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RACING OFFICIALS FOR PIMLICO MEETING. Baltiatore, Md ■ March 28. The fsBswiag is a list of tin officials and liicir respective eoeitfeMH for the s|iring meeting of the Maryland Jockey Club. t.. b - In Id at Pimllro. Md., appeared by the Jockey CI ib: Judges — WlUiam V. Uiggs and K. C. Smith. Haadtcapper Frank J. Bryaa. Clerk of tin si.ihs Merman CaakUag. Start r A. I!. Hade. Paddock and patrol iudgi a I, J. Macfceasey and V. T. Koadi. Frank J. Bryaa was yppoiuu-d steward reprej at-baj the Jockey Club.