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TURN TOWARDS HOT SPRINGS MELTING. New York Racing Lovers Likely to Patronize Sport at Vapor City. By Ftl Cole. Nt w York. February 15. —Many rating patrons who have wintered in New fork are getting nations at their long deprivation of an opportunity to see a horse race. They are looking with anxious eyes towards the opining at Hot Springs, ■ favorite re sort, by the way. of the indolent, who have little to tlo with their men J. Now that it is practically settled that tin- flags will be raised at that racing point on Mart 1 1 7. reservations are being made in the railroads by these who intend to make the trip for the opining of Oaklavvn Park. Clearance of the Hot Springs situation indicates there is going to be a revival of the sport throughout the middle wist. Bills favorable to the apart are pending in Missouri and Illinois, and hope is held that the Tennessee solons will adopt the suggestion they will receive in a day or two. Reuueata for stabling at eonimodations have been made for over four hundred horses. BOW at New Orleans, according to a letter received here Wednesday from that city, ami almost every one of the more pretentious establishments that have raced at the Fair Ground* will move to the Arkansas courses en so, eial trains when the racing closes. Jefferson Livingston. G. W. J. Bissell. E. It. Bradley. R. I.. Baker. H. S. Newman. J. O. Talbott. .1. W. Pean. H. Perkins, anil G. P.. Knebelkamp are among these a be. hen aaaoaaced their intention. Weather Against New Orleans Sport. Infortunattdy the weather has neon sadly against favorable ami satisfactory sport at New Orleans. Material was there for excellent racing but the continuous bad traek ruined all prospects. 1evv of the real gootl horses startetl more than once or twice. What weald have been accomplished in a record way tan be gathered from a recent work-out of Leoehares. which covered a half mile in #6% seconds in preparation for the Hotel Mens Ilanili-i p. He did not go to the post, owing to track eomlitions. but there was no question about his being reatly for a phenomenal race. One of the regular brigade, who has just written from the south, says: "Abused as has lieen the so-called Canadian claiming rule and the claiming race rule, it is doubtful if the history of the New Orleans meeting will show that any great remedies have been applied for the better management of turf affairs. "The death of James Rogers, the New York con- traeter, at a local hotel recently, awakened a deep sense of regret among his many friends. Mr. Rogers was int rested in a small string of racers that campaigned over the metropolitan cireuit last season. "J. W. McClelland, owner of Madame Herrmann anil other horses, is confined at the Hotel Pieti. suffering from complaints aggravated by the recent si v. re weather. "It is not probable the New Orleans management will arrange for two year aid rates aett winter. The opinion prevails that the new rule will be strictly adhered to at whiter meetings hereafter."