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TRIBUTE TO THE NELSONS, FATHER AND SON. Late Friday afternoon the cable wires flashed the message that Major Oregory Vincent Nelson had fallen in battle "killed in action." read the brief official announcement in the struggle c.f civil laatJaa with the Hun. Major Nelaoa was but a boy, scarce turned his 21st birthdav. :iud won his -Majority by service on the fields of Finch i !!•• w..s tin- worthy son of his father Mr. Fraaeia Nelson, sporting editor of The Globe, at preeeat Jii Hot Spring-. Ark., who waa at once liotiled by wire of the proud, sad news. No man in Canada Lis taken so glad a pride in the achievements of Canadian sportsmen and athletes on the field of bit tie for the great things of life as has "Judge" Nelson. No man has exhibited a keener patriotic in doing all that lay in his pow T to ease the grief of those who mourned the gallant young .ithlctic manhood who crowded Canadas honor roll. It is today his turn. He has given his son. And the messages of sympathy- and congratulation which toured in The Clone Friday night from sj.ort lag organizations throughout Canada will be deeply appreciated by a father who understands, a father whose grief will be mitigated by pride that a bay of his blood gallantly and gloriously gave his life for the greatest and grandest of causes for which manhood ever wade the supreme sacrifice. — Toronto Globe.