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BB00KLINE MEETING CALLED OFF. Beaton, Mass., April lL. — Announcement was made yesterday by Bayard Tuckcrman, Jr.. chairman of the beard of stewards of the Country Tub. that it has been voted to declare off the annual race meeting scheduled for next June M and is because of the war. Considerable surprise was manifested at this declaration so far in advance of the races, as racing will go on in the motropoli-toU district, and the Meat clubs generally are preparing to carry out their fixtures. It had been pretty generally agreed that the horse plays such an important part in warfare that racing was one sport that the country could ill afford to do without. The race eourse is the real testing ground of the horses, and it is from such stock that the best army horses ai" bred. It is true that the llrookline races in the last few years have not met with financial success, and the meeting has fre |iienlly been seriously handicapped by inclement weather. This, however, was not given as the reason, though it undoubtedly had some weight after so many members of the Country Club had offered their services to the government.