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PAN ZARETA BEATEN AGAIN GOOD MARE LOSES IN A CLOSE FINISH TKRCUGH BAD JOCKEYSHIP. Tour Noses Apart at the End with Opportunity in Front — Grid: Legend Taker, a Race — Owners Preparing !or Departure Hat Springs. Ark., April «..- The unlaeky Pu Bsreta added another Failure to lin- rare, fa a race where she was much the beat, hoi due ta faulty riding, laat by the Beaatest of margins, sir- waa a with five ■,!,,! good tpriatera la the tbree-aacrtera handicap, featuring todays card .mil. although eea-cedtag her opposition much weight, waa la such good i i*-t t iiiir demand that ahe rated aa overwhelming favorite. .1. Domiaick waa eatrnated with her riding .-ml he managed ta ret ber away shrwlj in laat place, bad her nil over the track aad when be finally secured an advantage la position just before reaching the stretch torn, which would hare m-abled her t. save much ground, elected to nuk m wide eaarae, with the result thai she h-t aiaay lengths, sin- came like a rare game one In the stretch aad Just failed to orerhaal Opportuaity, the latter winning by n aoae, while Cane iCun m alatllar margin bo back of Pun Zareta. aad :• like dtataare before Man Caaaidy. The flaiafa was out- of the closest witaesaed at the track. A surprising huge attendance ;. preaeat this : : : i noon, despite the aaaaeraaa receat departures trim the at parts. The low aiarh for layers in liae was i vied during the afteroooa when ualj nineteen anotcd prices. Billings £c Johnson Pair First aaa Second. The areatber was bracing, enough to auke top wraps comfortable adjnact. The lailag. ia the iii:in at aa wholeaoaae; with aeveral close finLsbes to eothase the crowd. The opener eaahled C. K. _ .. Linings .miiI Frederick Tnhaaaa ta fiaiah flrat % .ioih! with lireeh Legend aad Pleaaaat Dreams. A Traiaer Patterson declared ta aria with Orel k ™ I I nil and Bore! kept bin la the lead for fha entire distance. There was sharp betting actiYlty sri Ureal Hugh rtrewacs Mystic Polly. Ba1 that colt wheeled ;it the start aad was hopelessly our of it at on ■••. i aaay Waxsy and Bagar Kiag staged a spirited drive la the second, Pansy Waasy Jasl managing i" stay long enough to wia. The had acting fathom was Bade favorite la tin third ran bat CoUe turned ap as the wlni i from the saddealr baprored Tao Lai and Dor go. After the fiaiah of the third race, the judges suspended Jorkej Meriasee for the reamaiader of the meeting, for baring crossed in front f Borgo in th" laat one baadred yards of the race and .i n key Hoag was givt n tin remainder of the meeting for striking Merimee in tin- jockeys room. Kalgee was -mimed by 11. Plan for |8W. Cauea Bridge wa« bonght bg K. B. Watklns fiis moraine from C. .. Casey, acting for Gnat Uagh Browne. lloi-.i nun were aotlfied thai tla Devon-hire track sroald be ready for tapir reception by .May ! Instead of May 5, as formerly announced. c. T. Patterson will ship the Billings a Johnson «: i i -ii n of racers to Lexington next Thnraday. Graat Hagh Brownes hon — i will be shipped to Looisvflle next Thursday. Some will be Beat to Lexington to run In the stakes then.