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LEXINGTONS RACING PROGRAM ANNOUNCED Dates Set for Running of the Regular Stakes — ,000 Provided for a Derby Trial. Lexington. Ky.. April 12.— The program book for thi Kentucky Associations spring meeting of tie tea days, beginning April 2S. the handiwork of judge William H. Shelly, came from the press-today anil was distributed to horsemen at the local tracks this afternoon. The program for this meeting tails forgg-seventy -seven races and carries a distribution "fP 9.S00 in adtled money to stakes and purses. The entrance fees will make the total distribution somewhat in excess of SCO. 000. the best that Lexington has ever been able to afford. Coder the rule of the State Racing Commission, associations are permitted to arrange their cards so that the added money to purse races will average fSIS, but Lexington is Bet permitted to give a purse of leal than s.Mto. In keeping with this rule, which was formulated that cheaper and poorer horses would not bare an earning opportunity equal to that of the better runners, as was the ease when the rule was hard and fast to the effect, that there should be no pane for less than gggg. Judge Shelly has so apportioned the money that there are forty races with 1917.sh00 added, nineteen with SMS, eleven with S700, two with 100 ami five stakes. The stakes ami dates upon which thev are to be decided are: Ben Ali Handicap, three year-olds and over, one mile Bad a sixteenth: .*1..".0O added; May 1. Ashland Oaks, three-year --old fillies," on. mile-#1.210 added; May 3. Camden Handicap, three-year-olds and over, one mile ami a quarter: ,500 added: May 5. Hinata Stakes, two-year-old fillies, four and a half furlongs: ,200 added; May 7. Idle Hour Stakes, two year obi colts and geldings, four and -half farlaage; ,200 added; May ». Cups Added to Stakes. To each of then stake races a tup has beea donated to be presented to the owner of the winner. Cat. Leal* I.oe Haggin. president of the Bin ■ Sian Fair Association, gives a cup for the Ben Ali Handicap, the race having been named in ret -ognilion of hi- deceased grandfather. Maj. T. f. McDowell gives the cup for the Asllalid Oaks, which was named in honor of Ashland, the Clay homestead, whereat Major McDowell BOW has his stud of thoroughbred horses Chairman Johnson N. Camden, of the State Racing Commission ior whotn the Camden Handicap was named, gives the cup for that event. The Hinata Stakes was aaned as a testimonial to Mrs. Clarence Lebaa, the name Iw-ing that ef lor farm, ami she gives the rap to that race. Mr. Edward Bradley, master of the Idle Hour Farm, doaatea the cap to the Idle Hoar Stakes. One of the two races for which SI tiOO panes are given is to be a Derby trial, which will be decided May S. To this the execathre committee Messrs. R. L. Baker, A. B. Oallahfr ami J. c. Wfana af tin- Kentucky Association, hive donated a cup. The ether .ooo race h the Widesaaaa Handicap, to be decided on the .losing day of the an i Mai aad to this the Widemann Brewing Company has donated a np. Judge Shelley has provided am reapattoa for three-year-olds inclusively anil has kept the number of selling races to a minimum. Speedy Work-Outs Frequent. Another fine morning and fast work produced gen. line springtime activity in preparations for racing at the Kentucky Associations grounds. Manager Waite made a slow, thssarh hagnaalee move at one mile iu l:4 i-: Gjrpay Blair worked a mile in 1 : H.-- : Alice Weisenbach went three-quarters in 1: . but Jane Straith. while her time for three-quart i-s was two-fifths of a sec. .ml slower, made everybody sit up and take notice. Qaeeas Park and Ormula ran five eigt :;hs j;i 1:04%, while Dr. BanaeL Bert Williams. Blaise, John Gund. Sun Maid. King Corin and Braersea Cochran worked in from 1 :0." to 1 :0ti. Will Perkins chestnut colt Frank Wilson worked three ei-hths in :tC. _. . John W. Schorr, who motored over from I. .nisville last night, was early at the track today and gave instru-tio-is for b. tiding of stalls for fourteen horses In- will bring from the Falls City. Among Ihcm will b. bis Derby candidal s Harry Betty, Cud. el. Bet, rod and Butterscotch II. Harry Kelly and Butt r scotch II. will be seen in action here on the BpealBg day. D. P.ogan. racing agent for C. W. Clark, stopped of! here eii route from Hot Springs, for Phleaea and made arraug. nieuts for the stabling of the string John Lowe is training. Charles T. Patterson is expected here IswaitlB from Hot Springs with the horses own d by C. K. :. Billings and Frederic Johnson, including the Kentucky Derby candidate Omar Khayyam, a ham many people believe will win that coveted prize. C. Buxton is en route here from Tijuana with four horses. They an title to arrive Saturday. Tom Henley and his son made a flying visit io R. T. Wilson. .Ir.s Kirklevington Earn and deputed this afternoon for New York. W. H. Fizer today wired from Hot Spring- for fourteen stalls.