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BOWIE FORM CHART. BOWIE. MD.. MONDAY, APRIL 9. 1917.--Prince Georges Park. Seventh day. Southern Maryland Agri-ciiltiiral Association. Spring Meeting of 12 da.s. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. B. 0. Smith. Presiding Judge. Joseph A. "Murphy. Starter. A. P.. Dade. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. " Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:28 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. Qf £r/"kpr FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. April »i. 1910-48*. -.— 2— IKi.l Purse 1 888. 2-year-olds. O eg *-J" 9%J Selling. Net value to winner 8458j second. 00; third, god. _I» h ■ x I b i rses AWtSt t _■ ■-, Str Fin Jockeys Owners E,|iiiv. Odds Strt 324G0FAN TAN w 115 4 :•■ V V T Parton Mirasol Stable S0-189 32453- •TIT FOR TAT w 10:, 2 1* 2- 2* R Sobel K McBride l.:;5-10o 32427 J I ANITA III. i w 107 5 2j 2» P E Ambroses Roas 3120-100 32453 MA RMONT W 110 S 4-1 4 4l. J Mc-Tagt T W OBrien 44S-1M 32479 CELTTVA w let :: 7] V- S R MeDottW Stockton ::455-l« 22488*WKE w M 1 5 ;i W Colli- s T Clyde 2550-100 32460 MR. DOOLET w 103 7 G- 73 7 A Collins G H Broivne 10015-100 22488** DOROTHY SLLLIVAXw M8 « I I | B KopmnJ M Zimmer 2540-100 32453 DAL ACTON w 112 Left at the post. E Haynes H G Bedwell 9705-100 Time. 25, 52. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Fan Tan, .00 straight. .10 place, .00 show; Tit for Tat, place. S3.90 show: Jiianita III.. 88.88 show. Eijuivalent booking odds — Pan Tan. 50 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Tit for Tut, 200 to 100 place. 95 to 100 show : Jiianita III.. 200 to KM show. Winner — 15. f, by Fitz Herbert — Spectrum trained by J. Edwards; bred in France bv Mr. C. II. Mackay. Went to iM st at 2:34. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FAN TAN gained rapidly under urging and. easily passing the leader at the eighth post, won with speed in reserve. TIT FOR TAT quickly raced into a long lead, but could not withstand the winners challenge. JCANTTA III. moved up menacingly on the stretch turn, but tired in the final drive. MAR-MONT closed a big gap from a slow beginning. CELTIVA was taken wide into the homestretch. DAL ACTON wheeled when the start came. Scratched— Kabuutu II.. 109. | Overweights— Tit for Tat. 4 pounds; Jiianita III.. 2; Dal Acton. 4. 1 OO KA£i SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 2. 1917—1:07—3—100. Purse «»M0. 3 -year - O dW fj/J olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt U ,; "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 32 454 -PAST ELLA w a 3 105 3 3 1« P P R McDottP A Clark 185-100 32461 BRrCKLEtY w 6 127 1 P 4i 3J 21 F Rob son Mr Walsh 150-100 30403 BRAVE w S 127 9 0 5 43 3" W Ob-rt B Utterback 3285-100 32481 SHRAPNEL w 4 12fi 7 4i V M A* T Parton C W Campbell 1000-100 324K0 MEELOGKXE W 3 105 I 7 0 5- h* J Mi-Tagt C N Freeman 2S10-100 32494 MOLL! w 4 12K 2 8| 71 7- r W Schorn R Pending 5215-100 30415 QOLjP CAP WB 9 127 i 1 2» l.« 7 E TaaUn W C Capps 1155-100 32251 -*IZZET BEY w S 122 E S- s- Ss S» B Knpmnl A Ewart !.s 0-100 26379 BOOTH wu 6 127 4 2"« -. 9 :i E Haynes G C Brentoit 2700-100 Time. 24%, 49%, 1:03%, 1:10%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid. Pastella, .70 straight, .00 place, .90 show; Brkkley. .S0 place, .70 show-Brave, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Pastella. 1S5 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 place, 43 to 100 show; Brkkley -*-».»» 40 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Brave, 330 to 100 show. Winner — Cli. f. by Strepbon— Geneseo trained by W. Hogan; brad by Mr. William Woodward. Went to Beat sit 1:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won galloping; second and third driving. PASTELLA. favored by the going, drew away into a long lead sit her riders leisure and won in a canter. BUCKLEY gradually improved his position and outstayed BRAVE in the tiual drive. BRAVE raced extremely wide on the turns, but closed a big gap. SHRAPNEL showed speed and tired as if short. GOLD CAP quit after setting the early pace. Scratched— 30608 -Cannonade, 127: 32376 Damietta, 110: 31169 John Dou«las. 122; 23fi28MarT Lvdia. MB; Nyack. 122; 3017:5 .lack Dawson, 110; 30509 Sir Fretful. 127; 32220 Nino Muc-hacho, 127; 32220 Gran-sido. 127. 907 THIRD RACE -G 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. IS. 1910 -1:20-2— 115. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year- fj £l JU I olds and upward. Claiming. .Net value to winner 84gQj second. 00; third. $.".0. J ajlex Horses AWtSt ■» L. % St r Fin Jo.-ke.vs Owners E.|iiiv. TldTstrt 3f4SlPARLOR HOY WB»1M •; V P 9 I" K TaptSa P L Short 41H-P0 ."50304 I K. CHARCOT wi: I 112 1 8* 2- li P W Ward J 1 .Misick W15-100 StMtsR.BXTX3BE WB 4 114 I 1« 1 1| :;• 8* K Rob son W Few i« k 170-10 S24S2*SALON w.: ; ill I s- t* ;,• 4- R Babel ■ K Ehrjraea 1316-144 32401 BROOM CORN WB 4 M4f i 4 4- 4 V J JlcTaRt F J Coleaaaa ESS-MO 31904 FREDA JOHNSON W « 149 7 8* 8* ».- P It McDc.uw C Clpn 484S-MS 32407-MAi.Al: Alt WB 4 U4 I 7 7". 7 71 ■ Haynes P. Mock " 744-144 82481 HUMILIATION WB 4 Ml 4 4*1 V 4* 4* W Collins K Newman 4444-M4 S20SS NONESUCH WB 8 Ml I V » I "■ . • T Farton •alrnsmutr Stable 14885-10". 32480 BLACK VOTE WB 3 MM 10 10 M 10 A Collins P A Clark I .Mntuel add. Tim.. 24%, 4915, 1:172=. 1:24;5. Track sloppy. iiiutuels paid. Parlor P.oy. S102M straight. .$."..70 place. .S3. 70 show: Dr. Charcot, 1.00 place, 8B.7B show: Refugee. 82200 show. equivalent booking odds — Pallor Boy. 410 to 100 straight, ls.7 to 100 place, K to 100 shea. Dr. Charcot. 4.".0 to PHI place. 185 to 100 show; Itefugee. 4." to 100 show. Winner — l li. g. by Deut-chlanc! — Ueina le l.os Angeles trained bv W. Short; bred bv Mr. E. J. Baldwin. Went to ] ost at 3:2s. At post ."» minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PARLOR ROY was shaOsed back at the start, but steadily improved his position and. passing the leaders .in the homestretch, held them safe at the end. 1 U. CHARCOT raced in closest pursuit and. taking the lead, made a game effort in the homestretch, but tired in the closing strides. REEIilEE race,] into a long early had. but tired when challeng. d. SALON cloned a big gap. BROOM CORN ran fairly Veil. Scratched o2492-J..e Finn. 107: 32401 Laura. Ill; 32277 Balger, 110; 82428 Frontier. 112: 42454 Highway. B3; ::o!7i". : Billy Oliver. 110; 32I2S I.ady I.eiidon. 107: 82482 Ada Anne, 107; 32304 Poatefract 11::; 32104 Mayme W.. 10.".. Overweight*- Broom Corn. 1j pounds. * 6ffr/~ft FOURTH RACK— T-B Mile. Nov. 21. 1910-1 :2»i-;. 1 110. ■lllllllLl Tint, 0 4UV/0 Purse 00. I -yes*, -old*. IBWMLII. Net value to winner x:»oo; sttBBt. 25; third. .s7.~ . • _ Index Horsey A Wl St : _■ •-, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Ejuiv. Odds Strt 32403 KENTUCKY BOY WB M71 5 2 1- 1«| V VI J M Tag L V W Low v 164-444 St4ftKILTS w Ml 1 1*3| 8* f J* W Collins- .1 M Zimmor 95-100 30504-N K. REAL v. 11.". I P P* :; :; B* R MeDott.l F CI. aver 2330-144 2".»8-J JUDGE WINOFIELD w 1M 1 5 4- 4K 4s 41* F Robaoa P Powers 8SS-M0 32441 POLONIUM wb MJ 2 41 E .". I 5 J Cruise A F Dayton 14150-108 Time. 25. 4923. 1:16. lOs. Track sloppy. niiitucN paid. Keatackj Boy, 83.10 straight, 82-20 place, .10 -how; Kilts, 82220 place. 82.M show: N. K. Heal. 82.50 show. F«iuival-nt booking odds-Kentucky Bey, 1". to 100 straight. 10 to KM place, 5 to 100 show; Kilts. 10 to 100 place. ."■ to 100 show: X. K. Heal. 25 to KM! shew. Winner — Cli. c, by Toddingtea .My Fair Kentucky trained by T. J. shannon; bred by Mr. A. L. Ferguson . Went to post at 3:59. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second smd third driving. KENTUCKY BOY raced into an easy lead in the lirst eighth, had speed in reserve when KILTS challenged and drew away again. KILTs raced will, but tired when it caaM to a hard drive. N. K. P.KAL raced gamely and outstayed JUDGE WINGFIELD. POLONIUM ran poorlv in the going. Scratched 32442 King Herod, loo. Overweights Kentucky P...v. |U goaada, ♦_ g% PCk FJFTll RACE— 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Nee. 30. MIS— 1:4S%— 4— 14T. Purse SiaK. 040U»J 4 -yea i ..Ids and apward. Claiming. Net value to winner fIBt; second. NKKl: ti.ird. ■-■".. Index Horaw AWts. , "u- % Mr Fin jockey; Owners Bgnir. strt S244tt*OCEAN PRINCE w till1 l 1*1 1- 11 l» K Hayaea .1 s Tyre* 150-144 : 054w*BABY SISTER w 4 Ml «l T; 4i 4 S- s It Sob.-l E K BryaoB 1776-144 32480 LIFE WB4M1 7 .; :.- 8" .:- :::l It McDottV Apreda 4825-WO 32444 IMINDA w 4 111 :: ti" 7 7- 4. 4- T Par ion .1 A Strode 345-144 3M»3"i:. W. KLSKER WB 5 144 .". L". _ ..; .. .- A Vs. v W Walk.-r t425-144 : li»»0 BAINGERFIBLD v I M4 :• 81 9 8] 7 41 L Mink T Proctor 6325-140 32I37 AGON a I ins 2 s1 ! t* ■ .1 M.-Tagt .1 .1 Farp-ll Jr 22J5-10C 32448 = RUSTLING BRASS w 4 144 I 4! 4* 5 *:- v- N Huff E T Zolli. offer 405-104 30l«Hi PEACOCK WB4M4 I -: .". 4] :• :• W l»rt U Utterback I tMutael field. Time. 2C:,5, 52. l:193i. l.*4T%. 1:49. Track sloppy. 42 paid. Ocean Priaee,» Btraicht, . !.lo place, .10 show; Baby Sister. Sir.. 30 place. .40 show: Life. 1.00 show. Equivalent hooking odd* Ocean Priaee, 150 t loo straight. 146 to loo place, 55 to loo show: Baby Sister, .t;r. to Kio place, 270 to 104 ahaw: Life. 4.".o to 100 show. — Br. c. l.v unard— Interview trained by B. P.. Larrick; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moorrl. Weal to pnet at 4 JO. At post 1 minute. Star! good aad slow. Woa driving: teeaad and third the same. OCEAN PRINCE took the lead at am e and drew awajr n the hackatretch and. saving ground on all turn . hung on resolutely in the tinal drive. BABY SISTER closed a l.ig gap. but her saddle slipped and -he would have won bat for this. LIFE raced gainoly. but tired badly la the stretch. MINDA tin-islted w.ll. C. W. KI8KER was a elose eontender t the stretch. Scratched 82404 Boh RedBeM, 108: S243HRoyal Meteor. 118; S2488 Richard Langdon. Ill: 82493* Carlton ii.. Ill: 49448 Tom Hancock. 108; 32 408 1 lliplas Brather, 108; 82488 Nannie McDee. 103; 20707 Cliftoa iirl. 100. ovei-wcights--Oeean Prince. I1., ponnda; Life. 3: i. W. Kiaker, 2: Daingor.iold. 1. Qt pr -| sixth RACE- 1 Mile. Nov. 28, M14 1:41—0—114. Purse 1917.sh00. 8-year-ahti and Odt5j€JJL J upward. Selling. Net value to wiuiie,- 50; second. S100: third. $..0. Index Horses AV.tSt 4 -L- str Fin Jnckeya viie;s ggnil . gtrt 3249t*DOLJNA w 4 MI E I !• !• 1- l1 A Caaey W Walker ]7fl-loo ::244V2*fcX!MOKT w 5 H2 1 ::- ::■ 21 2- 2,; J McTaVtJ PMlltoa 1435-144 32445s*REPTON WB 4 Ml »; 4" 4 P ::• V B KopmnW Stormont 555-104 h» 32445 MALHEUR wbSMI 4 4 ti ti 4 4- D Stirling L Miller 854S-M4 W 30143 QCIEN SABE W 5 MI 2 2" 2. 4" 4J K W Ward .1 D .Misick 414-100 I 30473 HANDS IFF w4MI :: 4- :.• t1 4 4 W Oben E Utterback M4-M4 Time. 2C-a. 51=5, 1:18*A, 1:46-=,. Track sloppy. nl mntnels paid. Dolina, 85. 40 straight. 88.80 place. 88.40 show; Fgmonl. . SO place. .10 -Low: Reptaa, S3J90 show. Equivalent booking odds— Doliaa. 17o to KMt straight. !•.". f.. KM place. 70 to 100 show; Kgmont. 390 to Kn place, 105 to 100 show: Reatoa, M to Kmj show. Winner — Ch. f. bj Sir linen Boaaie Kate traiaed by W. Walker; bred by Mr. GeatSW J. Long. Went to j.o--t at 4:" s. At post 1 minute. Start good and ..low. Won driving: second ami tuird the - me. DOLINA showed much the most speed in the going, but had to be ridden out to outstay ECMONT. i ne latter was taken to the middle of the track after entering the homestretch and began gaining on the leader when he struck good going. BEPT0N raced oa the laslde in the heavy going sill the way and was cut off at the three-eighths post. MALHEUR met with much interference on the first tarn. HANDS OFF ran poorly. Scratched 82488 Star P.ird. 113; 32115 Preston Lyi.u, 111. Overweight- Dolina, 2 pound--. Q Q PT "I "I SEVENTH RACK 1 1-16 Miles. iN.v. 25, M15— 1:48— 4— 110. Purse 8080. 4-year- O aflONLjL olds and upward. Claiming. N.-t value to winner 50; second. .SlOO: third, $." 0. Index I torsos AWtSt i L. jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners EaBirOddaJltri 1 32457 DARTWORTH WBtlU 1 V 1- 1- 1* 1- W Scharh C N Fr. -email 235-444 S24MJABOT wOW 4 » i" Z| p --• W McK/.ie.l A Strode 244-144 32404 PIN MONEY v.- 5 liti :; :;- :;• 8* $• $• K Taplia P L short 430-104 32484 **HARWOOD w 8 Ml I ." 4- 4-1 4 4 A Caaey W Walker 3190-144 S2497*8UPREME w 8 in ii 7 !•• V 0» 4" R Bobel E K Brysoa 1420-144 S2483ZODIAC w4113 .". G1 C.4 54 .- P F Robaon M .1 U.ily 1075-144 3 t0W FLYING FEET W 0 Ml 3 4 6 J1 Vs V T Parton A Clesi li:Lr.-lKi 22059 EL ORO W 11 113 7 8 8 8 8 8 R McDott.N K Baal 11H0O-100 Time. 2523. 523, 1:M%, 1:47. 1:541*. Track sloppv. mutuels paid. Dart worth. -tiaight. S3.30 place. .00 show: Jabot. S3.40 place. S2.70 show: Pin Money. .vJ.s.0 shew. Foiiivahnl booking odds — Dartworth. 225 to KM» straigh.t. 85 to 100 place. 30 to 110 show: Jabot, 70 to 100 place, :..". to KN.I shew; Pin Money. 4o to loo show. Winner -Ch, g. by Stalwart— Domino Noire trained by C. N. Pi man: bred bv Mr. Carrett D. Wilson!. Went to post at 5:20. At post 1 minute. St. -ft good and -low. Won easily; second and third driving. DART WORTH held the race safe from start to finish and was never menaced. JABOT made a g.mi" ef.ort after entering the heanestwich. bat raaW never get up. PIN MONEY tired under The others were outlined! all the wav. Scratched 83408 Bistarber, 113; 3245s High Horse. 104: 83408 P.iilie Baker, 110; 82488 Ahara, 112. 30409 Idle Michael. 111. Overweights Harwoo.I. 1 ]...und.