Q I Q ami upward. Soiling. Net value to winner S.325: second. 0: third. 5, Index Horses AWtStU % vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S Gil 507 TWO ROYALS w 5 115 7 4" 31 21 lj J DminickE Callgary I I 1 12 S15888KEETS w 7 115 2 !■ I1 Vh 2| J Dreyer W C Westmoreland 8-5 S-5 2-5 1-4 :.13i9 IDLER w 4 111 5 8* Vi 3* 31 C "Watson R D Carter 8 8 3 88 31488*DONNER tvn 4 106 4 ask 6sk * 4»k M Rowan A B Davidson 15 10 4 2 31 1K6 PARLOR BOY we 9 115 u 7 6; fiat5« E Taplin P L Short I I 1 12 ::I40« MONTY POX w 9 lis 1 2i 2 1 4* fi= R Watta W C Cappa 3 3 1 1- 1307 MARGARET ELLEN w 4 109 3 B» 7 7 7 J CrafaM H J Hart 20 20 8 4 Time. 23, 47%. 1:00%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Two Royals. .70 straight. 84.28 place. S3. 20 show: Skeets, .50 place, .00 show; Idler. 88.60 show. Eqairalent booking odds -Two Royals. 385 to 108 straight, 110 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Skeets, 75 to KM place, 46 to 108 show: Idler. 175 to 100 -how. Winner — !.. g. by Mezagan — Domino Whist traiaed by J. S. AYhatiey: bred by Mrs. T. J. Carson. Wont to post at 3:30. At post 1 Btiaete. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. TWO ROYALS, away slowly, responded with a rush when ealhd on in the stretch and got up • a the las! tweatj yards to win drawing clear. SKEETS set a terrific pace in the early running and tired slightly near the end. IDLER was a forward and game contender all the way. DONNEK and PALLOR BOY finished close up. MONTY FOX ran a fast half and tired. Scratched 31507-Izzet Bey, 111. BMCONB RACE— 8-8 Mile. Jan. 1, 1910— 59-— 5— 114. Purse S400. 3-year-olds 317/1 X tj i tI: and upward. BeUjag. N-t value to wimi.r 3825 : second. 0; third. 5. "index Horses AWtbtA Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOP "s~ 31507 king stalwart waTTus 1 5 v ll 11 e TapUn h Hay 4 4 s-5 4-5 ?lS83*RROWN PRINCE w 5 114 7 Bi 4" 3 2; R WingfdA L Taylor I 21. 1 1-2 31470-1:1 LGER ivn E 1M I I 71 4 | :, | R Watta W F K.ith 6-5 6-5 1-2 out 31 585s ODD CROSS villi] 4 r !• 2 41 Knight W F King 6 4 :,-5 4-5 :; 1507»CH!T-RA - W 5 Iff I 21 J" 6- 5ni; YVakoff H Van Rv 6 6 2 1 25 i."H DBV8HIRE DOLLY- v 4 HfJ I 4: t| 5"k 6- A Collins J W Pangle 20 20 8 4 30875 TEST w 4 100 6 7 1 51 71 77 J Cruise A F Dayton 15 20 8 4 31468*DOROTHY T. wn 8 101 5 3*3 I v J Pet/. Cairr.smuir Stable 30 30 12 6 Tune. 23. 473/5, 1:01V5. Track fast. 32 mutuels paid. King Stalwart. 2.00 straight. .00 place. . L.M1 show: Browa lrince. 84.48 place, .70 show: Bulger. 32.30 show. Eqnivaleat 1 king olds- King Stalwart. 530 to 100 straight, ISO to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Blown Prince. 120 to KM place. 35 to 100 show; Balger, 15 to 108 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Stalwart— Yeraeieas traiaed by J. H. Btotler; bred by Mr. Garrett D. Wilson. Went to posl at 1:50. At iiost 1 mi.iutc. Start good and slow. Won driving; » il and third the - nn ■. K1MI STALWART sot a fasl pace from the start but was tiring at the end. BROWN PRINCE began siouh bat hung on gaatelj in the final drive. BULGER was pulled up at the start, but closed a big gao and was l»-s:. ODD CROSS showed early speed but tired a the stretch. CHITRA ran a good half. S i.i ti in ..—3150. Be-slion. Kill: 31537 Mazurka. 100: 31537 Toison dOr. 115; 31505 t herry Seed, 111. a £T »7 CT THIRD RAt E 3-4 Mile. Dec 2S. 1915— 1 :11-.— 4--111. Purse 00. 3-year- Ids A O I O and upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner $ 100: second, 0: third. 881 . "index Horses AWtSt % z • Str Fin Jockeys Owners p C P S 31878 MURPHY w 4 111 2 111- 1". V E Taplin I M H.-driek " 2] 4-5 out 31288 DROLL w 6 115 2 4 2 V V R Watta .1 B Goodman 1 4-5 1-3 out ;,I509-.I VRIANAO v 4 104 4 3* J« H :: R Ball T H Wilson J, 5 7-5 out 31541 JERRY a 4 107 1 3* 4 4 11; Kleeger E K Bryson 3 U 1 out — Time. 23. 47. 1:12. Track fast. •M n-utuels paid .Murphy. 36.50 straight, 32.80 place: Droll. 32.70 place ao Show mutuels sold. Linn alen: I king odd — .Murphy. 325 to 100 straight, 15 to 100 place; Droll. 35 to 100 place. Winner— B. c, bj McGee- intrigue trained by 1". Garrett; head by Mr. has. v.". Moore. Win! to ost at 4:15. At post 1 minut-. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driviag. Ml lOHY showed great speed from the start bat was ridden out to withstand DROLLS ru b. The latter raced oa the laiidr to the stretch turn, and responding gamely when called oh la the final drrre, wa« wearing the winner down. MARIAN AO raced gamely but tired in the last quarter, JERRI raa poorly. pr n f* KoiR-ni race-3-4 Mile. Dec. 88, 1815— 1; lift— 4— 111. Puis,, sum. 4 -year-olds 3-| A *J 1 J and upward. Selling. Net value to wi—Cl .-3-. : seieud. 0; third. 328, ~Index Horses AWtSt ]4 ? _a Str Pin" Jockeys Owners Q C P S 31488SWRLDS WONDER wb 7 101 G VI 2* 2- I] C Watson 11 Van Ry I I 81 6-5 2I53K ENCORE n M8 2 E 11 1- 2»| B Kleeger J T Strite S-S I E 1-2 out 31 HKilAGi: WHITE tfliM 1 3 4- 4- :;; M Rowan 8 !• Rice 10 10 4 I 2.I4SS MORRISTOWN KB 8 18 4 Z .M. 3«k 4k A Collins T S Mah.p.ey 10 la 4 2 31371 .-an JON w 6 114 7 7- 71 6 E R Ball A L Taylor ;; :; l |_] 31538 LOLA w A lo*J I 4 5- Bi 4* G Corey R V Haymaker ::. 4 3-8 4-5 31537 EDITH OLGA w» 4 Ml I I I I 71 E Taplin J C Mayes M 10 4 2 31134 JIM RAY a l I 114 5 8 61 7l s J Malon.y H E Davis 20 30 13 6 Xuiie, ■*%, 47, 1:1314. Iiack fast. mutuels p:iid. Worlds Wonder, J2G.90 straight, .20 place, .90 show; Encore. .10 place, .00 show; Page White, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds — Worlds Wonder, 1245 to 100 straight. 3C0 to 100 place, 145 to 100 show; Encore. 55 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Page White. 135 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Hermi* — Rose Miller trained by H. Van Ry; bred by Mr. 0. Miller. Went to post at 4:38 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. WORLDS WONDER was away stowly, but pained steadily and wore ENCORE down in the last stzteeath to win drawing clear. BNCORE sel a fast early pace but tired near the end. PAGE WHITE ran an II and finished fast. SAN JON closed a gap and finished fast. EDITH OLGA was crowded back at the start and was pulled op. MOUKISTOWX showed speed. Scratched— 31537:opp rtown. 107. tSfTff FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 2S. 1015—1:11% — 4—111. Purse 00. 4-year-olds 3-1 X Q 4 I and Ujiward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: second. 0; third. 5. Index Horses AWtSt ,j 11- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners PC P S 31434 SPOHX ITU 12 10G 3 l1! 1- ll. ll R Ball E J Doyle 20 20 8 4 31469 FRONTIER B .: 6 106 8 M VI V 2» J Drr.inickW O Sioner 15 15 I I 3 1540 •"EDDIE MOTT w 9 109 1 5* 3: 2 V E Taplin H C Airhart 2 :: 4-5 2-5 31S87*NAHNOC J. V. JR. w 10 101 7 7 74 5J 41 B Kleeger J T Ptrlte 21 I 6-5 3-5 315S3*1IATT1E BURTON W6 M I 8*5 41 5- J Carroll B E Graham 4 4 2 1 31505 ARGUMENT w 4 Mf 4 3j 6 P 65 J Dreyer C- D Woods 10 10 4 2 31537 BILL WILEY v. It 4 105 5 21 2" 1* 7 L Mink "W Feuchter 20 M 8 4 3 1 »K! OFFERTORY W8 5 197 6 8»t9= S1 Sl J Ryan J F Hynea 20 31 8 4 81480* PASSION w it 1 08 ! 9J 81 9" 93 R Winprfld.1 . 1 Booker 3 21 1 1-2 31155 HESITATION WIS ID 10 Id 10 10 10 C Watson W Thompson 30 30 12 6 Time. 88%, 43. 1:13%. Track fast. Btntaels paid, Bpoha, 9.00 straight, 5.90 place, .50 show; Frontier, 1.20 dace, 88.38 show; Eddie Mott. 34.80 show. Eouivalent booking edds — Soolin. 1880 to 100 straight. 095 to KKI place. 275 to 100 show: Frontier, 2100 to 100 place. 815 to 100 show; Eddie Mott. 115 to 100 show. Winner — It. g, by Peep oDay — Smirr trained by E. J. Doyle; bred by Mr. H. T. Osnnrd. Wont to post at 4:58. At peat 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BPOHN went to the front with a rush and held tiie race safe all the way. FRONTIER was taken bad, la the early running and finished with a rush. EDDIE MOTT finished fast. NABBOC J. V. JR. also dosed a gap. Overweights— Eddie Mott. 3 pounds. 3-1 pT rj Q SIXTH RACE-1 Mile and 50 Yards. Jan. Hi. 1917— 1:42-;.— 1—100. Parse 00. JL fj I Cj 3 -year -ohls and upward. Sidling. Net value to winner 25: second, 0: third. 25. Index Horses AWtSt U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31487*AL3f. LAWRENCE w 5 103 4 P 2| 2nt 2* V J Carroll P Rector 21 3J 6-5 1-2 31456-*DROMI w S 105 3 2nk 32 3- 3= 2"" M Rowan B Mock 15 15 I I 31490 "OltPERTH w S 105 7 5 5" 41 411. 3"- R WingfldH Miller 7-5 4-5 1-2 out 31539 -LORD BYRON" W 3 96 1 1- l1 1= l1 4l A Collins I M Hedrick 2 21 1 1-2 31457 •MAXENTTUS waa 3 105 I 4 4J V 52 52 L Grav J Meyer 7 8 4 2 31511 FREDA JOHNSON w 6 111 2 63 6* 6" 6 V E Taplin AV C Capps 10 10 4 2 31486*AFTERGLOW wit 7 1061 8 8 8 8 8 74 AY McKsleJ A Strode 20 20 8 4 31488*SALOX w 6 102 6 74 71 71 72 8 R Sobel E K Bryson 15 15 6 3 Time. 24, 50, 1:14, 1:41, 1:44%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Afaneda Lawrence, 0.30 straight. .40 place, .20 show; Dromi, 4. SO place, .40 show; Orperth. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Almeda I.a.wrer.C. 418 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place, !0 to 100 show; Dromi. 040 to loo place, Ilo to loo show: Orperth, 28 to 100 shew. Winner — B. tn, by English Lad— Linden Ella trained by F. Rector; bred by Mr. AY. E. Phillips. Went to post at 5:19. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third hiring. ALMEDA LAWRENCE followed the pacemakers closely to the stretch turn, then responded when called on. and area going away. DROMI ran will, but tired and just lasted long enough to outstay ORPERTH. The latter began slowly and was on the outside all the way. LORD BYRON was under restraint for seven-eighths bat failed to respond when called aa. Overweights— Aft ■! glow, l.j pounds; Salon. 3.