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WHY NO CALIFORNIA BILL WAS OFFERED. Still Chance One May be Introduced — Circuit of Mixed Meetings Anyhow. San Francisco. Cal.. February 11. — The failure te secure I he rcvial of racing in California this year by means of a bill creating a state racing commission and the pari-inutuel system of wage-ring. is viewed with regret by the thousands of turf followers and well-wishers up and down the Pacific coast. The- BaMea Bate Thoroughbred Breeders ion decided not to introduce the mea-ure when some of I he big newspapers came out strongly against the bill. The men who were liehinc! the lull are held to blame lor the disappointment. The matter of handling the whole affair was wrong. The trouble was that the BaMea Gate Thoroughbred Breeders Association attempted to engineer the bill without calling for support. The association is composed of KM of the most influential and prominent men in the state, but they are not active. When a Meeting was called during the legislature for the members to talk over the prcqiosoel bill, only four answered the- call. Senator James C. Ncaloti, who is secretary of the association, was plainly discouraged and when president C. W. Clark returned from the south a decision was .hastily reached not to go ahead with the fight. There is a strong feeling throughout the state in favor of building up the breeding industiy through the medium of racing, but there- has been no organized movement in that direction. It is free ly predicted that if some energetic men get to work then- may be some remedy at the- si-eond session of the legislature, which convenes February 20. May Still Introduce a Bill. Bach senator and assemblyman is permitted to introduce two mure bills and there is some talk of another body of turfmi-n getting together and trying to get through a bill. Of esarae, the first failure will affect tiieir t Belle, but there i- a possibility of California still getting back em the turf map in 1917. Even if no bill is intre duced or passed, there will Ik- a number of running races. The BaMea Bate Thoroughbred Breeders Association was figuring on going ahead with several meetings in the different sections of the state, but has been as lax in that elirei timi as in the other. There is a live- California fair and racing association, however, that I. as be-eii doing good watt so far in working up Interest. In tin- past it lias handled only light harness evemts. but this season mixed cards ot trotting and running race s will be programmed. Stakes will be set up for the runners and uniform parses of BBM or so. ami it is hoped to attract a number of the horses that wen: campaigning at Tijuana. The- circuit will start in at Pleasanton. a town forty miles fre-ni San Franc is.-o. and run on through to November. Sixteen to seventeen meetings of from four clays to one--week duration will lie ached-uleel. It will give the- barseaaea an aaaaartaaUty to race- and at the same, time keep up iule rest in the thoroughbred. There will be a meeting of the fair association in Sun Fraucisco vu February 24.