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MARYLAND HUNT CUP RACE BIG SOCIETY EVENT SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE AT PIMLICO MAY 12. Er.ce of Four Miles on the Flat for a ,000 Purse — Start at 8 oclock in Morning and Conclude Proceedings with Breakfast in Clubhouse By M Me. New Tack, March 28. — Qenta a —titty and apart- lag f i ill t-1 ion is scheduled for May 112 :lt tlM 1iin-Uea track, Muvl:i!!. tin occasion being tin- ruu- ■iag of the Maryland limit "nil Renewal. ■ race or lour milis on the flat, for :i parse of Si. too. What makes ;iiis en lit of proaeanced lata real is the fact chat ii is run at * oclock jn the morning, .ind the proci linns conclude with lirciikfust in the clnli- lii rae, at which aa many as MO take part. The whole affair is practically a supplement to the i dint -to point race umftl by the hunting set of Maryland. Virginia. IVnnsylvanin. Washington and other boating sections. The conditions of the renewal race are rowflnrd to horses that were oligi hie for the Maryland Hunt Club point- to-point steeplechase, an affair that is annually run i.i Maryland, and will lie decided this year on G. Bernard Kcnw.ckh farm. Worthiiigtou Valley. Md.. on April us. it is purely a sporting event among owners of hunters and steeplechasers, at which the banting and clah members of Maryland attend with their families. Breakfast parties are arranged by invitation of those wishing to entertain their iri. nils. The idea is unii|Ue. hat nut with instantaneous approval when it was proposed a year or so ago, and is now recognised as one of the leading iiimtiois on th1 program of sportsmens pastimes in Maryland. Glowing Reports Coming from Tijuana. The most glewiag reports are eoaiiag this way from Tijuana. Letters from there to racing folks here are proiioiriced ill thai* belief that next year sad in the mm,, to Mha UJaaaa will eaanaana favorably with the sport once was so Bearish iagj in !.•- Angdes and San Francisco. Manager James off roth is being continually complimented on his efforts to build up racing on a foundation of legitimacy. The disadvantages he has worked under for the past two yean he lias now overcome, and he intends, accordiag to recent communications, to reach out for a far better lass sf horses than he his had heretofore. He will atrive for eastern patronage and offer induci mints that will attract attention. It is probable he will begin early and continue until well into the spring, thus giving horsemen a sojourn of from four to fire months* continuous sport in a climate of unusual quality. Far two years he has worked close to the cushion, but has evidently mastered the situation, and his twa years experience lias enlightened him on many subjects on which he was not well versed. With the possibility of two tracks in New Orleans and probably two in Havana, the prospects for a surplus of sport are somewhat evident, but Manager Coffroth and those who know the situation beliere that many boneaaca will make the trip to the coast when his plans are pat before them . Martin Nathanseii. who officiated in Havana, is on his way home to Chicago, "/here lie will rest up until he begin- op rations again in Canada. Mr. Xathaasna an] - the Havana enterprise was more successful financially this winter than it was list, and intimates that the Cubans are gradually becoming a horse-loving nation. Several Cubans are now horse own is. and Mr. Natbanson was complimented many times by beree-meu and influential Cubans on the way he. as presiding judge, had conducted racing affair-.