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T IJUANA FORM CHART. TIJUANA, MEX., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1917.- Seventys,., „ml day. Lower California Jockey lub. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. 12 hooks on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. StjirEilvvnlrnbeJJacing Secretary. Edward Jasper. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 4:00 11. m.C "lii.lhatesliTMireiitieeallowanee." *-i I l 1 1,KSr KU K 3"4 Mlle- " e.. 2U. WM 1:11 3 110. Purse S1C0 3-Voir elds UKJU I and upward. Selling. Net value to wimi.i 0900; se.-ond. .1917.sh5: third. 035. Index Horses AWtSt 4 K- ■* Btr Fin Jockeys Owners ~ C~T S 31945 SINAI s r, ;i2 f| ".•. 4-. L-!, at - lTiTlT~ r V Cass,,- pT~ , mT 3 1. -i 0 Ill ANTOINETTE wsa 7 IE 1 ]-• . r i- :MV .1 OKni Bisl :" i i - 31 152-RIGHT SMART w r. 9 U2 :i 7 o- 4 - C Gross Barks A Meyer 30019 GOMLL v. t; S 101 11 W V P» C F NewmanSmitb and Davey IS X II li " i,0«97 I.ARK1X wi; 4:0:1 2 I] .:, and ,- A Cus v v Walker IS -0 8 1 31533 Li. 1M0N TUuMEUY wn 10 114 10 11 ln-riit ti J DePobstrbronx stable W W -in -0 iiJCO IURA Willi « 3i *J q 7" C litauii; II McCoy t • eg H 31474 = SOYEREI ;N II. W 1 112 7 51 2and 2i n AV KHsay R Connor 8 8 3 3-2 S147CPAB CATHAY mTW 6 8. S» 8* 93 J McBride A Xoal 6 7 25 6-5 31548 CiMlSTER vn I 111 4 4J B* MM* W Orrnes B Itivvos 10 10 4 2 31532 LEOKLITA V I Ml E 9-111 11 11 F Hopki;.sSmith and Dority 20 25 10 5 31520 ALICE TERESA v 7 112 Left at the post. C Taylor AV Riedel 15 30 12 6 Time. 25%, 52, l:184i. Track good. AYinner— B. m. by Dr. Leggo -Norinne trained liy . W. Gaaser; bred by Mr. A. R. Spreckels. Went to post :it 2:04. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won driving: second and third the same SINAI, frem a slow beginning, moved Dp steadily, and finishing with a rush, wore PHYLLIS ANTOINETTE down in the last stride. The latter set a good pace but tired badly in the final eighth. ■"j.HT SMART closed a gap and finished close up. GOMEL made up much ground. TIARA needed a " Overweights--Tiara. 3 po:.nd-; LueUlita. 2. £T g* LJ SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. .Line 28, 1816— 1:08%— *— 118. Purse 00. 3-A. 3-1 O O O year-olds and upward. Maidens. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1917.sh5: third. 5. . Inde x II o rses AWtSt A h. rr* Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 36048 CAPT. MARCHMONT w 6~Sl G 52 V 5 V C VanDun.I W Fuller 4 -11 7-5 7-10 11439 RED CIRCLE w I 114 1 31 2- t I* H Iool Bronx Stable 10 10 4 2 31420 BROWN FAVORITE w I 114 10 8. 9 4- ."- R Dority F M Brown 2. 11-51 1-2 3 1 335 GOLDEN DRAGON WB 3 107 2 ll 13 Q 61 C Gross W B Cotton 10 10 4 2 SI 108-AY Hi: Y TRU1IBO a 4 111 7 . - §*1 P 5 W Lilley L R Boyle 4 6 21 6-5 31403 MATCHES WB 3 lM I H •■ •"•" f* C Riddle Ayeanbe Stable 4 5 2 1 NE/li: w ! IIS S 7 7 V 7*| .1 Metcalf Napa Stock Farm 30 50 20 10 31532 MY FIRST wii I MI I ft* J IP S* 15 Martin M RftBasr I I 2 1 PTRE BELL w E 114 4 || P 0* 03 J Frach Salvado Stable H IS I I 28170 DANCING SUN w 4 112 I MM 10 10 C Taylor II Field 50 50 20 10 Time. 26. 51 5. 1:834, 1:18, Track good. Winner — B. g. by Marohmont II. Nina t. trained by -I- M. Hukill: bred by Mr. J. W. Fuller. Weal to poul at 2:32. A1 ;" st 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. "APT. MARCHMONT took the lead whin his rider was ready and wc»n in hollow fashion. BED CIRCLE waa ■ forward contender from the start. ItUOWN FAVORITE, oft badly, ran m good race. GOLDEN DRAGON ouit at nasal after setting the pace to the last turn. AYERY TRUMBO closed a gap. Scratched B1582*Argeato, 107: 31087 Lack, 110. Ovol weights Nezib. 1 pound. 3T7»Q THIRD RAt I-:— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 2S. 1916— 1:05: :.— 3— 118. Purse .00. T- _JL *_J O lJ year-olds and Upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1917.sh5: third. 5. J nde~ Horses AWtStTtt V* % Str Pin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31545 WATER WARBLER WB 4 1S8 fi 6- 41 2"l Is E Martin H Rieser 5 5 2 1 31476 STARANISE WB 1100 7 8* S10 4. Z C Gross S M Henderson 6 7 2. 6-5 31105 VE.NO YON w .» 114 1 1* 1 U 3h R Troxler W A French 8 7 I S-5 31100 RUVOCO w 7 115 6 5 2 3- ih A Pickens J Randolph 4 5 2 1 31474 MOL. MATT WB.4 Ml 8 7- 7" 5h 5* A JohnsonC Polk 15 20 8 4 31418 THE SHRIMP w 10 115 3 V 6- 6- 6l .1 Metcalf .1 L Wade 4 5 2 1 36871 FRED T. w» 5 115 2 3» 51 X* 1- V J OBn.J Humbrecht 10 6 21 6-5 0410 MILES w si: HI 115 I I 0 I 8- R Harton W Knapp 50 100 40 20 31241 HANDY ANDY" wis 4 111 4 I* 3* 8- 9 J Frach C H James 3 2J 1 1-2 31119 MISS JEAN wr. S 1M I.-ft at the iiost. A Casey W Walker 8 10 4 I Time. 26»A, 52, 1:0425, l:ll?s. Track good. Winner — I?, f. by Watcrboy— Soliloquy trained by M. Bies.r; bred by Mr. James B. Haggin. Went to post at 2:55. At post 1 minute Start food :.nd slow for all but Miss Jean. Won pulled up: second ;:nd third driving. WATER WARBLER passed YENO YON in the stretch and drew out to win in a eaater. STARANISE came from far back and finished fast. YENO YON set the pace to the stretch and tired. RUVOCO ran a fairly good race. HANDY ANDY tiuit. Scratched— 31417 Tallow Din, 115; 31453 Hoisington. 115. Overweights — Velio Yoli. 1 pound: Miss .lean.l. Q "I P7A FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 4-year- * Q A O 1 V and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 00; second. 888] third. 5. Judex Heraea AWtSt and % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C I* S 31477 STAR OF LOVE will? 2 6s 31 1| 1- l«| W i OT.nH L "rain 7-5 1 1-2 out 31 388 - EXECUTOR wr. fi 100 7 5] 5-1- 4- 2t 21 E Martin Alameda Stable 8 15 5 Q 31534 .1! UN GRAHAM W la 106 6 41 4 3h 4-?. 3" E Pool Broaz Stable 6 7 2 1 31521 DELIVER w 4 10X 4 1-i in. 21 3i 4-5 A Pickens Hiter and Ford 4 il 8-8 4-1 3 1534 MH.iNA w 4 103 5 2% M 6*1 5* 5-?. F HopkinsW Walker 8 10 I 8-5 31534 -GLIDE POST ••. 7 10S 1 Sj 6". 6- 6" 6- C Jones R P Dickinson 4 4i 6-5 12 31380 MISS FANNIE . I r 103 I 7 7 7 7 7 R Harton E H Kane 6 8 3 7-5 Time. 24Js. 49%, 1:16%, 1:42%. l:49y5. Track good. Winner— Er. g, by Star Siioot — Lauy Vincent trained by R. L. Rogers; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to Mat at 3:10. At post 1 mlnote. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. STAR OF LOYE moved up fast, when passing the half, took the lead on the far turn and won with his rider sitting still. EXECUTOR ran a good race and finished gamely. JOHN GRAHAM ontatayed DELIVER for third place. The latter set a fast pace and rau a good three -ijuarters. GUIDE POST ran a bad race. Orerwelahta— John Graham, 3 pounds. * 1 ft rT ~i FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1910— 1:05%— 3— US. Purse §100. 4- QlO I 1 yar-olN and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. 1917.sh5: third. 5. Jndejc Horses AWtSt% % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C P S 31538BARSAC wa 7 119 3 fi1. S V 1- W J OBnJ Woodard 1 1 1-2 1-4 31240 HAZEL DALE w 4 107 2 2; 2:, 23 2- A Pickens J Pelter 4 2 4-5 2-5 31190 PRINCE S. w C 112 5 51 5h 5= 3" W Lilley Sunnyside Stable 10 15 6 2J SllSDSILVER MOON w 7 114 4 l1 Ill] 4»| R Troxler C Reed 8 8 3 6-5 31120 PRIVET PETAL w« fi ll!i 7 7 7 6 Bi J Metcalf F Mallory 6 8 3 6-5 31270-ORIMAE LAD v. s Ml i :; 4". li 6-J E Pool Bronx Stable 6 6 2 1 28319 BRIGHOLSE w 6 119 f. 4» 6: 7 7 T Hayes L Becker 15 15 6 3 Time. 25%, 495. 1:03, 1:08%. Track rood. Winner— B. g. by Mazagan — Amy J. trained 8] J. E. Mill-r: bred by Mr. J. N. Camden. ent to post at 3:13. At peat 2 mi.utes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. DARSAC, after being saved to the far turn, moved up flat, and passing the leaders when his rider w.s ready and woo casing up. HAZEL DALE raced ill closest pursuit and finished gamely. PRINCE S. finished fast. SILVER MOON showed high speed in setting the pace to the stretch but tired under puaishm.-nt. BRIGHOU8E was not ready and iuit early. OBIMAE LAD ran well to the lust eighth. Scratched 31528 King Worth, lit.: 31485 General, 112. Overweights Hazel Dale. 1 pound: Silver Moon. 1. ♦ 8 PT FT fc SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1818—1:35% 8 US. Purse 00. 4- . Q X O i Jmi year-olds and upward. Selling. Net valu- to winner 8808; second. 1917.sh5; third. 5. y~Ir.dcs Horses AWtSt % 5 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners OOPS 21 197 -SANTIAGO WHITE w 4 111 3 61 6-1 4i 1 W Kelsay California Stable 6 6 2 1 31484MI8S FOLLY w 6 114 7 V B 2- 2 R Dority V R Lawrence 4 5 2 1 ::! 33-M ALAN WB 8H5 4 I 7 ", M C W E Cotton 10 7 21 6-5 31818 PRIDE OF LISMREwr. 10 US 2 l1 1- 1? 4 YV J OBnE Lewis 4 3 8-5 4-5 31S18*LUCKT MACK w 5 115 1 M e fi- 5- A Caaey Marmet Stable 5 7 21 fi-5 1 31488 DOT H. w 4 109 8 4" Sl 3* fi:l A Pickens W H Do Bolt 5 41 2 1 31533 FLOSSIE F. w 5 113 5 M 5»t 75 7-E Pool Broax Stable 3 31 8-8 8-5 1722 TENDEREST w T 113 fi 71 8 S S C Ban ■ : Wallers 50 50 20 10 Time. 25%, 51. 1:03S, 1:10%. Track good. Winner — Ch. g. by IioIk — Mazapan traiaed by L. F. OLeary: bred by Mr. Michaid White. Went to post at 4:0S. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SANTIAGO WHITE began slowly, but finished with a terrific stretch rush and wore MISS POLLY down in the last sixteenth. MISS FOLLY also began slowly, but moved aa early and might have won with a better start. McALAN closed a big gap gamely. PRIDE OF LISMORE set a good pace but tired in the stretch. DOT II. showed speed. Scratched 31407 Dr. Neufcr, 115: 31452 Camia, 113; 31153 In Dutch, US. Overweights — Miss Folly. 1 pound.