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mown wnaaB reach churchiil downs. Twelve Raccis, Mostly Bred Abroad, ia the Baad Broaght Croat Hot Springs. By C. A. Bergin. LoaisviUe. Ky., April U. The stable of Rrant Hugl Browi in chat f C J. Casey, is the latest largi r eins establishm nt to reach Cbnrcbtll Downs. The ! to the number ol twelve, arrived today ii en it": Barings aad wet unloaded 1 ithoal say " 1! ".. Thej all appear to be i.i fhrst-claas cob lition and pi ■■■: to •_.. on aith their training. King Herod and Crcpasrale, Mr. Brownes Kentucky Derby eligibles. did not get la vith the shipment. They ar. at Bowie aad will l .- forwarded here • ally ii t S U. Those arriving today comprised the sevea-year-old Irish gelding Fn;r Mac, aria net ~ i the Ontario Jockey Clab Cap ;.t Toroato hist faB; the Hve-year-oM English-bred Wormleightoe, a wianer ia Breat Britana; the maiden three -year-olds Mystic Folly and Pampas II. both bred abroad and iiit two-year-oMs. These comprise five foreiga-breds. and three home- i rids, the latter being the K t of King Cobalt Poilewiag is the lisl of the yaaagsters: Bay Bbae, br. e, by •!■ y Legs Cissy Browa. Chocolate Soda, ch. f. by Baatry Bustle Qm a. Cobalt Lass, b. f. by Khar Cobalt- Lady Basal! . Preachy, ! . g, by Kin.- Cobalt Farieaae. King Cobalt 1L. blk. c. by King Cobalt Ten..-iind Trae. Margotstar, rh. e, by Baastar— Merry Margot. Bsmsbrook, b. e, by Jaggernaat— Flos Potty. Bhama Litre, b. g, by Simon Bajaan — Catberiae B. The youngsters are I fin"-looking baad, being of ■ • d sfaae aad bag baaed. They are all entered in the chief juvenile fixtures to be run over the Kentucky tracks this spring. Traiaer Casey, in charge of t . • stable, is known as ■ ssosl reliable and coinp.t nt i:ian with a horse. His greatest saeeess of farmer years was with the a. ire Jeaaette, which woa many races in the colors of Chas. i". Heaachatt. Some Fast Work by Green Jones, Ambitious work oa the part of the locally trained Kentucky Derby eligibles is the order of the day. and today aritaessed some really fast work by the three-year id. Is. The best*" showing was that mad.- by Qreea Janes, W. II. Lakers nomin ■ -. which topped off his f;lst trial of two days ago by rattling off I mile in 1:43%, the beat performance shown lure this soring. The colt went the first throe-quarters in 1:18 .-. aad the rJoshag aaarter with .List milch ri lisli .is he evinced in the early stages. The conviction is growing among local hoist nun that the son of Handsel is a slayer. BaesSMsary, from ■ time standpoint, to the Laker colts showing, was that of J. S. Wards L.-rlin. also a Derby eligible, which was seat a mile in l:4a. The rait raced evealy throagboat and pulled up sound. The seven-year-old Might Stick, being trained by 1hil Chin::, st rtled the w.ek watchers at Doaglas Park wbea he wasted taaee-ajaarsan in 1:141b, the lnt trial at the distance of the season. He weat the aaarter in :.3".-.. the three-eighths in a-Vf,: half in 48%; five-eighths in 1:01-.-.. and was fighting for his head in the list eighth. Another gaad move was that by Handier, which covered three-eighths in 35%. and by so doing demonstrated that be still r -tains h:s : !d-time speed. In for their stake engagements at Lexington. Frank J. Kolloys pair of two-year-olds. Baaa Naaty and lead Kan, were sent a aaaunkaf in 23%. These two. together with the other horses in the Kelley stable, will be shipped shortly to Lexington by trainer F. T. Iierci .