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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS. LA., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1917.— Pair Oroaada. Twenty-eighth day. Business Mens Racing Associa t ion. Winter Meeting of 44 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Associate Judge, J. B. Campbell. Starter, A. I!. Dade. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing Starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. T| fT fj i FIRST RACE-3 1-2 Furlongs, fib. 8, 1818 — UH— 8— 114. Pane 8808. 2-ycar- ■1 O t *J olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt U i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 31488*BRACELET w 112 4 31 Vh F Murphy J O Tnlbott 6-5 3-6 8-6 3-51-81 31317*GAY LADY w 107 I 1- 3* F MerimeeF B Wood 15 20 M 8 3 31480 THINKER w 112 S l»l 3" J WilHamsW P Johnson 2 3 3 1 2 5 31401 MADELYX C. w 112 1 22 4* M Buxton J T Looney 5 6 5 2 4-5 31480 VANESSA WELLES w 112 3 6 5 F RobsonH Perkins 6 6 6 2 1 31 ISO WATER WAVE w 110 7 7 6 AV Robanfl W J Bissell 15 15 15 :! 31341*REILLOC w 105?. 6 51 f* W A CarllW D Bernhardt 20 25 25 10 I 31524 TUGS w 116 2 8 8 L Gentry H Oots 30 40 40 15 6 Time. 25V5, 44*s. Track heavy. Winner— Ch. f. by All CaM Dost let trained by AY. V. Casey: bred by Mr. H. P. AVhitney. Went to lost at 2:00. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second and third driving. BRACELET took kindly to the going and. standing a hard drive, moved away from the others in the last sixteenth. GAT LADY showed fine speed in pacemaking and held on well in the final drive. THINKER was forced to race wide most of the way and finished gamely. MADELYX C. tired near the end. but finished close up. Snatched — 31480Anna J., 107: Natty. 109. Overweights — Water Wave. 1 pound: Reilloe. 1%; Tugs. 4. PJQO SKroNr RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 29. 1915—1:12—8—108. Parse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds. 31 1 * * O * Claiming, get value- to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt U a/-_- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 31498 SLEEPY SAM wl: 3 100 2 V 1- l1 1". E Haynes C N Darke 3 4 2* 1 1-2 S1S35*VELVKT w3 99 3 33 2* 2° 2s AV Crump G Knebelkamp 3 2J 31 6-5 3-5 3I218*OCT w :: 106 5 6» 6* 31 3"i X Barrett P M Civill 21 4 4 8-2 7-10 31108*ELREA" WB 3 104 7 51 51 G1. 4* F MerimeeAV Stormont 4 6 6 2 1 31482 DR. PRATHER WBSMB 4 4« V V f = F Robson.T Lowenatein 10 10 7 21 6-5 81437 ENJOY w3 99 f 8 73 B1! 6* H Erick.snE Lata M 40 40 ir, I 31525 CHAS. XAHM w 3 109 8 7- 8 8 7l M Dovle T Koerner 20 20 15 6 3 31481*PATAPSCO wa 3 104 1 23 3r- 71 S AV Coliir.s T Clyde 6 8 8 3 6-5 Time. 854, 51 1:22 Track heavy. AYinner — B. g. by Tony Bonero — Tres Joli trained by O. N. Darke; bn;d by Mr. F. J. Pons. Went to post at 2:25. At post 1 minut:. Start good and slow. Wen easily: second Bad third driving. SLEEPY SM raced into a good lead at once and. winning all the way. heM VELVET safe at the finish. VELVET raced well and moved up menacingly in the Stretch, but tired near tho end. OUT closed a considerable gap in the last qaarter. EL REY was gaining at the end. PATAPSCO showed speed, but tired badly in the last eighth. Scratched -31092 Plunger. KM: 31525 Pasha. 108. 31 prOl THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 88, 1015— 1:12— S—10S. Purse 1917.sh00. 4-year-olda J. *J O A and upward. Claiming. Net value to wimn r 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt V4 VS % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O g C P S 81846 8TONBHENGE wb 6 iOfi 4 S» 31 11 V AY A CarllH G Bedwell 7 8 6 2 4-5 31528* •ANXIETY it 5 106 I 4 I* 3- 2= AA Crump F AV Coleman 8-5 9-5 S-5 3-5 I 3 31845 BROOM CORN w 4 99 2 2L 1* 2h 32 J RodrigzF J Coleman 15 15 1? 5 2 31420 HANDFLLL tvn 4 112 1 ll 2i 4" 43 F Robson.T Johnston B-6 1-5 *-6 7-101-3 31146 BRYN vvb 7 117 5 6 6 51 5* J AVilliamsW T McHane 15 15 15 5 I 31428 AYATCH YOUR STEPwb 4 104 6 5*15* 6 6 M Buxton AY D Bernhardt 4 5 5 2 4-5 Time, 26. 514.,, l:2iy5. Track hsavy. AYinner — P.. g. by Hastings — Linda Stoae trained by J. Tigue; bred by Mr. August Belmont. Went to post at 2:52. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. BTONEHENGE, dose up from the start, raced into the lead after rounding into the stretch and, holding ANXIETY safe in the final drive, won going away. ANXIETY was taken wide on tie last turn. li 1 anie fast through the homestretch. BROOM CORN .-need into the lead on the last turn, hut tired and was all over the track and given a bad ride. IIANDFTLL set the early pace and tired fast in the stretch. WATCH YOI "R STEP quit at the end of the first three-eighths. Scratched— 31319 A iley. 107. Overw. ights — Bryn. 1 pound. 3"| RT Q iy FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. ll. U16— 1:37%— 5-100. First Running DeSoto lU04 Hotel Hcndicap. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner 3789; seoaad, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtSt j ,2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 5 P S " SI 552 DIAMOND w 3 MB 1 21 21 1* l5 1" F P.ob son.! Livingston 6-5 7-6 6-5 3-6 wal S1561 LUCILE P. W 3 104 3 5 8* 3* 21 21 P Lowder G Knebelkamp 5 7 7 2 4 5 S1467*MONOMOY w 3 105 2 l»i iu 42 4* 31 L McAtee T Clyde 8 8 8 2": 1 3 1561 GRUNDY wb 3 110 4 : ,■ BJ U- »« 4« C Bore! C K G Billings 4 4 3 1 2 5 312763FIZER w 3 107 5 # I 5 5 5 J AYilliamsW P Johnson 3 41 4 6-5 2-5 Tine. 88%, 54. 1:21%, 1:51. Track heavy. Winner — Ch. f. by Dick Finnell — Annie Williams trained by M. Goldblatt: bred bv Mr. R. II. Anderson. Weat to post at 3:17. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AYon easily: second and third driving. DIAMOND ran as if much the best in the going, raced into the lead when called oa and won as her riuer pleased. LICII.E P. ran a good race and finished garni ly. MONOMOY set the oaee to the stretch. but tired and came again In the last eighth. GRUNDY showed speed, but tired in the stretch. CTZKR quit after going five-eighths. Scratched— 31553 Warsaw. 100; 81837 Opportunity. 108; 315512Dr. Tuck. 103; 31501 Ben Hampson, 103. Overweights -Orundy. 2 pounds: Eizer. 1. 31 PT O Q FILTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Clendale Purse. Jan. 29. 1015—1:12—8—108. Purse JL OOP 00. 3-ye.-,r-olds and upward. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 388; Index Horses AWtSt j Vj gj Str Fi n Jockeys . Owners O II C P~S 31320 rLEETABELLE w 5 53 3 3- 3" 2- I* P Lowder J Greone 2. 2 3 1 7T 31170 KORFHAGE wb 6 107 1 1= 1* 11 2" J AVil.iams.I M Booker 4" 6 I 2 4-5 31275 THE MASQUERADRwa SIM I 2- 22 ;;* 3* F Robsor.Vv Stormont 3 1S-51S -56-5 1-2 31370 JIM WAKELY wb 4 104 0 4: 5 45 4* M Boston G Knebelkamp 5 5 4 7-5 1-2 31503 -THORXHILL w 6 116 4 5 4* 5 5 AV S.hornThornhill Stable 2 2i 12-51-5 13 Time. 25. 50%, l:. Track heavy. AYinner — Ch. m. by Hand-id — Mowitzka trained by AY. Mulholland; bred by Mr. T. B. Jones. Weat to post at 3:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon driving: second and third the same. FLEETABITLLE. racing close un from the start, moved up with a rush on the stretch turn and outgamed KORIHAGE in the final drive. KORFHAGE showed the most speed, set a good pace and only tired in the last sixteenth. THE MASQCERADEE tired and had no mishaps. JIM WAKELY was outrun all the way. THORNHILL ran a poor race. Scratched — 31552 Madame Herrmann. 102. Overweights — The Maaquciadcr, 2 pounds: Korfhage, 3. 1 PC Q /T SIXTH RACE— 3-4 Kilo. Jan. 29. 1915—1:12—8—108. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-ye,;r-i Ids. JL J O rt iaiming. Net value to wiim-r 50: second. 00; t! lird. 0. Index- Horses AWtSt % % "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO P S S 1481 »MICO GIRL w 10: 4 2i 2 1* 1« P Lowdor D AV Scott 2. 13-621 1 lT 31424 PEACHIE W HO] 5 5l 6 41 2h F Murphy P Martin 5 7 7" B I 3 1482 WAT wb 110 I 4i 33 3h 32 AV A CarllP M Civill 8 10 10 4 | 31686*HASTY CORA WB Ml 1 11* 31 4 AV Crump G E Chancellor 3 M M 6-5 3-5 81423»SUPERNAL w b 106 2 S 4= 5- B» M Buxton AV P Austin Jr 8 S g :; 7-5 31424 CASHUP wa MM I 6- 5i 64 66 AV Hoag C T AVorthingtons 8 6 2 1 31500aLADY AVALD w 105 7 7 7 7 7 H JeffcoU AV J Foley I :;■ :,. | -5 3-5 Time. 25, 51, 1:20S. Track heavy. Winner — B. f. by Handsel— Niko drained by AV. Perkins; bred by Messrs. Scott and CrosthWaite. Wini to posl at 1:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won eaatly; second and third driving, MICO GIRL raced la closest early pnrsnit of HA8TT CORA, and passing her on the Mat tarn, drew out decisively in the stretch to win palling up. PEACHIE began slowly but finished with a rash! WAP raced well up all the way and finished fast. HASTY COLA set the earlv pace and ouit badlv in the last eighth. LADY WARD raa a bad race. Overweights Peachie. 3].. pounds. O Tj KQK SEVENTH RACE— 8-4 MM*. Jan. 28, 1815— 1:12— 8—108. Pane 88, 4-year- O X * y O * 9 olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 3480; sis end. 8100; third, 0. Index Horses AWtSt M ly. 3i Str Pin Jockeys Owners O H C-!1 S~~ S1866*LUKEMAE waa Bill 5 4 2- V l| M Buxton W C Sempte 2 3 • 1 4-5 2T 3 1550s ROYAL INTEREST w 5 112 I 1*1 1« l 2» B KopmnJ Phillips 2 13-621 4-5 2-5 3 1550* EDNA KENNA W 4 MB I 3 !1 3" » F RobsonH G Bedwell t. 6 Si 6-5 3-5 81556*PROGRESSIVE WS7M0 1 S I !• 1° AV Cramp T Praacia 11-513-513-51 2-5 81488 SUFERINTEND*T wi;6lll 4 21 :!■ E S E Haynes F Mannix 10 10 10 4 2 Time. 2G. 5145. 1:2025. Track heavy. Winner— B. g. by Luke Ward lesete Mae trained by s. M. Henderson; bred by Mr. 1. c. lark. Weat to post at 1:40. At posl 1 minute, start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LLKEMAE gained steadily and, passing ROYAL INTEREST in the last eighth, won going awav. ROYAL INTEREST showed the most early speed, but tired near the end. EDNA KENNA dropped back in tin- first qaarter, bat was gaining through the stretch. PROGRESSIVE was outrun all the way SUPERINTENDENT quit after racing well for .1 hair mile. Scratched— 31386 Pontefract, 111; 31168 Capt, Ben, 110; 31409 Ladv Mildred, 09; 31314 Petlar, 100. Orefwaighti — Edua Ktnuu, 1 pound.